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9/8/2020 6:59 pm
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This is the newspaper about all the kingdoms that are forming throughout PMC

Vol. 1
That's right! We have dove deep into the PMC forums and discovered some remarkable things! But before we go to that, a new kingdom has appeared! The Kingdom of Toast. This kingdom was made by Booposis. Why have they created a new kingdom? Are they trying to start more wars? These questions will be answered soon enough! We will try to convince some of the kingdom creators to have a short interview with us.
Published on Monday, May 18th 2020

Vol. 2
The Waffle Kingdom is Growing Quickly!
The Waffle Kingdom is reaching new heights! They are gaining more members everyday. The amount of people is increasing rapidly! The Waffles may take over the world at this point! Or will they? What is Whiteout-'s plan? How did they achieve so many members so quickly? But enough about that. In other news, smaller kingdoms are growing at a substantial, but steady pace. Will they gain members fast enough to catch up to the Waffle Kingdom, or will war break loose? Find out next time on THE PMC PRESS!
Published on Monday, May 18th 2020

Vol. 3
An Eighth Kingdom?
Yes! There is indeed a new kingdom to try and rise above all! I introduce to you the Blueberry Waffle Kingdom! The kingdom has been founded by CreeperKid_. We haven't yet discovered why it was made. Or what the purpose of it is. But we do know this: They are almost identical to the Waffle Kingdom, EXCEPT this kingdom has an abundance of BLUEBERRIES! Yeah! You heard me right! B l u e b e r r i e s. How has this kingdom gotten so many blueberries? Why did they choose waffles to put the blueberries in? What is this going to mean for the other seven kingdoms? Well.....Guess we'll just have to wait and see.
Published on Tuesday, May 19th 2020

Vol. 4
The Demise of the Toast Kingdom
No, your eyes do not deceive you! It's true! The The Toast Kingdom has in fact had it's demise! The toasts have all disbanded! No more toast kingdom. Who will be next to fall? Can we end the kingdoms to stop Whiteout-'s brain from melting? What will become of the PMC PRESS when it all ends? Will it even have an end? We all want these questions answered, but will they even be answered? Find out (possibly) in the next volume of THE PMC PRESS!

Published on Tuesday, May 19th 2020

Vol. 5
Interview with RystaButAteASock

I have just finished an interview with none other thanRystaButAteASock! I organized this interview to see what's in the mind of someone who has been part of a kingdom for a long time. This interview will discuss issues and various problems with the kingdoms.
Here is the interview
( RystaButAteASock = Blue --- Creative_Kylee = Red )

Question 1: What kingdom are you apart of?

Waffle kingdom ^w^

Question 2: How did you find this kingdom and why did you join it?

I was already subbed to Whiteout- when she decided made a post for who would like it if a Waffle Kingdom were to exist! So, I was one of the first minions
I was honestly really excited and now I love it ^w^

Question 3: Do you think people should've created the other kingdoms?

No, they are kinda copies and it’s stressing Whiteout-

Question 4: What do you think would happen if the other kingdoms got taken down?

I think Whiteout- would feel better

Question 5: What do you think made people decide to create other kingdoms?

Because they wanted to be their own leader, to get as big as the Waffle Kingdom for subscribers and to be become PMC famous. They also wanted to challenge the greatness of the Waffle Kingdom. Almost all the people who are kingdom copiers have tried to start a war with us, and they seemed to want power. Most of them were going to level up in our kingdom too. Many of the kingdoms don’t have many members either. So it’s not really working out.

Question 6: How do you think this kingdom thing will end? Do you think it will end at all?

I think the tiny kingdoms will get bored and disband, joining bigger ones (Waffles, Atlantis, The Pigmen ect.)

Okay. Final question. This is the most important one of all.....

What is your favorite color?

Blue is the most superior color, prove me wrong

Thank you for your thoughts on the matter RystaButAteASock!

