Scary stories. ( not that creepy-pasta stuff)

shizzle22's Avatar shizzle228/14/12 7:11 pm
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6/15/2013 12:32 pm
Colonellooo's Avatar Colonellooo
Hello! Shizzle2 here! and bringing you a land where you make your Blood pouring intense scary stories! I want you to make stories, Where I will Turn off my computer and cry! Theres a few rules, I don't want this topic getting flamed.


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Posted by shizzle22's Avatar
Level 35 : Artisan Engineer

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06/15/2013 12:32 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Wolf
Colonellooo's Avatar
Heres one of my favorites don't know if it's been posted already but its not really that scary :p

The Lavender Town Syndrome (also known as "Lavender Town Tone" or "Lavender Town Suicides") was a peak in suicides and illness of children between the ages of 7-12 shortly after the release of Pokémon Red and Green in Japan, back in February 27, 1996.
Rumors say that these suicides and illness only occurred after the children playing the game reached Lavender Town, whose theme music had extremely high frequencies, that studies showed that only children and young teens can hear, since their ears are more sensible.

Due to the Lavender Tone, at least two-hundred children supposedly committed suicide, and many more developed illnesses and afflictions. The children who committed suicide usually did so by hanging or jumping from heights. Those who did not acted irrationally complained of severe headaches after listening to Lavender Town's theme.

Although Lavender Town now sounds differently depending on the game, this mass hysteria was caused by the first Pokémon game released. After the Lavender Tone incident, the programmers had fixed Lavender Town's theme music to be at a lower frequency, and since children were no longer affected by it.

One video appeared in 2010 using ”special software" to analyze the audio of Lavender Town's music. When played, the software created images of the Unown near the end of the audio. This raised a controversy, since the Unown didn't appear until the Generation 2 games: Silver, Gold, and Crystal. The Unown translate to "LEAVE NOW". There is also the said Beta Version of Lavender Town.
06/15/2013 12:16 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Engineer
shizzle22's Avatar
Today is today! The day this becomes popular, seen, and posts made every day or so so raise the bumping hammer and slam it down to have even more people coming inside! ( last topic 2012 what the heck!)
11/26/2012 10:46 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
Zorbloxian's Avatar
Resurrection attempt #1!!!!
11/26/2012 11:06 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Engineer
shizzle22's Avatar
10/17/2012 11:57 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Engineer
shizzle22's Avatar
09/27/2012 6:39 am
Level 28 : Expert Pony
Linkofages's Avatar
09/26/2012 1:17 pm
Level 28 : Expert Pony
Linkofages's Avatar
Why are you guys keep bumping this? IT IS DEAD. ( no pun intended )
09/26/2012 11:43 am
Level 37 : Artisan Princess
Dialga's Avatar
most scary story ever, notch dont have a dick 0.o
09/24/2012 12:46 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
bluefrostt's Avatar
Bump,i want to be scared! now drop and give me twenty!
09/23/2012 6:40 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Engineer
shizzle22's Avatar
bump ( Anything else to say? ) No. Get away ( WAH ) Lol...
09/15/2012 8:34 am
Level 35 : Artisan Engineer
shizzle22's Avatar
October 1st... Yeah, Thats one I will organize everything. So far.. xsspy_master will win, The " prize " Due to the contest end changing, is because i' get so unorganized at times....
09/08/2012 4:32 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
Ted_'s Avatar
Once upon a time there was a creeper that blew up.
The End
09/08/2012 4:28 pm
Level 28 : Expert Pony
Linkofages's Avatar
did you really have to bump this ...
09/08/2012 4:31 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Engineer
shizzle22's Avatar
09/08/2012 4:27 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Engineer
shizzle22's Avatar
Well, only 2 more days, before Week 1 is finished
08/28/2012 8:01 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Narwhal
iCron's Avatar
This is a story from one of my favourite books. There is some learning in there, so BEAR with me (see what I did there ) This story is not just scary because it's about a very gruesome bear attack, it's also because it's told in 2nd person, which means instead of saying "I", "She" or "Harry" it says "You"

Oh, and this story is quite gory, so if you can't handle that, than this is not for you.


