I dare you to find one thing that apple has invented.

ColbaltHD's Avatar ColbaltHD6/24/14 8:22 pm
1 emeralds 1.2k 49
6/24/2014 10:19 pm
Swimmer1929's Avatar Swimmer1929
Title says it all as long as it is not software I don't think apple has invented one thing.

Please note:I am a proud owner of a Macbook pro. I am not a anti apple fanboy I just think the above.
Posted by ColbaltHD's Avatar
Level 39 : Artisan Nerd

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06/24/2014 10:17 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Network
MissMarifire's Avatar
Some guy came in chat yelling something about fire. Just found it.

Try to refrain from posting topics that induce flame wars. Everyone else, stop flaming everyone. Let's just use the OSes we have and play nice, yes?

Topic locked.
06/24/2014 10:19 pm
Level 40 : Master Taco
Swimmer1929's Avatar
06/24/2014 10:16 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Nerd
ColbaltHD's Avatar
Can we not flame war?
06/24/2014 10:11 pm
Level 22 : Expert Crafter
Killertoad's Avatar
And these are only the ones that Apple has publicly announced. That's what I thought. Sit down. I won the debate. Goodbye. *shakes hand*

A patent doesn't mean they invented it? A lot of that stuff was made before, and they just claimed it, because the original creators were not greedy, unlike Steve Jobs, and Apple in general. I can take a screen, add a 1/8's of an inch, and patent it. Did I invent it? No I just changed something that someone else has done, then claimed it as mine.

So no, you didn't win the debate?
06/24/2014 10:01 pm
Level 40 : Master Taco
Swimmer1929's Avatar
They patented something that they got for free. They stole a lot of their stuff from Linux, most of their stuff on OSX is directly from Linux, they only changed a few things, and claimed it as theirs, and charged people for it.

@post, I'm waiting for someone to say that they made the first smartphone.

Your argument is completely going against what I just said. I'm talking about physical hardware, you're talking about software. The OP stated he wants hardware not software.

Well, then what hardware have they made? Absolutely nothing? You can't name one thing can you?

And these are only the ones that Apple has publicly announced. That's what I thought. Sit down. I won the debate. Goodbye. *shakes hand*
06/24/2014 9:59 pm
Level 40 : Master Taco
Swimmer1929's Avatar
Silvania StudiosNo tech companies have INVENTED anything recently. They have all INNOVATED.

Inventing is creating an entirely new thing (eg, the first computer), innovating is taking that new thing and creating OTHER new things using it (eg, a laptop).

Same could go for a phone. No one "invented" the smartphone, but blackberry and apple innovated it to what we see now.

Your post is completely untrue. Completely. A patent is technically an invention. Apple and most big companies have thousands of patents. You can patent almost anything, from a new corn seed you genetically modified to the curved battery you made that's in a new phone you're making. Recent laws (in the past decade or so) have made it possible to even patent life. Yes, LIFE. The chicken you had for dinner last night was most likely genetically modified, and patented, and therefore it was an invention. Thomas Edison had hundreds of patents, and he is one of the most famous inventors of some time. Patent = invention.

No, you can patent an invention, an invention is not a patent and a patent is not an invention.
I went ahead and grabbed two definitions of each word for you.

An invention is a new composition, device, or process. Invention can also be defined to include creative endeavors that extend beyond original, substantial improvements. An invention is also a new, useful, and nonobvious improvement of a process, machine, or product. Any invention which is new, useful, and nonobvious improvement of process can be patented. Inventions that involve processes, machines, manufactures, and compositions of matter, and any improvement thereof, are patentable.

A patent is a right granted to an individual or group (such as a corporation) which permits the grantee the ability to prevent others from making, using, or selling the invention described in the patent.

http://community.freepatentsonline.com/ ... definition
So no, they didn't invent everything that they slapped a patent on.

Your definitions just proved my point. "Any invention which is new, useful, and nonobvious improvement of process can be patented" This means that a invention can be more similar to a previous invention than a patent can be more similar than a precious patent. That proves my point exactly. Apple has thousands of inventions.
06/24/2014 9:58 pm
Level 22 : Expert Crafter
Killertoad's Avatar
They patented something that they got for free. They stole a lot of their stuff from Linux, most of their stuff on OSX is directly from Linux, they only changed a few things, and claimed it as theirs, and charged people for it.

@post, I'm waiting for someone to say that they made the first smartphone.

Your argument is completely going against what I just said. I'm talking about physical hardware, you're talking about software. The OP stated he wants hardware not software.