Published on Tuesday, May 19th 2020

Vol. 6
The Whiteout- Interview!
Yes. It's the interview you all we're (possibly) waiting for! I just finished interviewing the one who started it all:Whiteout-! You will all see their view on the matter at hand and learn a little more about how this entire thing started. Let's begin, shall we?
Here is the interview
( Whiteout- = Light Gray --- Creative_Kylee = Red )

Question 1: Where did you get the idea to create the Waffle Kingdom?

I had always been saying Waffle randomly in chats, on PMC, I like waffles even though I don't eat them irl. It's just a fun word, so I decided to make a waffle kingdom for fun, because I wanted to make something fun for everyone in PMC. :D

Question 2: What was the expected outcome when you created the kingdom?

I was only expecting a couple people to join. So, I didn't expect anything huge. It was just very enjoyable making a small community in a community! :)

Question 3: How did you feel after it didn't go to plan?

I felt a little mad/sad because people were copying my fun idea, and nothing seemed original anymore. I feel really bad about causing the drama. It just wasn't fun anymore with the copiers, but I'm not going to let that take all the fun out of what this has come to be!

Question 4: Why are their waffles on your face?

Because jellyfishh started a funny thing to put waffles on their profile picture. Then some other people did it, so I wanted to join in on the joke about waffles :P

Question 5: What would you do if the other kingdoms actually listened to you for once?

Thats a hard one! Well if you mean by the copies, I would ask them to delete it for their own good. The people are getting yelled at. As for the Atlanteans and Piggenstein, I don't know... We're on good terms right now.

Okay. Last question. This is the most important one......
What is the best kind of cheese?

Mozzarella cheese is the bEST!

Thank you Whiteout- for showing everyone your point of view on the situation at hand. This information will help more people understand what is going on.

Published on Wednesday, May 20th, 2020

Vol. 7
An Interview with chickenpants93!
You may be wondering why there are so many interviews. It's because we can. That's the best answer I got. Now today we have gotten a chance to have an interview with none other than chickenpants93! We get to look into the mind of someone who learned the truth and changed kingdoms! Let's start!
Here is the interview
( chickenpants93 = Yellow --- Creative_Kylee = Red )

Question 1: What kingdom are you apart of?

Currently, the Waffles.

Question 2: How did you find this kingdom and why did you join?

I found it through their forum! And honestly, I started off completely distrusting them. I thought they were murderous waffle villains.
But after i while I realized not only that my assumption was incorrect, but they really didn't need another war on their hands.

Eventually, after a peace treaty, I decided to join them.
Figured they could use some help killing some pancakes.

Most pancakes are horrible warlike creatures. I do not recommend meeting one.

Question 3: Do you think people should've created the other kingdoms?

No. I don't think people should have made so many of them.
It may have been fine if it weren't for the fact that they all decided to bother the OG.
They did it mainly for subs.

Question 4: What do you think would happen if the other kingdoms got taken down?

I think people would be mad.
But I don't think we should just delete them.
The people who made them should decide to leave the people who want to be left alone, alone.

Question 5: What do you think made people decide to create other kingdoms?

They likely noticed the popularity of the originals.
Understandable. For example I'm tempted to make my own PMC news paper.
But don't worry, I won't.

Question 6: How do you think this will end? Do you think it will end?

I think the kingdom's problems are all but over. Although I do wish the people on both sides had handled it better.
As for the waffles, I expect lots of maple syrup in their future!

And hopefully, less war.

Okay. This is the last question. Always remember: The last one is the most important one of all...

What would be the hat to end all hats? What could you wear on your head that would make people stop what they are doing and stare in awe and amazement?

Pfft. Easy.
-Evie's cat, fig. Obviously.

Thank you so much for having this interview with us chickenpants93! Hopefully this will help more people understand what they need to do to put an end to this kingdom thing ONCE AND FOR ALL! Except the ones that were there first.

Published on Thursday, May 21st, 2020

A Legendary Story to Behold!

