Pokemon GO Tracks you down?!

QuittedPMC's Avatar QuittedPMC8/11/16 5:47 pm
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8/19/2016 8:16 pm
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar AnimeFanFTW
Well let's just say I'm a smart one to say no to Pokemon GO. Recently, It's been very popular worldwide, about 1.6 million people play it everyday. But did you know that Niantic.Inc is collecting your information? Basically, you might use your Google Account to sign in. Normally, i you use this, they'll be taking your information. This information includes but not limited to your Location, Phone Number, Google+ circles and alternate accounts (if hooked with). Now you know the small Pokemon GO warning?
Click to reveal

Most people don't follow this, just like the good old Wii Remote video when it hits your TV. I thought Pokemon GO would be a fun game where you can exercise more, meet new friends and battle each other, but actually, it's bad.

My most concern: Nicknames.
Entering a name close to your social accounts can leave a person messaging you where you live. It can also lead into real life battles.

(I got too busy but I just wanted to put this out)
Posted by QuittedPMC's Avatar
Level 2 : Apprentice Network

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08/19/2016 6:12 pm
Level 44 : Master Architect
Lachie1770's Avatar
Pokemon go is the worst thing to hit this world, Sick of hearing about it, People are playing it while driving, its everywhere, enjoy been spied on by the government if you play it.. Players have been caught trespassing cause they wanna catch a ugly animal that looks like its came out of Area 51... Srsly whats the fuss of this game? Why is pokemon in general popular? Its a pretty bad game if you ask me, no point in it.

Anyway, This is a good example of why mobile gaming can not be taking seriously....
08/19/2016 8:16 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
This comment in a nutshell: This game sucks because lots of people enjoy playing it.

It isn't the game's fault people play it while driving or trespassing. That's the fault of the person, and their lack of paying attention to common sense.

And Pokemon is popular because its a solid and fine RPG series. It's fine to have an opinion on it, but don't have a go at people that enjoy the series. It makes you seem like just another salty person on the internet.

Also, lol, you treat gaming like it's supposed to be taken super seriously. News flash, gaming shouldn't be taken seriously. There is no point to games. We play games to have fun.
08/19/2016 8:12 pm
Level 25 : Expert Prince
astrashira's Avatar
Then why r u here
I mean like, people who play it while driving are totally dumb and unaware of the real world
People with common sense should be the only ones who should play this game, I mean like sure, we might do things stupidly but you're just stating that 100% of the people playing this game are stupid, I mean like, sure, it's your opinion but hey, even when I play this game, I still keep my eyes on the road and the path ahead of me. That's why I haven't died yet. That's why I'm still not getting stabbed in the butt. Think about it, even if I'm spied, I wouldn't care. I could always do something about it. If I was getting spied by the government, they wouldn't care at all. Because they know how worthless I am, they know who I am anyways. Since they've been looking through my school's record and seeing that I've been the one who's not been to school for almost 15 days.

In conclusion, even when you're not playing this game, the government could still find you and spy on you.
I mean like, why would the government be spying on random citizens? Have some common sense.

I'm not against the people who are against this game nor am I against the game.
I'm just putting a little thought to it.
And the whole government spying on me, it's true. They're just watching my school rep. It's no fuss at all. They're not watching me closely. They're just watching me in my school.

And plus, every game is pointless. Unlike educational games.

So good day, now.
08/19/2016 7:41 pm
Level 42 : Master Pixel Painter
JozyP's Avatar
Honestly, I don't care for the game at all. I think the whole thing is stupid. But for the sake of [idk].
08/19/2016 5:48 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Network
noctusserver's Avatar
I love how Pokemon gets people out
08/19/2016 5:42 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Strawberry
Luminescent's Avatar
durr hburr techonology is bad fire is scary and thomas edison was a witch
08/19/2016 4:37 pm
Level 72 : Legendary Nerd
Irish's Avatar
Whoa! Who would have guess that an app that requires GPS would be tracking it's players!

What next, Google keeping a record of you? Facebook giving your info away? What conspiracy!


But seriously, I think at this point we all know that all of your data is essentially free for anyone to access. Yes, even your phone number, email and real name. If you don't like the fact that people will know who you are when online, then don't use the internet or any apps for that matter. Simple.
08/19/2016 3:20 pm
Level 42 : Master Pixel Painter
JozyP's Avatar
They are looking for you...
They want to...