Click to reveal
This is not a bluff charge: A 550-pound female grizzly is upon you in mere seconds, slamming you to the ground like a defensive back for the New York Giants. All you see is a blur of fur—and then you’re face down in the dirt, choking on the pungent breath of your attacker, which reeks of rotting meat. You struggle to your feet but the grizzly clamps her jaws around your torso, hoisting you off the ground. You’re six feet tall and weigh 190 pounds—not petite by any definition—but the mighty grizzly shakes you like a rag doll.

There is nothing predictable about a grizzly bear—except maybe its massive size and uncanny ability to kill you. The grizzly of North America is called Ursus horribilis, and this species is aptly named. Each one weighs between 250 and 750 pounds and is basically indestructible; when a bear attacks a human, the results are almost always gruesome.

There are about 35,000 grizzlies living throughout North America, but only about 1,200 can be found south of Canada. Most of these roam in or around Yellowstone and Glacier National Parks. But for all the hype that bear attacks receive, only nine people have been killed by grizzlies in the United States since 1980. And serious maulings add just fifty-seven additional tally marks to the body count.

With these reassuring odds on your side, you confidently take off on the Yellowstone River Trail for an overnight stay in the backwoods. Park rangers report that there have been no recent bear sightings in the area, but you still take the necessary precautions, like making plenty of noise as you walk along the trail and clapping your hands as you round blind curves. As you ascend the trail, circling around a large boulder, you spot a large grizzly about one hundred feet up the trail. No reason to panic, you figure—a few loud noises and some careful backstepping should deliver you from harm’s way. Then a soft rustling in the leaves causes you to look over your shoulder, arid you see two small bear cubs eating blackberries. Now, this IS a reason to panic: By unwittingly walking between a sow and her cubs, you have positioned yourself as a threat—and a startled grizzly becomes very angry very quickly. Her charge is fierce and lightning-fast—a grizzly can cover a distance of fifty yards in three seconds.

You try to protect yourself by hitting the bear with your fists, but this only further provokes your attacker. For the record: A grizzly bear has six pointed cutting teeth, two strong, sharp, curved canines, and molar teeth that are superior blades. When you raise a hand to the bear’s salivating mouth, the appendage is severed at the wrist bone.

You are now aware that you are losing copious amounts of blood—yet it’s not nearly as painful as you’d expect, because the sympathetic
division of your autonomic nervous system has been activated. This helps your body respond to stress by directing the adrenal glands to secrete two hormones: epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine (nonadrenaline). In concert, these chemicals accelerate your heartbeat, increase muscle tension, raise your blood pressure, and divert blood flow from the internal organs and skin to the brain and muscles. All of these biological responses make you less sensitive to pain, because your body is otherwise preoccupied.

Once the grizzly perceives that she has killed you (and thus ended the threat to her cubs) she stops shaking you and backs away. Drawing on energy supplied by the adrenaline, you manage to rise to your feet. Big mistake—you should have just played dead. The bear swipes again, this time at your torso, and your ribs snap like a bundle of dry twigs. As you fall to your knees, the bear puts your head in its mouth—an absurdly unnecessary, instinctive movement to prevent you from biting back. Blood is streaming from your head and pooling in front of your eyes. Another swipe to the chest pierces your rib cage and punctures a lung; your breathing becomes laboured as air escapes through a hole in your chest. Your facial and neck muscles contort and throb as they work to replace the oxygen escaping from your lungs. Luckily, you feel strangely detached from everything that is happening. Victims of grizzly attacks describe the experience as numbness, often accompanied by matter-of-fact thoughts like “I am going to die today.”

Once you finally stop moving, the grizzly leaves you alone, gathers up her two cubs, and resumes her walk down the trail. But it’s too late for you. Blood flow to the brain is slowing and you feel consciousness slipping away. The effects of the adrenaline begin to abate and your brain starts registering the searing pain delivered by millions of nociceptors in the tissues and organs of your body. The last thing you remember is a flurry of gnats and no-see-urns flitting over your face, attracted by the blood spilling onto the trail.

