I'll Help You Smile (Scary Story)

kuhknucklehead's Avatar kuhknucklehead4/19/14 5:25 pm
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1/27/2015 4:54 pm
kuhknucklehead's Avatar kuhknucklehead
Part One
I’ll Help You Smile

Not many people understand me. I don’t like to smile, I don’t like to run around and play, or be loud and obnoxious. All of these loud and bright actions attract unwanted attention. I was forced to laugh. I wasn’t supposed to, though. I knew something bad was going to happen when the first harsh breath of air escaped my lungs, and laughs climbed out of my throat in dry, short heaves, but as I said before, I was never supposed to smile, or laugh.
School… I absolutely hate school, people are constantly smiling. It concerns me more than it should. My mom kisses my cheek as I walk to my car. I climb in and put the key in the ignition, and pull out of the driveway. Five minutes later I’m at South Hill High School, South Hill Ravens logo shining with pride. I open the doors and walk into the loud shouts, laughter, and smiling faces. Wesley Jacobs, (the most popular kid on campus) was beating Alexander Bentley up. His scrawny body lay there, receiving cuts and bruises with every hit. As usual, I walk by, minding my own business. It happens every day. Some kid gets beat up because they looked at someone the wrong way. Given the reason I keep my head down. I head to my locker, #173. 19-41-02. The click of my locker unlocking ensures that I have done this with no flaw. I tug on the handle a few times, and it protests, but gives in and finally opens. I grab my History books as the warning bell rings.
One minute to get to class. My mental reminder that occurs naturally. I briskly walk to class. Opening the door to history right as the final bell rings, sitting down in my desk. Four rows to left of the teacher’s desk, 2 desks back. Mrs. Martin walks up to the board and writes: “Just… Smile…” Shocked, I stare at the two words in awe. I blink, they’re replaced with “Read pages 57-72 by Wednesday” I grab my assignment journal, write it down. Class ends after an agonizing 57 minutes of lecturing. The next three classes were as expected, long and boring.
Lunch came around. As usual complete and utter crap. I didn’t get lunch. Rumor spread around there was a new girl. And soon enough, I found out that was true. She had her “ham” and “bread” on her tray, and sat down across from me. It was awkward for the first few minutes. I sat there, glancing at her every now and then. She broke the silence 5 minutes after she sat down.
“I’m Lynn Kimberlee.” she says so quietly it is almost inaudible.
“I’m Cyrus,” I reply “Cyrus Berkman.”
“You don’t look like a Cyrus. You look like a Reese.” she smiles, her mood changing almost instantly.
She smiled, dammit. This may not go well. I should get away, she is definitely too cheery.
“I need to g-” I say, but we spoke at the same time.
“You’re kind of cute, maybe we should go to Mae’s Shake Shop, I heard their smoothies are awesome.”
“Sure,” I say without thinking, it has been so long since I have had someone call me cute. “I mea-” is all I manage to say before she happily skips to the trash and slams her Styrofoam tray in the garbage can.
“What the heck did I get myself into?” I mutter to myself.