08/19/2016 10:37 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Modder
DeJay's Avatar
I for one welcome our new Google/Niantic overlords.
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

richardshubI feel unsafe to let my GPS location be unveiled like this.
Feel like FBI watching me all day long.

Have an iPhone? I'd like to show you something if you do

ZatharelIt's very simple: if you don't agree to its terms, don't use the app.

It is a legal requirement for all apps you install to display the terms of use when you install them. You know, those terms that everyone tends to not read and just click sign up. When you click sign up, and when it states in those terms that the app can use your location, you are EXPLICITLY agreeing that the app can use your location.

This, most if not all apps, Android and iPhone ask for your permission to use certain features. I do know for installation on an Android it gives you an overall gist of all the things it'll be able to do. Same for iPhone as soon as the app starts up it asks for your location services. Your iPhone even off data tracks you and keeps a map of where you are for how long.

Ever notice how after a while it starts telling you how to get home in the top menu?
Now then again for those of you who think ah well I don't play Pokemon Go I'm completly safe on my phone or whatever you'd play it on you're also most likely wrong, every Google play app stalks you and tracks you, not to mention: Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, etc. So just because you don't play Pokemon Go, doesn't mean you are safe.

Facebook: Checking in to places.
Twitter: Tagging your tweets with a location
Snapchat: The GeoFilters
Instagram: I actually don't use this one much so I'll just say tagging pictures with locations.

I find it hilarious how after Pokemon go comes out this is when this starts to get all the buzz. Pokemon GO requires a map to show you not only the main graphical user interface (GUI) but to gather information on the area around you in regards to telling the game what Pokemon to make visible to you.
08/19/2016 10:37 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Meme
CroatiaTheMan's Avatar
Smh for the 29 People who thought Pokemon Go was safe aren't safe whatsoever, it's not safe of course because it tracks everything (google=stalker) and knows then eventually where you live, where you've been, how you look like,etc.

Now then again for those of you who think ah well I don't play Pokemon Go I'm completly safe on my phone or whatever you'd play it on you're also most likely wrong, every Google play app stalks you and tracks you, not to mention: Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, etc. So just because you don't play Pokemon Go, doesn't mean you are safe.

Everyone is being stalked and tracked now-a-days you can't do anything without being tracked, that's all of googles and internets fault, there are very few ways and people who know how to stop it though.
08/19/2016 9:07 am
Level 38 : Artisan Dragon
rosedragon's Avatar
But did you know that Niantic.Inc is collecting your information? Basically, you might use your Google Account to sign in. Normally, i you use this, they'll be taking your information. This information includes but not limited to your Location, Phone Number, Google+ circles and alternate accounts (if hooked with).

Most services do this. Google itself is the biggest 'offender'. How do you think they can sell ads so well? cause they track your browsing behaviour.

Most people don't follow this, just like the good old Wii Remote video when it hits your TV. I thought Pokemon GO would be a fun game where you can exercise more, meet new friends and battle each other, but actually, it's bad.

There is no stopping of people get distracted with anything. The same 'hype' of people get accidents because X has been a long standing media blast.. start with the birth of cellphone and then when text messaging comes in. If you are distracted, you are distracted, no blaming what you use to get distracted.

My most concern: Nicknames.
Entering a name close to your social accounts can leave a person messaging you where you live. It can also lead into real life battles.

You are a lot more vulnerable to this for every message you put in the internet. A single google can reveal a lot of someone.
08/19/2016 6:14 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
Zatharel's Avatar
It's very simple: if you don't agree to its terms, don't use the app.

It is a legal requirement for all apps you install to display the terms of use when you install them. You know, those terms that everyone tends to not read and just click sign up. When you click sign up, and when it states in those terms that the app can use your location, you are EXPLICITLY agreeing that the app can use your location.

Personally I don't like games that require my exact location. Or I don't like Google knowing my personal information. I don't play Pokemon go, but I registered my Google account knowing the possible risks. And I'm okay with them, because again, I was aware what I was doing when I signed up.

