RolePlay: The 7 Balance Crystals

-Mage-'s Avatar -Mage-9/6/14 2:44 am
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2/23/2015 11:00 pm
-Mage-'s Avatar -Mage-
Take a deep breath, grab some rations, and please read all. =3
Everyone is allowed to join, but you need character details.
What you look like:
Now, to the storyline.
The world we live in has been corrupted. The 7 crystals of balance have been stolen. All but one. Great demons have risen, and the world is in chaos.
Clans have split up, to search for the balance crystals, and all of them have vanished. An unknown clan, has been created, to go on a search for the crystals.
And the clan must meet soon, and embark on the quest.
When they decide to meetup with eachother, for the first time, in the southern mountain caves. The clan they created is smaller than most. Although they are great fighters. The balance crystals have been weakening and they are turning cold. Jealousy and hate have become even more noticable. Death has spread much faster. Greed has taken it's tole. When they all travel to the caves, spread from distant lands, they finally arrive. Greeting eachother for the first time.

(Wow, first edit on this post, at page 56?)
Our oster/characters are full.
Extremely sorry,l.
It very difficult being coughGMcough the creator of this pist and putting an ok on everything.
I'm planning on creating a new Roleplay story, but still continuing this one.
If you'd like to join that roleplay, keep a watch out for it. C:

Our participating roleplayers on this post are:
Pickle, (he's gone)
And that's it.
The names are shortened, so if you don't get it at first well you will.
Posted by -Mage-'s Avatar
Level 42 : Master Fox

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09/06/2014 2:57 am
Level 42 : Master Fox
-Mage-'s Avatar
Name: Medora Memory
Race: Half Angel half Human
Age: 16
Hometown: Therick City
Class: Assassin
StoryLine: In time, Medora Memory had a a real "memory" but she lost it when her family was killed. Henceforth, she has been seeking revenge. When she found the balance crystals stolen, she forms a clan. She has been searching for the murderer for her life, since she was 10. When she finds herself stuck on two roads, she chooses to embark on a quest for the crystals. She has a history of amnesia, and sometimes, changing her personality.
What she looks like: Medora has ginger hair, and a purple, and silver eye.
She is skinny, and short. She is quite attractive. She also has a burn on her left arm, which causes pain sometimes.
Weapon: She has two whips, and a silver dagger
Skills: She is extremely good at acrobatics, and hiding herself
Fears: Fire, and Werewolves, and snakes