In another hour or so, a troop of boy scouts will come marching around the large boulder, chanting songs, clapping hands, and doing everything else their scouting handbook recommends to ward off bears. Your corpse will serve as a not-so-gentle reminder that they can never be too safe.
08/27/2012 1:46 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Engineer
Rawwk's Avatar
/r/shortscarystories <----
08/27/2012 10:21 am
Level 28 : Expert Pony
Linkofages's Avatar
- Creepy stories that float around on the Interwebs. -
definition STRAIGHT from urban dictionary. sounds the same to your title and other one..
08/27/2012 10:16 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Pirate
onepieceop101's Avatar
RAWR makes everything awesome
08/27/2012 10:27 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
bluefrostt's Avatar
Yep,It does RAWR
08/26/2012 7:53 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Prince
Shanery's Avatar
Theres already a creepypasta hub though.
08/27/2012 10:19 am
Level 39 : Artisan Engineer
Rawwk's Avatar
even if... i actually prefer this thread instead of creepypasta hub.
08/26/2012 8:46 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Engineer
shizzle22's Avatar
I said this isn't a creepy pasta hub already! This makes me mad, stop saying that.
08/27/2012 10:17 am
Level 28 : Expert Pony
Linkofages's Avatar
it IS a creepypasta place tho.
so you copied -_-
08/26/2012 4:08 pm
Level 29 : Expert Ninja
_books's Avatar
Hmm... what to write. :T
08/26/2012 2:58 pm
Level 44 : Master Pokemon
jackattack4000's Avatar
The ordinary couple:
A couple was walking across the road one day. The boy said “Sarah could you tit your head back”. Sarah replied “Why”. To which the boy replied “BECAUSE I’M A VAMPIRE”.
08/26/2012 6:57 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Wisp
Thezi's Avatar
Ummm wtf? xD An amazing story xP
08/26/2012 7:03 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
bluefrostt's Avatar
here's a bit more to the story: RAWR
08/27/2012 10:14 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Wisp
Thezi's Avatar
Scariest story EVER o_o
08/26/2012 2:39 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Wisp
Thezi's Avatar
My story.
The Man In The Woods:

Two people were driving around, they were a couple, the guy's name was Will, and the girl's name was Sarah. As they were driving, the sun started to set, they turned on their headlights; after a few hours the clock reached midnight. Then, Sarah saw a figure in the woods, Will couldn't look because he was driving, then Will thought he saw another car, but as he drove there was nothing, they just thought it was their imagination, because they were tired. Will turned on the radio and heard that there was a strange man wandering, 2 people were killed last night at Midnight. The clock then said 12:29 AM, once 12:30 came their G.P.S. and radio shut off. Then the headlights turned off, and the second they turned on, they saw a figure standing there, the creature looked at Will with his glowing red eyes. Will was about to hit it but then Sarah hit the wheel causing them to drive off the road into a ditch, the car rolled around twice; they both lived, but they had a few scratches and bruises, luckily the car landed on all 4 wheels, but it landed in the mud. WIll said "Why on earth did you do that!?" "I don't know, I just did it, I wasn't thinking, it's like a voice in my head said to do it!" They turned the radio on and there was nothing but static, there was one station, it said "the 2 victims were a couple traveling, the car was found in a d-" Then it cut off, they started to get scared, Sarah started crying, Will then said "I'm going to find help. Lock the doors and wait until I come back. Got it?" Sarah said "okay" and stopped crying. Will then left the car, with Sarah in there by herself. Sarah heard a scream and she left the car, but first she grabbed a flashlight; the headlights turned off and she turned the flashlight on. Then, she found Will's body, hanging from a tree, she starting crying, then she heard a voice, she looked around and saw nothing. She then realised she left he phone in the car, she ran as fast as she could, she got in and locked the doors, she grabbed her phone and it shut off, then, she turned the headlights on, and saw the figure with a knife. He got closer, and closer. Then she looked to the left, and saw his face, in the window, she was terrifyed, the guy then opened the door, Sarah tried to unlock the other door, she ran out, and the creature just staired at her, he couldn't speak, the man approached slowly, and the-. . .
08/26/2012 1:56 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Explorer
futurerobotblox's Avatar
Click to reveal
Dont look, Hes too scary
08/26/2012 1:54 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
XxTacticalXx12's Avatar
You're rules just make this hub worse, Alot of stories involving backflashes, And erm.... Private information Makes the stories alot more juicy and realistic.
Im not trying to hate but im Js.
08/26/2012 1:44 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
megatron_James's Avatar
these are scary especiealy the pokemon one
08/26/2012 1:26 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Explorer
futurerobotblox's Avatar
Super Mario 64: DONTPLAY
Hello, My name is Jacob and my Brother and I have had an horrible experience today with my 1$ copy of Super Mario 64 for the Nintendo 64. Here is my story. 7 Days ago I was searching for a copy of Super Mario 64 on ebay and I found it but it was definitely not what I expected. I got the package yesterday and started playing. However, There was already a profile on it by the name of DONTPLAY. I just deleted it, Not caring thinking it was just a joke from the previous owner, But Boy was I wrong. When I went to make my new Profile, I could only name it DONTPLAY, I didn't care really, I thought people were just messing with me, So I selected the name and started playing. This is where things started getting bad. First I was teleported straight into the Castle and to greet me the game started playing Bowsers laugh over and over again. Every room i entered was invisible and the painting would always have a Picture of Waluigi in it. This scared my brother and I but I kept playing. Then I went into the Courtyard. A message popped up saying: ISEEURSCARED>:) After this message the game shut off and when I rebooted it, My profile was named: LOOKBEHINDU. And so I did look behind me, and when I looked back again, The game had booted up into a flat world, I saw a floating door and went through it. This is when stuff got real. Once I entered the door and came out the other side, Mario burst into Flames, and he fell onto the ground and started Exploding. I saw Mario make weird animations I had never saw or heard of before. After a while Mario got up but his texture was screwed up and he looked dang SCARY. His hat was purple with a ''W'' on it. His eyes were blood red and he had an evil smile. Then the N64 Exploded! The gamecard survived but there was printing on it, it said: DONTPLAY.
08/26/2012 12:29 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
XxTacticalXx12's Avatar
So your basically copying off of my Creepypasta hub?
08/26/2012 3:59 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Engineer
shizzle22's Avatar
No, I am not. This is a story contest, hosted every week. Sorry if you think that. * EDIT * This isn't even a hub.
08/26/2012 12:24 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Engineer
Rawwk's Avatar
Click to reveal
There was once an old lady who lived by herself with her faithful dog. One night she heard on the news that a madman had escaped from the local mental hospital and was in the area.
Very frightened she ran around the house with her dog locking all the doors and windows before finally going upstairs to bed.
She slept fitfully and kept jerking awake at the slightest noise.
At 1am she could hear the drip drip drip of the tap leaking in the bathroom.
She put her hand down to stroke her dog and he licked her hand affectionately.
Several times the dripping woke her and her pet was always there in the dark to quell her fears.
Finally dawn broke and she got up to use the bathroom.
On opening the door she found her beloved pet hung from the shower rail, his throat cut.
In his blood on the tiles was written ....Humans can lick too....

