Creepy experiences? (In general, gaming and real life)

Aegeah's Avatar Aegeah8/8/14 1:39 pm
8/12/2014 9:25 pm
Skeltal's Avatar Skeltal
I wanted to start this topic because of something that happened to me today actually.

I was walking out of a summer workshop campus, when all of a sudden these two guys (who were probably a couple years older than me) started walking after me, saying "Hey Sarah!! Sarah!" (My name isn't Sarah, so I could tell they weren't proper stalkers). I just kept walking and kept trying to just look ahead and ignore them, when all of a sudden one of the guys puts his arm around me (Don't worry, seriously, I didn't get hurt or anything ._.) and starts trying to talk to me more. I didn't try to run or anything, I just started to pretend I didn't speak English... It worked o-O, welsh for the win, i owe my friend for telling me all that welsh, but yeah, it creeped me out, I'm not even sure how I kept my cool and didn't slap him, as much as I wanted to lol.

So yeah! What about you guys? Any creepy things that ever happened to you (Either in real life or in game)?
Posted by Aegeah's Avatar
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Fisherman

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08/12/2014 9:25 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Princess
Skeltal's Avatar
YaminiaMy mother has a paranormal podcast where she goes to historical places and investigates. In short, I go sometimes, I got invited to one three years ago.

The place was an old plantation from Civil war time and a lot of the slaves and owners were buried near there. We sit down at a place to have a session where we put out a radio on static, turn a recorder on, and ask questions to see if any spirits are listening. We get to one guy and we ask questions and seem to be getting more activity than others and I all of a sudden feel my neck and shoulders go absolutely stone cold. I wear jackets almost anywhere I go, even in the summer when this happened.

As if that wasn't bad enough, on the way back, my mum's friend swears on the goddess' that she saw something glowing on the side of the building that we were at.

My mum actually got some really good EVPs from the place is the scariest part.

In case anyone is wondering,an EVP is Electronic voice phenomena (EVP) are sounds found on electronic recordings which resemble speech, but are not the result of intentional recording or rendering. EVP are commonly found in recordings with static, stray radio transmissions, and background noise.
08/12/2014 7:00 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Scribe
Yaminia's Avatar
My mother has a paranormal podcast where she goes to historical places and investigates. In short, I go sometimes, I got invited to one three years ago.

The place was an old plantation from Civil war time and a lot of the slaves and owners were buried near there. We sit down at a place to have a session where we put out a radio on static, turn a recorder on, and ask questions to see if any spirits are listening. We get to one guy and we ask questions and seem to be getting more activity than others and I all of a sudden feel my neck and shoulders go absolutely stone cold. I wear jackets almost anywhere I go, even in the summer when this happened.

As if that wasn't bad enough, on the way back, my mum's friend swears on the goddess' that she saw something glowing on the side of the building that we were at.

My mum actually got some really good EVPs from the place is the scariest part.
08/12/2014 6:46 pm
Level 43 : Master Spider Rider
SpiderMatty's Avatar
Click to reveal
It was 3:00 AM

2 months ago my sister told me the Jeff the Killer creepypasta then she went to sleep everything was put up and I was gonna go to sleep then I heard stomping from downstairs after that I heard people discussing something then I heard my garage door open and no more sounds happened.... Now everyone is gonna say "FAKE" on my thing I bet!
08/12/2014 6:17 pm
Level 22 : Expert Creeper
xfirestormxx's Avatar
to everyone saying my post was a fake on Page 6.

Pls, did u even read the last line?
"and then i woke up"

08/12/2014 12:11 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
fruggernuter's Avatar
once when i was like.... 5 IDK

i saw a white ghostly figure go behind the RV in my back yard (still here today) i followed it and there was nothing......

also recently i SWEAR! i saw herobrine (NOT A HOAX I LEGIT QUIT THE GAME FOR A WEEK!) i was mining on my world for 14Wsomthing or anotherB and i saw WHITE EYES IT THE DARK! i put a torch and there was nothing......................
08/12/2014 12:09 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Network
Kingdomapbuilder's Avatar
I woke up in the middle of the night a couple years ago, and I saw a large, white figure hovering in the middle of the room, and dancing... I quickly ran to the door, (I had to turn away from it to get to the door) and when I looked back, it was still there.. I opened the door to my room and ran out...

My mom had a similar experience where she saw a floating white figure run across the yard...
08/12/2014 11:49 am
Level 25 : Expert Pirate
FunkyKong's Avatar
One day I read "Jeff the Killer," and then tried to go to sleep.

