Debate #1 - Do School's Have The Right To Search Lockers?

SourC00kie's Avatar SourC00kie12/22/11 3:12 pm
1 emeralds 1.2k 79
12/24/2011 11:38 am
Hawkken's Avatar Hawkken
I thought I would add some fun to the forums by having a daily if not weekly debate topic.

The first one I chose to do was, do school's have the rights to search student's lockers?

I say yes. The lockers are on school property and usually teachers/administrators only search lockers if they feel that something is wrong with it. It helps with the safety of the students and to insure nothing is wrong on school grounds.

Post your answers and then describe why you chose it. At the end of the day, or week, I will tally up the amount of yes's and no's, and say which side won.

Again, this is just a fun debate topic, no need for any types of flaming based off of a user's opinion.
Posted by SourC00kie's Avatar
Retired Moderator
Level 45 : Master Blob

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12/23/2011 4:13 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
thewatermeloncult's Avatar
I don't think that police should be allowed to search lockers without some kind of valid reason. Our school used to do random searches but they stopped because it was an invasion of privacy. I agree. I know that at least in Canada it's illegal to do this.
12/23/2011 3:58 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Archer
starboyncj's Avatar
yes they do, you dont own the locker the school does
12/23/2011 3:56 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Network
BandwidthSlayer's Avatar
12/23/2011 3:46 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Network
BandwidthSlayer's Avatar
I disagree. You want the school reading letters your BF/GF sent you?
12/23/2011 3:28 pm
Level 21 : Expert Network
Evans's Avatar
I agree, but I don't think you should go searching lockers if there's nothing suspicious. Like... if you smell drugs in a hallway, you should search the lockers. But I still think at the end of every month/term teachers should inspect lockers to see of there's any illegal substances in them. (My school doesn't do that)
12/24/2011 10:32 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Toast
quackers224's Avatar
How would they know what drugs smelled like?
12/24/2011 10:50 am
Level 26 : Expert Miner
Excision's Avatar
12/23/2011 3:20 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Miner
Caljoones's Avatar
Ywah ther're school property so why not? (I'm homeschooled LOL)
12/23/2011 3:14 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Artist
Aus_'s Avatar
Yes, schools have the right to search lockers, and have the right to obstract their property from them. As on School grounds, it is their property, the student doesn't own it.
12/23/2011 2:40 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
Zaresto's Avatar
No, I believe that a administrator or teacher should not be able to search the locker of one of their students. Even if the student is suspected of owning illegal goods, it should be the work of a police officer or detective to actually search the locker. If there is a specific item that is barred from school property, like gum, and the teacher suspects that the student is hiding it in their locker, then the student should first be talked to and then told to open his locker if further inspection is needed. The teachers shouldn't be rummaging around in there while the students don't know about it.
12/23/2011 2:43 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Guard
esoomytefasgone's Avatar
See my post on the previous page, it talks about "Searching without students knowing"
12/23/2011 2:25 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Modder
goducks55's Avatar
If the locker was the property of the student then it would be unconstitutional, but since it belongs to the school they have every right to search it.
12/23/2011 2:19 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
janitorguy's Avatar
Yea sure. The students don't technically even own the lockers, it's school property. That said if it they searched a locker but found something personal to the student that wasnt illegal they shouldn't be able to confiscate it.
12/23/2011 2:14 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Geek
IcookiezHD's Avatar
We actually have to pay £10 for a locker and £5 for a key so fuck them!
12/23/2011 2:11 pm
Level 40 : Master Demolitionist
gooberboy11's Avatar
I say Yes because what if someone brings a gun to school and shoots someone like Police,Teachers/Adminastrator And even Parents students.If I was a parent and my child died because someone brong a gun i would sew the persons parents (Etc Etc)

I just wish there is peace BUT sadley no
12/23/2011 1:54 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Archer
teh_p00n's Avatar
Yes they deserve to look through the lockers.This kid hated me and wannted me dead he brought a gun in and pointed it at me(TIME FOR MY KARATE) i ducked i used my elbow into he back of his elbow breaking his arm and took the gun disarmed it a threw it over he fence.Then i was called the badass :3
12/23/2011 1:46 pm
Level 26 : Expert Narwhal
crazyazey12's Avatar
The infuriating thing is at my school we are not allowed any form of fizzy drink, so I will be happily sipping a coke, then put it my bag and some fat old bloke will come up to me and take it out of my bag and dump it in the bin, I am just like " the hell you doing, I paid for that "

But on topic I agree with searching lockers, not bags.
12/23/2011 1:59 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Guard
esoomytefasgone's Avatar
if you close your bag and he opens it to remove it without your permission, its actually a crime. If the bag is open, thus the bottle is in plain site, he can remove it. Keep the bag closed and he cant do anything about it. If he does he can be taken to court.
12/23/2011 2:06 pm
Level 26 : Expert Narwhal
crazyazey12's Avatar
Yeah I guess but he is just some fat cleaner, I bet he gets it out of the bin and drinks a lunch break
12/23/2011 8:39 am
Level 27 : Expert Miner
anonpmc52215's Avatar
12/23/2011 7:16 am
Level 21 : Expert Explorer
Luthery's Avatar
U nu 0pen mah' l0ck7r, br0! u diah!
12/23/2011 7:15 am
Level 22 : Expert Taco
GamerzNL's Avatar
I think its not, but on our school they do it.

