My Computer Build

MEplaysMC's Avatar MEplaysMC6/24/15 8:52 pm
6/25/2015 4:00 pm
RoboShadow's Avatar RoboShadow
Hey guys, I'm building a new computer, and this is what I've come up with, and I just want some help so I can now if it will do what I want. What I would want to be able to do on this, is to run shaders, with about 10-30 other mods installed on a huge and very intricate world, all while I'm recording a video. Could this do it?

Link to build: http://ca.pcpartpicker.com/p/qZ2dTW
Posted by MEplaysMC's Avatar
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer

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06/24/2015 9:13 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Engineer
RoboShadow's Avatar
I honestly don't know if troll.
Fill this out
[b]What is this computer going to be used for?[/b]
[i]List what you will be doing with your computer.[/i]
[b]What is your budget?[/b]
[i]Include amount and currency.[/i]
[b]Where do you live? If in the US, do you have a nearby Microcenter?[/b]
[i]Your country lets us know what sites you can order from. If you have a nearby Microcenter they have some great in-store only deals that you can take advantage of.[/i]
[b]What is included in the budget?[/b]
[i]Things like the tower, the OS, peripherals and monitors.[/i]
[b]Will you be overclocking?[/b]
[i]Overclocking will require different hardware than a non-overclocking build so we need to know this.[/i]
[b]Will you be reusing any parts?[/b]
[i]If you are reusing parts list them here.[/i]
[b]What OS do you want?[/b]
[i]Say which OS you want or say if you already have a copy of one.[/i]
[b]Any specific case preferences?[/b]
[i]Size, color, etc.[/i]
[b]Any other special features that you want in the build?[/b]
[i]Stuff like an SSD, large hard drive, RAID, and wifi[/i]
06/24/2015 9:39 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
MEplaysMC's Avatar
Why do you think that I'm trolling? And why do you want me to fill that out?
06/24/2015 9:50 pm
Level 22 : Expert Crafter
Killertoad's Avatar
They are probably being a little harsh, I'll explain

The build is very unbalanced, as in, it wouldn't run games very well, and it's 2k dollars. It's something a troll would normally make to fool with people, but I don't think you are, so I'll apologize for them.

But if you'll fill out the list, one of the many PC people on this forum can help you with a build, that'll be miles faster and cheaper.
06/25/2015 8:57 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
MEplaysMC's Avatar
Oh ok thanks! it looked almost like an ad of some kind
forgot about you
06/24/2015 9:21 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
forgot about you's Avatar
Why... I don't know if I want to list everything wrong
06/24/2015 9:38 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
MEplaysMC's Avatar
Is it that bad?
06/24/2015 9:40 pm
Level 26 : Expert Princess
Randomness3333's Avatar
Literally everything in this build is bad. Fill out the questions Robo gave you so that someone will make a decent build.
06/24/2015 10:17 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Architect
Alcatraz_Sniper's Avatar
Wow, you need to take out the soundcard, take out the 390, take out that overpriced cooler, and whatever useless "accessories" you have so you can at least get a good i7 processor with a 2k budget. I'm not complicating things, but a GTX TITAN, an i7 4790k, 2x4GB or even 2x8GB depending, a Samsung SSD and a quality $200+ motherboard outta fit in a budget of 2k if you take out those uneccessary things that you could get later.

I don't believe it was right for people to automatically dismisss you as a troll. This is why people don't want to get into PC gaming. It's already hard enough to find the will to learn, and spend money on a hobby, only to be put down by pessimistic internet trolls.

Just looked at the list again and who buys a $500 960GB SSD in 2015? Are you ready to rush into 2020? Fill out that list, please. You are throwing away over $800 due to lack of education.
06/25/2015 9:03 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
MEplaysMC's Avatar
Ok thanks! I had tried to get an intel i7, but it said it would have problems with other stuff in the computer, so I wasn't able to, and since I make videos, I want a quiet cooler, and that was the quietest one
forgot about you
06/24/2015 10:25 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
forgot about you's Avatar
Alcatraz_SniperWow, you need to take out the soundcard, take out the 390, take out that overpriced cooler, and whatever useless "accessories" you have so you can at least get a good i7 processor with a 2k budget. I'm not complicating things, but a GTX 970, an i7 4790k, 2x4GB or even 2x8GB depending, a Samsung SSD and a quality $150+ motherboard outta fit in a budget of 2k if you take out those uneccessary things that you could get later.

I don't believe it was right for people to automatically dismisss you as a troll. This is why people don't want to get into PC gaming. It's already hard enough to find the will to learn, and spend money on a hobby, only to be put down by pessimistic internet trolls.

