Extraterrestrial Life

Hinduism's Avatar Hinduism6/18/13 8:50 pm
6/18/2013 10:04 pm
Hinduism's Avatar Hinduism
Hey PMC!

Extraterrestrial life is controversial. Many believe that it is improbable to say that aliens to do not exist, others totally deny the research because of their religion.

There is an estimated four hundred billion planets in our galaxy alone. The Hubble Space Telescope estimated that there were about 125 billion galaxies.

125,000,000,000 x 10,000,000,000,000 = 4,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

With that many planets (estimated) do you really think that our planet, Earth, is the only planet with life?

The Copernican principle states that the Earth does not occupy a unique position in the universe. Saying that there are many planets like the Earth, and some planets are definitely more advanced.

The Universe is said to be 13.7 billion years old. Let's say that life starting popping up at about one billion years after the Big Bang Theory, if so, that would give other life 12.7 billion years of time before us, assuming that they did not go extinct.

The Kepler space telescope is finding planets like Earth at this very moment. Some are: Kepler 69-c , Kepler 62, and the Kepler 69.

We are on the brink to discovering alien life, what do you think?
Posted by Hinduism's Avatar
Level 10 : Journeyman Explorer

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06/18/2013 9:48 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Blockhead
Woodilicious's Avatar
If they developed nuclear weapons, did they use it for help or harm?

For all we know only on in a trillion planets have life.

(Don't mean to correct a mod, but oh well! )
1. People on Earth don't even use nuclear weapons for help. They're only used for threats and defense if the enemies shoot them at us. (Not to be racist or stereotypical, but we all know who I'm talking about, by "Enemies.") Also, the United States and Russia, together, have enough nuclear weapons to destroy Earth over 50 times. Why do they need that much power? To threaten weaker nations.

2. One in a trillion planet have life...
4,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000/1,000,000,000,000= 4 Trillion
That's still 4 Trillion planet that have life. (According to what you said.)

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Off topic, but why am I so "Mathy" today? First I made a thread about inaccurate nuke mods, and gave the number of TNT blocks it would take to make an explosion the size of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. Now I'm doing an estimate on how many planets in the Universe have life.

Also, if there was more life, it could be as basic as bacteria, to as advanced as cyborg robot aliens who shoot lasers out of their eyes, can teleport,and breathe fire, with Internet in their brains. (That escalated quickly...)
06/18/2013 9:47 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Zombie
UndeadGaming606's Avatar
I find it impossible that we're the only planet that has ANY life at all. However, I think that possibly our planet got life earlier than most other planets because, I believe Mars has some microscopic life on it which either means Mars got life earlier than us and advanced life died off or we got life earlier than Mars. I think we got life earlier, though, because we don't find many planets that can support life.
Now, I am not completed with school so you may know something that makes my theory completely wrong.
06/18/2013 9:50 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Modder
MadeBySix's Avatar
Really it's just a matter of distance. There's no way to know whether we got life first or not. We find quite a few planets that can support life, but they're all so ridiculously far away that we can't get a close enough look. All we can say is that the universe existed for around 10 billion years before the Earth did, so there's a good chance that in that time a different planet had life. The Universe was old enough when the Earth was formed that thousands of civilisations could have already risen way past where we are, reached the stars, then collapsed into nothing. We'd never even know. It's kind of humbling when you think of it like that.

One in a trillion planet have life...
4,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000/1,000,000,000,000= 4 Trillion
That's still 4 Trillion planet that have life. (According to what you said.)

You're right, and that's an incredible number. It's also not an unlikely number, so it's amazing when you think that there could be that much life right under our noses. But then you take a step back, and realise that finding the right 4 trillion planets amongst a sea of 4,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 planets is like finding a needle in a haystack. They could be there. But how would we ever know, with odds like that?
06/18/2013 9:28 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
Jetra's Avatar
While I agree that, yes, there are a lot of stars and planets out there, you're forgetting the key component and that is Drake'a Equation.


Basically, it's just a guide to how many planets might have life on them. There is no real answer, but serves as a focus for when searching for life on other planets. I believe in this equation, but I want to point out some key factors.

If there was life, surely it's first goal would be to survive, correct? How do we know that they didn't blow themselves up? Take into consideration that our fastest time to the next planet is some 18 months. There are a number of things to think about when searching for life

1) If they developed nuclear weapons, did they use it for help or harm?