Eventually, Friday rolled around. I could stay home, and let her down. But if I did so I’d feel like total crap. I got on my nicest clothing, which I didn’t have much of. I got a soft black undershirt I got from American Eagle Outfitters, I also put on my black, red, and pink crazy plaid button up shirt that I also got from American Eagle. I put on a dark pair of pants, and put on my grey and white Vans. I got into my car and thought, where do I go. And as if on cue, a text popped up on my phone.
“7054 Middle Vista, -Lynn”
“Well isn’t that convenient,” I chuckle.
Dammit. I chuckled. What is wrong with me? I pulled out of the driveway before seeing a emaciated creature run across my yard. I get scared and just start driving, as if it would stop the fear.
I find Lynn’s house and knock on my door. I brush down my pants and realized I forgot about my hair, I just whipped it to the left and let it be. She opened the door. She was beautiful. She had on almost the exact same pants I was wearing. A black tank top with a loose fitting Slipknot jacket.
“Hi.” I said sheepishly, dang, am I stupid. Compliment her, Cyrus!
“You look,” I search for the right word. “Really pretty.”
“You do too.” she replies, blushing.
“Well lets get going. I don’t want to stand here too long. I heard they only stay open till 9.” I say, lying, I actually said it because that emaciated creature, was sitting on the stool in the kitchen. Grinning. Its mouth to big, the grin stretched from one ear to the other. Literally, cut open ear to ear carved into a permanent smile. I’m surprised I didn’t scream like a little girl. Instead, I calmly turned around and took one step forward, and heard the door shut behind me, the lock twisting. And felt something jump on my back. I gasp and almost scream but it’s Lynn, her soft laugh behind my ear. I have never given someone a piggy-back ride before. I frown, my mom use to always give me them. So I did what she did. Secured her legs in my arms, and walked with a little hop in my step so it seemed like I was happy. Which I was, but that was the only way I could express it, I was so unsure of how to express happiness. She was laughing. I laughed back, and it felt so good to finally laugh. She hopped down and fixed her long blonde hair that reached down to the bottom of her shoulder blades. I noticed a Wine Red stripe in her hair, a cute little detail that made my heart skip a beat. Her midnight blue eyes met mine and my hazel eyes met hers.
This is awesome. I think to myself.
I open the door for her and she gets in, and she says, “Thank you,” she looks at me for a moment and jokingly says, “Prince Charming.” and laughs, I laugh too. But this time, it didn’t feel right. It felt like something was clawing out of my chest. But I ignored it. I got into the car and looked at Lynn, her face bloodied and eyes dark pits of red. The same crude black smile etched into her face, the same as the creature. Hair burned off in several places. But most of all, her stomach was ripped open crudely, blood rushing out of it, in the rhythms of her heart. I scream and shut my eyes. But when I open them she’s looking at me like I’m an animal.
“You okay?” she asks.
“Yeah, just thought about if you were a spooky old zombie trying to eat me.” I lie
“That’s mean.” she jokes, hitting my arm.

“Just messing with you.”
She laughs. She grabs my hand and squeezes it.
She is really in love with me, she just met me on Monday. What the heck? I think to myself.
We pull out of the driveway and arrive to Mae’s a half hour later.
We go in and sit next to each other in a booth. I didn’t realize it right away but under the table, she was holding my hand. I was about to say something to her but our waitress came and asked us what we wanted.
“You order first,” I tell her, “I don’t know what I want yet.”
With my free hand I grab the menu and decide on a cheeseburger and strawberry-mango smoothie. Lynn just orders a blueberry smoothie. The waitress goes back to give the order.
Lynn looks at me and is about to say something. But instead, kisses me. I dont know what to do but sit there. She pulls away after 3 seconds or so and smiles at me. The waitress brings us our smoothies and my cheese burger. We talk, laughing and smiling. The laughs back to normal. We talk about the last Slipknot concert and how it was weird how we both ended up there. Her saying that she got a backstage pass and met Corey Taylor himself, and showed me proof with a picture on her phone. When we finished it was 8:47. I payed the bill and I drove her home.
She fell asleep by the time we got to her house. I picked her up and she kept sleeping. I brought her to what I guessed to be her room. Slipknot, Five Finger Death Punch, Avenged Sevenfold, Nine Inch Nails, all of their merch was everywhere, posters, pushes, masks, other knick knacks. I noticed that her parents room was nowhere to be found. So I went back to Lynn’s room. She was awake.
“Can you stay the night with me?” she asks.
I am 18, graduating in one month.
“Sure,” I reply. “I’ll sleep on the couch.”
“Cyrus?” she asks, “Can you sleep in here. I usually have bad nightmares. I want someone by me.”
“I will.” I reply.
I lay on the floor.
“Cyrus?” she says more than asks.
“Yeah?” I say.
I roll over and look at her, she pats the side of the bed and I laugh. I climb into bed with her and within minutes she’s back asleep. But the only thing keeping me awake is the scraping metal in the kitchen. I swiftly but quietly get out of bed and make sure Lynn is still asleep. The noise has moved to the bathroom. Soft moans and wails escaping from the location. I sneak to the kitchen and grab the largest knife I can find. I softly walk to the bathroom. Someone is throwing up. I peek into the bathroom and see the creature leaned over on its knees. Fingers with too many knuckles and at least 6 inches long each grabbing at the back of its head, nails that are 2 inches long at the end of the long fingers. Its arms too, had too many joints, as if it had 3 or 4 different elbows. But each arm, hand, and finger were different sizes than the other. It was vomiting blood. Pure blood. But it didn’t look like blood, it was more of a blackish blue. I shifted my weight and the board creaked and I froze with fear. I couldn’t move as the creature’s head turned 180° around and sick cracking and crunching noises followed along. Its eyes were dark pits missing the actual eye itself, but it stared at me as if it had eyes. It had the black smile as I noticed earlier. The black blood gushing from the mutilated abdomen. Its hairless head lined with scratches. It bellows a deep guttural scream and lunges at me, and it’s then that I move. I dart out of the way in time and the creatures slams into the wall. Leaving the wall smashed with the imprint of its’ body. The creature bellows again and stands up completely. It’s 10 feet tall, arms too long and reaching down to its knees. Its’ nails seemed to increase in size, now touching the floor, at least a foot long. It doesn’t slow down though. It gets back down on all four and starts chasing me. I start running as well. I realize I still have the knife in my hand. I turn around and chuck the knife at the creature. The knife spinning top over end until it meets its target, the blade burying itself into the monsters left side of it’s chest. It only bellows louder. All of the glass in the house shatters. My eardrums pop and I fall to the ground grasping my ears. Blood is leaking from my eyes, my nose, my mouth, my ears. It stands over me and grabs my neck and sits on me so I can’t get up. Our skin contact burns my flesh, leaving behind swelling spots and blisters. The fingers wrap all the way around my neck overlapping its wrists. It takes one of it’s nails and puts it on my cheek. I am crying, screaming for Lynn. But it looks me in the eyes, and I forget how to talk. It slides its nail through my flesh all the way up to my ear. The pain is unbearable and I scream even louder and punch it square in the nose, stopping it for a moment, but continues while black blood drips from its nose. I am flailing and crying trying to get it off me. It starts on the other cheek and I stop fighting it, I only cry. It finishes with my cheeks. But it is not done. It shoves a few nails in my left eye quickly, as if it’s getting tired with me. I feel the nails closing around my eye, the flesh separating. And tears out my eye. My vision goes out in that eye and I hear it eating my eye. It shoves its nails in my other eye and does the same. I am now completely blind. I feel it’s other hand rake across my stomach multiple times. I feel my intestines fall out of the gashes. And at my last effort for survival, I feel for the knife that is buried in it’s chest. I find the handle and repeatedly start to stab the creature. But all it does is repeat.
“I’m helping you smile. You’ll be happy. It hurts now. Once a year. You will do the same as I. But if you don’t I will come back… And I will end your happiness.”
Then it’s gone. The pain. The monster. I have my eyes back. I’m fine. Lynn is standing in her doorway with her phone in her hand, and asks,
“I heard someone scream, are you okay?”
I nod.