Just looked at the list again and who buys a $500 960GB SSD in 2015? Are you ready to rush into 2020? Fill out that list, please. You are throwing away over $800 due to lack of education.

No need to be rude.
Some people (like Spencer) need a soundcard.
That cooler is not overpriced, it is godlike
The 390 could be good if the overall price of the build was lower
Maybe he doesn't need an i7
One, single 970 in a $2k build? You are no better at making builds, bro
Some SSDs are better than what Samsung makes
You don't need a $150 motherboard. You can get XFire and SLI support in a $90-100 motherboard

It's not hard to get into PC gaming
"Pessimistic internet trolls" are people that are willing to help, and have helped dozens of people and don't give out false info?

Maybe he wanted a 960GB SSD. There is no such thing as future proofing. If you have the money to, then go for it.
He didn't waste it. It is called extra things that you buy after you exceed your needs with the normal build.
06/24/2015 10:31 pm
Level 22 : Expert Blockhead
raidarr's Avatar
Alcatraz_SniperWow, you need to take out the soundcard, take out the 390, take out that overpriced cooler, and whatever useless "accessories" you have so you can at least get a good i7 processor with a 2k budget. I'm not complicating things, but a GTX 970, an i7 4790k, 2x4GB or even 2x8GB depending, a Samsung SSD and a quality $150+ motherboard outta fit in a budget of 2k if you take out those uneccessary things that you could get later.

I don't believe it was right for people to automatically dismisss you as a troll. This is why people don't want to get into PC gaming. It's already hard enough to find the will to learn, and spend money on a hobby, only to be put down by pessimistic internet trolls.

Just looked at the list again and who buys a $500 960GB SSD in 2015? Are you ready to rush into 2020? Fill out that list, please. You are throwing away over $800 due to lack of education.

No need to be rude.
Some people (like Spencer) need a soundcard.
That cooler is not overpriced, it is godlike
The 390 could be good if the overall price of the build was lower
Maybe he doesn't need an i7
One, single 970 in a $2k build? You are no better at making builds, bro
Some SSDs are better than what Samsung makes
You don't need a $150 motherboard. You can get XFire and SLI support in a $90-100 motherboard

It's not hard to get into PC gaming
"Pessimistic internet trolls" are people that are willing to help, and have helped dozens of people and don't give out false info?

Maybe he wanted a 960GB SSD. There is no such thing as future proofing. If you have the money to, then go for it.
He didn't waste it. It is called extra things that you buy after you exceed your needs with the normal build.

It helps to exceed what is standard today in the first place.
forgot about you
06/24/2015 10:35 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
forgot about you's Avatar
Alcatraz_SniperWow, you need to take out the soundcard, take out the 390, take out that overpriced cooler, and whatever useless "accessories" you have so you can at least get a good i7 processor with a 2k budget. I'm not complicating things, but a GTX 970, an i7 4790k, 2x4GB or even 2x8GB depending, a Samsung SSD and a quality $150+ motherboard outta fit in a budget of 2k if you take out those uneccessary things that you could get later.

I don't believe it was right for people to automatically dismisss you as a troll. This is why people don't want to get into PC gaming. It's already hard enough to find the will to learn, and spend money on a hobby, only to be put down by pessimistic internet trolls.

Just looked at the list again and who buys a $500 960GB SSD in 2015? Are you ready to rush into 2020? Fill out that list, please. You are throwing away over $800 due to lack of education.

No need to be rude.
Some people (like Spencer) need a soundcard.
That cooler is not overpriced, it is godlike
The 390 could be good if the overall price of the build was lower
Maybe he doesn't need an i7
One, single 970 in a $2k build? You are no better at making builds, bro
Some SSDs are better than what Samsung makes
You don't need a $150 motherboard. You can get XFire and SLI support in a $90-100 motherboard

It's not hard to get into PC gaming
"Pessimistic internet trolls" are people that are willing to help, and have helped dozens of people and don't give out false info?

Maybe he wanted a 960GB SSD. There is no such thing as future proofing. If you have the money to, then go for it.
He didn't waste it. It is called extra things that you buy after you exceed your needs with the normal build.

It helps to exceed what is standard today in the first place.