Also please tell your fears, and skills. I forgot to add it above.
09/06/2014 3:03 am
Level 42 : Master Fox
-Mage-'s Avatar
I shiver and walk close to the caves, happy I am finally there.
I look out and notice a few dots moving closer to the mouth of the cave.
It must be the rest of the clan, I think, and sit down at the front of the cave entrance.
My assassin clothes are black and make it hard to notice me.
I sit and wait for them to meet up where I am.
09/06/2014 3:55 am
Level 29 : Expert Botanist
jeenveev's Avatar
Name: Scarlet Bumblebee
Age: 14
Hometown: None
Class: Wanderer
Storyline: She hates being a wanderer. She hates the fact that her parents abandoned her when she was 10, all because of some stupid ancient tradition. She misses her parents, but she also hates them. She never wants to see them again. Scarlet wanders the land, but all she wants is a home. She's terrified of people, but she can put that aside if it means she can just have a home. She was so close to getting one, but then the demons took over, and her only hope vanished. It's not fair.
What you look like: Matted, brown hair. A once pale face that is now incredible dirty. Her bare feet are hard soled and covered in cuts and infections she seems not to notice. Her eyes are half closed, and one is a milky, blind white. The other is a miserable shade of grey. She is unhealthily skinny, and her faded, torn brown dress hangs gracelessly over her misshaped form. Her lips are chapped, and covered in half-healed sores. The nails on her clenched hands are torn and bitten, dirt embedded too deeply to be removed.
Weapon: Her mind, and her feet. Yeah, she's pretty hopeless.
Skills: Walking, and thinking. She is a fairly good fighter, but the entire idea of fighting terrifies her. She prefers to keep to herself.
Fears: Fighting, her parents, people, demons, and many more things.
09/06/2014 4:32 am
Level 42 : Master Fox
-Mage-'s Avatar
A shadow figure appears near the cave entrance. "Hello...?"
09/06/2014 4:40 am
Level 29 : Expert Botanist
jeenveev's Avatar
Scarlet hears someone say hello, and is shocked that there is even life in this desolate place. Her heart starts beating frantically, and she has to force herself to keep calm.
"Uh..." Scarlet trails off, gulps, then continues. "Hello?"
'Please tell me it's not a demon, please tell me it's not a demon...' Scarlet repeats the phrase silently to herself, hoping it will be true.
09/06/2014 4:46 am
Level 42 : Master Fox
-Mage-'s Avatar
I can hear someone outside saying hello back in a shaky voice. "I won't hurt you. I'm a human don't worry. " I say stepping out. I see a girl younger than me standing there. "Are you here, er, for the Raven Clan? Or are you just traveling...?" I ask forwardly.
09/06/2014 4:52 am
Level 29 : Expert Botanist
jeenveev's Avatar
"W...what's the Raven Clan?" I ask, hardly keeping my terror and relief out of my voice. I start backing away, hoping the girl won't notice.
09/06/2014 4:56 am
Level 42 : Master Fox
-Mage-'s Avatar
I notice and step vack trying not to scare her. "Raven Clan. It's a quest I am having with a few others. Are you...cold?" I ask and open my bag to try and hand her a warm cloak.
"We are trying to find the 6 balance crystals...would you like to...join us? " I ask hesitantly.
09/06/2014 5:06 am
Level 29 : Expert Botanist
jeenveev's Avatar
I push the cloak away.
"Join you? You mean.. be with people? Have a home? Make friends?" I can't handle so much at one time. I shove past the other girl and sprint away, tears welling in my eyes.
09/06/2014 5:09 am
Level 42 : Master Fox
-Mage-'s Avatar
(Derper, derp. I'll be back tomarrow. Goodnight. =3)
I sigh, plunk down on the ground and yell to her, "Of. Course we can be a family! My family is gone too! And a blizzard is coming I don't want you dying out there! Stay safe!"
09/06/2014 5:10 am
Level 29 : Expert Botanist
jeenveev's Avatar
I ignore her shouts and run off. I think I heard something about a blizzard, but right now that isn't important. All that matters is getting as far away from this place, as quickly as possible.
09/06/2014 5:27 am
Level 42 : Master Fox
-Mage-'s Avatar
(Maybe I'll stay on a bit longer...)
I suddenly realize how stupid I am and get up, to get her. When I am only a few feet behind her again I say "Do you want a family again?" I know that she hears me, and a blizzard is starting only a few seconds after. I am reletively stronger than her, so I start pulling her back to the caves. "I'm not letting you die out here!" I say still dragging her back.
09/06/2014 5:33 am
Level 29 : Expert Botanist
jeenveev's Avatar
(ok sounds good)
I shove the girl off, writhing and twisting to escape her grip.
"You don't understand!" I scream. "Let me be!" I'm shaking now, sobbing too.
Once she's off me I run, run as fast as I can. I feel snow numb my hands but I still run. I run until I can no longer hear her, and all I can see is the thick white of snow. Then I sit down, and let the tears come.
09/06/2014 5:41 am
Level 42 : Master Fox
-Mage-'s Avatar