Generally? The problem is people don't bother informing themselves before signing up/downloading an app/whatever.
08/19/2016 6:03 am
Level 1 : New Miner
ndutoit's Avatar
I think it's a bit dangerous because you have to be on your phone the whole time. And I live in South Africa where it is very dangerous to do that and it is in other countries too.
08/19/2016 3:26 am
Level 1 : New Miner
richardshub's Avatar
I feel unsafe to let my GPS location be unveiled like this.
Feel like FBI watching me all day long.
08/13/2016 7:03 am
Level 1 : New Blacksmith
Yuuuuh's Avatar
Why are you paranoid about something as simple as Pokemon? Using Google Chrome is more dangerous. You can get viruses that steal your information and identity. Not your screen name, you're actual name. It's probably harder to get real life problems in Google Chome since I don't even have my credit card number on my Google account for Pokemon GO. I do use my credit card to buy things on Amazon and other websites though, so technically I'm risking more on my computer doing anything from buying goodies to paying bills. If you want to play things safe, don't use an Internet company. You'll literally be living on the edge of the 21st century. The edge that is nearly non-existant, I mean.
08/13/2016 7:27 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
TheOneAlchemist's Avatar
You need to open your eyes to the truth that is this thread. Don't be a sheep.
08/13/2016 6:53 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
TheOneAlchemist's Avatar
Nah this is too much... -snip-... This guys onto something... How could we all be so blind...
08/13/2016 6:44 am
Level 31 : Artisan Dolphin
Felix_The_Gamer's Avatar
You guys worry to much and it pisses people off
08/13/2016 6:16 am
Level 27 : Expert Network
Pines's Avatar

It's not like people from Pokemon GO will go to your house and murder you
08/19/2016 8:02 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Loremaster
Spectral's Avatar
08/12/2016 7:21 am
They/Them • Level 35 : Artisan Birb Birb
Karrfis's Avatar
lets get our tin foil hats out folks, the pokemon go game also infects us with mind controlling waves that makes us go outside and walk about
08/12/2016 6:46 am
Level 47 : Master Button Pusher
Leeberator's Avatar
08/19/2016 5:51 pm
Level 20 : Expert Hunter
Monotone's Avatar
08/11/2016 11:58 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Musician
DigitalSquirrel's Avatar
Yes it is, if you use common sense, and don't do anything Illegal. So don't use it whilst driving, and don't walk into the middle of a major highway in order to catch that elusive Mewtwo.
08/11/2016 10:46 pm
Level 25 : Expert Prince
astrashira's Avatar
Dude, the small pokemon warning was to make sure you don't accidentally get hit by a car or something or fall down into the river. There's no way in a million years it could be a dark message.

And plus, this game is for fun, it would be just a waste of time if they made it only to locate a person who they might want to harm. There would be no use for people to locate others and harm them.
08/11/2016 8:10 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
whitebeardgg12's Avatar
would you go to restricted area if the pokemans were there?

(at night)

Sergeant Sarcasm
08/11/2016 6:24 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Lumberjack
Sergeant Sarcasm's Avatar
Almost everything it records is public information. What you are experiencing is paranoia, and is completely unjustified. There are thousands of other programs and even websites that track the exact same information, I bet you PMC even stores some of the same information regarding location and stuff like that.

Also, what Josephpica said is pretty on point. Nothing to worry/freak out about. It's just a silly app that people use and enjoy, let them do that.
08/11/2016 6:21 pm
Level 42 : Master Pixel Painter
JozyP's Avatar
Lol, you guys freak out about this stuff, but seriously, Google knows where you are, and I am sure, through multiple scenarios, your private information has been gathered by people who kight want to harm you. Pokemon GO is a great way for bad guys to lure people, but if you are safe, you can easily avoid danger while playing the game.
I don't think it can really be determined through a "Yes & No" format.
08/12/2016 5:13 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
QuittedPMC's Avatar
08/11/2016 8:15 pm
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Modder
jtrent238's Avatar
Just carry a gun/knife. Better yet both. LoL!
The Silver Paladin
08/11/2016 5:57 pm
Level 27 : Expert Mage
The Silver Paladin's Avatar

Most everything tracks you now. The GPS Information is publicly available. A lot of things link to social media. If someone wanted to find me, they could not just using Pokemon GO. The benefits outweigh the costs with this.

As with everything, you have to be smart, use common sense, and don't tell strangers your information.
08/11/2016 5:54 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Network
Konrad's Avatar
Basically, every single program and app you have know your IP, location, and other stuff. Most websites know your location and ip. I personally find pokemon go to be safe in my city and surrounding cities but maybe dangerous cities not so much. I still find pokemon go to be safe. Also, the people who made pokemon go made ingress. The guy who made ingress worked for the government(If i remember correctly).
08/12/2016 6:33 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc1231920's Avatar
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