Well, then what hardware have they made? Absolutely nothing? You can't name one thing can you?
06/24/2014 9:49 pm
Level 40 : Master Taco
Swimmer1929's Avatar
They patented something that they got for free. They stole a lot of their stuff from Linux, most of their stuff on OSX is directly from Linux, they only changed a few things, and claimed it as theirs, and charged people for it.

@post, I'm waiting for someone to say that they made the first smartphone.

Your argument is completely going against what I just said. I'm talking about physical hardware, you're talking about software. The OP stated he wants hardware not software.
06/24/2014 9:44 pm
Level 25 : Expert Hunter
bigf's Avatar
No, Apple hasn't invented anything except software.
That's because they don't invent, they improve things already invented. Same goes for companies that make TVs, computers, phones, cars, fridges, and basically anything along those lines.
06/24/2014 9:49 pm
Level 40 : Master Taco
Swimmer1929's Avatar
Incorrect. Refer to the last post on page 2 (I'm not going to say the same thing twice).
Find Them Creepers
06/24/2014 9:57 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Dragon
Find Them Creepers's Avatar
You're coming off as a massive Apple fanboy to everyone
06/24/2014 10:00 pm
Level 40 : Master Taco
Swimmer1929's Avatar
I actually own a total of 0 Apple devices haha
06/24/2014 9:40 pm
Level 23 : Expert Dragonborn
terrestratowny's Avatar
Does the apple that helped Sir Isaac Newton come up with the Newtonian laws of physics count?
06/24/2014 9:41 pm
Level 40 : Master Taco
Swimmer1929's Avatar
I knew somebody would say that.
06/24/2014 9:36 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Pixel Painter
Roorai's Avatar
Fruit Salad
06/24/2014 9:31 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Cowboy
_tay's Avatar
they invented death
literally macs are so stupid
06/24/2014 9:18 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
zoomzoomwd's Avatar
Its technically an inventions but its stretching the meaning invention btw I love your case. Is that the phantom?
06/24/2014 9:19 pm
Level 29 : Expert Engineer
DrStrad's Avatar
Yep, Phantom 410.
06/24/2014 9:09 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
zoomzoomwd's Avatar
They invented the mini DVI port. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mini-DVI Looks like I found something besides software... (not an apple fanboy, have pc) Thread Pretty Much closed
06/24/2014 9:13 pm
Level 29 : Expert Engineer
DrStrad's Avatar
Not invention, just downsizing.
06/24/2014 9:16 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Nerd
ColbaltHD's Avatar
thread is still open
06/24/2014 9:18 pm
Level 40 : Master Taco
Swimmer1929's Avatar
Once again, Apple has invented thousands of things, refer to my previous post on the second page.
06/24/2014 9:05 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Nerd
ColbaltHD's Avatar

Are you Jesus sent to stop a flame war?
06/24/2014 9:03 pm
Level 42 : Master Blob
Navbarry's Avatar
06/24/2014 9:03 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Grump
Ploiu's Avatar
They invented (by they, Steve Jobs) a computer with "beautiful calligraphy".
06/24/2014 9:02 pm
Level 88 : Elite Modder
Fureniku's Avatar
No tech companies have INVENTED anything recently. They have all INNOVATED.

Inventing is creating an entirely new thing (eg, the first computer), innovating is taking that new thing and creating OTHER new things using it (eg, a laptop).

Same could go for a phone. No one "invented" the smartphone, but blackberry and apple innovated it to what we see now.
06/24/2014 9:06 pm
Level 40 : Master Taco
Swimmer1929's Avatar
Your post is completely untrue. Completely. A patent is technically an invention. Apple and most big companies have thousands of patents. You can patent almost anything, from a new corn seed you genetically modified to the curved battery you made that's in a new phone you're making. Recent laws (in the past decade or so) have made it possible to even patent life. Yes, LIFE. The chicken you had for dinner last night was most likely genetically modified, and patented, and therefore it was an invention. Thomas Edison had hundreds of patents, and he is one of the most famous inventors of some time. Patent = invention.
06/24/2014 9:50 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
GoldButterKnife's Avatar
No, you can patent an invention, an invention is not a patent and a patent is not an invention.
I went ahead and grabbed two definitions of each word for you.

An invention is a new composition, device, or process. Invention can also be defined to include creative endeavors that extend beyond original, substantial improvements. An invention is also a new, useful, and nonobvious improvement of a process, machine, or product. Any invention which is new, useful, and nonobvious improvement of process can be patented. Inventions that involve processes, machines, manufactures, and compositions of matter, and any improvement thereof, are patentable.