There was also the time I was watching a Rob Dyke video with my headphones on, and creepy noises started coming from all around me. I know that's just something my headphones can do, but the noises were creepy, so I was pretty freaked out
08/12/2014 11:34 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Network
ABCS7's Avatar
1. Sometimes, out of the corner of my eye, I see shadowy figures, humanoid. When I try to look in that direction, they are gone.

2. When I am outside, I might randomly hear a rustling, somebody brush past me, or just feel a presence, like I am not alone. Ghosts???

3. One time, randomly, my right arm was paralyzed for no reason whatsoever. It only lasted like thirty seconds, and the entire time my senses were distorted and confused.

My life is pretty weird!
08/12/2014 9:40 am
Level 29 : Expert Pixel Painter
UgyDucking's Avatar
I don't get scared
08/12/2014 11:03 am
Level 37 : Artisan Princess
Dialga's Avatar
OBJECTION (insert the sound from phoenix wright here) no man is without fear, say you were teleported into a velociraptor nest, you would defecate bricks
08/12/2014 11:25 am
Level 29 : Expert Pirate
HassanPCMR's Avatar
Finally someone who likes phoenix wright!
08/12/2014 10:33 am
Level 36 : Artisan Ninja
DatFox's Avatar
You sure
08/12/2014 9:36 am
Level 36 : Artisan Ninja
DatFox's Avatar
I was on the way home in a bus when I got a text, some guy said "Can I borrow your phone" I said no, since I didn't know them and it's brand new, I don't want it nicked or anything and I had my guitar with me, he asked me if I knew how to play and if I can.. he then asked me where I live?
08/12/2014 9:08 am
Level 38 : Artisan Modder
Calm_Hawk's Avatar
I thought this was appropriate for this thread http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NUTGr5t3MoY
08/12/2014 8:02 am
Level 37 : Artisan Princess
Dialga's Avatar
Last night I could hear my sister laughing. I go into her room, dead silence apart from her snoring. It also sounded like the shower was on, but the only shower is next to my room and nobody went in. Odd but I ignore. Then I hear voices like my parents (they are both dead.) i flipped. I ended up getting out my phone and watching uberhaxornova's videos to keep me calm. I think my parents are haunting me O.o
08/12/2014 9:14 am
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Terraformer
Reer123's Avatar
08/11/2014 6:24 pm
Level 71 : Legendary Pixel Painter
XyaMorph's Avatar
Once, me and my family where visiting some relatives. They live in a quite big flat but it still lacked enough beds so me and my brother had to share one in my cousins old room when it was time to sleep. In the middle of the night, i awoke only to find someone entering the room with a flashlight. I didn't say a word, just pretended to sleep as the person with flashlight searched around in a closet that stood next to the bed. Suddenly, the person with flashlight left and everything was back to normal.

Thinking back to it, it might have been my cousin trying to get some stuff from his closet without wanting to accidentally waking us up, it was pretty scary when i excperienced it though.
08/11/2014 6:09 pm
Level 33 : Artisan uwu
Ashfur4ever's Avatar
II was frustrated, and I yelled ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? and a voice came through my head phones "Are you ok? " and im like O.o
It freaked me out so much....
08/11/2014 6:02 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
Katniss212's Avatar
I mean, nothing creepy really happened. Just once in minecraft, there must have been a bug or something. Playing just reg survival, and saw gold or diamond colors (in mc of course) in the corner of the screen. Might've been something, it wasn't a big deal, but thats it.
08/10/2014 9:55 pm
Level 36 : Artisan uwu
snail-shroom's Avatar
Why am I reading this when I'm about to go to bed ;~;
08/10/2014 9:51 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
MrZIGGS's Avatar
08/10/2014 9:25 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Skinner
Lilyrawr's Avatar
The ones i can remember are:

I kept hearing tapping on my window o_O turns out it was my cat itching right next to the window.

I had a weird dream about marrying the devil while I was screaming.

I hear voices of my parents arguing sometimes. I think I'm paranoid o-o
08/10/2014 9:03 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Artist
_Minestar_'s Avatar
-Door closing, not windy day
-A couple of piano notes, no one in room
Yeah that sort of normal thing... that's it really
08/10/2014 8:58 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Princess
Skeltal's Avatar
I once was in school in math class,I was sitting with one of my friends in the table,then I heard a screaming outside and shot the window a look,then I looked back at my friend with a face that said: "Did you hear that too?" then he gave me a facial expression that said: "Yeah,I heard it too!"

