How to get down Prices of PC Build

SpongyBacon's Avatar SpongyBacon9/26/13 11:10 am
9/27/2013 2:00 pm
robotprobot's Avatar robotprobot
I've made a basic setup for a gaming pc on 'PcPartPicker', but I want it to cost no more than £350 to build. Currently it's at 420 ish.
Setup: http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/1HKo9

Things I want to keep: Case, GFX Card
Posted by SpongyBacon's Avatar
Level 35 : Artisan Princess

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Rai the Lion
09/27/2013 6:27 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Rai the Lion's Avatar
Because most games don't even use 4GB of RAM.

I could run most games on ultra, and other programs at the same time on 4GB of RAM.

And if you're sticking with the Intel processor, you do not need to get a CPU cooler. Intel CPU's come with one, and it is pretty good unless you're overclocking (but you won't be able to, so no CPU cooler)

But besides that, get rid of the Optical Drive, unless you need to install games from a disc (but really, who needs to now?)
09/27/2013 2:00 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Engineer
robotprobot's Avatar
Who needs a disk drive in the download era?
Me with my old 2005 game disks.
Alex 22221
09/26/2013 6:23 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Archer
Alex 22221's Avatar
Things to drop:

The case.
The aftermarket HSF
8GB of RAM in favor of 4
The GPU because a HD 7750 is better and cheaper GT 640 vs HD 7750 Benchmarks
A PSU that isn't complete, overpriced shit(but I wouldn't blame Corsair, it's kind of their thing)
Lose the Optical Drive unless you really need it, you can boot from USB

You end up with something that looks like >>this<<
09/27/2013 5:57 am
They/Them • Level 35 : Artisan Birb Birb
Karrfis's Avatar
why would you want to get less ram? 8gb is goood
Alex 22221
09/27/2013 1:54 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Archer
Alex 22221's Avatar
RAM is cheap and inexpensive, a video card isn't. Adding a second DIMM that only costs $25-30 is cost effective. Replacing a $70 video card for a $80 video card isn't.
09/26/2013 1:54 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Princess
SpongyBacon's Avatar
Honestly, all I want to do is run Minecraft on a decent FPS, with shaders, while running Skype, Chrome and Outlook
09/26/2013 1:02 pm
Level 41 : Master Dragonborn
awesomestmason's Avatar
I got a boss gaming computer on ebay for $222. Its seems like I'm the only one around here who really uses ebay for buying pcs >.<

It was worth about $1000, and I can play all games on ultra.

Anyway buying used computers on ebay cuts the price down a bunch, and its a lot easier than buying all the parts and putting it together.
09/26/2013 1:51 pm
Level 41 : Master Batman
dannydobbi's Avatar
It may be easier but you are putting yourself out there for a whole load of problems.
There is a long list of issues there; It would be better to build the computer yourself.
09/26/2013 1:54 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Princess
SpongyBacon's Avatar
Agreed. You don't get a waranty for a start!
09/26/2013 12:57 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Engineer
NuclearManx's Avatar
If I'm honest you can't expect to play games on ultra with that build. Games like team fortress 2 and minecraft, will run like a boss. Newer games such as battlefield 3 and grid 2 may cause you some problems.
09/26/2013 12:34 pm
Level 27 : Expert Architect
TheElectricGamers's Avatar
Best way is to get a AMD FX 6100 and a good cooler and stick it on a overclock as temperatures barely increase for me at 4.5Ghz, get only 8gb ram, that is kinda like my system , it costed about £400 excluding the graphics card and its VERY fast, especially for a AMD system.
09/26/2013 12:10 pm
Level 41 : Master Batman
dannydobbi's Avatar
It depends on what you want. The cheapest way is to build it yourself and graphics card wise and processor wise it depends on what you want. Intel + Nvidia is more suited towards gaming and streaming where as AMD is more for the budget gamer.
09/26/2013 12:14 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Princess
SpongyBacon's Avatar
Mmmm, see I tend to use alot of the adobe programs for stuff like web design, and gaming, but I also plan to do some streaming aswell.
09/26/2013 12:05 pm
They/Them • Level 35 : Artisan Birb Birb
Karrfis's Avatar
the first easy way to take down price is to get AMD instead of intel...its much more powerful and much cheaper(in my experience and opinion)
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