2 Years Later

Lynn and I live together now. We moved out, she’s a psychologist, I’m a police officer. We are getting married in July of 2015. But once a year. I have to cause that same pain to someone who is sad, I go through the pain and the sorrow that the monster went through. And I know that I helping someone, even though they may just go too far, and kill their host.

End Part One
Posted by kuhknucklehead's Avatar
Level 36 : Artisan Pixel Painter

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01/27/2015 4:54 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Pixel Painter
kuhknucklehead's Avatar
09/19/2014 10:30 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Pixel Painter
kuhknucklehead's Avatar
I'm bringing this back.
04/23/2014 8:44 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Skinner
jackielove8_'s Avatar
Terrifying (I mean the last paragraph or so)
04/23/2014 8:15 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Network
SillyPandas's Avatar
I can't wait for the next part! Its too good
04/23/2014 7:13 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Toast
ShadowCatEXE's Avatar
Cool story! You should make him die in the end! :D
04/25/2014 7:21 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Pixel Painter
kuhknucklehead's Avatar
I don't know about that bud...
04/22/2014 9:06 am
Level 36 : Artisan Pixel Painter
kuhknucklehead's Avatar
I'm back for the whole day, let's get this started! Writing, playing around, ugh and yay!
04/21/2014 12:35 pm
Level 28 : Expert Toast
zoossrocks's Avatar
This story is absolutely amazing.
04/21/2014 12:43 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Pixel Painter
kuhknucklehead's Avatar
Thanks! Check out the blog if you like it?
04/21/2014 2:55 pm
Level 28 : Expert Toast
zoossrocks's Avatar
I gave it a diamond already!
04/21/2014 12:25 pm
Level 42 : Master System
tinzin's Avatar
Oh my god, it's like chainmail, except with physical torture instead of spam...
04/21/2014 12:26 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Pixel Painter
kuhknucklehead's Avatar
Wait, did you like it? XD
04/21/2014 2:00 pm
Level 42 : Master System
tinzin's Avatar
It was creepy, but the part about having to do the same thing to other people once each year is really cliche'.
04/21/2014 12:25 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Pixel Painter
kuhknucklehead's Avatar
A little side detail for part two:


Lynn and Cyrus Age For Part One: 17
Lynn and Cyrus Age at marriage: 20
Lynn and Cyrus Age For Part Two: 28
8 Years Later
Luke Birthdate: 2017
Marriage Date: June, 17, 2015
Current Date: May, 10, 2023

Luke is Lynn and Cyrus' son. Age 6 For part 2
04/21/2014 12:24 pm
Level 28 : Expert Toast
zoossrocks's Avatar
You need to post this on Wattpad it's a story sharing website and app that is really cool!
04/21/2014 12:26 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Pixel Painter
kuhknucklehead's Avatar
I know what that is, but I would like to finish the story first.

This may be 10 pages long (Google Documents)
Or 100-200 (Depending on feedback and loves from you guys)
04/21/2014 12:21 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Pixel Painter
kuhknucklehead's Avatar
Okay, for all of you that are confused on what the Hunters are and do, here it is:

Now, you may be wondering, what the heck was up with Cyrus? Okay, sit tight because this is going to take a while to explain.
I had a mild case of depression, this will come in to play in a minute so remember this. I had something called the Virus, and yes, I know, very original. But that’s what the humans call it. Our leader, Ophaniel, in his human form, he has slanted violet eyes. His luxurious, wavy, iron-gray hair is shoulder-length and is worn in a bizarre, attractive style. He is rather tall and has a graceful build. His skin is cream-colored. He has knobby ears. His wardrobe is unusual, and is mostly orange.
But for his Death Hunter form, he relates to something like this, eyes replaced with dark black and blue pits, the nose isn’t even there (he does not need to breathe), his whole body was smashed and dented, his limbs were very uneven, at times his they could have a 6 inch difference. Or everything about him could be perfectly symmetrical. He stood at 9 or 10 feet tall. His stomach would rip open when threatened or freaked out, scaring the attacker or pursuer and leaving them vulnerable for the Changing. His fingers, are really long, 6 or 7 knuckles in each finger. Ophaniel saw something in me, I don’t know what it was, exactly, but he came to me, and chose me.
Back to the thing about depression, the Virus feeds off sadness and self-loathing. When someone starts to change but doesn’t believe, the Virus infects the host and then the Changing begins. Once the Changing begins, the host experiences hallucinations. And in some rare cases, voices, commonly mistaken for schizophrenia. The Hunters are just figments of the hosts imagination, but yet we are very real, only the host can see us. Given why Lynn didn’t hear Ophaniel attack me, but only heard me scream. The pain the hosts feel is also real, but just in their head, just like how we’re in their heads too. We seem evil, malicious, and hungry for suffering. But I guess I could put this into a metaphor, the Hunters could actually just be depression itself, fighting to stay alive, and the person goes through the pain and finally overcomes the depression, but has to help somebody else in order to stay happy.
Now Hunters called Vatha, which are the bloodthirsty Hunters. Just go around murdering people, enjoying their screams, turns up in the end, we make those Vatha scream with pain, and they don’t think it’s cute anymore.
04/21/2014 12:05 pm
Level 45 : Master Dragonborn
Ninniy's Avatar

This was a very interesting story.
04/21/2014 12:03 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Artist
_Minestar_'s Avatar
Great story.
04/21/2014 11:59 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Dragon
12345elli's Avatar
Ah okay
04/21/2014 12:18 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Pixel Painter
kuhknucklehead's Avatar
He actually turns into a hunter once a year and cures somebody, go to this link to read more on Part Two
https://docs.google.com/a/clintonwis.co ... 2WF0s/edit
04/21/2014 11:54 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Dragon
12345elli's Avatar
Wait, I don't get it. Does Cyrus have to kill someone each year or something?
04/21/2014 11:58 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Batman
PureNerd's Avatar
no, he has to feel the pain he did once every year for the rest of his life
04/21/2014 11:37 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Batman
PureNerd's Avatar
04/21/2014 11:23 am
Level 36 : Artisan Pixel Painter
kuhknucklehead's Avatar
I updated the story! Fixed some errors, grammatical, and changed some story line stuff that didn't make sense! I am working on a part two, so click the link above and I'll be writing. But if I stop typing don't leave, I'm talking to my girlfriend most likely or playing Pokemon for five minutes, I need to F5 my mind every now and then. <3
04/21/2014 11:20 am
Level 36 : Artisan Pixel Painter
kuhknucklehead's Avatar