Tonight is a special night. The Press has learned of an epic story! Even if you don't like reading, you should still read it! The story is...Drumroll please......
WbMystery's Mental Waffle Skits™!
The chapters are just a sight to behold! You will feel the danger, excitement, surprise, horror, and much more! So just take a little read. We promise it will be worth your time! Get ready for the adventure that lies ahead! Can you make it to the end? Find out by reading Mental Waffle Skits

Published on Wednesday, May 27th, 2020

Vol. 8
The Letter Kingdom?
Yup. You know exactly what you just read. There is in fact a Letter Kingdom! I know it seems like just another problem for Whiteout-, but we can assure you, it may not be what you think. We have had an interview with it's creator Brick! Let's get to it!
Here is the interview
( Brick = Green --- Creative_Kylee = Red )

Question 1: What is the Letter Kingdom?

An upcoming kingdom based on the popular PMC event known as the letter war.
It will be a kingdom specifically made for users that voted for my favorite letter: E.

Question 2: Is the Letter Kingdom still active?

The Letter War had a fairly active "fanbase" if that's what you can call it. So, I have hope that the letter kingdom will be active as well.

Question 3: What caused the Letter War?

I was bored and wanted to do a quick goof so I made a few polls asking to choose what letter was the best out of the options.

Question 4: What was your thought process behind making this kingdom?

Everybody else has made a kingdom. So I'm gonna make one too.

Question 5: How long do you expect this kingdom to last?

Who knows lol. I think after a day or two people will just move on and forget it even happened.

Question 6: Why is your favorite letter "E"?

It was the winning letter in the war. After seeing how much it was used because of the Letter War, I made it my favorite letter along with some other people.

Okay. Final Question. Remember. The last one is the most important....

If you were held at gun point and told that if you didn’t impress them with your dance moves, you would be killed, what dance moves would you bust out?

T-Pose, Switch into the robot, Hit some whips & some nae-naes, Backflip into a spinning break dance on the floor, Stand up and rip my shirt into a crop-top and belly dance, End it with a FAT dab.

Thank you for giving us this information Brick.

Published on Friday, May 29th, 2020

Vol. 9
The Interview We Forgot!

The Press has indeed made a mistake! We had an interview prepared and forgot to put it here. Our sincerest apologies to RookiePlayer! Okay, let us get to the interview!
Here is the interview
( RookiePlayer = Purple --- Creative_Kylee = Red )

Question 1: What kingdom are you apart of?

p a n c a k e

(jk waffles)

Question 2: How did you find this kingdom and why did you join?

Ummm I just joined because PersonWhoPlaysMinecraft is really good and joined first...

It's really good tho...

Question 3: Do you think people should of created the other kingdoms?

Not the knockoff ones, I only support the kingdom(s) made by IHasFins and Pigman Defense Attorney.

Oh, and of course ours.

Question 4: What do you think would happen if the other kingdoms got taken down?

I think that everyone would feel comfortable joining the main kingdoms. Now that there are so many, everyone feels under pressure from other kingdoms' enemies and allies to join other, lesser kingdoms.

Question 5: What do you think made people decide to create other kingdoms?

Probably for the popularity, especially since The Waffle Kingdom did so well.

Question 6: How do you think this will end? Do you think it will end?

I predict that it will end soon, especially since all these waffles are being eaten, wars are starting, waffles commit waffle-cide even!

Okay. We only have one more question to ask you. This is the most important question of all....

If someone asked to be your apprentice and learn all that you know, what would you teach them?

I'd probably teach them that they should always respect Creative_Kylee, Whiteout-, IHasFins, Pigman Defense Attorney, and join the W a f f l e s

Thank you for your time and patience
RookiePlayer. Again sorry for forgetting about this interview!

Published on Friday, May 29th, 2020

Do you have any information for the press? Contact us simply by the means of a PM. You can choose to remain anonymous if you so desire.