I'm starting to think that school was haunted...
it used to be an accounting place,and in the cafeteria there was this crack on the window that looked like a rock made it,but it was a window pane that's not supposed to break,and I started to think if it was a bullet that made the crack.

Probably some people were murdered and their ghosts haunt the school.

Also I heard that some kids were taken away in a Lock-down: (Turn of all the lights because of intruders.) and were never seen again,I hope those aren't the ghosts of the kids that were taken away from their parents,good thing I'm not going to the school again.
08/10/2014 4:08 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Artist
DuskRaine's Avatar
It Happened about a year ago, I was staying is a cabin in the woods at a lake with a bunch if my friends and my mom. Every night Their was a campfire with a bunch of the other cabins. On the second night, my friend told a very spooky story. It went a bit like this:

"There was this woman who lived alone with her dog. She always kept her dog by her bed and the dog always licked her foot when she felt uncomfortable. In the middle of the night she was awoken to a dripping coming from her bathroom. She thought, I must have a leaky shower, I'll fix it in the morning. So she put her foot down the side of her bed and the dog licked it. She felt better again. A little bit later she was awoken to the same sound and told herself to ignore it again. Her dog licked her foot again and she went back to bed. In the morning she got up and walked over to the bathroom. She pulled open the shower door and there was her dog, hanging by the tail from the shower head, dripping blood. And on the wall next to the dog written in blood said "Humans have tongues too...""

This literally scared the living shat out of me. Plus we were staying in a CABIN in the WOODS. The story still scares me to this day. Reply is it scares you too.

Nouveau Network
08/10/2014 9:40 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
Nouveau Network's Avatar
Nightmares, here I come.

08/10/2014 2:52 pm
Level 23 : Expert Crab
Morneite's Avatar
i sleep with the door open because whenever i'm in a spot that is particularly dark, i start to sort of hallucinate and see a bunch of like spirals and rainbows and stuff
it's scary :/
08/11/2014 6:34 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Dragon
Skitto493's Avatar
It's actually something like water on your eyes that scatter light into your eye.

It happens to me too.
08/12/2014 9:21 am
Level 35 : Artisan Toast
galika1080's Avatar
Oh yeah, I get that. Sometimes its like a bubble surrounding me and its weird as hell.
08/10/2014 2:32 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Network
Mama_Slime's Avatar
The great thing is, I just heard a really loud scream outside when I was reading all of these. Wonderful.
08/10/2014 2:50 pm
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Meme
VeryMadCrafter's Avatar
Special effects.
08/10/2014 2:27 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Sailor
IronToastBot's Avatar
One day late in the morning I took a nap. Rather quickly I began to dream. I don't remember much, but as I began to gain consciousness I heard clattering and footsteps down the hall. I look to my door expecting it to open. With each blink my focus zooms toward the door until the handle seems right in front of me. I hear this strange siren whistle getting louder, becoming unbearable. My vision is blinded by a white light and I feel as if I'm about to pass out. I muster the strength I have and attempt to rise out of bed. The noise now booming inside my head, the doorknob rattles violently, then suddenly I'm awake. I'm actually awake this time. I look at the clock and notice I've only been asleep for less than an hour. Within the week I have the same thing with noise and light happened to me two more times. I think it was all just because of a lack of sleep, but it still terrified me.
08/10/2014 2:16 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
OdwardGames12's Avatar
I was minding my own business, Looking in a pond, don't judge me, and a fish came out of the water, and moved his mouth, and i was like Hey fish, and people we sat next to me, and they started staring because i was speaking to this fish, and then i picked up the fish, and went What up, and Got arrested for stealing a fish
08/12/2014 12:28 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
fruggernuter's Avatar
08/10/2014 2:11 pm
Level 71 : Legendary Pixel Painter
ASF's Avatar
I just got to a really quiet place in Sleeping Dogs.
I mean, there's a lot of noise going on in that game, whether it be cars, birds, wind (?), etc. But this one place... nothing but the sound of my footsteps.
08/10/2014 2:09 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
pokegav007's Avatar
This is creepy.
08/10/2014 2:03 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Princess
Dialga's Avatar
GovernmentDerp to prevent the sleeper from acting out his or her dreams.

this is so they can't break their toe whilst running in their dream, this also explains why you run much slower in your dreams than in real life
08/10/2014 1:19 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
irritatedCat's Avatar
One time, I was on a strange website. I didn't exactly trust it, but I thought it was pretty cool. The people there were so weird, they posted strange blogs and stuff. And when I went on this on forum post where you showed your scary storys... and when it couldn't become any worse...

I realized it was Planet Minecraft.