A patent is a right granted to an individual or group (such as a corporation) which permits the grantee the ability to prevent others from making, using, or selling the invention described in the patent.

http://community.freepatentsonline.com/ ... definition
So no, they didn't invent everything that they slapped a patent on.
06/24/2014 8:58 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Architect
_Shako's Avatar
Why do we even care, anyway?
06/24/2014 8:58 pm
Level 40 : Master Taco
Swimmer1929's Avatar
This is a dumb question. An "invention" is technically a patent, and Apple has thousands of them, like most other companies.
06/24/2014 9:24 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Nerd
ColbaltHD's Avatar
The things that they claimed to invented or patented where just not previously patented
06/24/2014 9:26 pm
Level 40 : Master Taco
Swimmer1929's Avatar
You've gotta be kidding me. THAT'S WHAT AN INVENTION IS. It's patenting something that nobody has patented before. Or else it WOULDN'T BE AN INVENTION. I'm not gonna post the same thing again, refer to the last post on page 2.
06/24/2014 9:42 pm
Level 22 : Expert Crafter
Killertoad's Avatar
They patented something that they got for free. They stole a lot of their stuff from Unix, most of their stuff on OSX is directly from Unix, they only changed a few things, and claimed it as theirs, and charged people for it.
Edit: I meant Unix, by bad, typing too fast.

@post, I'm waiting for someone to say that they made the first smartphone.
06/24/2014 8:57 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Pixel Painter
BlackHawk185's Avatar
Yes, they invented the I-Phone.
06/24/2014 9:04 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Nerd
ColbaltHD's Avatar
No they did not. Lixus made the iphone. Apple let them Lixus sue them and then apple buried the Lixus iphone like it never existed.
06/24/2014 8:56 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
dodgerdog2000's Avatar
they invented the I-Phone.
Find Them Creepers
06/24/2014 8:59 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Dragon
Find Them Creepers's Avatar
Technically no.

iPhone = Glorified cell phone
iPad = Glorified Tablet
iMac = Glorified Monitor

etc., etc.,

You're paying for the "i", essentially. Me and my friends have a joke going where you see something worth less than $10, put "i" in front of it, slap an apple sticker on it, and charge $500 more.
Brick = $2
iBrick = $552
06/24/2014 8:54 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
dodgerdog2000's Avatar
The I-phone.
06/24/2014 8:47 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Button Pusher
aipoduhfoaifh's Avatar
The lightning USB cable, ear pods
Find Them Creepers
06/24/2014 8:53 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Dragon
Find Them Creepers's Avatar
The lightning is nothing special, and since when did apple invent ear buds?
06/24/2014 8:51 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Nerd
ColbaltHD's Avatar
Ear pods is just a type of ear buds...
And intel invented the lightningbolt USB
06/24/2014 8:39 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Engineer
Seanzilla1219's Avatar
Apple has invented Softwares and different types of computers and mobile devices and music players like Nano and that small squared thing. I am a proud owner of a MacBook Air and it has many other features from the MacBook Pro so they came out with all sorts of things.
06/24/2014 8:43 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Nerd
ColbaltHD's Avatar
I want to smack you in the face with my walkman.
06/24/2014 8:41 pm
Level 29 : Expert Engineer
DrStrad's Avatar
None of that is "invention"
06/24/2014 8:38 pm
Level 26 : Expert Princess
Snowyfox's Avatar
Apple Computer Inc. made the first GUI-based personal computer intended for public use in terms of education, fun, and general productivity, instead of solely for office businesses. The Macintosh 128k, I mean.

That was honestly the first thing I thought of.

*EDIT* Just reread your request, and honestly, I don't think other companies really invent much either. In terms of actual hardware, researchers invent that. They only create product designs and the software.

So TECHNICALLY Apple Inc. hasn't invented anything other than software, and pretty much everybody else haven't either. Unless you count each computer model as an invention.

*EDIT 2* Just read Seanzilla's post below, and I just realized that they did kinda invent the iPod Nano. Nobody really thought of a small circular touchscreen as the control mechanism for a tiny square-like thing that can play mp3s.
06/24/2014 8:30 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
GoldButterKnife's Avatar
As said already, Software. They're just innovators aside from that.
06/24/2014 8:33 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Nerd
ColbaltHD's Avatar
They aren't really innovators either they just add "spice" to it.
06/24/2014 8:24 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Cyborg
Knightsundere's Avatar
Apple hasn't invented anything besides software because they invent software exclusively..... e_e
Find Them Creepers
06/24/2014 8:27 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Dragon
Find Them Creepers's Avatar
They literally have not made anything new except for over-hyped designs and software.
The only thing debatable is the iPod.
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