≗ ∴THE PMC PRESS∴≗ was Created on Monday, May 18th, 2020
Posted by Creative_Kylee's Avatar
Level 59 : Grandmaster Creeper Hugger

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09/08/2020 12:14 pm
Level 49 : Master Musician
IHasFins's Avatar
New comic I'm making based on the Great War. It's unfinished, so you'll see little snippets that aren't done. I'll get them finished in a bit.
(btw did everybody just forget about this? or does nobody care anymore?)
09/08/2020 6:59 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Creeper Hugger
Creative_Kylee's Avatar
We have all forgotten
08/22/2020 11:36 pm
Level 49 : Master Musician
IHasFins's Avatar
Attention all PMC Members! Do I have your attention?

My alternate form, Doomwhal the Dark, has been spotted entering a rift that opens up into PlanetMinecraft. All major kingdoms are being warned of this sighting. More details shall be provided soon.
Be careful...
The Skin Shaper
08/06/2020 3:29 pm
Level 43 : Master Procrastinator
The Skin Shaper's Avatar
I just ruined Creative_Kylee's comment/announcement by making this comment.
08/06/2020 6:01 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Creeper Hugger
Creative_Kylee's Avatar
06/10/2020 2:01 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Creeper Hugger
Creative_Kylee's Avatar
The PMC PRESS has made it back! The new one is out. Were starting fresh! You can all now go to the new and improved ≗∴-::THE PMC PRESS::-∴≗
06/06/2020 10:34 pm
Level 71 : Legendary Elf
PersonWhoPlaysMinecraft's Avatar
oh why thank you RookiePlayer didn't know i was good
and yes i think i was the first member after Whiteout-
06/06/2020 3:52 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Waffle
RystaButAteASock's Avatar
I still love this
also I totally wasn’t one of the one who committed waffle-cide
Multiple times
06/06/2020 4:08 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Creeper Hugger
Creative_Kylee's Avatar


06/06/2020 4:14 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Waffle
RystaButAteASock's Avatar
*sneaky trident stealing noises*
06/07/2020 9:52 am
Level 73 : Legendary Modder
dreamCritting's Avatar
06/07/2020 10:04 am
Level 32 : Artisan Waffle
RystaButAteASock's Avatar
*steals your throwing tridents and runs off* >:3
06/06/2020 12:36 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Miner
RookiePlayer's Avatar
Nice to see this! It was very funny when I read this!!!

Anyways, goodbye, Creative_Kylee, you're always so cute, creative, and amazing!


For more information
08/06/2020 6:54 pm
Level 26 : Expert Creeper
CreeperKid_'s Avatar
06/06/2020 4:07 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Creeper Hugger
Creative_Kylee's Avatar
Wait. What happened??? Why??? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

Can someone please tell me what happened??
08/06/2020 6:54 pm
Level 26 : Expert Creeper
CreeperKid_'s Avatar
08/06/2020 9:56 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Creeper Hugger
Creative_Kylee's Avatar
I miss him :(
06/06/2020 4:38 pm
Level 45 : Master Waffle
Whiteout-'s Avatar
uhhh did rookie just leave
06/06/2020 10:23 pm
Level 44 : Master Nerd
WbMystery's Avatar
Yeah, he left...
06/07/2020 10:07 am
Level 32 : Artisan Waffle
RystaButAteASock's Avatar
Rookie and xShadowStarx where the only ones stopping me from waffle-cide
I haven’t seen xShadowStarx in a couple days and Rookie just left
06/07/2020 10:56 am
Level 44 : Master Nerd
WbMystery's Avatar
I'll try to keep you from waffle-ciding, friend.
06/06/2020 8:38 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Creeper Hugger
Creative_Kylee's Avatar
I think he did :'(
The Skin Shaper
06/07/2020 9:46 am
Level 43 : Master Procrastinator
The Skin Shaper's Avatar
I wasn't ready to have a bad time...
The Skin Shaper
06/06/2020 12:05 pm
Level 43 : Master Procrastinator
The Skin Shaper's Avatar
I will execute Order 66 on Creative_Kylee if there is no PMC Press soon.

