Games/Genres you love?

Latiodile's Avatar Latiodile10/6/15 5:36 pm
10/8/2015 9:48 am
DubstepCraig's Avatar DubstepCraig
As the title says, this thread will be the complete opposite of Games you hate thread

There are a few rules to this thread,
I will say not to list games that are obviously played by a large majority of people here, like League of Legends, Minecraft, CS:GO, Five Nights at freddies

More of the lesser mainstream games
like Favourite pokemon game, or favourite game genre or something like that

I will start off this list,

Favourite Games
Since i have started playing Pokemon Mystery dungeon lately i have really been into the mystery dungeon games again. so i would say Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Blue rescue Team for that series

Starbound, because i really like the exploration and the level of randomization and customizing, for example the mods, the way that there are pretty much no two guns or swords that are identical

Skyrim, An rpg game that i have really glued myself into, mainly because of the mods.. and i am really attached to character customization, which rolls into my next game

Sims 3. like my last point, Character customization is everything in this game. and i just love the way it plays. Yeah sure it may be a bit laggy at times. but it doesn't take too much away from the game. you can even import furniture into the game, like someone made an Xbox 360 and a PS3 to be purchased and used in game as furniture

Pokemon emerald. Trumpets. gameplay. Berry blender. storyline. need i say more?

Sonic Adventure 2:Battle: this was my childhood game. i love the soundtrack, the level design (except for the emerald hunting stages), the art. just UGH I love it

Favourite Genres
Tower Defense, like bloons TD5 for example

RPG, like skyrim or pokemon

FPS, selective, depends on what game though. like Team fortress 2, or call of duty world at war: zombies

Racing games, mostly like Gran Turismo, Need for speed Carbon, Burnout Paradise

Freeroam games. you know.. the ones that you can freeroam in, for example. Grand theft Auto, or Saints Row
Posted by Latiodile's Avatar
Level 16 : Journeyman Dragon

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10/08/2015 9:48 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Miner
DubstepCraig's Avatar
I pretty much just play minecraft, oh and Hearthstone.
10/08/2015 9:41 am
Level 27 : Expert Network
Pines's Avatar
GTA and anything violent.

My fav genre would probably RPG and anything violent.

If violence doesn't solve your problems, you're not using much of it.
10/08/2015 2:38 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc1665509's Avatar
10/08/2015 2:33 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
Vikana's Avatar
When I was very, very young (seven-ish) my family had a GameCube, and my sisters and I would play Sonic Racing like CRAZY. That's what sparked my love of racing games and my very strong desire to win. Unfortunately, the game and system are too old to be sold in stores today so I can't relive my nostalgic days. Other than that, I have no love of non-mainstream games.
10/08/2015 1:02 am
Level 21 : Expert Blockhead
Zoyarox's Avatar
Oh I played Sonic Adventure 2 Battle so much, too! Sweet times...
I totally love The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess <3
10/08/2015 12:30 am
Level 22 : Expert Princess
arlodee's Avatar
My favorite genre is FPS, whilst my favorite game is Call of Duty Black Ops 2.
10/07/2015 10:40 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Loremaster
Spectral's Avatar
Favorite Games:

I'd have more, but I don't own any console technology only a computer
10/07/2015 11:43 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc1231920's Avatar
10/07/2015 6:16 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Scribe
LetsGoTrippin's Avatar
My favorite games:

Minecraft. If it weren't for it I would be very bored during the mornings of summer.

Fable III. Fun, quirky and epic, Fable III was a great RPG that was awesome all the way through until the end.

Red Dead Redemption. If someone told me that video games teach kids violence and absolutely nothing else, I would say those three words and walk away.

GTA V. Whenever I get angry, I go on this game and absolutely wreck Los Santos. It genuinely makes me feel better.

Ghostbusters: The Video Game. Whenever I feel like watching one of the Ghostbusters movies, I just go on my Xbox and play this instead.

The Silent Age. The only mobile game I have ever played that I felt emotionally connected to. And it's not because the main character has a mustache.

Forza Motorsport 4. Yes, it's old, and yes, it's nearly impossible to drive, but I still love racing and crashing into people on Le Mans in a DeLorean.




Puzzle/Point And Click
10/07/2015 1:25 pm
Level 40 : Master Goblin
Dajj's Avatar
Favorite games

- Super Metroid: I have a lot of good memories from this game and it's probably one of my all-time favorites because of how much it's stuck with me and how much replay value that game has.

- Super Smash Bros. Melee: I actually didn't grow up with this one, I picked this one up more recently. By far one of my favorite competitive games, oh my god. My region needs to put in some work though, me included.

- Bastion: A beautifully-made game, from visuals to music to story to gameplay I just absolutely adore this game. I'd probably put Transistor here too, but I have yet to finish it.

- The Binding Of Isaac: I put so much time into this game Jesus Christ and now I need to buy Rebirth to relive everything just let me get Eternal God twice

- Guild Wars 2: Amazing MMO, I've put a fair share of time into it, it's just unfortunate that not many of my friends play it. Maybe now that it's F2P I can convince a few to join me in some escapades.

