How does it feel having OP PC?

Neptune_Sage's Avatar Neptune_Sage11/29/15 6:39 am
11/30/2015 12:33 pm
Neptune_Sage's Avatar Neptune_Sage
Yeah, never had one nor did I ever play on one as all my friends are either no gamers or have a PC from early 2000s with specs that can barely run anything else than SA MP and CS 1.6 on barely stable FPS.

My "PC" specs:

Posted by Neptune_Sage's Avatar
Level 17 : Journeyman Hunter

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11/30/2015 12:31 pm
Level 47 : Master Button Pusher
Leeberator's Avatar
It feels good not having to worry about whether or not you can play a game at high/ultra settings. You just download it and play.
11/30/2015 12:33 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Hunter
Neptune_Sage's Avatar
Well I hope one day I see the light of more "modern" gaming world.
11/30/2015 11:15 am
She/Her • Level 58 : Grandmaster Grump Pokemon
Azie's Avatar
Now for something ON TOPIC (let's keep things that way or this thread will be locked and I'll start handing out warnings to people derailing this thread), it's great. My PC is due for an upgrade and some cleaning as I've seen a performance drop, but when I bought it 2 years ago, it was amazing. Running everything on Ultra, blazing fast boot times... I still run the latest titles on medium without many performance issues, which is super. Just don't want something to come out and be running it on low or not be able to run it at all.
11/30/2015 12:14 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Hunter
Neptune_Sage's Avatar
Thank you Azie for keeping this post on topic!
11/30/2015 2:01 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Hunter
Neptune_Sage's Avatar
So any actual stories on how is it to have OP PC?
11/30/2015 6:00 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Paladin
Rossky's Avatar
It's awesome at first, like getting something for christmas. You're all over how better things are compared to before. More and stable framerates, less stutterting, faster rendering, shorter loading times (if at all), boot to your desktop within a couple of seconds, near silent operation, bla bla bla...
In the end, while you know it's great and probably worth the money spent, you just get used to it. It doesnt make it a bad thing... it's just not as special anymore.
11/29/2015 1:29 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Paladin
Rossky's Avatar
To clear some apparently existing confusion here : shortcuts work by the way of having a target file that they lead to when being clicked. you can even see where the shortcut leads to by right clicking it and look at it's properties.
Naturally, a shortcut wouldn't work on other computers because the path it would have to take to find the same file on the other PC is not matching with yours.
They're not copies of the files, just provide a "shortcut" (duh). Instead of digging through the folders, the shortcut does that for you when clicking it. That's all.
11/29/2015 1:36 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Hunter
Neptune_Sage's Avatar
I like PMC logic lol. From "OP PC" went to talking about shortcuts and how they work/are used for.
11/29/2015 7:07 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Paladin
Rossky's Avatar
I've seen worse changes in subject on the forums
11/29/2015 9:23 am
Level 38 : Artisan Architect
LastGhost's Avatar
Well, the Pc I`m playing on isn`t really good with 4 Gbs of Ram, but I still run on 90 fps with optifine sometimes. Even on games like Minestrike on Mineplex, I even got 175 fps...
11/29/2015 9:16 am
Level 72 : Legendary Nerd
Irish's Avatar
Great, though you become a bit of a nitpick when it comes to not having 60FPS+ when using Ultra settings in triple A games.
11/29/2015 8:40 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Paladin
Rossky's Avatar
You start to notice poor console ports. That's how it feels.
11/29/2015 9:06 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Nerd
BananaInCharge's Avatar
Sometimes you will spot a poor console port with a lower end PC with logical processors than consoles. You spot when a developer has literally just ported it to PC without optimising for PCs and the fact that they have fewer better cores than an Xbone or PS4.
11/29/2015 10:59 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Paladin
Rossky's Avatar
My friend gifted me Spliter Cell : Conviction on Steam a year ago and asked me to play the co-op with him. I'm a huge fan of such games but never played one on PC. Back then, I had a GTX 680 in my PC and the game ran at somewhat playable frame rates. At some places tho, and I am not talking about the huge action-packed-effects-flying-everywhere-places, the game drops to like 10 fps.
This year I upgraded to an AMD FuryX and he upgraded to a Nvidia GTX 980Ti and we played again. Same problem. It drops to literally SINGLE DIGITS.
11/29/2015 8:19 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Batman
Tabbin's Avatar
I have a decent computer, (fx 8320, 750ti, 8 gigs of ddr ram) and Its pretty good. I get a average of 300 ish on vanilla and 350 with optifine. I could probably optimize it a bit more to reach 500 though. In terms of general browsing Its very useful because I can do things like multitasking because I have 2 monitors.

Also Josephpica theirs a edit button mate.
11/29/2015 7:22 am
Level 42 : Master Pixel Painter
JozyP's Avatar
Oh, yeah, and never use short cuts, especially on the desktop. If you use them, use them in the one place where they should stay: the tool bar.
11/29/2015 9:09 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Hunter
Neptune_Sage's Avatar
Shortcuts are there to be what they are named "shortcuts". They do not take up and memory and all and do not slow down PC.
11/29/2015 10:24 am
Level 42 : Master Pixel Painter
JozyP's Avatar
Figure out what happens when you attempt to backup a shortcut onto another computer. Also, when you have shortcuts every where it just makes the computer messier and mskes things harder to find.
11/29/2015 8:09 pm
Level 22 : Expert Crafter
Killertoad's Avatar
You don't backup shortcuts. Shortcuts are just direct addresses to your file locations. And it may make it harder for you, but it doesn't affect performance.
11/29/2015 12:47 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Hunter
Neptune_Sage's Avatar
Now tell me what would make me back up a shortcut to another computer when I can transfer whole folder instead with everything packed right in it? Or just zip folder to conserve even more space.

Don't worry, just because I do not have gamer friends or friends with OP PC and a bad PC my self doesn't mean I do not know how to backup my work or transfer files from one PC to another, that wasn't even a topic here, also I go to IT school if you didn't notice VS 2014 and SQL manager, I am very organised when you go into my HDD.

As for what you mentioned, hard to find? Even thou it doesn't look like I have my things named so how I need them so if I need to find something quickly I just press corresponding letter and it brings me to that files or show me where it is.

Oh and one more thing, for someone something messy is their clean. Same goes for my room, its messy, but no one but me knows where is where, same with my laptop.
11/29/2015 7:20 am
Level 42 : Master Pixel Painter
JozyP's Avatar
Almost anyone can have an OP pc. I get around 30 fps on Minecraft without optifine, 60 fps with optifine, to a certain degree I can run smoothly with a modpack that has 100+ mods, my computer is from 2012 and its a laptop. The reason it is related fast is because there is almost nothing running in the apps section of the task manager and almost all the files are neatly arranged. Keep your computer organized and delete everything you don't need anymore. (Then erase it from the recycling bin). Uninstall programs that you installed but you don't use anymore. And also, check for suspicious software. These can be viruses. From the pics I see, your computer is not clean... At all.
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