I wish I didn't say that lol.
06/06/2020 4:06 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Creeper Hugger
Creative_Kylee's Avatar
06/04/2020 4:28 pm
Level 44 : Master Nerd
WbMystery's Avatar
Ooh, almost to 10 volumes!
05/29/2020 8:31 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Miner
RookiePlayer's Avatar
wait -
hmmmmm where did mah interview go -
05/29/2020 5:44 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Creeper Hugger
Creative_Kylee's Avatar
Oops! I knew I was forgetting something! Okay. Gimme a sec
05/29/2020 6:04 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Miner
RookiePlayer's Avatar
ah, thank you 😂
05/28/2020 11:35 am
Level 44 : Master Nerd
WbMystery's Avatar
Thank you for advertising my story. I hope it actually turns out to be worth everyone's time...
05/29/2020 3:41 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Waffle
RystaButAteASock's Avatar
I loved it
05/29/2020 12:41 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Creeper Hugger
Creative_Kylee's Avatar
Me too :)
05/27/2020 1:49 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Mlem Mlem Bat
Angelonasher's Avatar
U should make a volume about angelicteaaa turning people into cats. she did BlueoDoesStuff now she is doing Sinus Productions

blueo cat

Sinus Cat
The Skin Shaper
05/26/2020 10:12 am
Level 43 : Master Procrastinator
The Skin Shaper's Avatar
05/26/2020 11:26 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Creeper Hugger
Creative_Kylee's Avatar
Ooo! Okay! But that will have to come in the PMC PRESS 2.0! But that is something we could very well start off with!
The Skin Shaper
05/26/2020 11:32 am
Level 43 : Master Procrastinator
The Skin Shaper's Avatar
05/26/2020 9:58 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Creeper Hugger
Creative_Kylee's Avatar
I'm sorry for the slow updates everybody. There are some family issues. Fighting that has caused people to go to the hospital. But don't worry! We will be back to normal soon!
05/26/2020 11:34 am
Level 44 : Master Nerd
WbMystery's Avatar
Oh, I hope everyone's okay. Please, take care of yourself.
05/26/2020 10:13 am
Level 32 : Artisan Waffle
RystaButAteASock's Avatar
Oh wow, I’m sorry that’s happening. If you need something you can always ask me
05/25/2020 4:58 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Mlem Mlem Bat
Angelonasher's Avatar
interview WbMystery, ask him about the mental waffle skit blog he made.
05/23/2020 4:46 pm
Level 41 : Master Droid
jellyfishh's Avatar
Waiting for next volume cant wait :D
05/24/2020 10:49 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Waffle
RystaButAteASock's Avatar
I can’t either, I’m probably gonna check everyday/ every other day from now on
05/23/2020 9:11 am
Level 32 : Artisan Waffle
RystaButAteASock's Avatar
Who are you interviewing now?
05/23/2020 4:01 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Creeper Hugger
Creative_Kylee's Avatar
I am interviewing two people right now. I think I may put them BOTH in the next volume
05/23/2020 9:07 am
Level 32 : Artisan Waffle
RystaButAteASock's Avatar
I loveee thisssss
Pigman Defense Attorney
05/22/2020 3:34 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Button Pusher
Pigman Defense Attorney's Avatar
OOH! Pancake Lord would be a great interview choice.
Pancake Lord
05/23/2020 7:33 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Pancake Lord's Avatar
Hey there!
05/22/2020 8:29 pm
Level 45 : Master Waffle
Whiteout-'s Avatar
more like an interrogation
Pigman Defense Attorney
05/22/2020 8:37 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Button Pusher
Pigman Defense Attorney's Avatar
just ask Kylee if you can conduct his "interview" ;)
05/22/2020 8:41 pm
Level 45 : Master Waffle
Whiteout-'s Avatar
05/21/2020 9:47 pm
Level 44 : Master Nerd
WbMystery's Avatar
Ty for adding another interview.
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