- Pokemon G/S/C: I love Pokemon as a series, but I think my favorite generation would have to be the second. It's the generation I put the most time into as a kid, and the thing I like most about it is how much content there is because of the fact that it's the only game with two regions. Overall it felt like everything that first generation had, and much more.

- Skullgirls: A super solid fighter with surprisingly deep amounts of depth. I definitely need to put more time into it, because it's certainly a game worth putting the time into.

Favorite genres

- Fighters: A more recent one for me, it initially didn't appeal to me for the longest time and now I'm all over 'em.

- Adventure: Adventure!

- Rogue-Likes: I'm not a masochist but I enjoy a challenge, and that's certainly why I love these.
10/07/2015 11:19 am
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Architect
Xoyjaz's Avatar
I have a large collection of games which I have archived myself and listed on my word file. Choosing top 10 of those is hard, but awesome. These games I mention are all owned and I have not put them in a particular order:
1. Legend of Zelda Wind Waker:
My first zelda game. So much nostalgia. Got it in 2001, still play it. Completed it so many times
2. Super Mario Sunshine:
I dont need to explain this
3. Luigi`s Mansion:
Neiher does this, the name speaks for itself really
4. Pokemon Diamond:
I had pokemon cards but never the game. Since I was a child I saw other play pokemon on their GBC or GBA. But when I first got my DS and my first pokemon game, the universe was to witness a new master. He catched them all and bought them all, All thanks to diamond are Charlie (First pokemon)
5. Minecraft:
Made me create the best map I have ever seen.
6. Fifa 11:
I had fifa but never on a next gen console. It was amazing
7.Pokemon Soul Silver:
Best pokemon game by far
8. Star Wars batllefront 2:
Star wars is epic and with all the titles in my bag I had to get this as well. What better way to get into the clone wars.
9. Super smash bros melee/ brawl:
Name speaks for itself
10. Super mario galaxy:
Made me by the Wii
10/07/2015 11:00 am
Level 45 : Master Architect
CrankerMan's Avatar

450 hours is nice and all, but it's my guess that you just finished the games, and didn't get "100%"

On another note, I have 713 hours on Garry's Mod alone, I won't even list my overall steam playtime!

Monster Hunter 4:U doesn't really finish. There's too much content to explore to totally finish all of it in 450 hours.

Not sure you meant it like that, but it came accross that because I didn't 100% those games or that other people have more hours than me in other titles that my claim that they're good is somehow invalid. Last time I checked that wasn't how people generally quantified whether they liked a game or not, but if you do, that's fine.

Monster Hunter is one of the best series of games I've ever got my hands on!
I only played Tri and Freedom Unite tho (no money for a 3DS sadly :/ else I'd play 4:U to death! )

Anyway other titles I've played and adore that aren't really popular ...

tbh there aren't any games I've enjoyed that aren't popular ...
And guys, most of you are listing games like Skyrim or Pokemon and whatnot - these games are definetly POPULAR!

And if popular games are allowed then I can list:
- Bioshock Infinite
- D3
- DA:I
- TW3
- Battlefield 4
- Mario Cart (the one for DS)
- MH:FU (as said earlier)
- Metro Redux
- Battlefront II
10/07/2015 6:14 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Mage
AtomStation's Avatar
My favorite game not including Minecraft/FNaF Stanley Parable and my favorite genre would be Indie. Yep.
10/07/2015 2:38 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc1231920's Avatar
10/07/2015 1:54 am
Level 35 : Artisan Mage
DailyTuber's Avatar

10/07/2015 1:23 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Lad
Fred's Avatar
My favorite games:

Destiny, NBA 2K16, FIFA 15 & 16, Halo Reach & Halo 3, Skate 3, COD MW2 & Black Ops 1, Defiance, GTA 4 & 5, Garry's Mod, and Borderlands 1 & 2

My favorite genres:
FPS, RPG, Sanbox, Free roam

I'll write why these games are my favorite some time later when I'm on my computer and not my phone.
funny bunny
10/07/2015 12:29 am
Level 31 : Artisan Dragonborn
funny bunny's Avatar
I don't really like games all that much, but the ones I do like do not comply with your rules.
10/07/2015 12:13 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Favorite games for me:

Rocket League - Game of the Year 2015. No exceptions.

All Pokemon games - Duh. Favorite is White 1.

Borderlands Series - The freshest FPS out there. Very well written and extremely fun.

The Mario and Luigi RPG series - Very funny, well written, and the music is god-tier.

Katawa Shoujo - Sure, it's a visual novel, but wow, it is an amazing visual novel. And free as well.

Portal Series - Best puzzle games ever. And Companion Cube is best girl.

RWBY Grimm Eclipse - Best fan-made game ever made.

Ratchet and Clank Series - MY CHILDHOOD

Spooky's House of Jumpscares - Actually a very creepy and scary game. And so many references.

The Binding of Isaac series - I got all 13 endings in the first game, in over 1000 deaths. Beat that. :3

Hotline Miami 1 - Coolest game ever. Shame I can't play Hotline Miami 2. Stupid Australian Politicians. -_-

Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm series - An amazing anime game. Final Jutsu's look beautiful.