2) Was there a star nearby that might have prevented them from achieving colonization due to solar flares or maybe supernovas?

3) Can the planet support life?

So far as to our knowledge, very few extrasolar planets meet these requirements. I am not saying that we are alone in the universe, but seeing life is a very, very small chance. For all we know only on in a trillion planets have life.

It is the belief that there is life outside of our own little blue and green marble that moves the space program forward. If there is life, It is 1) Very sturdy and 2) Probably more advanced than we can possibly comprehend.
06/18/2013 9:16 pm
He/Him • Level 61 : High Grandmaster Turtle Paladin
Palaeos's Avatar
I'd like to ask why every topic you post seems to be something extremely controversial, likely to start a flame war, or in the very least has very little to do with minecraft. Not mad at you per se, just wondering due to the frequency, if it was a huge issue I'd lock rather than asking this.

Also, to be on topic:
06/18/2013 9:15 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Prince
Summertime's Avatar
06/18/2013 9:06 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Dragon
Famousie0's Avatar
well i think that aliens do exist... just not the "take us to your leader " type aliens. aliens would mean another life form on another planet. to say that there's no other life anywhere in the galaxy, that's just kinda ridiculous
06/18/2013 8:59 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
MegaLolligagger's Avatar
So, upon your assumption that the big bang theory is correct, you have deduced that it would be likely to have more planets with life on them.
BUT it your big bang theory falls apart so does the rest of your speculation.

I can pretty much guarantee you (for reasons I don't feel like explaining right now) that, by the time you are dead and gone, life on other planets will not be discovered.

Also I doubt most people can fully comprehend the numbers you threw up.
06/18/2013 10:04 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Explorer
Hinduism's Avatar
Even if the Big Bang Theory is false, the Universe is still proven to be billions of years old.
06/18/2013 9:02 pm
Level 27 : Expert Ninja
_Shadow_Lord122's Avatar
The big bang did not happen....

06/18/2013 8:56 pm
Level 48 : Master Technomancer
ThatsMyPickaxe's Avatar
I think that aliens do, in fact exist. With such a high probability, there's little way to prove or disprove it.

EDIT: Also, Jake, this is in the "General discussion section, non-MC related things are up for talk here.
06/18/2013 8:55 pm
Level 27 : Expert Ninja
_Shadow_Lord122's Avatar
Of cause there are other "Beings" in the galaxies because it would be just plain boring if we were the only ones in this world. So Peace out and keep exploring all thees possibility.
06/18/2013 8:55 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
Awesome_Jake's Avatar
What does this have to do with minecraft? Also if there are aliens it's likely that they don't have the technology to travel through space and that those planets are just populated with animals, not an advanced race like humans.

Also wether aliens are real or not real the stories people say where they saw a ufo are bull shit

p.s. You stated in this post "do you really think that earth is the only planet WITHOUT life? (wat)
06/18/2013 9:06 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Explorer
Hinduism's Avatar
Ohh Jake...xD.....You call us advanced? We are probably like bacteria compared to the advanced civilizations. I am not talking about UFO's, because I do not truly believe that they have visited Earth.
06/18/2013 9:13 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
MegaLolligagger's Avatar
I am interested in knowing what your logic is behind assuming this, you are basing all of your assumtions on what you believe, not necessarily what is fact.
It is not a fact that the earth is several billion years old, nor is it a fact that life exists on other planets.
Although, when it comes down to it, everything is based on what you believe, so I will agree to disagree with you, and that's all.
06/18/2013 9:38 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Modder
MadeBySix's Avatar
A more accurate statement would be 'there are possibly civilisations out there more advanced than our own, there are possibly creatures our there less advanced than us. Without observing them, we can't know"

However, going back to your first post, whether you believe the big bang theory to be correct is distinctly immaterial. The fact is, through simple observation, we can confirm there to be billions of planets. It isn't assumption, it is simply estimating based on the observable universe that there are quite clearly billions upon billions of other planets out there, and statistically speaking when you're dealing with those kind of numbers it's more likely that there is other life than isn't.

It is, by the way, an easily confirmed scientific fact that the Earth is billions of years old. This isn't about what you believe or what I believe or what the OP believes. You may choose to believe otherwise and that's your choice, but the Earth certainly is billions of years old.

But you're right. We can't say that it's a fact that there is extraterrestrial life out there. It certainly could be fact, but until we know one way or the other, we can't say it is.
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