Excessive emojis? I think yes!
04/21/2014 11:08 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Skinner
gabrielmergvaz's Avatar
04/21/2014 10:55 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Batman
PureNerd's Avatar
04/21/2014 10:57 am
Level 36 : Artisan Pixel Painter
kuhknucklehead's Avatar
OH MY GOD, Thank You so much Muffin! (That's what I call my fans) Thanks man, it's greatly appreciate it!
04/21/2014 11:27 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Batman
PureNerd's Avatar
np, your a great write and I want to stay updated
04/21/2014 11:36 am
Level 36 : Artisan Pixel Painter
kuhknucklehead's Avatar
Can you run over and check out the blog?
04/21/2014 10:49 am
Level 36 : Artisan Pixel Painter
kuhknucklehead's Avatar
Okay, here's something cool, if anyone wants to watch me write, I'll be writing on here occasionally! https://docs.google.com/a/clintonwis.co ... 2WF0s/edit
04/21/2014 10:36 am
Level 36 : Artisan Pixel Painter
kuhknucklehead's Avatar
270! Wow 270 People have read this story! Thank you guys so much! Go check out the blog too, if you liked it, leave a diamond if you want? <3 kthxbai
04/20/2014 8:12 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Mage
19dshriver's Avatar
Very Good, I suggest maybe the creature comes back or something? Maybe Lynn has the exact same experience after like she is depressed. (Maybe her son dies?)

- Davis
04/20/2014 8:21 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Pixel Painter
kuhknucklehead's Avatar
I was thinking, we could have an afterwards story. And it's the point of view of Lynn, her sister dies, and Ophaniel (The Rishoan [creature leader] assigns Cyrus to Lynn, and he just can't stand the fact that he has to hurt Lynn.
04/23/2014 6:11 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Mage
19dshriver's Avatar
Okay lol
04/20/2014 8:05 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Pixel Painter
kuhknucklehead's Avatar
Giiiirrrl (boooooyyy) get skype now, I absolutely hate talking back and forth on PMC PM
04/20/2014 8:28 pm
Level 27 : Expert Taco
experttacobear's Avatar
lol i'm a boy. And sorry, :l I cannot get skype.
04/20/2014 8:32 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Pixel Painter
kuhknucklehead's Avatar
04/20/2014 7:56 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
UpperNotch's Avatar
dude this is awesome
04/20/2014 7:58 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Pixel Painter
kuhknucklehead's Avatar
Why thank you! You're on my list of favorite little muffins
04/20/2014 7:54 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Princess
Skeltal's Avatar
AnimeTofuIt's, Ok I guess.


This is better than okay!

Don't get mad, if someone does not like the story, they don't like it. No forcing opinions upon others, but that is your opinion. Just, try to refrain from caps? <3

04/20/2014 7:50 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Pixel Painter
kuhknucklehead's Avatar
AnimeTofuIt's, Ok I guess.


This is better than okay!

Don't get mad, if someone does not like the story, they don't like it. No forcing opinions upon others, but that is your opinion. Just, try to refrain from caps? <3
04/20/2014 7:21 pm
Level 20 : Expert Scribe
Medieval-Sanity's Avatar
It's, Ok I guess.
04/20/2014 7:46 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Princess
Skeltal's Avatar

04/20/2014 7:45 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Pixel Painter
kuhknucklehead's Avatar
What didn't you like about it? I could change some stuff around, if you would like?
Pig Republic
04/20/2014 7:17 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Pixel Painter
Pig Republic's Avatar
Dood. Make this a blog!
04/20/2014 7:13 pm
Level 27 : Expert Taco
experttacobear's Avatar
You are an amazing writer! I like it.
04/20/2014 7:15 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Pixel Painter
kuhknucklehead's Avatar
omaigad thx
I actually love all of this feedback! You guys want another story? I'll give it to you! But my head hurts. So it'll probably be out around 10 or 11ish.
04/20/2014 7:16 pm
Level 27 : Expert Taco
experttacobear's Avatar
Sure! BTW, Can you send me a PM when you have posted it so I can know? :p
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