Minecraft - I may not play it anymore, but hey, still gotta love it.

Super Smash Bros series - 1v1 me in Final Destination, no items

Sonic Generations - The ONLY modern Sonic game I like. It's amazing. Shame SEGA destroyed the Sonic franchise with Sonic Boom...

Might add more, I have alot of favorite games. xD

(Also, I played the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Series. It's good, but not excellent)
10/07/2015 12:01 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Grump
Azie's Avatar
Favorite Games

- Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess & Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker (Gamecube)
* These games don't get enough love, in my opinion. I really love both of them and they made up a ton of my childhood.

- Pokemon (GameBoy Color, GameBoy Advance, DS, 3DS)
* I had a genuinely good time playing every single Pokemon game I've tried, with the exception of the 3rd Gen games. Soul Silver is probably my favorite version out of all those I've played since it was part of the generation that revamped the Gen 2 games.

- Guild Wars 2 (PC)
* Rest in pepperonis. Now that it's F2P, I'll probably spend much less time there, but I have tons of hours in it and it's easily one of my favorite MMOs.

- Eternal Sonata (Xbox 360)
* A lesser-known console title. The story revolves around the dream world of one dying Frédéric François Chopin. Everything in the game revolves around music. It has some fantastic party and team-based game-play and is super rich in character development and story. The visuals are stunning and the sound track is absolutely incredible. Anyone who hasn't experienced this title from Tri Crescendo needs to RIGHT NOW. While you're at it, play all their other titles too. They're all really amazing.

- Baten Kaitos: Origins (Gamecube)
* Technically the second in the series, Baten Kaitos: Origins remains better then Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean, in my opinion. This one plays like a card game. The player organizes decks containing their character's attacks, weapons, items, and armor in cards called Magnus. You can play all sorts of awesome combos in combat and your choices in-game determine how synchronized you are with your party, allowing you better chances for good draws if you're very in sync. I love the story in this one too. Guess what? This one is from Tri Crescendo too.

- Super Mario Sunshine (Gamecube)
* This one doesn't get a whole lot of love from what I've seen either. This and LoZ were pretty much all I played on my Gamecube.

- Monster Hunter 4: Ultimate (3DS)
* Easily the most challenging title I've ever owned on a hand-held system. If you like Dark Souls or Dark Souls II, a ton of this game's community was drawn from there to Monster Hunter. I'd really suggest looking it up if you own a 3DS. Beware; I'm 450 hours in and not slowing down.

- Dark Souls and Dark Souls II/Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin (PC, Xbox 360)
* Collectively, I've logged another 450 hours across all 3 of these titles. That doesn't happen unless they're really good.

Favorite Genres

- Action

- Point and Click

- Rouge-like
10/07/2015 3:12 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Scribe
SuperSecretFakeAccount's Avatar
450 hours is nice and all, but it's my guess that you just finished the games, and didn't get "100%"

On another note, I have 713 hours on Garry's Mod alone, I won't even list my overall steam playtime!
10/07/2015 10:46 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Grump
Azie's Avatar
Monster Hunter 4:U doesn't really finish. There's too much content to explore to totally finish all of it in 450 hours.

As for Dark Souls/II/Scholar, most of my time is in II solely because that's where the co-op was active for a long time. I've gone well into several New Game pluses and haven't finished the entire game mostly because doing so requires a lot of PvP, which I don't enjoy.

Not sure you meant it like that, but it came accross that because I didn't 100% those games or that other people have more hours than me in other titles that my claim that they're good is somehow invalid. Last time I checked that wasn't how people generally quantified whether they liked a game or not, but if you do, that's fine.
10/06/2015 9:54 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Dragon
Latiodile's Avatar
EnderDurantI also really liked Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness

that was my first mystery dungeon game i still miss it.. and i regret never beating the uuh.. epilogue? the story after the story... before losing it
10/06/2015 9:44 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
Sardonyx's Avatar
Super Paper Mario (The one with Count Bleck and Dimentio) (You should go and get it and play it right now)
Super Mario Galaxy (The first one)
Normally I don't play Mario games, but those two were really good!
Edit: I also really liked Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness. They were like the first video games I really liked, so I may have some nostalgia bias, but who cares
10/06/2015 6:24 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Dragon
Latiodile's Avatar
Flakko DzarkanOh man, Ace attorney games are like my spirit animals. They're so good in every aspect, the 3'rd in the series being my fav game of all time.

i actually wanted to make a dubbed gameplay series of that once xD for the first one, we were three people in a skype call making up voices for each character and we would stick to that character till the end of the court session, we chose the weirdest voices for them too
10/06/2015 6:22 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Archer
Ghei's Avatar
Oh man, Ace attorney games are like my spirit animals. They're so good in every aspect, the 3'rd in the series being my fav game of all time. As for genre I like strategy, RPG, platformers and visual novel-esque games
10/06/2015 5:49 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Network
AtomicPancake's Avatar
I love all of the Pokémon games
Planet Minecraft


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