How to grow my Minecraft YouTube channel?

6ProUp4's Avatar 6ProUp49/26/21 8:11 am
9/30/2021 9:16 am
SoapSoapSoap's Avatar SoapSoapSoap
I'm a minecraft YouTuber who is trying to grow his channel, but I don't know what people are interested in. What do people want to see? Also, any other tips to growing it?
Posted by 6ProUp4's Avatar
Level 10 : Journeyman Waffle

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09/29/2021 8:10 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Birb
lloyddominic26's Avatar
Based on your BedWars video, here's a few things:
  1. Having background music is okay, but make sure it matches the theme that you want to convey to the audience.
  2. If possible, use your voice and add commenting to your videos. Just adding a commentary to your video will make a huge difference.
  3. You might want to cut the dull moments or the parts where nothing interesting is happening. For instance, in your video, you may cut the following:
    1. "You Died!" countdown part
    2. The getting ready (gathering iron and gold upon starting) part (although you may keep some part of it)
    3. Leaving and going to next game
    4. Waiting for the game to start
    5. Also, I can't believe how laggy Hypixel is. You might want to cut that as well.
    6. Leaving the server and stopping the recording

  4. You could also add an intro telling the viewers what the video is about and/or what they can expect throughout watching the video.
  5. You should also emphasize the part where you ask or encourage your viewers to subscribe.
  6. Lastly, quality > quantity (quality over quantity). What this means is that you should focus more in making good content rather than making multiple low-quality videos. However, this has limitations as well (e.g. video is part of a series, your subscribers want more videos, you haven't posted a video for a week or two, etc.).

As a reference to my editing style, here's my video. You can notice that there is no commentary as I can't for some reason, although the video will be better if there is commentary. However, I still made it as entertaining as possible by using various cuts, zooms, effects, memes, etc. I also cut the dull moments in the video. Also, you can see that I took advantage of the server's lag by editing accordingly, such as making it look like I lost due to the lag.
09/27/2021 9:58 am
Level 44 : Master Procrastinator Nerd
SoapSoapSoap's Avatar
I'm also a minecraft youtuber.
But so far I only publish one minecraft video.
09/28/2021 3:24 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
1? I have 21 with 23 subs.
09/29/2021 5:40 am
Level 44 : Master Procrastinator Nerd
SoapSoapSoap's Avatar
No bruh
7 subscribers
09/29/2021 1:44 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
I can help, what's your channel
09/30/2021 9:16 am
Level 44 : Master Procrastinator Nerd
SoapSoapSoap's Avatar
See my profile, got the youtube icon?
Hatman Builder
09/26/2021 3:50 pm
Level 25 : Expert Architect
Hatman Builder's Avatar
Upd. Watched your video. Here's a "random guy" opinion:

You clearly spent time on editing and that's great! I liked the music! BUT You should do some real commenting and use this montage thing when you need to grind or/and build something, making the whole video of it - I don't think it's gonna work (unless it's a building guide). Remember, a lot of people are not watching but listening to the videos (yeah, even letsplay videos).

Also for this music montage mute the game music - it sounds wierd when two melodies play at the same time.
09/27/2021 9:15 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Waffle
6ProUp4's Avatar
I didn't have sound when making that vid so... I had no idea what it sounded like, and what music I uploaded to it.
Hatman Builder
09/27/2021 7:46 pm
Level 25 : Expert Architect
Hatman Builder's Avatar
That doesn't sound good. Feels like you don't care that much to make a good video, and that's not how you grow your channel.

Always try to make it the best you can. And I wanna wish you luck - you'll need it too.
09/28/2021 7:08 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Waffle
6ProUp4's Avatar
I did care, why do you think I waited 1- hours for it to upload from my editor then 10 hours into YouTube! I posted it even tho I had struggles!
Hatman Builder
09/28/2021 8:59 am
Level 25 : Expert Architect
Hatman Builder's Avatar
That's great then! You just said that you didn't know what music was there and it sounded weird. Sorry if I was wrong. Anyway best luck with all his stuff!
09/26/2021 11:02 am
Level 1 : New Miner
For one, if u r doing it with your voice, try to sound happy and excited to do your videos, people dont like to hear someone be like not excited. Try not to do a lot of: ummmm. Before you do a video, have everything planned of what ur gonna do. Dont start a vid not knowing what to do.