I'm not saying his build was perfect, but he definitely exceeded what he was going to do. He could have done a better job, but hey...
06/24/2015 11:43 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Engineer
RoboShadow's Avatar
Before we recommend builds, OP need to fill the thing out! THIS IS WHY I THINK TROLL DARNIT!
06/25/2015 9:29 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
MEplaysMC's Avatar
Ok I just wanted to know that you weren't a troll advertising

What is this computer going to be used for?
Playing minecraft with lots of mods on a big world with shaders while recording.
What is your budget?
$2000 CDN, give or take about $100
Where do you live? If in the US, do you have a nearby Microcenter?
Canada, ontario, a couple hours away from toronto
What is included in the budget?
Everything that is in the build I made, I have a monitor.
Will you be overclocking?
I dont know, should I?
Will you be reusing any parts?
No, I will buy them all new
What OS do you want?
Windows 8 64 bit, but that can be changed if needed
Any specific case preferences?
Big enough to hold everything, Green and black, and at least 4 usb ports
Any other special features that you want in the build?
larger hard drive, and I will be running this computer on wi-fi

Is this good?
06/25/2015 10:12 am
Level 33 : Artisan Engineer
RoboShadow's Avatar
Are you sure you need to use wifi? There are really long ethernet cables you can get.
Also, overclocking is basically turning up the clock speed of your CPU, GPU, and/or RAM. If you want to, you need a different motherboard for your CPU.
06/25/2015 10:36 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
MEplaysMC's Avatar
Yeah, right now I only have a laptop, and I've gotten used to using wifi so i'll stay with it. If overclocking will make the computer run more quickly, or just better in general, then go for it
06/25/2015 10:42 am
Level 36 : Artisan Taco
Rice's Avatar
If you have the opportunity to use an ethernet cable, do it. You can also get this which extends your wifi and wired internet across your power line, so you can have an ethernet cable at any power outlet. Wired internet is usually much faster than wired.
06/25/2015 10:45 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Explorer
53MP3RF1's Avatar
Overclocking makes your CPU/GPU/Memory run faster than it is normally rated. While this can break warranties offered by Intel or other CPU/GPU/Memory manufacturers it can increase performance of your system and when done correctly is safe for the most part.

As to whether or not it's necessary, 3GHz seems to be the golden number for most Intel CPUs when playing games at this point, so not really if you get a CPU at or above that speed. It's more of an enthusiast thing.

GPU overclocking is pretty simple (all you really have to do is download a program and then drag the sliders) but it increases temperatures so it may not be desirable for you.

Memory overclocking is also simple, but if you're using DDR4 and have speeds of 2400MHz already it's not necessary.
06/25/2015 4:00 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Engineer
RoboShadow's Avatar
I wouldn't recommend it. My laptop's DL speed on Wifi is ~40Mb/s right next to the router but with ethernet it's ~100Mb/s. But if you have to, listen to the other recommendations on Wifi extenders.
06/25/2015 9:09 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
MEplaysMC's Avatar
Alcatraz_SniperWow, you need to take out the soundcard, take out the 390, take out that overpriced cooler, and whatever useless "accessories" you have so you can at least get a good i7 processor with a 2k budget. I'm not complicating things, but a GTX 970, an i7 4790k, 2x4GB or even 2x8GB depending, a Samsung SSD and a quality $150+ motherboard outta fit in a budget of 2k if you take out those uneccessary things that you could get later.

I don't believe it was right for people to automatically dismisss you as a troll. This is why people don't want to get into PC gaming. It's already hard enough to find the will to learn, and spend money on a hobby, only to be put down by pessimistic internet trolls.

Just looked at the list again and who buys a $500 960GB SSD in 2015? Are you ready to rush into 2020? Fill out that list, please. You are throwing away over $800 due to lack of education.

No need to be rude.
Some people (like Spencer) need a soundcard.
That cooler is not overpriced, it is godlike
The 390 could be good if the overall price of the build was lower
Maybe he doesn't need an i7
One, single 970 in a $2k build? You are no better at making builds, bro
Some SSDs are better than what Samsung makes
You don't need a $150 motherboard. You can get XFire and SLI support in a $90-100 motherboard

It's not hard to get into PC gaming
"Pessimistic internet trolls" are people that are willing to help, and have helped dozens of people and don't give out false info?

Maybe he wanted a 960GB SSD. There is no such thing as future proofing. If you have the money to, then go for it.
He didn't waste it. It is called extra things that you buy after you exceed your needs with the normal build.

