The Nexus Network Looking for members! (CLOSED)

Darkn3sspawn's Avatar Darkn3sspawn11/20/14 10:21 pm
11/23/2014 12:37 pm
Darkn3sspawn's Avatar Darkn3sspawn
Hello everyone I am Darknesspawn of the Nexus Network (Name subject to change) I am here (and you guessed it) to recruit some people to be apart of our fun little youtube group! There are currently 4 memebers including myself and we would be glad to have up to three others join us! So far out first and only project was a gameshow by the name of The Raven ( check it out here!: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P ... 2-oOJhq933) We plan to do more things like this in the future. So if you wish to be part of this please fill out the forom below to the best of your abilities!

(If you do not believe you are a good typer and wish to discuss these questions orally my Skype is Darknesspawn [the only one with a picture] or myles.jackson7)

Name: (Or what you would like to be called)




Skype:(You may Pm when/if you are accepted if you wish)

Why you want to join this group: (Dont give us "you are bored and want something to do" that wont cut it)

What will you be able to bring to the table? : (Are you an exceptional builder? redstoner? tell us about it. Dont just say you can build well, tell us what you have done)

What is your schedule like?: (That is to say [besides school] what are some happenings that might regularly take up your time)

What is your maturity level: (Do not give me a number, type it out, give us an example of how certain situations affect you)

Do you have recording software?: (If yes tell us the programs and your fps on fancy settings)

Do you have a mic?: (If you dont this probably isnt the place for you. But if yes tell us what you use)

Have you been in a group previously?: (If so tell us why you are no longer apart of it)

Please take your time! Also take the time to remove all the parenthesis in the app, It is only so you have an understanding of what we want out of each question.

Last but not least thanks for taking the time to check this out
Posted by Darkn3sspawn's Avatar
Level 1 : New Crafter

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11/23/2014 12:37 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Darkn3sspawn's Avatar
@ Dead man and Martin. I will add you both on Skype . Check, Check, Check
11/23/2014 10:58 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
Martinsaal98's Avatar

Name: Martin Saalfrank

Age: 16

IGN: martinsaal1

Timezone: EST

Skype: martinsaal1 (Add me if accepted)

Why you want to join this group: I am going to give this another try here. So I had a YouTube channel a long time ago with about 250 subs that I stopped and its been really hard to motivate myself to join YouTube again so I believe that this may be my 1 way ticket back into the business of making videos Also, who doesn't love to play Minecraft with some people that could be really fun.

What will you be able to bring to the table? : I would have to say that I am a better redstoner than a builder. I have built things like bowling alleys, and a couple large redstone games. Also, I can make some sick Youtube Thumbnails.

Link To Thuumbnails: http://martinsaal.imgur.com/all/

What is your schedule like?: Starting December 1st I will be in musical on mostly tuesdays and thursday from 3 -5/7

What is your maturity level: First off, I just wanna say that I can be mature in situations but be funny.

If I died: I would not get mad or yell at other players and I would probably make a stupid joke. Nothing to offend anyone though.

If I Lost: I would be okay and not too mad. Its just a game but I would be looking forward to next season.

If I won: I would be a good sport as always supporting everyone who has played

Do you have recording software?: I do have Fraps Now if needed.

Do you have a mic?: Yes, I have a Kraken Pro Gaming Headset

Have you been in a group previously?: No I have not and would love to join 1 because I would just want experiance and maybe start my own soon.
11/23/2014 1:58 am
Level 1 : New Miner
DeadMan9922's Avatar
Name: Joe

Age: 15

Timezone: Pacific

Skype: coolkid2299

Why you want to join this group: I have been in a youtube group before, and it's very fun, and the experience of having other people wanting to watch your videos is awesome.

What will you be able to bring to the table? : I can talk, and make a video not extremely boring. I also like to build things, not like colosseums or like giant creations, but houses, and things in minecraft that are actually a part of me playing the game.

What is your schedule like?: I'm in a band, so some weekends I have gigs, and once a week I have guitar lessons, but I'm mostly available.

What is your maturity level: If we need to talk about something serious, I can be serious, or if were trying to be funny, I can be funny.

Do you have recording software?: I mostly use Fraps. I get around 50 fps, but thats with mods, so I don't know about vanilla.

Do you have a mic?: I have a turtle beach headset which is good, but I want to get a new mic.

Have you been in a group previously?: Yes, my partner was always busy working or something, and we had school at bad times, so we decided it wasn't working out. It was a while ago, but in about a month of making videos, I think we had about 100 subs.
11/22/2014 1:15 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
Martinsaal98's Avatar
Name: Martin Saalfrank

Age: 16

IGN: martinsaal1

Timezone: EST

Skype: martinsaal1 (Add me if accepted)

Why you want to join this group: I have been really bored with MineCraft and this sounds like a fun idea to increase my mood again.

