Time Travel - Is it possible?

rsmovactor's Avatar rsmovactor3/11/13 7:01 am
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3/18/2013 1:48 pm
MissingCraft's Avatar MissingCraft
Thanks so much for 200+ Posts and 1500+ Views!

This is my opinion...

If time travel were possible, wouldn't someone have gone back in time to tell us? Just something I always thought about. If time travel were possible in the future, would we have to live through the timeline of events to get there, and then go back in time and tell the person? Or if time travel were possible would whoever went back in time have already done it?

This is a very confusing but interesting topic...

But let's forget about the "If it were possible" part for a moment. Let's say I wanted to kill Justin Bieber as an infant. I went back in time, and killed him. But since he never existed, I would never have a reason to kill him! So if you think about that a bit more, that would explain why we have not seen people come back to our time or before that from the future. Maybe in the future, time travel is possible, but would you be able to change events?

Tell me what you think, I'm writing this while trying to pull an all nighter so this may all sound strange to you.
Posted by rsmovactor's Avatar
Level 16 : Journeyman Ninja

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03/18/2013 1:48 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Network
MissingCraft's Avatar
Excuse me if I'm repeating another persons saying here as I read the first page, and then this page with nothing in between.

I'll just cap it up to better explain how it would work in my head.
Meaning, this is pure opinion, not necessarily the truth.
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Time travel is a wubbly wubbly thing. But the major problem is "How would it work?".

It's often used a normal folded paper making an "U" when explaining how the time works in such a time travel. (I will use this as the "proper" way to travel)
Understandable too except one thing; Time, most of the time that is, is straight forward. So in the case you'd "bend" the time to go back in time, you'd have to decide doing it before you'd do it. Creating all twists and turns along the way. It's also giving mostly "one correct time" to "jump" over.

This on the other hand, prevents us from going to the future, unless someone has already "bended" the time to allow for the travel. A person could jump over and make a "change" but mostly in reality, for us, nothing has changed. It's time, it already happened. Once the person then has done this "change" they can "jump" over again, if the case they have brought with them what they had. In the case they didn't.... ...Well, it's going to be a long time waiting for them, dependable on how far back they jumped.

I'd love to keep going, but I'd just get lost.
03/18/2013 1:24 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Ninja
cvbcris's Avatar
im in the strange side of the web again
03/18/2013 1:28 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Ninja
rsmovactor's Avatar
>:) I hope you enjoy your stay!
03/18/2013 1:12 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
TeddyFreddie's Avatar
Time travel is possible, however only to the future, and surprisingly, there's a fairly straight forward way to do it. You "only" have to travel very fast.

There's a cosmological speed limit, which happens to be the speed of light, aka 299792,458 kilometers per second, but let's just say 300 000 km/h. If you were to travel in some sort of vehicle, say a train for example, at nearly that speed, you could hypothetically speaking, stand up in that train and start running, thus passing the speed of light, right? The thing is, the universe compensates this by slowing down TIME in the train, for you and everyone on that train, which makes you not capable of running fast enough to pass the speed of light. The faster the train goes, the more time is slowed down to make sure you can't get to/beyond the speed of light. You and your fellow passengers wouldn't notice any difference in time but to some sort of observer, for example, someone in a lab with a set of screens in front of him watching a live stream from cameras aboard the train would see it in slow motion.

So how does this translate into time travelling? Well, since time on board the train will slow down, the time experienced on the train would actually be equivalent of a larger time span for people "standing still" or whatever. The amount of time it's equivalent to depends on how close to the speed of light they're travelling.

Source(s): Stephen Hawking, Vsauce, Physics Class in High School and a bunch of space-related shows on Discovery Channel.