I cannot see her anymore, and I know she is going to die out there. I curse, and then get sad, and then I mope back to the caves, realizing all of my clan members probably died from the cold. I start crying from all the things that went wrong. I clench my fists, and get farther into the cave. The blizzard is getting stronger.
I see a creature loom in the shadows. It's huge. I barely breathe at all and take very quiet steps back.
But the creature hears, turns and it grins wickedly at me, at takes huge steps forward. I scream very loudly, and the cave echoes it out, into the blizzard. I run as fast as I can.
09/06/2014 5:46 am
Level 29 : Expert Botanist
jeenveev's Avatar
I start shaking. The snow is whirling around me now, and I can't see anything. I hunch against a tree and close my eyes, hoping that sleep will dull the pain while the snow kills me. Nothing comes, no sleep nor death. Alas, some things just are too cruel.
I get up. I might as well move around to try to warm up. I walk forward, but before I have taken more then a few steps I bump into something. Something huge, and furry.
I scream, and run away, but then I bump into another of the creatures. I'm surrounded.
My heart starts pounding, and I accept it.
I am going to die.
09/06/2014 5:57 am
Level 42 : Master Fox
-Mage-'s Avatar
I scream and realize I just bumped into something as well, it is worn feeling I turn around and try to hit the furry thing. I realize what i bumped into was the girl. I grab her hand and say, "it's me, don't worry, we met eatlier. I'm sure you realized that we're...surrounded. Run, when I say to, follow me...ok?" I say as fast as I can.
Ready...I think to myself. ... go! "Go!" I yell.
09/06/2014 6:03 am
Level 29 : Expert Botanist
jeenveev's Avatar
I don't think, I just follow. I know I'll regret following her later, but if it's the only way I can survive, so be it. The other girl's hand feels wierd.
I hear her shout, and I run. At one point a furry thing lunges at me, but I kick it and continue running. It's not until I feel her hand slip out of mine that I stop.
09/06/2014 6:10 am
Level 42 : Master Fox
-Mage-'s Avatar
I scream as another creepy fuzz ball monster grabs me away from her. I grab my whips and slash at it. I'm dropped and I find her arm again, and keep running with her. I realize she is probably dying from frostbite. As we get far enough away from the creatures I pull out a warm, long jacket, and wrap it around her. "Y...you okay? ...Are you hurt..?" I ask, pulling my jacket around myself as well. I still hold her hand, and the creatures have dissapeared.
09/06/2014 6:17 am
Level 29 : Expert Botanist
jeenveev's Avatar
I shake my head. I know I'm not wounded, but I need an excuse to leave. I don't want to stay here, and I'm not going to.
"I.. someone is expecting me. I have to go." I sprint off in the other direction, ignoring her. The snow is easing off now and I'll be fine on my own. I toss her jacket on the ground, shivering as the cold are hits my now bare arms. I set off to find a place to stay for the night.
09/06/2014 6:29 am
Level 42 : Master Fox
-Mage-'s Avatar
I can tell she's lying as she says it. My heart sinks and I try and shrug it off. I cannot. Instead, I decide to follow her without her noticing. I pick up the jacket and follow. (Kay, I think I'll get off now. =P Seeyah in chat tomarrow.)
09/06/2014 6:34 am
Level 29 : Expert Botanist
jeenveev's Avatar
(See ya c: I've gtg now too anyway xD)
I run through the snow, relief washing over me as the thick flakes gradually stop falling. To make sure she doesn't follow me, I kick snow over my tracks. I do a bad job, but it's good enough for now. It's not like she would be stupid enough to follow anyway, right?
09/06/2014 7:39 pm
Level 42 : Master Fox
-Mage-'s Avatar
Since Medora was assassin she could trace the girls footsteps (and her footprints being piled in snow noticably) she followed her. They must have been out all night running from the furry creatures. Because, the blizzard stopped, and day was dawning. She didn't know why she followed the girl. To save her again and not get repayed? To have her push away the jacket again? Maybe just to know that she wasn't alone. Whatever the reason, she wouldn't be stopped by her covering her tracks.
09/06/2014 8:14 pm
Level 29 : Expert Botanist
jeenveev's Avatar
I kept going for a long, long time, kicking messy piles of snow over my prints. It's a tiring, boring job, but it's better then being with that other girl. I want a home, but more then anything, I want to be alone. The day creeps up on me, and the snow becomes mushy, melting into a thick slush. I lay down in it and my tired eyes flicker shut.
09/07/2014 12:52 am
Level 42 : Master Fox
-Mage-'s Avatar
I still follow the tracks, off in the distance, a small, curled body lays there. My heart gets faster, and in less than seconds, I am looming over her. I stare awkwardly, and her sleeping. I finally decide she would run off again if I woke her. After putting the long jacket on her again, I sit under a tree, and wait. When she doesn't wake, I decide to carry her, to a safer place. I pick her up, and she sleeps peacefully. Not waking from her deep sleep. I find a old, abandoned cottage and place her onto a bed, and start exploring the house. I keep my eye on her though in case she wajes up.