06/25/2015 10:31 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Explorer
53MP3RF1's Avatar
Yes. It's fine.
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i7-5820K 3.3GHz 6-Core Processor ($474.98 @ DirectCanada)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Seidon 120M 86.2 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler ($75.27 @ DirectCanada)
Motherboard: MSI X99S SLI Plus ATX LGA2011-3 Motherboard ($256.50 @ Newegg Canada)
Memory: Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-2400 Memory ($174.99 @ Memory Express)
Storage: Crucial BX100 250GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($114.99 @ NCIX)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Green 3TB 3.5" 5400RPM Internal Hard Drive ($119.95 @ Vuugo)
Storage: Western Digital BLACK SERIES 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($85.98 @ Newegg Canada)
Video Card: Asus GeForce GTX 970 4GB STRIX Video Card ($408.00 @ Newegg Canada)
Case: Corsair 200R ATX Mid Tower Case ($69.99 @ Canada Computers)
Power Supply: SeaSonic G 550W 80+ Gold Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply ($89.89 @ DirectCanada)
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 8.1 (32/64-bit) ($107.92 @ shopRBC)
Case Fan: Cooler Master Blade Master 76.8 CFM 120mm Fan ($10.98 @ DirectCanada)
Case Fan: Cooler Master JetFlo 95.0 CFM 120mm Fan ($16.87 @ DirectCanada)
Total: $2006.31
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-06-25 10:34 EDT-0400

This build should serve your purposes. It packs a hexa-core i7 processor, a closed loop water cooler, 16 gigabytes of DDR4 2400MHz RAM, a GTX 970, and a fast SSD boot drive paired with two hard drives. My rationale behind my choices are as follows:

CPU: The i7-5820k is an unlocked, hexa-core Intel processor. It should tear through whatever you throw at it - even a huge and intricate world with many mods. It's also only about $75 more expensive than the next best i7, which is the i7 4790k (which is only a quad-core).

Motherboard: The X99S SLI Plus is a good motherboard that will support SLI should you decide to get another GTX 970 in the future, and the large amount of memory supported ensures you have room to grow in that department either.

Memory: I went with 16 gigabytes of Corsair Vengeance LPX RAM, which should be plenty for Minecraft. I'm not sure how much RAM you're allocating to Minecraft and what mod packs or whatever you're running, but some of the most demanding ones recommend you allocate between 2.5 and 3 gigabytes of RAM to Minecraft to ensure optimal performance. This is approaching the usual "only allocate half your RAM at maximum to any one task to make sure the rest of the system isn't choked for resources" limit, so I felt an upscale was in order.

Storage: I went with a three-drive configuration here. I put in a solid state drive to act as a boot drive and a drive for your most commonly used programs (e.g. Sony Vegas, Microsoft Office, Steam, Minecraft). This should provide faster load times and better performance than using a hard drive. I also put in a 1TB hard drive for holding the rest of your files, like music, movies, and other less-used programs. I also put in a large, 3TB, slower-spinning hard drive. My rationale for this is that as you record, you will need a place to offload your videos to. I assumed that was what the external hard drive in your build was for. Using this set-up is better because most, if not all, external hard drives are 5400rpm drives (the same as this one) but run through a USB interface, which is significantly less bandwidth than the SATA interface that this drive would run through. Plus, it's a lot more storage for around the same price!

Video Card: I went with a GTX 970 on this one, as Minecraft isn't really a graphically demanding game, and the 970 can handle basically any game at 1080p on ultra or maxed out settings. It's also power-efficient, which is important when you've got a CPU like the 5820k that draws 140 watts.

Case: Unfortunately, the only black and green cases were either ridiculously expensive or an ugly shade of some sort of military green. So, I went with a straight black case. The Corsair 200r is an excellent case, and it feels premium without you needing to pay a premium. It is able to hold everything in the build, and it'll provide good options to upgrade if you decide to further down the line.

Power Supply: Seasonic is one of the best in the game when it comes to power supplies, and their G series is no exception. It'll provide enough power for you to play games on.

Cooling: I put in two extra fans for the case. One should be paired with your water cooler so it has two fans (the Jetflo fan), and they should both be put into the top of the case, preferably in the radiator slot nearer the front. If that isn't possible, removing the rear fan and then remounting that on the top slot and then mounting the radiator on the rear of the case will work. The other fan (the Blade Master) should be used as an intake fan on the side of the case, so it blows cool air onto the graphics card and motherboard. The front intake fan should be fine. I would also suggest investing in some filters for your intake fans to help prevent dust buildup.

You've noticed I don't have a wireless adapter in there. That's because I really don't recommend one, especially if you intend to record with it and upload videos to Youtube or another service. Wireless connections tend to be slower than wired connections, so I'd suggest seeing if you can get an ethernet cable to your PC first. If that's not possible, then I'd buy this wireless adapter. It runs with the new AC standard so you'll be fine further into the future but also supports previous ones like b, g, and n, so it should be fine.
06/25/2015 11:05 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Explorer
supernotch893's Avatar
RoboShadowThere are really long ethernet cables you can get.

Really long indeed. I've only seen one case of a really long ethernet cable, going from my family's router to his Xbox, going at least 30 or so feet. And it isn't even slow!
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