P.S. Sorry if something is unclear or incoherent, I'm not a native English so it was kind of hard to explain. LOL.
03/18/2013 12:54 pm
Level 47 : Master Blob
8BitShadows's Avatar
Maybe you could store the molecular structure of someone in something, and then they could be recreated in another time in the future. But that would mean they could only go forward in time. So I'm not sure about past.
03/18/2013 12:48 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
Ridl3y04's Avatar
Maybe time isn't linear but has split ends.That would mean that traveling to the future you would have a big chance of ending up in a point of time that doesn't match with the events of the past.Traveling to the past its possible you could make a new "split end"
and create a whole new timeline.
P.S To make a bit more sense think of a piece of string that has little pieces coming out of the side but those little pieces can meet back to the string or another little pieces
and the piece as you'd expect would grow and have more pieces com out of it
03/18/2013 12:46 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
darkraiii's Avatar
Travelling faster than the speed of light is considered going faster than time itself; if you were to travel (somehow) faster than light you would pass what seemed a second to you in hours, days or even weeks on earth. However with this concept there is theoretically no going back, because we already go slower than the speed of light so going any slower than now would do nothing.
Plus if we could go forward and backwards in time, I'm sure as always there'd be many people who want to mess up the past to ruin the present or destroy the future. Just as with travel today there'd be laws, regulations and limits to when and where you could go, and on its discovery the government is most likely to hide it from us long-term anyway. It'd probably be like going on holiday if in that sense it was allowed.
However time is just another measure humans have mad which records something in comparison to something else and there is over 80% of the universe and physics beyond our planet we're still not entirely sure on what/why/how.
I guess we'll never really know until/if someone finds a way, but then again, its a little like Schrödinger's cat and that theory sparking a debate on time-travel and its possibilities, we can never really know for sure yet and theories are very double sided.
03/18/2013 12:30 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Bunny
Typhlosionboy's Avatar
I don't think it's real, Imagen:
You go back in time to kill your grandfather, your parents can't exist which makes it so you can't exist, but who goes back in time to kill the grandfather if you can't exist?
03/13/2013 11:30 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Network
macgarthur's Avatar
What's to say we haven't already discovered time travel, fucked it up and already gone back in time and erased it so we couldn't make the same mistake again?
03/18/2013 12:25 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Ninja
rsmovactor's Avatar
Sorry for my inactivity!

It's hard to disprove something, but easy to prove it. Just because you leave your house, is there anything against the fact that your furniture goes away? You can believe that if you would like, but chances are, your furniture cannot grow legs and run away.

So there's nothing to really say we haven't discovered time travel, and then went back in time to stop us from discovering it... but that would be a paradox.
03/13/2013 11:05 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Salavast1's Avatar
Time travel is a tricky topic... maybe it is possible in the future... maybe they never came back to tell us because it wouldn't do much of anything... i mean we would know it would be possible but other than that not much of a change.
03/13/2013 10:58 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Jake5220's Avatar
There's a theory that there is an infinite number of universes, and each universe with it's own reality. If this is true, that means that there is an infiinite number of realities, surely at least one of which time travel is possible.

If time travel is possible in this reality then there surely isn't a way to travel to the past otherwise we would have time travel machines already to speed up invention and evolution, brought back in time from people in the future. On the other hand, if the future hasn't happened in this reality then how would people time travel if time travel machines haven't been invented yet? How could we travel to events that haven't happened in this reality yet?
Unless there was a way to travel between realities and at the same time travel backwards or forwards in time simultaneously then there is no way of time travel.
03/13/2013 10:54 pm
Level 40 : Master Goblin
ItsBill's Avatar
Under Theory of Relativity, you would be able to travel to the future due to the effects of travelling near the speed of light. But unfortunately there's some obvious problems with that.
03/13/2013 10:50 pm
Level 28 : Expert Nerd
Death_Butter's Avatar
I would go buy pizza for 50 cents then go watch a movie for 25 cents then have a nice nap
03/13/2013 10:48 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Network
macgarthur's Avatar
I believe strongly that we have or will have the ability to travel into the future, but not in the way people think, but we won't ever have the ability to go backwards in time and even if we could, we shouldn't.

The way I think time travel is possible isn't through a "time machine" but through cryogenic freezing. As an example, we want to reach another solar system but obviously it's light years away (light years being the measure of distance, not time of course) so it would be impossible for anyone one person, or even in theory generations of people to accomplish. If we could freeze a person though and keep them in stable stasis for the journey, you could simply put, just launch the ice cubes into space and see what sticks. This way you don't age the individual, allowing them to cover great lengths of distance and time while they're kept suspended in limbo.

For time travel into the future this same theory would apply but instead of launching them into space looking for new planets and solar systems, you could have them kept either locally on Earth in cryogenic stasis, have them suspended safely in space, or you could essentially set up time travel colonies on places like the moon. That's of course counting that there would be someone/something capable of bringing you safely out of this limbo period.
03/13/2013 10:47 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Architect
danneladd's Avatar
Time travel... magnificent, but deadly. If there were time travel, there would have to be laws. The butterfly effect. Stopping Paul Revere. Even going to the beginning and end of time could alter everything. It is even possible for the future to effect the past. The paradox... for example... could rip the universe apart, by using time travel. You kill a past version of yourself, you counter-act with about a thousand peoples lives. Maybe a million. If time travel were possible, smart people wouldn't take the risk. There's time travel for you in the box, out in the blue.
03/13/2013 9:24 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Architect
billyvbobby's Avatar
One theory of time travel is that if you were to travel faster than light, you would be in the future since you could reach areas light has not hit yet.
03/13/2013 9:19 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Toast
MinecraftDwarf's Avatar
Still, regardless if time travel is possible or not, would we really want to risk using it? Imagine the complications. If Xasparaz is correct, then you would have to cease to exist in your plane of existence and exist again in another. You may not survive. Even if you do survive, take the butterfly effect. Assuming it's correct, one tiny move could ultimately decide whether or not anything remains the same. Example:

You encounter Paul Revere. You distract him for a few moments, he misses/forgets his mission to warn the militia that the British were coming. The Americans get slaughtered, America is either forever altered or not made a country at all.

You see, time travel can be possible. But can we physically survive it? And would we really want to risk it? It's just too powerful a knowledge to be trusted to us.
03/13/2013 10:38 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Crafter
Notorious-Nerd's Avatar
the reason i don't agree with the butterfly affect is that if time were to be have somehow altered... our lives would just be altered , we would never remember our old lives so it would not affect us at all.

imagine someone has already gone back in time and lets say.... killed a butterfly. at this moment do you remember any old life? anything at all? didn't think so...
03/13/2013 10:54 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Toast
MinecraftDwarf's Avatar
That's the whole point of butterfly effect. You would not remember your old life, because after the time traveler makes that interaction, our "old lives" never took place. History is rewritten due to the time traveler's actions in the past. Of course our lives would be altered, our lives are made by history. When you change the past, you change the future.
03/13/2013 1:59 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Ninja
rsmovactor's Avatar
thehockeymasterXBOX HUNGER GAMES
Gamertag: Dubstep Merkin *Excuse my high voice.* im 13
First 7 to message me "Im In" I will invite you to my party
Only Break: Leaves Clay and Wool.
15 second grace period
Immediately go into a pod when you join.
Yes alliances *Only up to 3*
1 winner

03/13/2013 1:57 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Hunter
EndermanAssassin's Avatar
OK then. I'll just leave this discussion to the guys that play Minecraft who coincidentally have PhD's next to their computer
03/13/2013 1:55 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Hunter
EndermanAssassin's Avatar
And coincidentally I'm watching a Sly: Thieves in Time playthrough. Sanzaru games did not do their research,
Click to reveal
how does Sly know the ninja spire jump if Riochi's cane was stolen!?
03/13/2013 1:13 pm
Level 24 : Expert Ninja
PengoPenguinRocks's Avatar
I'm pretty sure if it was possible we have would have known from some idiot screwing up the time line
03/13/2013 1:06 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Skinner
Kaduu's Avatar
Time travelling in future can be done many ways, right now. You could simply freeze you (with some advanced technology, not just enter the refrigirator, xD) and wait there untill someone unfreezes you. Or, if we'd might get to have some fast Airships we could simply go into a Black Hole, stopping time in there. I mean, just for the stuff inside it. And, maybe, the Black Hole will do something. Like, do something other then sucking stuff. Maybe it'll boom and splash the stuff from it. That would be a long-time travel, the one with ice not lasting that much, since you can't be sure that you can permanently freeze the subject, maybe power cuts, or something else, you know. The odds may stop the ice version, but no way it would to the Black Hole. The Black Hole, after my calculations would have to throw you OVER 200 hundred years, I say OVER, because the first ever theory on Black Holes was in 1916, Karl Schwarzchild. Still, Black Holes existed before that. A Black Hole can actually never be filled, after my theory. A Black Hole is like you'd take a massive object from water, and water struggles to fill the space. Imagine that Space isn't liquid, and the explosion took a lot of stuff. The Space would need to fill out around 20 times a space bigger then OUR sun. Maybe plus some matter being destroyed in the procces of Supernova. The aproximative calculation would be 20 x 1.392 x ( 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 ), wich is a huge space. Those being Kilometers, not meters. However, after my newly generated theory, you would be throwed up after the HUGE space fills out. That's a load of time, you know?

