Street-hood - Signups

Dynit's Avatar Dynit3/19/16 8:50 am
1 emeralds 184 2
4/9/2016 2:07 pm
Thiscutelab's Avatar Thiscutelab

In a distant city called New Chivans that almost no one has heard about, there is a community of youngsters who live by themselves as their parents are working abroad. This community is (unofficially) known as the Lone Cubs.

When a new kid is born or moved into New Chivans, they will not only have to do everything they usually do (study, games, socializing) but 1. They should do it themselves and 2 learn to cope with all of the shenanigans this community can throw in (whether its one of life's crazy curve balls or a plot for/against a certain individual/groups/etc.).

By being able to adapt to the mentioned above, these kids have rightfully earned...

....Their Street-hood, a title with no tangible perks but confirms their existence as part of the Lone Cubs in New Chivans.


Street-hood is a semi-realistic RPG that involves the life and times of the Young Cubs, children and teens who are pretty alone for the day and have to adapt to living by themselves in New Chivans. Since this is in a semi-realistic setting, you have creative freedom to do what your character would like to do (as long as any of the shenanigans you pull out do not deviate beyond semi realism. So whilst you can have a clever person who can make really neat inventions or have someone who believes in the supernatural you cannot have people who can create super machines to wage a great war or open a portal to a fantasy world.).

If you need some inspiration here are some existing fictions that may give you the similar idea on the setting of street-hood.

-Ed, edd n eddy.
-Hey Arnold!
-All Grown-up.
-Tari tari

Registration form

note: remove the bracketed text

Name: [i](As long as its an actual name and not something meant to offend people or using organization names, go nuts)[/i]
Age: [i](Minimum age is 6 Maximum is 17, PM me if you want to make an exception).
Nationality: (Must be real countries).[/i]
Apperance: [i](You can write a description, use a picture of your character (provided its view-able) or both).[/i]
Belief (Optional): [i](For RP flavoring)[/i]
Unique Quote (Optional): [i](Something that your character tends to say in a frequent manner/quirk)[/i]
Allergies (Optional): [i](For RP flavoring).[/i]
Bio & Backstory: [i](Doesn't have to be long but a paragraph of 3~4 sentences is sufficient. You can also add in strengths, weaknesses, desires and anything else that is not mentioned above.)[/i]

For the parts labelled (Optional) you can add them in as you progress through your character's storyline.

1. No Godmodding.
2. No swearing, though you can use the safe alternatives if you want your character to have a potty mouth.
3. Keep all role-playing Safe for Work (or SFW), but slapstick-esque violence and dark drama is considered fair game (this bit may change but for now, its allowed).
4. If you want to kill off your character, PM me and make an RP about your character moving out of New Chivans for any type of reason.

The first three rules are to conform with the official rules of the site. The fourth rule is to ensure that the third rule is enforced when it comes to removing characters out of the game.

If you have read the rules, please PM me. This is to ensure that you have actually read the rules and have not just posted the form.

If you have any questions, PM me and I will try to get into it ASAP.

Otherwise, enjoy your stay in New Chivans!
Posted by Dynit's Avatar
Level 27 : Expert Network

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04/09/2016 2:07 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Thiscutelab's Avatar
Name: Mallory Robbins (Username Thiscutelab)
Gender: Female
Age: 14-ish
Appearance: (Picture advised) http://lh3.googleusercontent.com/v6c87D ... yXq8QBBR4Q My skin http://www.wallpaperhi.com/thumbnails/d ... com_84.jpg What it should be
Backstory: Mallory is an orphan who lives with her pet wolf. She has no friends yet and would be yandere if she had enough courage.
One Line Summery: (Not needed( Shy, Short, Sweet, Cute-ish?, and weird.
Anything Else:
Powers: (If supernatural)
Transmogrification (Shape-shifting) Telekinesis

Backstory: (Uhmm, doesn't need much does it? Ugh I'll put some info instead?!?!)
Her father died and her mother disowned her because she hated her child.
Info: The school has dorms. Four people per dorm. It has PE, Art, Math, Science, S.S., Language Arts, Lunch, Sometimes Prom (Oooo), Computer Lab, and Music.
Takes place in Japan. LAHVE DIS INFO!!!
03/28/2016 8:04 am
Level 27 : Expert Network
Dynit's Avatar
Here's my character for this RP:

Name: Curtis 'Curt' Ronalds
Age: 14
Nationality: Half British-Half American

Curtis is a fair skinned, hazel-brown eyed kid with short messy brown hair and a scar on his chin.

For clothes he tends to wear a navy blue flatcap, grey t-shirt with a front pocket, baggy faded blue denim jeans and a pair of black sneakers.

Belief (Optional): Atheist

Unique Quote (Optional): Whenever Curt is surprised, he tends to say 'yowzers' before speaking further.

Allergies (Optional): He is allergic to okra and durian.

Bio & Backstory:
Ever since he was born in New Chivans, Curtis has seen plenty of things happening in the city and records them whenever possible. This in turn bestows him as 'Curt the Chivanese Chronicler'.

Although he lived an average life so far, Curt has a broken heart as he used to have feelings for a girl he once knew ever since childhood. Unfortunately said girl was involved in an incident that costed her life and it was rumored to have been caused by Curtis himself (though this is false for Curt's part, people can still believe in it). If anyone is to have any feelings for Curt, they must try to help him overcome his grief and to open up to love once more.

For personality, Curtis tends to be laid back yet hardworking and humble for his age. However if anyone or anything tests Curtis, they will most likely have a black eye or a sore mouth.

Curtis also has some interest in the supernatural and the paranormal, hence he always has deck of Tarot cards with him (and to provide free readings to anyone who wants it, though Curtis doubts anyone would follow it).
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