(jk you guys are cool)
08/10/2014 1:14 pm
They/Them • Level 35 : Artisan Birb Birb
Karrfis's Avatar
some random guy hugged me in a store and said its so good to see you again my friend then walked out...
08/10/2014 1:07 pm
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Meme
VeryMadCrafter's Avatar
---True Story----
Me and my friend visited a windmill that was abandoned years ago just for fun. We entered it through a broken window and went upstairs. What we discovered that there were some signs - we found some clothes in the 4rd floor, and the 3rd floor was half-ruined and some parts of the machinery were stolen, Kind of creepy.
08/10/2014 1:00 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Narwhal
MineOut's Avatar
I was laying in my bed, and then it happened. My computer turned on and I was met by, my log-in screen. I was scurred, then I remembered. I turned on my computer.
08/10/2014 12:52 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Archer
cbx's Avatar
awesomeguy345This has to be the most creepiest, while being true, experience on this thread.

I was at home when this happened, alone, but it was 10 at night, my mother was out to pick my sister up from work, and I was in bed watching youtube on my tablet, when my computer's power light lit up. I was extremely sure that it was turned off, and I had even got it turned off by the plug, and the Power Supplies' Internal Switch was set to off. It didn't make a sound but I only noticed it when my room lit up bright blue (blue power light), so just to make sure, I had turned my TV on and set it to VGA input, I was greeted with a black screen as you'd expect, but next thing I knew, is I saw this face's outline, a kind of dim/dirty white colour, but still visible. It seemed to fade away and next thing I saw was text being written across the screen.
Taking into account this happened a week ago, I can still remember all the details to-date. But, back to the experience.
the text it said, was "check your window", so next thing I do is I get up out of bed, and I look outside my window. I didn't see anything so I look back at the tv and it says "between the trees" (I live by a forest), so I look closer and I see a figure standing there and i'm sure he was looking right back at me. next thing I knew he was running towards my window, so I quickly close my curtains, turn off my tv and hop back into bed. However, this figure wouldn't leave me..
next thing it did was start tapping on my window, and I knew it was the figure i had seen because I saw it's outline through my curtains, as if it was trying to peer through, and this was only possible because I had an outside light so the light outside was greater than that inside, hence the shadowing and outlining. I never shut my curtains completely, and I had left a small crack in between, and I looked in my mirror which had a perfect viewing angle of my window and I could see him returning the stare straight back at me. I blinked for a second and he was gone from the window, but it was open slightly...

next, my computer shuts off and my door flings wide open (as you could probably tell I am absolutely s***ing bricks right here) and then the figure is closer, in my doorway, staring right at me.

I hid under the duvet for so long I actually fell asleep, and when I woke up in the morning, my PC was still off, the window was wide open and my curtains flailing everywhere because it was windy, but worst of all my door was still wide open, thats how I knew the events of that previous night was real. I'm still traumatized despite it being over a week, and I also keep mirrors facing away from me now.

creepy stuff, if anyone can tell me with science how this could've happened, I'll give them a whole bunch of cookies.. but this is a true experience, and I'll never forget it.
Its funny how fake this is
08/10/2014 12:50 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Archer
cbx's Avatar
I was laying in my bed, and I was home alone, I heard something in my room fall down, I looked, and nothing fell. I went back to laying down, and heard footsteps, I checked to see if my parents got back from their movie, and noone was home
08/10/2014 12:45 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Dragon
Skitto493's Avatar
awesomeguy345This has to be the most creepiest, while being true, experience on this thread.

I was at home when this happened, alone, but it was 10 at night, my mother was out to pick my sister up from work, and I was in bed watching youtube on my tablet, when my computer's power light lit up. I was extremely sure that it was turned off, and I had even got it turned off by the plug, and the Power Supplies' Internal Switch was set to off. It didn't make a sound but I only noticed it when my room lit up bright blue (blue power light), so just to make sure, I had turned my TV on and set it to VGA input, I was greeted with a black screen as you'd expect, but next thing I knew, is I saw this face's outline, a kind of dim/dirty white colour, but still visible. It seemed to fade away and next thing I saw was text being written across the screen.
Taking into account this happened a week ago, I can still remember all the details to-date. But, back to the experience.

the text it said, was "check your window", so next thing I do is I get up out of bed, and I look outside my window. I didn't see anything so I look back at the tv and it says "between the trees" (I live by a forest), so I look closer and I see a figure standing there and i'm sure he was looking right back at me. next thing I knew he was running towards my window, so I quickly close my curtains, turn off my tv and hop back into bed. However, this figure wouldn't leave me..
next thing it did was start tapping on my window, and I knew it was the figure i had seen because I saw it's outline through my curtains, as if it was trying to peer through, and this was only possible because I had an outside light so the light outside was greater than that inside, hence the shadowing and outlining. I never shut my curtains completely, and I had left a small crack in between, and I looked in my mirror which had a perfect viewing angle of my window and I could see him returning the stare straight back at me. I blinked for a second and he was gone from the window, but it was open slightly...

next, my computer shuts off and my door flings wide open (as you could probably tell I am absolutely s***ing bricks right here) and then the figure is closer, in my doorway, staring right at me.