But, travelling in the past simply isn't logical. Even if you'd find a way to do so, you'd be DOOMED to live a forever paradox. Any move, any breath you do in the past is able to make an event happen, thus making others happen. Let's say if you'd eat a pie in 1673, the local president wouldn't be poisoned by the pie (sorry if you'd die, xD), thus leaving him to do some things, wich result in other things. The past is full of triggers, and would result in the whole domino to crash down if you'd even blink.
03/13/2013 1:01 pm
Level 48 : Master Technomancer
EnchantedDiamond's Avatar
Time travel is possible we do it every day, so to speak, by the time you have finished reading this comment you will have traveled 10 seconds into the future if you were speaking from the past you 10 seconds ago.
03/13/2013 8:29 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
anonpmc307768's Avatar
03/13/2013 7:44 am
Level 35 : Artisan Droid
Downn's Avatar
Pffft, of course it's possible.

You just break into the Ministry of Magic and steal a Time Turner.
03/13/2013 12:52 pm
Level 42 : Master Necromancer
candle_'s Avatar
TARDIS is still better, but +1
Team Origin
03/13/2013 12:39 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Engineer
Team Origin's Avatar
You have won this thread, congratulations!

No, continue disputing, this is interesting.
03/12/2013 11:07 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Network
DanTheYellowYoshi's Avatar
Time theoretically would move slower in a black hole. One problem: we aren't even sure black holes even EXIST. The only evidence we have are empty, invisible places in space with a large amounts of gravity. But even if they did exist, you would experience one of the two things:
1. Your body would be stretched, causing you to rip apart. You would only think it was a few seconds, but a viewer would see it happening for many years.
2. You would be crushed under your own weight. This is much more likely to be what happens to items in a black hole.
Again, we don't know if black holes exist. We have never captured a proper image.
03/13/2013 7:37 am
Level 32 : Artisan Toast
DaSquyd's Avatar
It is interesting, because the closer you get, the slower time goes... Your legs would be pulled at a different rate than your head! A black hole disorts light around it, and when you are IN it it looks like a hole is closing behind you... That is if you are alive somehow...
03/12/2013 10:47 pm
Level 23 : Expert Dragonborn
Dohvakiin's Avatar
Well, Im not going to go on a full on rant, so here is what Prof. Stephen Hawking thinks. [yt]elah3i_WiFI[/yt]
03/12/2013 10:44 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Ranger
MrWhaleShark's Avatar
Well it seems baffling to the mind whether or not time travel could be possible. I cant imagine the technology required to preform such a feat. However scientists have done some pretty amazing things, so maybe it can be done. Read my saying
03/12/2013 10:41 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Toast
DaSquyd's Avatar
I just want to clear something up... The 4th dimension is not time travel. It is time itself. The 5th dimension is the linking between two points in time and having the ability to jump from one point to another (time travel). As humans, we can perceive the 4th dimension as memory, but we cannot understand the 5th dimension. Some people theorize that the human brain only uses x% of its potential. If that is true, it may be possible to travel through time just by thought.
03/13/2013 8:26 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
anonpmc307768's Avatar
03/12/2013 10:31 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Crafter
Notorious-Nerd's Avatar
its unlikely...
unless somehow we are able to recreate wormholes through time.
there are way too many paradoxes and confusion.
plus if time travel were to have been created, is it not likely one greedy man would bring back the "blueprints" and recreate it in our time? leading into a never ending advanced civilization.
03/12/2013 10:37 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Toast
MinecraftDwarf's Avatar
Exactly, thus getting rid of the need to have someone "invent" time travel in the first place. Paradox, nature no-no, then, unless the Multiverse theory comes into play, I assume someone will be deleted. Probably the greedy man who gave us the blueprints.

SpherelordYou CAN travel into the future. You know that way that doctors freeze eggs and sperm? Well, if we could figure out a way to do that to US, (which could be easy for people that study that stuff) we could PRESERVE ourselves, go into a very long sleep, and wake up when ever we desire.

Preserve yourself, ask a friend to ask their descendents to keep you (sounds funny )
and when the time is right, they can unfreeze you. Your in da future, SAME age as when you froze!!!

That's what we call suspended animation, which most sci-Fi nuts like myself also know as cryogenic storage. Suspended animation is the slowing down of life processes (heart rate, brain function, respiration) but they can only be detected by artificial methods. Basically, we would need doctors to constantly be monitoring the US while it is suspended animation. This is possible. Take Laina Beasley for example. She was cryogenic ally kept as an embryo for thirteen years before being implanted into her mother's womb. She was born healthy. Fringe also covered this with their Amber, a silicon based aerosol that solidified when reacting with the nitrogen in the atmosphere. It's not what we know as time travel, though technically it counts. Very clever

Sadly freezing people in something like carbonite (:D) would most likely be illegal if effects are unknown. Also if the machine went wrong they could be stored too long or it may kill them. The chances of the faculty the tester started in may be in ruins if they wait too long.