09/07/2014 2:47 am
Level 29 : Expert Botanist
jeenveev's Avatar
I sleep peacefully, not knowing that I have been moved. My hand curls around the blanket and pulls it closer.
09/07/2014 5:41 pm
Level 42 : Master Fox
-Mage-'s Avatar
I start to explore, instantly, I smell blood. I stagger back from the fireplace, and the smell from what I can tell, is in there. I peer over at her sleeping. Then I cover my nose and I get closer again. Fresh blood. It drips down, in to a cauldron.
I look at the floor, and the dust. Fooprints other than mine were here. Only a few hours ago. I still feel squirmish, to look up, in to the fireplace.
I push myself to do it. I take a deep breath and look up. A tall, mangled body, maybe an elf, is hung. The neck of the creature is sliced, and blood is pouring out.
My insides go out and I puke in the cauldron.
A witch was here. Potion brewing. The potion isn't finished yet either.
They're coming back. We have to leave.
09/07/2014 5:48 pm
Level 42 : Master Fox
-Mage-'s Avatar
I suddenly realize, that the crest on the elven's pouch is a Raven. My heart sinks. This must be Theodore. My elven clan member. I pull myself out, and gather my courage to wake you. I walk over and lock the door. To make sure you don't sprint off. Then I go over to you, and I shake you gently. We must leave. Now. I don't explain anything and I decide that I shouldn't. "A witch is coming. We have to leave now. Or we'll die."
09/08/2014 2:02 am
Level 29 : Expert Botanist
jeenveev's Avatar
I wake up unwillingly. Upon seeing my surroundings I shriek.
"You again! What are you doing? I told you, leave me alone!"
"A witch is coming. We have to leave now. Or we'll die."
"Fine!" I hiss back. "Leave me to die. Better then staying with you. I suppose you were watching me sleep were you?"
I get up and storm off, trying to find the way out of the house. I look over at the fireplace and see blood dripping into a cauldron. My heart starts to pound. Without thinking, I look up. The body of a handsome elf is hung there, the once powerful limbs dull, like a puppet without strings.
I scream, and run desperately out of the room, finding a door. It's locked.
"YOU!" I screech, terrified. "I'm not going to be your next victim!"
Tears begin to fill my eyes.
"Please," I whisper, pathetic. "Please, don't do that to me."
09/08/2014 1:34 pm
Level 42 : Master Fox
-Mage-'s Avatar
I'm horrified of what you said. "N-No that wasn't me...that was a witch...T-that was...m-my friend..." I take my raven crest out and show it to her. "We were in a clan.... I would never...hurt you." I walk over and take his crest and match them up. One crest is splattered in blood. "P-please don't leave me here...I need s-someone to help me bury him..." I say and I start sobbing. My body shakes, and I fall down. "All of them are gone...my family... my friends...my home." I yell, "It isn't fair!"
I get up and go back to the fireplace, and pull him down, sobbing. Blood gets on my clothes. I smear blood on my face, when I wipe my tears. The young man's blonde hair, dark red. I pull him to bed. I grab old flowers from a vase, and place them in his hands. I cover up his sliced neck, and start crying again.
You stand there shocked, and you feel terrible for what you said.
I ask,"Are you going to run away again? Please don't..."
09/08/2014 3:06 pm
Level 29 : Expert Princess
ItsMorgan's Avatar
(Sorry for interrupting!)
Click to reveal
Name: Santiago Gomez
Age: 16
Hometown: None/FireBool town?
Class: Ranger/Rogue
Storyline: Has some bad amnesia. He just kind of appeared in a forest, not remembering anything. He just wandered until he found FireBool Town, got a job chopping firewood at the local inn and running errands. Sometimes gets bored and wanders for a while.
What you look like: Red, shoulder lenght straight hair, 5,4 ft/164 cm tall, slender, dark green eyes, kind of girly-looking. Wears a black, dirty shirt and black, dirty trousers. Doesn't like shoes. Sometimes wears hats.
Weapon: A clean yet dull dagger and an old bow
Skills: Not very strong, but pretty smart. He loves people and is very charismatic, but has pretty low self-esteem and can be pretty awkward around people because he's afraid he'll say something weird and mess up a potential friendship. Good with the bow, bad with the dagger. Stealthy. Good at building stuff, fixing stuff, solving stuff, and - against all odds - surviving. He's pretty much made of willpower. Gets scared easily. If someone he cares about is in danger, though, he will probably ignore any fear or pain to protect them. Made of willpower. Very optimistic and happy.
Fears: Oh, my. There's spiders. Bees. Pretty much anything poisonous. Dangerous-looking strangers. Sharp stuff. Ceiling fans (Are there ceiling fans in this setting?)