I hid under the duvet for so long I actually fell asleep, and when I woke up in the morning, my PC was still off, the window was wide open and my curtains flailing everywhere because it was windy, but worst of all my door was still wide open, thats how I knew the events of that previous night was real. I'm still traumatized despite it being over a week, and I also keep mirrors facing away from me now.

creepy stuff, if anyone can tell me with science how this could've happened, I'll give them a whole bunch of cookies.. but this is a true experience, and I'll never forget it.

This is to the point of unbeleivable.

08/10/2014 11:52 am
Level 22 : Expert Creeper
xfirestormxx's Avatar
This has to be the most creepiest, while being true, experience on this thread.

I was at home when this happened, alone, but it was 10 at night, my mother was out to pick my sister up from work, and I was in bed watching youtube on my tablet, when my computer's power light lit up. I was extremely sure that it was turned off, and I had even got it turned off by the plug, and the Power Supplies' Internal Switch was set to off. It didn't make a sound but I only noticed it when my room lit up bright blue (blue power light), so just to make sure, I had turned my TV on and set it to VGA input, I was greeted with a black screen as you'd expect, but next thing I knew, is I saw this face's outline, a kind of dim/dirty white colour, but still visible. It seemed to fade away and next thing I saw was text being written across the screen.
Taking into account this happened a week ago, I can still remember all the details to-date. But, back to the experience.

the text it said, was "check your window", so next thing I do is I get up out of bed, and I look outside my window. I didn't see anything so I look back at the tv and it says "between the trees" (I live by a forest), so I look closer and I see a figure standing there and i'm sure he was looking right back at me. next thing I knew he was running towards my window, so I quickly close my curtains, turn off my tv and hop back into bed. However, this figure wouldn't leave me..
next thing it did was start tapping on my window, and I knew it was the figure i had seen because I saw it's outline through my curtains, as if it was trying to peer through, and this was only possible because I had an outside light so the light outside was greater than that inside, hence the shadowing and outlining. I never shut my curtains completely, and I had left a small crack in between, and I looked in my mirror which had a perfect viewing angle of my window and I could see him returning the stare straight back at me. I blinked for a second and he was gone from the window, but it was open slightly...

next, my computer shuts off and my door flings wide open (as you could probably tell I am absolutely s***ing bricks right here) and then the figure is closer, in my doorway, staring right at me.

I hid under the duvet for so long I actually fell asleep, and when I woke up in the morning, my PC was still off, the window was wide open and my curtains flailing everywhere because it was windy, but worst of all my door was still wide open, thats how I knew the events of that previous night was real. I'm still traumatized despite it being over a week, and I also keep mirrors facing away from me now.

creepy stuff, if anyone can tell me with science how this could've happened, I'll give them a whole bunch of cookies.. but this is a true experience, and I'll never forget it.

and then i woke up irl.

creepy nightmare q.q
08/10/2014 10:52 am
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Terraformer
Reer123's Avatar
At three am I heard this knocking on the window, it turned out to be my Dad. O.o
08/10/2014 10:38 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Skinner
KingRex35's Avatar
Whenever I watch a video of something creepy I don't fall asleep well. Just creepy, like a clown is trying to kill me.
08/09/2014 9:22 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Prince
sssilver's Avatar
I was in Washington DC, and you know that place is full of statues of presidents and whatnot. So anyway, I was walking with my family, and I was just like looking around at buildings and stuff, and I saw this one statue. It looked kinda like it didn't belong there but I looked away cause someone said something, and then I looked back and I swear it was in a slightly different position then when I saw it earlier.

....I watch too much Doctor Who.
08/10/2014 1:55 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Skinner
Darkrai48's Avatar
it might have been a person painted and pretending to be a statue. I've also seen statues with motors that are on timers and change position every once in a while.
08/10/2014 10:32 am
Level 31 : Artisan Explorer
xPotatoFrys's Avatar
Planet Minecraft


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