Need help finding the right drivers

Novachii's Avatar Novachii1/5/15 3:48 pm
1 emeralds 631 7
1/5/2015 5:56 pm
TVR_'s Avatar TVR_
Oh gosh, I hope this is in the right subforum.

Anyways. I received a laptop recently, and I'm a happy potato for it, but the thing runs on Windows Vista. I usually get maybe 20fps in minecraft if I'm lucky, and someone suggested I upgraded my drivers.

I was wondering... How?
Windows Update doesn't detect any driver updates, and I have no clue how to find out which ones I need and track them down.

Help would be much, much appreciated.

(Oh, and don't worry, I'm aware Vista is not optimal, and I'm getting either XP or W7 as soon as I can)
Posted by Novachii's Avatar
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer

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01/05/2015 5:56 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Network
TVR_'s Avatar
try iObit driver updater, that should help, also your pc may need cleaning up so I would use Advanced System Care If you need any more help just call me.
01/05/2015 5:15 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
Novachii's Avatar
Thanks, but windows 8 is a little too expensive for me.
I can barely afford Windows 7, and I might be able to get Windows XP for free if I wait a month, so it's gotta be one of those two.

How to I figure out who made whatever needs a driver? Like, if it's a graphics driver, how do I figure out what graphics card I have and stuff?
01/05/2015 5:51 pm
Level 41 : Master Modder
David5886's Avatar
Dont get Windows XP, no support at all, and it is not going to work well with a lot of modern programs. Windows can be a bit spendy, but there are places where you can get Windows at $20. I think http://www.reddit.com/r/softwareswap/ is one place to go!

Download and install Speccy, it will tell you about your system. If you would like, post a screen shot of the main page of speccy after you are done installing and you open it up. Then we will point you to where you can get your drivers if you need them
01/05/2015 5:09 pm
Level 41 : Master Modder
David5886's Avatar
I would upgrade to Windows 8.1, best right now for gaming. If you dont want the start screen then get Classic Shell, bring back start menu.

To update your drivers go to the website of your hardware thing. Like if your GPU is made by AMD, go to their site. If you upgrade windows, most likely Windows will upgrade and install some drivers for you. If Windows Vista was on the machine and your drivers are already installed then you dont have to, since it is vista, upgrade, install Windows 8 and you will most likely see a performance boost overall.

Hope this helps!
01/05/2015 5:02 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Princess
Skeltal's Avatar
silly kid,drivers are for cars!
01/05/2015 3:52 pm
Level 42 : Master Mage
Pixel's Avatar
Try not using Windows.

01/05/2015 4:05 pm
Level 20 : Expert Cake
mcrocks999's Avatar
I remember dat.
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