-Doo doo dee doo~ -Someone is heard humming outside. Cheerful and happy, quite unfitting for the situation. -I wonder if there's anyone in there - A red headed boy slowly and silently opens the door, and, in a mix of curiosity and fear, slowly wanders into the hut.
-Uhh...Hello? Anyone in here?
Wearing nothing but a short sleeved shirt, trousers and a pair of shoes unfit for the cold, I slowly advance through the hut.
-Anyone? It's cold outside, so I...Uhhh...
Then I take a peek at the room with the girls and the dead body
-Uh...Waah! O-oh, dear...I don't...I didn't....Oh, gosh...
Then I slowly back away in fear
09/08/2014 3:45 pm
Level 42 : Master Fox
-Mage-'s Avatar
I turn around and scream. "It's the sorcerer! Please don't hurt us!"
I back away, tears streaming down my face.
"Don't hurt him!" I say protecting the dead body.
My face gets int a distorted painful look. I hold my arm.
"I-I need s-some water...my a-arm..." I moan in pain.
I pull my bloody sleeve up, showing a red, burned arm.
09/08/2014 3:50 pm
Level 42 : Master Fox
-Mage-'s Avatar
(No, unfrtunatly, no ceiling fans. xD This is a fantasy past set game)
09/08/2014 4:01 pm
Level 29 : Expert Princess
ItsMorgan's Avatar
- Oh!
I trip and fall on my back
- Eh...Y-you need water? Wait, I've got some here...
I canteen full of water from a pocket in my trousers, and quickly pull myself together
- I-I'm not a sorcerer, ma'am. I'm sorry, I'm not going to hurt you.
Then, still dizzy from the fall, I walk towards Medora and hand her the canteen
- H-here, ma'am. I...I don't know how to ask this...but...Why is there a...dead person there? Should I be worried?
I try to understand the situation as I shiver in fear.
09/08/2014 4:50 pm
Level 42 : Master Fox
-Mage-'s Avatar
I flush with releif.
"Good...Thank you." I say wincing and pouring it on my arm.
I relax. I look fierce, with all of the blood on my face.
"A..." I keep sobbing. "A...witch killed my clan member...We were going to bury him..." I say, handing a half empty canteen back.
I stumble to the fire place, tripping. I get the cauldron, and pour it's rontents out the door. I collect ice and put it on my arm. Then I walk back inside.
"D-do you know any villages nearby...?" I ask, "If you do...we need to leave this place
"Medora, Medora Memory is the name. Delighted to meet you." I say, and quit crying.
09/08/2014 4:56 pm
Level 42 : Master Fox
-Mage-'s Avatar
"Are...you alright? When you fell, I mean..."
09/08/2014 5:14 pm
Level 29 : Expert Princess
ItsMorgan's Avatar
- I'm quite alright, thank you. Nice to meet you, ma'a...Medora. You should probably clean that...blood. And yes, I do know a village. It's pretty near too. It's Fire...uh...FireBoot village? FireBoat City? I don't know, Fire something.
I start getting ready to leave
- Wanna come with me? I'tll be fun
I said with a warm, friendly smile
09/08/2014 5:42 pm
Level 42 : Master Fox
-Mage-'s Avatar
"Well..." I nod, look over at the other girl. I'm surprised I don't know her name yet.
I pull her along, then I remember the poor dead man on the bed. "We...We should bury him." I say, and start pulling him outside, along with the other girl.
"Thank you, for the help." I say to him. "Um...What's your name?" I say, wiping my hands in a puddle of water.
"This is, er, I don't know exactly, we got chased by fuzzy monster ball creatures, almost killed about 7 times, and yet her name is a mystery to me." I say, pointing at the other girl, who I am dragging along.
I was my face off in the puddle as well, and smile at him.
Then I start digging a hole, with my dagger. After about an hour, the hole is done with his help.
I place Theodore in the hole, and bury him.
09/08/2014 6:32 pm
Level 29 : Expert Princess
ItsMorgan's Avatar
- So, I guess that's it. My name is Santiago. Quite the exotic name, huh? You can call me whatever you want.
I slowly walk away from the grave
- Boy, this was depressing. I guess it wouldn't be smart to ask about the girl and the dead person. I just have two questions. Are we leaving yet? and, Will you kill me? You know, 'cause I'd rather you don't
09/08/2014 6:45 pm
Level 42 : Master Fox
-Mage-'s Avatar
I laugh so hard I have to lean on his shoulder.
I pull myself together, "Why..why would I kill you? You're kidding, right?"
"Yeah, let's go." I'm still smiling from you asking the question, and it takes my mind off of what happened.
"Well, of course you've heard of the seven balance crystals, that's why I even formed a clan."
"S-so sorry about earlier. When I broke down. I really didn't mean to." I say frowning.