In the Christmas vacation they check the lockers for illegal fireworks and drugs and such.
One year ago they found in one locker like 3 illegal firework bombs and some mariuhana and 600 euro. That kid is kicked from school and I've heard that he even started a whole new life in Germany, he used to live in the Netherlands!
12/23/2011 7:13 am
Level 23 : Expert Miner
Emma5000's Avatar
When something was lost in our school (Must have been pretty important, phones and money get lost all the time.) people came round to the class rooms and told us to empty our bags. It took ages to get everything back in mine. D:
12/23/2011 7:06 am
Level 36 : Artisan Architect
Doomgekkie's Avatar
I think, yes
They have the right, because you only lend the lockers, you don't own them, and they only search them if they think you got illegal stuff in there.
So yes, they have the right.
12/23/2011 7:00 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Cake
wenterboy's Avatar
Obviously they can search lockers. Dumb kids bring crap to school . Weapons Drugs and such
12/23/2011 6:54 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Goblin
Hawkken's Avatar
Hawkkendepends which county your in. In america they need a warrant-per-locker so no.

No they dont. And even if they did, it is common to sign a form out at the beginning of the year that basically automatically makes you agree to random searches.

by law, you have the right to disagree and refuse to sign the form, so it kinda defeats the point
12/22/2011 11:00 pm
Level 40 : Master Droid
number1_Master's Avatar
yes, what if they have cigars, or alcohol ... and plus its not even their property, its the schools
12/22/2011 11:05 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Miner
heartshapedBox's Avatar
I agree.

Btw, a bit off topic, but, can I use your sig in my sig?
12/22/2011 11:13 pm
Level 40 : Master Droid
number1_Master's Avatar
ask Cyprezz, hes the one who made it
12/22/2011 10:58 pm
Level 40 : Master Dolphin
trenty43's Avatar
i agree because if you have certain things in your locker like a weapon of some kind the office should know about it, because it could endanger the life of another student or teacher.
12/22/2011 10:57 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Miner
heartshapedBox's Avatar
Nice to know, Moose. I guess that's why your name is SafetyMoose.
12/22/2011 10:44 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Guard
esoomytefasgone's Avatar
I'm going by what the cops can do here and what we are trained to know. School staff will follow similar rules under the law.

1.) They can search the locker because its their property BUT they cannot search your bag or any other closed case if it is inside the locker unless there is an item inside it in plain site.

2.) They can ask you to open the bag and search it but you do not have to comply.

3.) Your school resource officer or another police officer can search your bag if.
- They have probable cause
- Found an illegal item in the locker or around the bag itself (Ioutside open pockets)
- Permission is granted by a parent (Only for those under 16)
- A court issued warrant is provided
- You are deemed an immediate safety to risk to the people around you in the school (Related to the first point)

4.) if a school says you signed something giving them access to your bags, unless your parents also signed this, your signature is not valid if you signed it under the age of 16. As anyone under 16 can not legally sign a binding contract without the witness of a parent / guardian.

5.) The school cannot conduct locker searches without a written notice to all students, parents and staff.
Creeper Hugs U
12/22/2011 10:31 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Pixel Puncher
Creeper Hugs U's Avatar
I live in Australia and we just carry everything in our bags. My school is kinda derro and it got mostly destroyed in Cyclone Yasi (at the start of the year). But there are alot of bad eggs in my school- a fair few of them smoke and alot drink- Some students have drugs in their bags and some have knifes sometimes.....
But they never get caught except for the very rare occasion that someone does get caught for something EVERYONE and i mean everyone knows about it within less than an hour ( considereing its only a school of around 500 :/ )
But still in America where like some of you have said that " a kid bought a gun to school" that'd be fuggin scary!!!
12/22/2011 10:13 pm
Level 20 : Expert Pirate
Bleyd's Avatar
As just about everyone already said, the staff at a school has the right to search something that is on their property at any time, especially if they suspect the presence of weapons or contraband. If kids want privacy, they can keep their private possessions at home instead of storing them in a public place under someone else's jurisdiction.

