New Roman Themed Server (HEAVY RP)

ThunderTiger04's Avatar ThunderTiger0412/27/18 5:18 am history
1/2/2019 11:55 am
Princessbookbear's Avatar Princessbookbear

I am an extremely passionate and excited Roman Buff. I enjoy learning Roman History and Studying Roman Leaders. That is why I wish to create a Heavy Role play Roman Themed server. I hope that fellow Roman Buffs will join the server I wish to create and we can have a good and happy community of players. The Server will be set around 50BC. I have added a poll which can be used by you guys to tell me what you think. I will stay out of the poll and not cast any votes so that I do not influence the result.


50BC. Rome is a republic and has just endured years of war in Gaul. A Provincial Governor named Gaius Julius Caesar has rose to prominence after his invasions of Britain, His ruthless actions against the Gauls and his crossing into Germania. Now he has been ordered to disband his legions and surrender himself to the state. The senate is almost completely under the control of Caesar's once friend and ally, Gnaeus Pompey Magnus. However after the death of Pompey's wife, Julia, who was the daughter of Julius Caesar, The alliance has been all but destroyed. The conservative Cato makes speeches denouncing Caesar and if it was not the Caesarion tribune of plebs, Marcus Antonius, Caesar would have the senate entirely against him.

Now the Republic is in danger. The Gauls failed rebellion lead by Vercingetorix 2 years earlier is is no longer on peoples minds. Pompey wants full control and so does Caesar. The stage is set and it shall end with two Assassinations, A General and a boy at odds, A beautiful exotic Queen having her moment in the spotlight and the transition from Republic into an Empire which would stand as the Greatest of all the Ancients.


The Server will be littered with attractions that can be used. I hope to have Rome as well as other cities such as Athens and Alexandria. The Rubicon river, The Fortress Alesia and the battlefields of Pharsalus and Gergovia. I also hope that many famous buildings and monuments in these locations can be built to the best of my and a staffs ability.


If you are interested in becoming a member of staff please fill out the following details in the comments:

  • Age
  • Job desired (Ex. Builder, Redstoner, Helper) [Admin and Modder Positions will not be available]
  • Any Previous works (Ex. Built a fortress, Created a working Redstone device, etc.) [Images help secure positions]
  • Minecraft name
  • Real name (Just a first name is good enough)
  • Discord name and number (You will obviously need Discord)


The Server does not exist as of yet. If I receive 20 of the highest marks on the poll then I will begin construction. If I receive this amount then I will add another Link directly underneath this to another Forum detailing join the server.

Countries Available to Join:

  • Roman Republic
  • Gallic Confederation
  • Germanic Confederation
  • Parthia
  • Ptolemaic Egypt
  • Cleopatra's Egypt

I am considering adding others such as Athens, Sparta, Celtic Confederation, etc. However they do not all fit with the timeline.

Being Inactive:

You are allowed to be inactive. However should you hold a leadership position (Ex. Queen in Cleopatra's Egypt, Consul in the Roman Republic or King of the Gallic Confederation) you will need to be active otherwise the power shall be stripped off you and handed to someone else who is active. Most if not all Positions will be voted on by other members of that faction.


Alright. You know the basics of whats going on in my mind. Give me your opinions and your support or dissatisfaction. All is welcome. Roma Invicta!
Posted by ThunderTiger04's Avatar
Level 1 : New Miner

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01/02/2019 11:55 am
Level 25 : Expert Mage
Princessbookbear's Avatar
The last option is XD funny
I like the idea but I have life and am on another server though.
12/30/2018 1:22 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Pokemon
Noibat's Avatar
it sounds so cool, i wouldn't be able to join, but it's a really nice idea.
12/31/2018 3:30 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ThunderTiger04's Avatar
It's a shame you wouldn't be able to join but Thank you for calling a good idea :)
12/31/2018 5:51 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Pokemon
Noibat's Avatar
you're very welcome.
maybe one day i can, but right now isn't a very good time for me.
i wish you luck in gathering more players either way. :>
Bard Bard
12/29/2018 8:19 am
Level 43 : Master Dragon
Bard Bard's Avatar
I love the idea and wish to see it succeed.

