Just discussing things

-Mage-'s Avatar -Mage-10/7/14 3:58 am
1 emeralds 1.8k 11
10/7/2014 6:12 pm
-Mage-'s Avatar -Mage-
So guys, here are a few questions.
Do you hate Doctor who?
What are some things you enjoy, but are too embarrassed to tell you like?
(Don't worry, just random readers here, your mom won't see -,-)
Do think me, Mage, the most great and pow- er...-ouch. *rubs wound I just obtained from friend* What's your favorite part of PMC?
What's up? Like, seriously, how are you guys doing?
Guess who I am? Yeah, you probably think I'm an immature 10 year old sitting on her butt, at a computer desk, skipping math, and working on this paragraph of a forum post.
You're quite wrong. Just look at my account, and you'll see. Although I do have a problem with imaginary friends.
So, who are you?
Thanks guys, hope this gets conversation starters. >=D
Posted by -Mage-'s Avatar
Level 42 : Master Fox

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10/07/2014 5:23 am
Level 21 : Expert Engineer
NetworkPCE's Avatar
1.Never seen doctor who.

2. I enjoy developing websites, playing games and watching anime.

And i think you have a serious case of 8th graders syndrome. I recommend you visit some therapy before it gets out of hand
10/07/2014 6:20 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Button Pusher
SpeedUHC's Avatar
MagicTheifSo guys, here are a few questions.
Do you hate Doctor who?
What are some things you enjoy, but are too embarrassed to tell you like?
(Don't worry, just random readers here, your mom won't see -,-)
Do think me, Mage, the most great and pow- er...-ouch. *rubs wound I just obtained from friend* What's your favorite part of PMC?
Guess who I am? Yeah, you probably think I'm an immature 10 year old sitting on her butt, at a computer desk, skipping math, and working on this paragraph of a forum post.
You're quite wrong. Just look at my account, and you'll see. Although I do have a problem with imaginary friends.
So, who are you?
Thanks guys, hope this gets conversation starters. >=D

Um wat
10/07/2014 6:33 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Taco
ReversePlasmaX's Avatar
2nd: Rapping
3rd: My favorite part of PMC is topics like these.
4th: I'm trying to chill, but it's kind of spring here in Australia soooooo......
5th: You are a potato and i.....i am floating in the oxygen.
10/07/2014 6:44 am
Level 23 : Expert Mage
lactarius77's Avatar
1st: doctor who ftw! its awsome! how could anyone hate it???
Doctor: Mels? short for?
Amy's friend/Melody/Amy's daughter: Melody.
Amy: yeah, i named my daughter after her.
Doctor: you named your daughter... after your daughter.
2nd: idk...
3rd: chat and discussing stuff in the forums
4th: autumn! yay! no school!
5th: you are an internet ghost stealing people's souls and then eating them. you also have 4 hearts, and a heart storage for the hearts from the people you stole they're souls from. and i am a cyborg.
10/07/2014 1:24 pm
Level 42 : Master Fox
-Mage-'s Avatar
Well, I hate Doctor Who. So apparently, people can hate it.
Also, I have an annoying attraction to My Little Pony.
I think my favorite part is when people download and diamond, maybe even favorite my skins.
Skipping fourth question.
Actually, NetworkPCE, I'm not really what you think...-_-
I kind of fake my personality online, for the fun of it.
I'm almost 13, I enjoy reading, writing, and I enjoy language arts, in homework.
I don't talk much, and I'm not really that picky. I don't have any friends either...Haha.
Although on here, I probably look like a stupid kid who chatters her life away.
Yeah, I could see that. c=
Oops, I mean, I'm really a demon who sucks souls away. I currently have four souls.
10/07/2014 1:26 pm
Level 42 : Master Fox
-Mage-'s Avatar
MagicTheifSo guys, here are a few questions.
Do you hate Doctor who?
What are some things you enjoy, but are too embarrassed to tell you like?
(Don't worry, just random readers here, your mom won't see -,-)
Do think me, Mage, the most great and pow- er...-ouch. *rubs wound I just obtained from friend* What's your favorite part of PMC?
Guess who I am? Yeah, you probably think I'm an immature 10 year old sitting on her butt, at a computer desk, skipping math, and working on this paragraph of a forum post.
You're quite wrong. Just look at my account, and you'll see. Although I do have a problem with imaginary friends.
So, who are you?
Thanks guys, hope this gets conversation starters. >=D

Um wat

Well, I asked questions, maybe you could answer them? Only if you wish to.
10/07/2014 1:35 pm
Level 26 : Expert Cake
eccsdee's Avatar
Do you hate Doctor who?
... How can you hate Doctor Who?
What are some things you enjoy, but are too embarrassed to tell you like?
I think some Nickelback songs are okay.
Do think me, *Mage, the most great and pow- er...-ouch. *rubs wound I just obtained from friend*
*H_MAN_25 Yes
What's your favorite part of PMC?
What's up? Like, seriously, how are you guys doing?
Things are pretty crap, if I'm honest, but I hate attention seekers, so I'll leave it at that.
Guess who I am?
The wizard of Oz?
So, who are you?
The Infamous H_MAN_25
10/07/2014 1:44 pm
Level 42 : Master Fox
-Mage-'s Avatar
Hey, I'm Dorothy! >=O
Did you just make it back to Oz?
From the air balloon?
Were able to get to Kansas?
So many questions...Oh, sorry if you didn't get all those..-,-" I don't know if you've read the book or not.
10/07/2014 2:29 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Zombie
planetminecrafter52342's Avatar
Do you hate Doctor who?
Never seen doctor who yet, no opinion on it.

What are some things you enjoy, but are too embarrassed to tell you like?
- Nothing

Do think me, *Mage, the most great and pow- er...-ouch. *rubs wound I just obtained from friend*
Not sure what you're asking

What's your favorite part of PMC?
No idea.

What's up? Like, seriously, how are you guys doing?
- meh.

Guess who I am?
fluttershy in disguise?

So, who are you?
I am groot. I am groot. I am groot. I am groot. I am groot. I am groot. I am groot. I am groot.
10/07/2014 2:41 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Artist
I_am_INACTIVE's Avatar
Do i hate doctor who: No and yes I think it was an ok series but is now falling apart.

What are things i enjoy but to embarrassed to say?: well i like collecting comic books and cool figurines i just love arcade machines oh and i collect a thing called wacky packs they are a basically just cards that make fun of different games products and such.

my favorite part of pmc? interacting with people who have common interests as me.

who am I? I am 13,home-schooled,female. i like chocolate,anime,comicbooks,drawing,
reading playing my original xbox i have a slight over fascination with weapons such as guns swords knifes.and so thats all you need to know about me satisfied?
10/07/2014 6:12 pm
Level 42 : Master Fox
-Mage-'s Avatar
Yup. Perfectly. '3'
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