Not made by me but scared me a little.
08/26/2012 10:47 am
Level 37 : Artisan Princess
Dialga's Avatar
well i got a scary story, at alton towers in england there is this ride called 'the nemesis'
and its scary as hell
08/26/2012 10:44 am
Level 26 : Expert Robot
Chick8ed's Avatar
Man door hand hook car door.
Scary enough?
08/26/2012 10:43 am
Level 28 : Expert Pony
Linkofages's Avatar
one time a person stole every band members and only left justin beiber..
08/26/2012 10:40 am
Level 42 : Master Modder
McGrizzz's Avatar
I thought you already said the three winners ?
08/26/2012 11:48 am
Level 35 : Artisan Engineer
shizzle22's Avatar
No, I said the 3 people that have the best stories so far, not the winners.
08/26/2012 10:06 am
Level 35 : Artisan Engineer
shizzle22's Avatar
The contest starts August 27th, 2012 1:00 AM. All the stories before this will be automatically entered into it.
08/25/2012 5:10 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Engineer
shizzle22's Avatar
2078, World war IIII

The Americans won again! We don't try hard enough. We need to bomb them.
08/25/2012 3:51 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
Vampzi's Avatar
The Clown Statue

There was a girl named Bella, She had to look after 3 kids.. Jessica, Aimee and Tom. Jessica, Aimee and Tom's mum and dad went out for the night. Jess, Bella, Aimee and Tom all had a great time! Until it came to night..

Bella was getting read for bed when she saw a clown statue in the bedroom. She got out her blackberry and called their parents "Hi, It's Bella. Can I cover up that clown statue? It's freaking me out." she said. The parent's replied saying "We don't have a clown statue.. Get the kids out of the house now..!