You can grow your channel by doing: skits, minecraft 100 days, minecraft hardcore. U can do anything of those. Just find something people like to watch.

As for your dopey craft idea, just go for it.

U also need to edit videos. I use Splice and CapCut and IMovie to edit my vids.

For thumbnails, u can use Phonto. If u want to put a mc skin to your thumbnail, i recommend Skinseed.

I use all of these to make my vids. I hope this helps
09/27/2021 9:59 am
Level 44 : Master Procrastinator Nerd
SoapSoapSoap's Avatar
Plus you need phone number for making custom thumbnails.
Hatman Builder
09/26/2021 8:50 am
Level 25 : Expert Architect
Hatman Builder's Avatar
Maybe what I will say is obvious, but

1. Do something new, be unique. Don't copy Grian, Scar or Mumbo or whoever else you watch, because no one needs an other copy of them. Find your own "thing".

2. Do it good. Give some effort, a lot of it. Work on your voice, your presentation, edit your videos so they will be entertaining, and not just unedited gameplay with ocasional boring comments.

3. Then goes your typical promotional stuff like thumbnails, consistency, being a part of community (not begging for views and subs! That's different!)

But this 3-rd part will not work if you don't have 1 and 2.
09/29/2021 6:32 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Birb
lloyddominic26's Avatar
I agree with #2.
For the editing, I have noticed most YouTubers (not just Minecraft YouTubers) do a lot of jump cuts, particularly during the dull moments (i.e. breathing/no voice/no commenting part), and I think it is necessary to cut down the boring parts and to shorten the video.
If you want to make your video as entertaining as possible, use some zooms, gray scale color effect, meme music, etc., although you might need to align your editing style with your audience.
The music does matter as well. Although it won't be heard that much if the video does have a lot of commenting, it really helps to set the mood of the different scenes in the video (e.g. intense scenes should be matched with intense music).
If possible, use your voice and add some commenting on your videos. Never ever use a TTS voice as it feels unnatural and most people wouldn't want to listen to a monotonic robot. You can also use text, but use it sparingly.
09/26/2021 8:59 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Waffle
6ProUp4's Avatar
Oh, I also have something where I find builds on some of my siblings worlds and fix it up. I call it ProUp Profection, though I haven't finished editing it.
09/26/2021 8:57 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Waffle
6ProUp4's Avatar
Well, I'm doing DopeyCraft, and Doing build battles and making minecraft maps? Is this good enough? I'm good at redstone, and I've made an a.i in minecraft before? But a problem is the Dopeycraft, it is very similar to hermitcraft, and I don't want to delete it because I have tons of progress on it and big plans. What should I do with Dopeycraft.
09/28/2021 3:29 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
what's your channel?
09/28/2021 4:08 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Waffle
6ProUp4's Avatar
09/26/2021 11:30 am
Level 75 : Legendary uwu
Itsme64's Avatar
Keep doing what you are with Dopeycraft, However, don't Copy Hermitcraft. It is fine to be similar or have the same concepts but don't just copy what they are doing. One thing you could do however is do something they're doing but put your own twist on it. Again its fine to be similar just don't copy.
Hatman Builder
09/26/2021 3:40 pm
Level 25 : Expert Architect
Hatman Builder's Avatar
That's true. Hermitcraft is the players. You watch it not for SMP, but for people there - they make it fun and entertaining. Replace them with a bunch of "ummm... eeehh" boring kids and no one will watch it.

So.. just do it and do it good.

Also ask yourself: would you watch your videos if they were not your? And be honest.

I can't give you specific advise because I haven't seen your vids, but that's just a base that a lot of beginners ignore.

Also I'm not an expert, just a random guy who watches a lot of Youtube
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