That being said, this topic is incredibly weak - practically everybody already knows the answer before they finish reading the first post. Bring more daring ones next time that actually propose a challenge to the reader's mind, making them compare other viewpoints and question their own ethics. Correct your use of apostrophes as well.
12/22/2011 10:13 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
XxkgorxX99's Avatar
12/22/2011 9:53 pm
Level 49 : Master uwu
Jack's Avatar
The school owns the lockers, you want a locker, you should expect a random inspection at any point in your school life.

if you don't want something to be found, don't take it to school or keep it on your persons (yourself) and then it won't be found by a locker search.

I for one fully agree that schools should have the right to search lockers if they feel the need to do so. They would do this to ensure the safety and well being of all the students at the school, all you who have disagreed with this point, think about this (this is a tiny made up snippet):

A young man walks into school and goes to his locker, he sticks his bag inside, locks the locker and casually walks to class. When class is over he returns to his locker and knowing the school cannot search his locker, he knew the weapon would still be safe and concealed, so he pulled out the gun and turned facing a hall full of students and what happened next is too graphic to tell.

So all those who disagreed, read that and tell me if it made you think twice about your decision?
12/22/2011 5:18 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Pokemon
gmng24's Avatar
I don't think schools should be allowed to search lockers, everyone has a right to privacy. But my school brought in drug sniffing dogs the other day, in my opinion that is ok.
12/22/2011 9:45 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Miner
heartshapedBox's Avatar
Did the dogs look scary?
12/22/2011 5:17 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Musician
Team_Subspace's Avatar
For me, this could go either way. let me express both sides:

YES: Well first of all, if you come from a school like my old middle school, there's always the suspicion that there's drugs/knives/etc... I mean, a kid was stabbed once according the the deputy (not sure if she still works there, as it's been a few years since I went there). Would you want to feel safe at school or have to worry about possibly being in danger because of a kid who decides to snap, then hide the weapon in his/her locker.

NO: Well first of all, it's an invasion of property. Secondly, say, for example there's nothing wrong, then a kid lies and says somebody stole something that belongs to them (has happened plenty of times) and is like "IDUNNO GUISE, METHINKS HE STOLED IT HERP HERP" and points at the innocent kid. Now not only is there false suspicion, but now the whole gym class is held in the locker room, making you tardy to class (and if you go to a school like mine, they don't take anything, two tardies and you get in-school suspension) and in the end, it would be a useless search for something that probably wasn't allowed at school in the first place (like iPods at mine). This also relates back to point #1 - well what if an iPod is claimed to be stolen and one IS found in the suspect's locker, bit it actually belongs to said suspect?

Just take those into consideration, I really can't take a side on this one xD
12/22/2011 5:12 pm
Level 28 : Expert Dragonborn
KCUROV's Avatar
ConquerSchools should be able to search lockers.
It's on school property and students hide loads of illegal stuff in there.
(my quick answer =P)

12/22/2011 5:01 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Toast
quackers224's Avatar
They have the right to search student's lockers, as previously stated, it is their property, so they have the right to search lockers.

Also, one time in school someone brought a bag of parsley and told everyone it was drugs, The school police officer arrested him, and he got expelled,
12/22/2011 4:52 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Dolphin
sparpvp's Avatar
^^^ Same ^^^
12/22/2011 4:49 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Demolitionist
EvilBiscuit's Avatar
In my school, we don't even have lockers, which really sucks, you have to carry everything around withyou all day, and on PE days (physical education/gymnastics) the bag is twice as heavy, not cool.

But, I think that the teacher should have the rights to look in others lockers, afterall they are renting, not giving it to you and it improves school safety ,if they suspect something i guess they can look in your locker with a valid excuse of doing so, i wonder wat wud happen if some teacher got cought looking around peoples lockers at brake cause he was 'bored'
12/24/2011 11:38 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Goblin
Hawkken's Avatar
same, only seniors get lockers (S5-6)
12/22/2011 4:46 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Mountaineer
BusyChris's Avatar
Well if you got nothing to hide then what's the problem?
But a little problem about this happened to me a couple weeks ago...
They were looking for this girls locker when i was getting stuff out of mine then they asked me if i could describe them, i did. So then I'm walking back to class with my backpack (school was almost over). then i need a drink from the fountain, look back up and there searching through MY locker, just to make things less awkward i left for class fast. But in my opinion that's when it's not alright to search through lockers. Otherwise there's not much of a problem.
12/22/2011 4:31 pm
Level 24 : Expert Architect
deatheos222's Avatar
ya some fat chick who helps speacil ed kids took my coke can sayed we cant have them at school then sat at the table across from me and drank it
12/22/2011 4:42 pm
Level 27 : Expert Miner
anonpmc52215's Avatar
12/22/2011 4:45 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Miner
heartshapedBox's Avatar
It's not just your school o_o.
12/22/2011 4:27 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Miner
Kakashi101's Avatar
They have no right to take my can's of coke out of my locker >:(
12/22/2011 4:30 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Toast
SoulStealer's Avatar
Lol , At my school they can only search if they suspect something illegal.
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