(Gotta go, roleplay tomarrow or later tonight. ;3)
09/08/2014 7:08 pm
Level 29 : Expert Princess
ItsMorgan's Avatar
(Sure, I'm on my phone, so I can do this roleplay thing pretty much anywhere, anytime)

- Of course I'm serious. People say I trust people too much. And, I mean, you were there, all bloodied up, with an unconcious girl and a dead body. I hope you understand my worries.
- Soooo... What are these Balloon...Cristal...Thingies? I try not to worry about... you know... things. Are you on some kind of quest? Will it be fun? Will there be loot? Money? Girls?....That was a joke.

Kind of...
09/09/2014 12:52 am
Level 42 : Master Fox
-Mage-'s Avatar
I stop walking, and stare at him like he's crazy. "Wait, you've never heard of the 7 balance crystals? The whole chaos control, memory keeper, hate control, balance crystals? They keep the world in balance..Someone stole all of them. Well, except one. The crystal of life. The death crystal was stolen...people...p-p-people are dying... all over."
"Also...My quest is ruined. All of them died. My clan members. Now all I have is her, who will run away and ditch me when she wakes up..." "You'll leave me too. I know you will." My eyes get sad, and I hug you.
"Please don't leave..."
09/09/2014 6:12 am
Level 29 : Expert Botanist
jeenveev's Avatar
I wake up, stop the other girl from dragging me along and turn to face my two companions.
"You... you guys know about the crystals? I thought I was the only one who knew about the crystals. I mean, how do you know? I was the only one there, the only one that saw them get stolen.." I trail off, scared that I have said too much. At this point, I'm too worried to even ask for the new man's name.
09/09/2014 6:39 am
Level 29 : Expert Princess
ItsMorgan's Avatar
I raise my hand, trying to get the mysterious girl's attention.
- I didn't know about the Balloo...Balance Crystals, Mrs. Mysterious Girl...Uhh...So...Are you girls searching for these Crystal thingies? 'Cause I'm in. I mean, living in Fire-something town is nice and all, but it's sooo gosh darn boring. So I just decided I'm coming with you.
It's gonna be fun! - I say, cheerfuly, as if it were a game, yet understanding it's something important.
09/09/2014 3:48 pm
Level 42 : Master Fox
-Mage-'s Avatar
Wait, I thought only the clan members got that kind of information...
So, when did you see the balance crystals get stolen?... I saw someone steal them. They were hooded, and didn't see me. I worked at the temple where they hid the crystals. The crystal of life wasn't taken...I wonder why..."
I look at her confused. "What is your name?"
"Also, why were you in the temple?"
"Are you going to run away again?" I ask too many questions.
"Wait...d-did you say f-f-fire...?" I ask him stumbling back.
09/09/2014 4:42 pm
Level 29 : Expert Princess
ItsMorgan's Avatar
- Indeed. Fire something town. FireBoat. Boot. Book. Uhh...

I start blushing in embarassment

-Fire, Fire, Fire...Gosh, sorry. I'm not good with names. I-I'm so sorry.

I take a heavy breath, trying to think.

- I... well, it was fire-something. Real nice town, there's an inn. Their beds are not the best, but it's better than the floor. And then there's the fire. I like fire. Keeps me warm.
09/09/2014 5:03 pm
Level 29 : Expert Botanist
jeenveev's Avatar
"What? What's going on? A..and what do you mean what's my name? And all these questions! Arghf" I shreik, and cover my ears.
Embarrassment floods through me when I see them looking at me skeptically.
09/09/2014 5:50 pm
Level 42 : Master Fox
-Mage-'s Avatar
Fear rushes over me, I get dizzy. "N-n-no no no... no f-f-f-fire..." I say trying to sit down, instead, I fall. My eyes start to close, and all I hear is people talking, frantically. Then I feel myself being carried, by something. Then I start to dream.
Dark mist flies around me, and my parents are there, standing motionless, I scream.
09/09/2014 6:18 pm
Level 29 : Expert Princess
ItsMorgan's Avatar
- Well, that was weird. I guess I'll have to carry her...

I struggle, but I can carry her.

- Gosh, she feels heavy. Is she heavy? Maybe I'm just weak...
Sooo...Mrs. Mysterious Girl, sorry about those questions. You don't need to answer anything if you feel uncofortable. We just need to get to Fire-something town in order to prevent, you know, our deaths at the hands of the cold. And, uh...Monster-thingies.
I really hope you can come with us. You seem nice.

I smile at her, happy at the opportunity to make a new friend
09/09/2014 7:04 pm
Level 42 : Master Fox
-Mage-'s Avatar
I shift around. (Actually, my character is really light xP)
My dream keeps continuing, and I stand there absorbed in mist, watching my parents catch fire, and burn.
I still stay asleep.
09/09/2014 7:50 pm
Level 29 : Expert Princess
ItsMorgan's Avatar
(Actually, my character is very weak. Action heroes are not my thing. I guess we should wait for Mrs. Moustache to say something)
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