And the Year Begins Anew, Part 1: Back to School (School Story 9-7-2023)

IGEBM's Avatar IGEBM9/7/23 11:00 pm history
9/8/2023 12:24 am
The Last Kirbalorian's Avatar The Last Kirbalorian
Before School: So, I was supposed to take the bus to school this year instead of being driven there by my grandma. The bus was supposed to pick me up in front of my house. Then, this morning, they sent my mom an email notifying her that they had moved the stop to be a several blocks away. She texted me and my grandma about it, but by then, it was too late. She drove me to school, and we got there really early (7:45 AM). I waited about 10 minutes to go inside, since the school wasn’t open when we arrived, and on my way in, I said hi to Leela.

Before Classes: After saying hi to a few teachers from last year on my way upstairs (new grade, next floor), I saw the dean, who also moves up in terms of grades with us, and, after leaving my backpack and the bag with my English books on the couch in the Agora (the area that you pass through on the way to the locker hallway), asked if I should leave my saxophone in the Band room. She said to check and see if it was open, so I went there, and sure enough, it was locked, so I just came back and put my sax with my bags. I sat down and the couch and looked at TFWiki as my friends arrived. I said hi to them all, and saw which jocks had either gotten taller, grown their hair (it looks worse than last year), or had a deeper voice. Eventually, I got up and walked around with my bags (not my sax, that stayed by the couch), saying hi to more of my friends, including Haile, Gabriel, and Kelso, who were hanging out by my friend group (which Gabriel’s also in), who was by the elevator. To our surprise and delight, our History teacher from last year, Ms. Drow (as we’ll call her) came through the elevator. She was one of the replacement History teachers last year when the old one was fired resigned. Now, she’s teaching History in our grade! Sadly, none of us have her… Anyways, I said hi to my best friend (well, one of my two best friends - the other’s in California), Bria, who was in my Advisory (homeroom). Eventually, the dean showed us which Advisories were in which rooms, and apparently my Advisory was in the room directly above my Advisory last year. We dropped our bags (including my sax) off there, and I found out that my friends ZJ, Layeth, Tamir, and Isaac were also in my Advisory. Then, of course, there was the usual jocks and preppy girls. We then went back to the Agora for an Agora Meeting (a grade-wide mini-assembly of sorts).

Agora Meeting: During the Agora Meeting, each of the teachers introduced themselves, and we also went over some of the changes that were made over the summer. The most important one is that, instead having Mondays end at 3:45, Tuesdays end at 2:55, Wednesdays and Thursdays end at 3:05, and Fridays end at 2:50, all our school days would now be ending roughly 5 minutes before or at 3. No more long Mondays! Yay!

Advisory: During Advisory, we went around and said our names, pronouns, and what we’d want the high temperature to be if we had to pick a permanent high temperature. I said 70 degrees, because I can wear a sweater in the mornings and take it off when I get hot. For the rest of these School Stories, my Advisor (who’s also the Math teacher) will be called Ms. Clementine as a pseudonym. After introductions, we started work on comedy skits where we had to pick a mystery box and use at least 4 of the 5 items (bonus points if we use all 5) in there in said skit, with me, Bria, ZJ, Layeth, and Tamir a) struggling to figure out what to do and b) getting off-track a lot. We settled on a rough idea of them being a Black family playing Uno and me coming and shooting them all (either that, or robbing them). However, Ms. Clementine said before we began to keep it school appropriate, so… After some planning time, we left for Town Hall (our school’s term for an assembly), with the plan being for the skits to be performed at the end of the day during our second Advisory period.

Town Hall: After sitting down, we saw some of our friends in the grade below us and said hi, before the Town Hall began. We did some “stand up if you” things, and then were introduced to 5 new faculty members, and then the head of school spoke, and after that, we were dismissed.

Rotations: We returned to our Advisories, where did a rotation thing where two Advisories saw a presentation from the one of the Administrators in the Academic Center while the others got their locks and lockers. I was in the latter group, and got my lock. I went out to my locker, which is at the end of the locker hallway that leads into the Agora (despite Ms. Clementine’s Advisory room being at the other end next to the last row of lockers), and unpacked my school supplies from my bag. After some trouble remembering how to use master locks, I opened it, locked my locker, and talked with my friends in the hallway. I also found out that my crush is two lockers down from me. Soon, it was time to see the presentation, and me, Bria, ZJ, Layeth, and Tamir sat down at the same table as Kaylah and Jarius (who were in the other Advisory), and we saw the presentation about school rules and stuff. During it, we quietly talked, Tamir pointed out that I had long eyelashes and was thus becoming “girly,” and Jarius stole her left shoe. Once it ended, me and Bria went downstairs to go to Model Building.

Model Building: My school has an actual rotations class, where groups will go through 5 different classes throughout the year. Me and Bria are in the group that starts with Model Building, but we went downstairs and realized we didn’t know where to go. We asked a teacher, who said to follow Leela and Esmé, who were going to Visual Arts (another rotation), which was in the same building as our class. We went with the, to the building, which was next to the Library, and sat down at a table with Yaoyi and a new student named Alissa (I may be misspelling that). We learned about polygons and stuff and then began to start off the class by building a cardboard model of a pyramid. Me and Bria (and most others) got halfway through the process before dismissal, at which point we quickly put our supplied away and rushed out of the building and through the commons to get to lunch.