What will you be able to bring to the table? : I would have to say that I am a better redstoner than a builder. I have built things like bowling alleys, and a couple large redstone games.

What is your schedule like?: Starting December 1st I will be in musical on mostly tuesdays and thursday from 3 -5/7

What is your maturity level: First off, I just wanna say that I can be mature in situations but be funny.

If I died: I would not get mad or yell at other players and I would probably make a stupid joke. Nothing to offend anyone though.

If I Lost: I would be okay and not too mad. Its just a game but I would be looking forward to next season.

If I won: I would be a good sport as always supporting everyone who has played

Do you have recording software?: No I do not but it is something I can look into.

Do you have a mic?: Yes, I have a Kraken Pro Gaming Headset

Have you been in a group previously?: No I have not and would love to join 1
11/22/2014 11:43 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Darkn3sspawn's Avatar
Denied, i specifically told you not to say you are bored of minecraft. Thank for showing interest.
11/21/2014 10:26 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
uno28's Avatar
So am I accepted?
11/21/2014 10:52 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Darkn3sspawn's Avatar
Check your skype
11/21/2014 4:32 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Darkn3sspawn's Avatar
Darkn3sspawnPlus one has been excepted and uno is pending approval, any more applicants?


Also, whoever edited "The Raven" Game Show videos needs some serious improvement because it was the worst editing I've ever seen.

But please keep this thread on topic. If you have issues with anything non - applicant related, comment on the videos themselves (and you have at least two of our members Skype's bro....)
11/21/2014 3:55 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Network
Legit_Ted's Avatar
Darkn3sspawnPlus one has been excepted and uno is pending approval, any more applicants?


Also, whoever edited "The Raven" Game Show videos needs some serious improvement because it was the worst editing I've ever seen.
11/21/2014 3:36 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Darkn3sspawn's Avatar
Plus one has been accepted and uno is pending approval, any more applicants?
11/20/2014 10:45 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
PlusOne's Avatar
Name: (Or what you would like to be called) Damien

Age: 15


Timezone: EST

Skype:(You may Pm when/if you are accepted if you wish) RKOuttaNowhere

Why you want to join this group: (Dont give us "you are bored and want something to do" that wont cut it)
I'm not on Youtube to sit around. I want to be able to produce content I know people will enjoy, and playing by myself only is fun for so long.

What will you be able to bring to the table? : (Are you an exceptional builder? redstoner? tell us about it. Dont just say you can build well, tell us what you have done)
I'm more of your hardcore survival guy. I'd say I'm a pretty good builder, but when it comes to having to be in a biome where it seems you won't survive, I'm pretty good at making it livable.

What is your schedule like?: (That is to say [besides school] what are some happenings that might regularly take up your time)
I would be away from my computer maybe 2 hours in the afternoon. Around 2:00 - 3:00 PM EST

What is your maturity level: (Do not give me a number, type it out, give us an example of how certain situations affect you)
I'm a calm guy, I keep my cool under pressure. I can goof around, but don't take my silliness for immaturity.

Do you have recording software?: (If yes tell us the programs and your fps on fancy settings)
I use Camtasia's Screen recorder.

Do you have a mic?: (If you dont this probably isnt the place for you. But if yes tell us what you use)
Yes, it's a Turtle Beach Earforce x12, however, I will be getting a Blue Yeti around Christmas time

EDIT: I am not in a group currently.
11/20/2014 10:39 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
uno28's Avatar
Name: (Or what you would like to be called)
Age: 15

IGN: uno28

Timezone: Eastern Standard Time

Skype:(You may Pm when/if you are accepted if you wish)
NoxEternus( There is a logo that says uNo on it)

Why you want to join this group: (Dont give us "you are bored and want something to do" that wont cut it)
I want to join because it will be my fist youtube group and i would like to see the experience.

What will you be able to bring to the table? : (Are you an exceptional builder? redstoner? tell us about it. Dont just say you can build well, tell us what you have done)
I am a fairly good builder, and to prove this, I can show you a project I am working on right now. I also can do redstone pretty well.

What is your schedule like?: (That is to say [besides school] what are some happenings that might regularly take up your time)
Things that would take up my time are studying for outside things, practicing my trumpet, and religious things.

What is your maturity level: (Do not give me a number, type it out, give us an example of how certain situations affect you)
I think I am fairly mature. I do not rage very much or at all, and I am usually very benevolent.

Do you have recording software?: (If yes tell us the programs and your fps on fancy settings)
As of right now I am just using Open Broadcaster Software. My FPS is not too great, I can only get about 60 with the low settings.

Do you have a mic?: (If you dont this probably isnt the place for you. But if yes tell us what you use)
I do have a mic. It is called the Samson Meteor.

Have you been in a group previously?: (If so tell us why you are no longer apart of it)
I have not.
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