Review: Minecraft: The Story of Mojang

Jetra's Avatar Jetra12/28/12 12:32 pm
1 emeralds 485 7
12/28/2012 7:37 pm
Jetra's Avatar Jetra

It seems that I may have to eat my words this time, swallow my pride, and put aside all that I have said is wrong with video games today. What I am about to tell you may put you in disbelief and awe, probably pulling some heartstrings while you think to yourself, Why? To put you all in my mindset, let me begin by saying how I became a video gamer in the first place.
My first real experience that I can remember was playing on the gameboy before Pokemon Red/Blue came out. At the time, games were small toys that parents bought kids on Christmas while older kids usually broke into two groups, those that played them and those that didin't. When I was a kid, if you played video games above the age of twelve, you were nerdy and picked on. Through the years, it seems to have evolved into a mass market entertainment, thanks in part to Nintendo for reaching out to the casual community with their Gamecube and the introduction of Microsoft into the industry by stunning the mature audience with Halo: Combat Evolved on their new system, the XBox.
Since the balance was broken between Nintendo and Sony, a war ensued that could be felt today. Because of this, the world would never be the same. Recently, though, it seems that most AAA companies have given up their unique individuality for the same of a quick buck, often re-releasing the sake game with minor tweaks or exclusive Downloadable Content. The once proud, small niche has grown to millions of gamers the world over. This has created my view that there was no hope for video games except stagnation and decay while innovation is killed off.
Hopefully I didn't bore you to read this far, but I can't really explain this in a short post. Now, to what I have to say; A while back, a small film crew decided to make and release a movie called Minecraft: The Story of Mojang. At first, I thought that it was worse than a Direct-to-Video film (Direct-to-Netflix for those of you who don't know what DtV means). I commented so when a news site mentioned piracy of the film. A few days later, I went upstairs to chat with my oldest brother when he mentioned it to me. I told him my thoughts and he said he got me the DVD and was downloading the pirate movie. Feeling a bit like dung, I said I would watch it and finally got around to seeing it.
Now comes to me eating my words. No, I don't care that I'm a pirate, that's of little matter to me or anyone else. What I have come to say is that this movie seemed really bad at first, but then...it hurt me. I was hit with a wave of nostalgia that made me cry. This film is not about the game, it's not about how it's influenced millions of people to make a hit out of it. It's about the people behind the game, those that have and were affected by the sheer size of what it has become because of us, the players.
Whether you're young or old, a gamer or non-gamer, this movie has the power to make you cry. It makes you realize that the industry is in the middle of a revolution. Before, video games were about graphics and multiplayer only, often sacrificing story for guns and DLC. I am reminded of my youth and shown what is possible thanks to one man and this film crew that made their movie through the wonder of KickStarter. Maybe, just maybe we can see games that aren't just about graphics, gameplay, sequel number, or even the multiplayer aspect. This movie shows me how video games used to affect us as gamers from a single game than the staying power of a single franchise.
If you can manage to sit through the first five minutes, the viewer will not regret what is in this engaging production that was made, filmed with, and thanks to those that so dearly love Minecraft. Notch showed us what is possible, not by graphics, but by reminding us of what videos games should be: small, targeted to a certain audience, and not meant to bring in millions of dollars and created by a staff of several hundred who only care about the money and not the people.

Final Score: I can't do it. I just honestly can't score this. This film has made me want to weep and to score it would be to put in a competetive enviroment. I shall spare this movie a score because I loved it too much to toss it to the wolves.
Posted by Jetra's Avatar
Level 39 : Artisan Scribe

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12/28/2012 6:42 pm
Level 49 : Master Narwhal
Boboonski's Avatar
Good writing style, but I'd keep it to stories. A review should be a bit more to the point, where is this didn't give me a sense of what you thought about it until the second paragraph. Usually writing these, you'd tell me your opinion straight up. I also lost track during reading it a couple times, you seem to carry off on different topics. Like I said, you'd make an amazing story/bio writer, but the review needs more form.
12/28/2012 7:37 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
Jetra's Avatar
Yes, well, I was amazed by this film and really couldn't get straight to the point. It was like: Okay, there's Notch. There's Seananners....interesting...why am I crying? This is beautiful!
12/28/2012 6:47 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
axew624's Avatar
i have to agree
12/28/2012 6:39 pm
Level 29 : Expert Princess
bhbyfdt's Avatar
Holy crap. THATS AMAZIN.
12/28/2012 6:38 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
Jetra's Avatar
Feel free to comment guys. I don't bite.
12/28/2012 12:37 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
Jetra's Avatar
Thanks for the link, but I think the home page was good enough.
12/28/2012 12:36 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Pyro
nicolas2177's Avatar
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