Random Dreams?

Aegeah's Avatar Aegeah7/15/14 8:57 am
7/15/2014 11:43 am
planetminecrafter52342's Avatar planetminecrafter52342
Alright, ever have that one time where you wake up from a dream and are like "What the hell was that all about?" Well, let's all share our subconsciouses with the internet and possibly labeled insane! Yay!

Just saying, I don't know if this anime is a real thing, I just managed to dream of it, but I've never heard of or seen anything like it before.

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Okay, last night, I dreamed that I was watching an anime (as in, everything was the art style of anime) scene from 3rd person, and the people in the scene were talking about something to do with the power of the whole world or something, one character referred to a small cat-like creature that granted him power to control rocks, and create a rock layer around his body, boosting his connection to the power of the earth. He said he had problems with his little koneko guardian, and said it would only grant him his power boost if he looked it in the eye, whereas all the others would be just fine asking their guardians to boost their connection. A blind old man arrived, asking if they know where his son went.

That's all I got, but then I woke up.

(I'm too otaku, aren't I?..)
Posted by Aegeah's Avatar
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Fisherman

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07/15/2014 11:43 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Zombie
planetminecrafter52342's Avatar
For some reason, every now and then I have a dream that I am walking down the road, or looking out a window, and I see a large meteor coming towards earth burning up, but more like an asteroid. The dream is always different in variation, the latest one I was in my bedroom at my old house looking out the window, and the only other one I remember, is walking downtown and then it happened. They never hit the ground in my dream though.
07/15/2014 11:29 am
Level 47 : Master Cowboy
Chron's Avatar
Once upon a time, when I was much younger, I dreamed that Morocco, yes, the tiny little African country, conquered the entirety of the United States. And what do they do with the country they just conquered? Turn it into a rather stereotypical looking Moroccan mega-city that is awkwardly really empty... Oh, and schools are abolished completely. What do we do instead of school? Well, all of the children are chained to these sewer channels, and our captors throw baseball bats to the end of the channel, and it's our job to go fetch it. Of course, the chains aren't long enough, we swim back to receive our beating, and proceed to try again. All. Day. Long. Eventually, some of my friends and I discover a way to break out and we somehow overthrow the fiendish Moroccans. (No offense to any Moroccans, this was all a dream. I've never actually been to Morocco...)

A couple more random dreams:

1. Obama is having an interview in one of the halls of the White House. I nonchalantly walk through, pick up a random piece of paper for him, and walk out. Nothing else happens.

2. I'm at a funeral for someone who's still alive, and there are a few problems with it:
A. There's no coffin.
B. All of the attendants (except me, my mother, and my "girlfriend") are dead people.
C. There are 3 duplicates of my cats running around for no apparent reason.
D. Of course, I'm not listening to a word anyone is saying, because not only am I in my underwear, but I was mentally playing through a non-existent Super Mario 64 ROM hack.
07/15/2014 10:49 am
Level 45 : Master Theorist
Averli's Avatar
BubzWhen I was at the age of eight, and my mother was still pregnant with my sister, I remember that I had a dream where I saw a two year old girl in little pink shoes, blue pants and an orange shirt walk up to me and look at me with her blue eyes. And then I immediately woke up. Two years after, I was playing around with my sister and I saw her walk up to me, and I remembered the dream I have dreamt then. And she looked exactly how she was in the dream. Same clothes. Same face. Same everything. It was creepy.

True Story.

O.O Really? I had one a little like that before. I dreamed I broke a hairband by closing the drawer on it, then I woke up and was getting a hairband from the drawer and closed the drawer on it, same color one. o.o If I'd payed attention, maybe I would've remembered my dream and not broke it. But that was a while ago, I don't even really wear hairbands now. xD
07/15/2014 10:43 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Button Pusher
aipoduhfoaifh's Avatar
Or, when I was four, I dreamed there were giant frogs in my garage and they were eating my hotwheels cars. I have no idea.
07/15/2014 10:41 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Button Pusher
aipoduhfoaifh's Avatar
One time, I was having a dream about a creepypasta that I read, but then I realized I was dreaming and tried to force myself too wake up. So then, I must've had a dream about waking up, because I wke up and went into my parent's room for some reason and the creepypasta was there. Then I woke up for real. Freaky.
07/15/2014 10:34 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
The_Ghost_Girl's Avatar
I remember one dream I had a long time ago, I was playing with my friends in a... chocolate, cookie thing world (don't judge D: ) when I was captured by some freaky magic wizard guy who wanted me as his wife so he (again don't judge please) teleported me inside a metal cage, then he wen't to his cookie throne and I just sat down, half sleeping as if someone had pressed the Pause button. It swapped over to my friends view and apparently (nvm, please don't judge anything of this!) they were crawling up through a big waffle pipe to save me... I hope... When they had reached the end of the pipe, they saw me and the crazy wizard thing guy through a vent and just wen't Ninja Style if I'm not wrong and grabbed me (through the vent I might add), pulled me out of the cage and then we just took a ride for it, just gliding down the pipe with the wizard guys angry (candy I suppose it was?) minions after us, we landed in a helicopter that took us high up in the air and then of course it broke and we all fell to our death... And I woke up.

My friend later sent a text to me where she described that dream for me from her dream.
07/15/2014 9:25 am
Level 21 : Expert Engineer
NetworkPCE's Avatar
Some babies are dropped at birth, but you were clearly shot away with a cannon.

Jk i have no idea what anime this is xD
07/15/2014 9:10 am
Level 36 : Artisan Blockhead
Bubz's Avatar
When I was at the age of eight, and my mother was still pregnant with my sister, I remember that I had a dream where I saw a two year old girl in little pink shoes, blue pants and an orange shirt walk up to me and look at me with her blue eyes. And then I immediately woke up. Two years after, I was playing around with my sister and I saw her walk up to me, and I remembered the dream I have dreamt then. And she looked exactly how she was in the dream. Same clothes. Same face. Same everything. It was creepy as hell.

True Story.
07/15/2014 11:14 am
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Fisherman
Aegeah's Avatar
I have those kinds of dreams all the time! I remember, one time I dreamt that my Physics teacher broke her leg, and the Art teacher was going to be our cover teacher until she got better... 2 days later, Physics teacher breaks her leg, and the Art teacher is our cover teacher ._.

I also remember getting really lucky in one of my dreams, I dreamt we took a pop quiz, and I failed, so I had to revise the right answers, next day, THE EXACT POP QUIZ.
07/15/2014 9:05 am
Level 23 : Expert Crab
Morneite's Avatar
I don't think i've ever had a strange dream, but my brother had one when he was about 8. He was running down our street and was carrying a block of cheese. he then proceeded to knock on our neighbours' neighbours door. noone was home, so he placed the cheese on the front doorstep, ran back home, and went to bed.
07/15/2014 9:07 am
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Fisherman
Aegeah's Avatar
Hail the cheese!
07/15/2014 9:02 am
Level 26 : Expert Toast
Cheezbergur11's Avatar
Dang, you remember dreams well

I can't think of any atm but if I do I'll be sure to post them here
07/15/2014 9:07 am
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Fisherman
Aegeah's Avatar
Sometimes I can't remember them at all, but this time it just... stuck.
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