That's the danger of this technology, and why it's usually not practiced. But, that's what testing is for. To find these problems and try to fix them. For science!!
03/12/2013 10:25 pm
Level 44 : Master Modder
Warhawker's Avatar
Well, no. You can't travel forward in time. You can only slow or stop it. They key is velocity.

This was proven by flying an atomic clock on a plane, and having one on the ground. They were synced and the plane was flown. After landing, the plane showed a slightly slower time. This proves that as you get closer to the speed of light, time slows. It can only slow to a stop once you reach the speed of light: 186,000 miles a second.

Lets do some math. As residents on a rotating planet, we are moving at about 1,000 mph.
Add that with the orbit speed: 66,486.7mph
67,486.7 Mph
Take that and subtract it from the speed of light: 670 616 629 Mph

So, as humans, we are experiencing time at 1.006352915832631403478066751011e-4
slower than normal. At least on earth.
03/12/2013 10:42 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Gunior's Avatar
If you didn't use a calculator for that... You made me feel dumb...
03/12/2013 10:15 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Gunior's Avatar
rsmovactorThanks so much for 200+ Posts and 1500+ Views!

This is my opinion...

If time travel were possible, wouldn't someone have gone back in time to tell us? Just something I always thought about. If time travel were possible in the future, would we have to live through the timeline of events to get there, and then go back in time and tell the person? Or if time travel were possible would whoever went back in time have already done it?

This is a very confusing but interesting topic...

But let's forget about the "If it were possible" part for a moment. Let's say I wanted to kill Justin Bieber as an infant. I went back in time, and killed him. But since he never existed, I would never have a reason to kill him! So if you think about that a bit more, that would explain why we have not seen people come back to our time or before that from the future. Maybe in the future, time travel is possible, but would you be able to change events?

Tell me what you think, I'm writing this while trying to pull an all nighter so this may all sound strange to you.

Well. If I think about it I believe that if time travel was possible, you could only go forward and that the mutiverse exists, a mutiverse that could be one millisecond further than us. Therefore we can make things like worm holes but not time machines. Also somebody should start a topic on the mutiverse.
03/12/2013 10:10 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Cake
Duppy513's Avatar
In my opinion: "someone would not be thinking straight to go back into time to change something,"
03/12/2013 10:13 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Toast
MinecraftDwarf's Avatar
That was my point in my first reply (somewhere in page 17 or 18)
03/12/2013 10:02 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Explorer
Zemor's Avatar

This thread...is...
03/12/2013 9:53 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Blacksmith
Spherelord's Avatar
You CAN travel into the future. You know that way that doctors freeze eggs and sperm? Well, if we could figure out a way to do that to US, (which could be easy for people that study that stuff) we could PRESERVE ourselves, go into a very long sleep, and wake up when ever we desire.

Preserve yourself, ask a friend to ask their descendents to keep you (sounds funny )
and when the time is right, they can unfreeze you. Your in da future, SAME age as when you froze!!!
03/12/2013 10:39 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Ranger
MrWhaleShark's Avatar
Technically you wouldn't be traveling through time since time passes normally for everyone else while you're frozen. If you were to actually travel through time, you would be able to meet your older self or see your corpse.
03/12/2013 10:44 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Blacksmith
Spherelord's Avatar
I know it isn't travelling through time, but I guess it's cool to have your predicted death date lets say 2076 when it is 3116
03/12/2013 10:47 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Ranger
MrWhaleShark's Avatar
Yea.But it would be difficult to catch up with time and everyone would probably think you act like an old man.
03/12/2013 10:10 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Toast
MinecraftDwarf's Avatar
That's what we call suspended animation, which most sci-Fi nuts like myself also know as cryogenic storage. Suspended animation is the slowing down of life processes (heart rate, brain function, respiration) but they can only be detected by artificial methods. Basically, we would need doctors to constantly be monitoring the US while it is suspended animation. This is possible. Take Laina Beasley for example. She was cryogenic ally kept as an embryo for thirteen years before being implanted into her mother's womb. She was born healthy. Fringe also covered this with their Amber, a silicon based aerosol that solidified when reacting with the nitrogen in the atmosphere. It's not what we know as time travel, though technically it counts. Very clever
03/12/2013 10:19 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Gunior's Avatar
Sadly freezing people in something like carbonite (:D) would most likely be illegal if effects are unknown. Also if the machine went wrong they could be stored too long or it may kill them. The chances of the faculty the tester started in may be in ruins if they wait too long.
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