I spawned at a nearby village of a mountain, as a normal player. I walked right into it, taking all of the Wheat for Bread, breaking the wood and doors for my home since I only just made my world.
A Couple Of hours Later
Well I built my home in another village I found, I have a chest full of redstone, coal and hide armour. With a bed next to it. just before I fell asleep ingame I saw something standing next to a tree before moving off. A little scared, but shrugged it off. I played my game, I fell asleep and woke up. this being morning Steve walked out of his door. Only just. Seeing the village gone. I checked if I didn't have an LAN world. I checked if nobody joined because it would've said
____________ has joined the game.

I was scared at this point and I broke my house and moved down into a cave. It was quite dark and I turned my brightness up. While in the options menu I saw white eyes before turning my brightness up. "What the hell is that?" I asked myself curiously. I ran out of the cave and made a large area in one of the mountains. I re-built my house once again. It was getting darker but I had my game on peaceful. I ran out of my home and into a forest, Seeing myself. White Eyes... that reminded me of something. But I suddenly forgot it. I saw the name It was "0w2931fir2s" What sort of name is that? I followed the figure into my house. As soon as I stepped in the room changed into lava and my game froze...

Black screen, creepy figure.. I had no mods then because I never knew how to get them.. I found out my friend had joined and he broke the village. Me being angry I said back on Skype "You got me scared, What the heck?" and he replied "Calm down! I only took 2 houses of the village, and got rid of the gravel because it wouldn't look right." I was even more scared than I was before. "All of the houses including the gravel were gone.. What happened?" I said "You installed any mods? because I was playing and I saw somebody named 0w2931fir2s in your village."
08/25/2012 3:39 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Narwhal
iCron's Avatar
I'm no good with scary stories and I don't expect to win, but here it goes:


Izzy, Sally, Emily and Hannah were all very close friends. They did everything together, from shopping to school work, they would all always been seen together.

Izzy one day decided to throw a large sleepover for the 4 of them, and everyone happily accepted their invitation. Everyone had a wonderful time. They played party games, ate pizza, talked about boys, everything you would expect from a teenage girl at a sleepover. Everything was fine until Emily suggested something:

"Hey, you know what? We should watch some scary movies!"

Everyone agreed except Hannah, who was know to get scared easily. The group pleaded Hannah to agree and watch the movies, and she eventually gave in to the group.

Exited, Emily and Izzy ran downstairs with a large armful of DVD's. They had everything from old films to ones that came out this year.

By the end of "The Blair With Progect" Hannah was shaking with her head in her knees crying. Izzy, Emily and Sally seemed OK. Izzy was even smiling.

By the end of "A Nightmare on Elm Street" Sally and Hannah were both terrified, but Emily and Izzy were still unaffected.

By the end of "The Exorcist" Emily, Sally and Hannah were all scared half to death. Izzy STILL just sat there.

"You call this scary? Haha! This is nothing!" said Izzy.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, which made everybody jump, even Izzy.

"It's 2:00 in the morning! 2:00 IN THE MORNING! Who comes at a time like this?" said Izzy, as she walking over to open the door. When she opened the door, there was nothing but a blank DVD sitting on the door step, with "WATCH ME" written on it in sharpie. When Izzy picked it up, the sharpie smudged on her fingers as if it had just been written there.

"Must be a prank from my neighbours trying to scare us..."

She put it in the DVD player and waited for it to start. No Trailers. No main-menu. It just appeared to be a video of a dark bedroom with a man staring at the wall in the corner. As he turned around, the group saw he had a clown mask on, and started dancing around the room holding a knife, laughing maniacally. This continued for another 2 minutes. Sally and Emily were laughing at this little prank, and you could even hear a small chuckle out of Hannah, but Izzy remained still and silent. At the end, the clown stopped, walked towards the camera and started into it. It cut to text which read "I"M COMING".

Sally and Emily were still laughing, and Hannah looked much better, but Izzy looked as pale as a ghost.

"Ha! That was silly!" said Sally as she turned to Emily. Hannah turned to Izzy, as saw her shaking.

"Izzy, are you OK?" she asked.

"No" she replied. "That's my bedroom"
08/25/2012 4:21 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Engineer
shizzle22's Avatar
Don't worry the contest will be hosted every week. And that story was great!
08/25/2012 5:35 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Narwhal
iCron's Avatar
Thanks! When will the next contest be? I want to enter this story!
08/25/2012 11:16 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Engineer
shizzle22's Avatar
The actual first contest starts in two days, But all the before stories will be applied in this new one.
08/25/2012 3:11 pm
Level 28 : Expert Pony
Linkofages's Avatar
a rule..
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