Need Help , Someone Is Very Anoying

Spect99's Avatar Spect993/11/14 1:00 pm
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3/11/2014 2:42 pm
jman0111's Avatar jman0111
Hello guys !
So I moved to another country 3 months ago , and there is this guy that think i am his best friend but i am not ! He is so -no- anoying ( sorry for the word ) and he always stick with me cause he never had a friend, ok, i can be friend with him , but every -no- place i go he follows me ! ITS SO ANNOYING !!!!! He always make a sad face if i dont sit next to him in class. He talk too much, he make realy bad jokes ( Immature jokes )and whenever i talk to my friends or to the girls i like , whenever he comes, the girls/friends leave. and he is always spaming me on Facebook... or on my phone.
Please help, he is so anoying ( i know its bad for me to say this , but i cant take it anymore )
What should i do ?
Thx for thoses who will help.
Posted by Spect99's Avatar
Level 43 : Master Droid

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03/11/2014 2:42 pm
Level 47 : Master Nerd
jman0111's Avatar
don't dump him

Is there a gay marriage going on up in here?

lol jk jk, the best advise I can give you is dump him easy if it really comes down to it.

xD I see what you did there
03/11/2014 1:56 pm
Level 22 : Expert Artist
Yourself797's Avatar
Try to talk to him and slowly teach him to not be so annoying.

BTW what country did you move to?
03/11/2014 1:50 pm
Level 24 : Expert Network
FatMuzzy's Avatar
don't dump him

Is there a gay marriage going on up in here?

lol jk jk, the best advise I can give you is dump him easy if it really comes down to it.
03/11/2014 1:37 pm
Level 72 : Legendary Nerd
Irish's Avatar
Lol, hes just like me then xD (without the girls avoiding him)
Just tell him to calm down a bit, don't dump him just because he is a little bit annoying.
03/11/2014 1:28 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Architect
deadacct's Avatar
If he's not actually harming you, just getting on your nerves, maybe tell him calmly he should tone it down a little. If it gets to the point that he actually starts harming you, drop him.
It can be really sad for people who don't have friends, especially if really the only place they could make friends is school where no one cares for them. That was me. The one 'friend' I made I clung to only because she was 'nice' - even after she harmed me time and time again.
So, I think he might be clinging so much because he doesn't have anyone else to connect with - you could introduce him to a little circle of friends, perhaps? If he's not actually doing anything wrong there's no need to harshly drop him.
03/11/2014 1:30 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
CassisDrinker's Avatar
03/11/2014 1:09 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
CassisDrinker's Avatar
It may sound really unhelpfull, but remember one thing: he did choose you, you don't know if he has had any bad experiences with friends before, or if he is incapable of making friends, because if this is the case, it's really special. i had one of those friends before, and he was autistic, but you couldn't see that at all from how he acted. I didn't know this either and with him i was really nice to him, but behind his back i did stuff like telling rumours and all. he got really sad and it had a HUGE impact on his life. this was a big mistake, and only afterwards i began to understand and put the pieces together, and only then i realized how nice he actually was. he cared for me. since you moved to a new place, I would really suggest to stay around this guy for a while, it might be annoying for a while, but i'm sure that soon you'll really like him, or that by showing friendship to him, others will respect you too.

p.s. if your interested, i made up with the autistic guy and we're best buddies again. i'm really glad about that

peace and good luck in your new home,

03/11/2014 1:03 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Theairyn's Avatar
Face him and tell him how you feel, don't beat around the bush.
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