My Guest Book - 10 Year Hype.favorite

Advolton's Avatar Advolton11/19/21 11:26 am history
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11/20/2021 9:54 am
Advolton's Avatar Advolton
Good Afternoon PMC Community.

Some of you might know who I am, if not, that's nothing to worry about, I'm not as active as I used to be back in the day, but I have made a few skins that have garnered me a total of 1,000+ downloads, which doesn't seem like a lot, but when you consider you reading this accounts for only 1. It's a fair amount. That being said, recently I realized my upcoming 10 year anniversary is up-coming, to justify this I have re-branded my entire PMC profile page, feel free to take a look!

In addition to this change, I have added my Twitch, an information section and a guest book finally, after all this time.

The purpose of the Guest Book is for anyone to ask, tell or feedback anything without any restrictions, for me to apply, and potentially reach out to them, as I don't always check my DM's. I'm strange like that.

You can learn more about me by visiting my profile page and having a read through the information section yourself.

Anyway, on-to the main reason for this post, so as said before, it's coming up-to my 10 years on PMC.

Usually, I make blogs or post skins, however... I'm releasing a huge, custom made, entirely by myself from graphics to modifications texture pack to celebrate this milestone, it will be my first and only ever texture pack, so it either does really well, or it flops completely.

I will create a blog aside this to explain how my 10 years on the site have gone, what i've learnt, who i've met and most importantly why I'm still lurking around, even though I'm not an adult with a job and a family, crazy right?

What I would ideally like to motivate me to finish this project and give me the final push to completion, is for this amazing community to do what it's always done, and make me happy about making content. With the implement of my new "Guest Book" I would love if you went and left me a little message, could be absolutely anything you like, just post something, the more content on there the better it will look for new visitors, the more it will motivate me, and most importantly, it casuses some hype in that chat around the anniversary of my 10 years on PMC.

Hence the reason I made this post, to cause some hype and motivate myself to finish the final projects for PMC, probably my biggest post to date.

I would just like to finish this off by saying I love you all, thank you for an amazing up-bringing on such an amazing community, you're all super-stars!

I look forward to seeing some of you on my profile, if you did stick around this long, and I'll be releasing everything shortly, once I have reached that final Milestone.

Stay safe, stay happy, stay postive.

Love, Mike.
Posted by Advolton's Avatar
Level 25 : Expert Pixel Puncher

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11/20/2021 9:54 am
Level 25 : Expert Pixel Puncher
Advolton's Avatar
I appreciate you all showing love and support on my post, and I’m very pleased that the official PMC account engaged with my “Guest book” I’m very thankful.
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