Unfortunately, while I'd love to help build, I'm already a builder on another server of a similar vein (Age of Ittgard), and thus would likely not have enough time to help out here.

If I could make a suggestion, the Conquest Reforged mod pack is great for historical projects such as this, and I think it could possibly help you.

Best of luck with this project!
12/30/2018 12:18 am
Level 1 : New Miner
ThunderTiger04's Avatar
I hope this project goes well. I don't ask you help with this project but Thank you for considering. Hope the server your currently working with is great and continues to be.
Bard Bard
12/30/2018 8:50 am
Level 43 : Master Dragon
Bard Bard's Avatar
Thank you. :)
12/28/2018 1:22 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Sus
amalien's Avatar
i'm always trash for a good realistic historical rp
12/29/2018 7:05 am
Level 1 : New Miner
ThunderTiger04's Avatar
The server would offer multiple positions. Generals for all sides are always options and soldiers are always needed. :)
12/27/2018 7:05 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
zXKing's Avatar
Making a historical RP server'll be hard. There're already plenty of RP servers, and unless this one's going to be near perfection, I don't think it'll work.

Though give it a try, I'd love to see it work. I've seen plenty of Medieval Fantasy servers, plenty of Renaissance Era servers, but never a Roman themed one.

Good Luck
12/28/2018 12:06 am
Level 1 : New Miner
ThunderTiger04's Avatar
My team and I have no doubt this task will be difficult but we hope that it will be worth it. Furthermore Roman Themed RP servers are hard to come by so we hope is something new and unique.
12/27/2018 1:58 pm
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Terraformer
Reer123's Avatar
Hit me up when it's done.
12/28/2018 12:04 am
Level 1 : New Miner
ThunderTiger04's Avatar
I will let you know. Obviously such a task will take time but nonetheless.
12/27/2018 6:23 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Kaechan's Avatar
I really love the idea and the concept, but Roman is jot my style, I 'm more into the middle ages :)
12/27/2018 7:48 am
Level 1 : New Miner
ThunderTiger04's Avatar
That's cool. Everyone has their style. I am interested in the Middle Ages but like the Roman Era more. Nevertheless your a fellow History Buff.
Cap Capybara
12/27/2018 5:52 am
He/Him • Level 41 : Master Procrastinator
Cap Capybara's Avatar
Sounds very interesting. how long are You in the process of making this server? :)
12/27/2018 7:47 am
Level 1 : New Miner
ThunderTiger04's Avatar
I have not begun as I am waiting for 10 people at the very least to view and support the idea. Once this is achieved I will begin work. Many friends of mine are also Roman Buffs however the project may take some time.
Cap Capybara
12/27/2018 8:50 am
He/Him • Level 41 : Master Procrastinator
Cap Capybara's Avatar
Ah alright Yeah such things take the time :) how are you planning on doing the landscape (map) and such. World painting or in game editing?
12/27/2018 9:07 am
Level 1 : New Miner
ThunderTiger04's Avatar
My team will most likely use a pre-made European map and then physically build the towns, attractions and battlefields in the correct areas.
Cap Capybara
12/27/2018 1:50 pm
He/Him • Level 41 : Master Procrastinator
Cap Capybara's Avatar
Gotcha :)
12/27/2018 5:34 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Dolphin
Tsukia's Avatar
I like this idea, hit me up if it's created.
I'd love if it's a little later, around the split of Rome and Byzantium. This would create an interesting mechanic. Alea iacta est.
12/27/2018 7:47 am
Level 1 : New Miner
ThunderTiger04's Avatar
I do agree with the idea of Rome being split. Only Rome can defeat Romans. This is why I have set the server around the period of Caesar's Civil war. Let the Die be Cast.
01/01/2019 4:01 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Dolphin
Tsukia's Avatar
Is there perhaps a way I can help or see any potential progress made?
01/02/2019 1:25 am
Level 1 : New Miner
ThunderTiger04's Avatar
I have only just began talking with my crew about the project. Only hours from the time of this reply, did I reach my goal of 10 votes of the highest manner. Currently progress is small but growing quickly. When Progress can be recorded, I will share it with everyone.
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