The Chain Link Brotherhood Logic

Glitch_Vortex's Avatar Glitch_Vortex10/10/13 10:32 am
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10/11/2013 10:05 am
Glitch_Vortex's Avatar Glitch_Vortex
So, we usually think we and a people faraway didn't have any connections, well think about this logic

if you have a brother or sister, your brother or sister may have another connection to another people, if this thing goes on until a people have a link with a people with a different country, and it is logically means we are his/her brother, but really far far away.

So actually 7 billion peoples on earth is our brothers and sisters, what you think about that?
Posted by Glitch_Vortex's Avatar
Level 27 : Expert Dragonborn

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10/11/2013 10:05 am
Level 27 : Expert Dragonborn
Glitch_Vortex's Avatar
10/10/2013 8:22 pm
Level 27 : Expert Dragonborn
Glitch_Vortex's Avatar
wew, i'm speechless, so better if we cared about other cause logically they are our brothers and sisters, right?
10/10/2013 10:17 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Creeper
ABlindSniper115's Avatar
Brothers and sisters isn't the most accurate way to put it, but yes. Just saying 'relatives' or 'family' would be a lot more accurate though.
10/10/2013 12:20 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Creeper
ABlindSniper115's Avatar
Oh gosh... I want to type out my entire viewpoint on this explaining my position, but that would take too long... I'm just going to sum it up, and elaborate as necessary.

From a Christian standpoint, this point is verified in the book of Genesis, unless you are one of the Christians that believe that evolution did, in fact, occur, but was guided by the had of God. Even then; however, your point is still arguable.

From a purely philosophical standpoint, it makes perfect sense still. Even if us humans originated by the merging of two different species, wouldn't there still be those two first beings who interbred to create humans? Wouldn't their children be the 'first humans', and all humans would be their descendants?

Going back further, let's say we are at the point where life first took place on planet Earth. Somehow, so-called 'simple' single-celled microorganisms came to be, and multiplied. Single-celled microorganisms reproduce asexually. For those of you who have not gotten that far in biology, it means they don't need another member of the same species in order to reproduce. As I said, they are called 'simple', yet in reality they are very far from it, so one would not randomly come to be. For the sake of keeping this argument completely philosophical; however, I'll say that one somehow appeared randomly.

Since the odds against this happening randomly are so incredibly and ridiculously low, only one would appear. That one cell would multiply. Fast forward to today, every living being is a descendent of that one cell. Proving the point of the OP.
10/10/2013 10:42 am
Level 40 : Master Cake
aman207's Avatar
We don't know that humans originated from two people. We could have originated from different species and evolved.
10/10/2013 11:09 am
Level 28 : Expert Architect
OldLinionMC's Avatar
very true. but with the passage of time and the movement of humans around the world, I would think that there is a very small chance that two humans do not share a common ancestor.
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