Lunch & Recess: Lunch was cheeseburgers and fries, but I asked the chef if he had any plain burgers and he said no. Apparently Solzy got one just by adding a “please,” which is helpful to know next time that happens. Our friend group claimed our usual table (from last year), I had my usual drink of lemonade, and we went outside to the upper field after finishing eating. We were supposed to get dessert, and when it was time, we went back in, but decided to avoid crowds by taking the route no one goes through. As that area got crowded, ZJ shouted “RAT!” and everyone ran out (and Jarius tripped over me), before he revealed that he was joking to clear out the space. Me and Aliza went inside the normal way and got our cherry freezer pops, and then went outside and tried to figure out where everyone went. Turns out they were all waiting in line for dessert, and once they came back, we talked a bit and then headed inside when the whistle blew.

Community Building Thing: Our Advisory was paired with Ms. Port’s (another pseudonym), and we met in the Science room downstairs, where Ms. Pills (another pseudonym) led a lesson about learning about each other, during which we made name tags on pieces of paper with things to show what our names meant. We then took pictures with the tags, before sitting down again and sharing about what our names meant or, as they said it, the story behind our names. We also glued the name tags to front of our notebooks for this class. Oh, and did I mention that we spent 5 minutes at the beginning of class sliding desks up and down to make room for the kids who had to sit on stools because there was no room. One last thing: we’re gonna have these classes more times in the school year, they’ll either be 45 or 90 minutes depending on the day. Today’s was 90 minutes. After dismissal, I went upstairs to get stuff for my last class of the day, Science!

Science: Turns out my Science class was in the same room I was just in, so I went back downstairs with my stuff, sat down next to my friend Elijah, and listened Ms. Port (who was also my teacher for this class) tell us about herself. She had us do basically the same name tag activity (she didn’t know we were gonna do it in the other class too), but swapping out things about our name for ways we connected to Science. After class ended, I headed upstairs to Advisory (and grabbed my backpack on the way there).

Advisory: During our end-of-the-day Advisory, one of the groups (Sam, Oliver, Isaac, and someone else who I’m forgetting) did their skit, which was basically something about pratfalls or something, and afterwards, the rest of us had some time to figure out our skits since there wouldn’t be time for any more before the end of class. The new plan for my group is to keep the family playing Uno and getting robbed by me, but then Tamir gets into fight with me. (My mom later pointed out when I told her about this that both ideas are very stereotypical, and my friends are basically planning to appropriate African-American stereotypes. I’ll tell them when we get back to school tomorrow and see what they say.) Anyways, after dismissal, I headed outside to figure the bus situation,

After School: I followed Bria (who took the bus last year and was taking it this year) to where her bus was, but realized mine was actually just around the corner from the school building we were in as opposed to in front of the area near the gym building and stuff. I ran back and asked one of the administrators (who coordinates the bus stuff) about my bus. She told me where to go, I went there, the bus driver told me I wasn’t on the list, I went back, the administrator said I was supposed to take that bus and that she had emailed back and forth with my grandma about it, so I went back, told the driver what she told me, wrote my name down on the list, and then sat down in the front row of seats. On the ride home, I checked my PMC feed of stuff posted while I was at school.

Aaaaand we’re back! For those of you who are either new or forgot about this, these are School Stories! I posted a bunch of ‘em last year, and they basically what their name says they are: stories about my school day. I normally write them on my iPad late at night (around 10 P), and they tend to take about an hour to do. I wasn’t sure if I’d be doing them this (school) year, but I’ve decided to. They may not be daily like they were last year (sort of), but I’ll try to do them every couple of days. If you wanna read my stories from last year, here’s the collection (it’s over 40 long stories, just so you know)! (Tomorrow, I’m gonna make one for this year’s School Stories.)

One last thing: here’s a poll! The question is, “What are your thoughts on my School Stories?”
Posted by IGEBM's Avatar
Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster

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The Last Kirbalorian
09/07/2023 11:23 pm
Level 43 : Master Skinner Waffle
The Last Kirbalorian's Avatar
That was really fun. It was like a Book/Movie it had tons of fun things that happened. I especially liked the part where you were like "We settled on a rough idea of them being a Black family playing Uno and me coming and shooting them all"
09/07/2023 11:41 pm
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
Glad you liked it! Again, if you wanna read more while I crank out those stories, there’s a whole collection full of ‘em.

And that’s an… odd thing to like…
The Last Kirbalorian
09/07/2023 11:50 pm
Level 43 : Master Skinner Waffle
The Last Kirbalorian's Avatar
Unless of course you don't have time
The Last Kirbalorian
09/07/2023 11:49 pm
Level 43 : Master Skinner Waffle
The Last Kirbalorian's Avatar
You should make voice recording of you reading these stories i would totally listen to those while i make my skins. I mean since you have already done a voice reveal.
09/07/2023 11:52 pm
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Birb Birb
JustaFlqmingo's Avatar
09/07/2023 11:54 pm
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
lol maybe one day

I don’t currently have the time, but it could be a side project

I have a billion other things to do tho lol
The Last Kirbalorian
09/08/2023 12:24 am
Level 43 : Master Skinner Waffle
The Last Kirbalorian's Avatar
Yeah I was guessing that. But it is still fun to read these
09/07/2023 11:40 pm
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
Hey, the poll has Ukrainian flag colors!
09/07/2023 11:51 pm
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Birb Birb
JustaFlqmingo's Avatar
makes me wonder if they chose the options for what they were or to only make a flag
The Last Kirbalorian
09/07/2023 11:46 pm
Level 43 : Master Skinner Waffle
The Last Kirbalorian's Avatar
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