PROJECT EXITUS - Ambitious Machinima Series - [Recruiting]

rsmovactor's Avatar rsmovactor7/4/14 7:18 am
7/8/2014 3:22 pm
rsmovactor's Avatar rsmovactor

Hello there, Planet Minecrafters! Project Exitus has been in the making for a year and a half, and we are finally close to bringing our story to life! We are working on what we believe to be some of the most inventive, original, and high quality Machinima's on YouTube! My production team is currently going through some rebranding and restructuring, and we are looking for new members to join our cause. We are looking for ANYONE who could help to be a part of one of the most ambitious MineCraft projects ever!

Everyone has a purpose in the project. If you don't fit any of the criteria above, or all the roles are filled, you can always be a part of the crew! So please, if you have any interest at all, take the time to apply!

Job Descriptions and Requirements:

Voice Actor
-Can bring personality and professionalism to roles
-Accept and learn from critique by our director(s)
-Have a high quality microphone
-Old enough to fill the roles (16+ Recommended)

Body Actor
-Follow directions and waste no time during filming
-Change skins to character being played
-Available often to join in on film sessions

-Improve upon already established storylines
-Start original ideas from scratch
-Knowledge of storytelling and story structure
-Develop interesting and layered characters

-Produce skins at a reasonable rate
-Produce skins of high quality, or your best effort
-General knowledge or previous experience

-Create GFX for advertising or recruitment
-Create content of high quality
-Create content in a timely manner

-Generally help around during/outside filming
-Help with finishing touches or advice on script, set, ect.
-Backup missing above positions

Application (Delete parenthesis)
Name: (What should we call you?)
Age: (We aren't stalkers, but this is needed information depending on your role.)
Skype: (No exceptions. Either list your skype here, or private message "Rsmovactor")
Role: (Voice Actor, Body Actor, Writer, Skinner, Artist, Crew)
Experience: (Do you have any experience in your role? If so, provide a link)
Availability: (What TIMEZONE do you live in, and when are you available during the day?)
Credit: (What name do we credit you as?)
Extra: (Any extra information we should know about you.)

Thanks for reading, please take the time to apply!
Posted by rsmovactor's Avatar
Level 16 : Journeyman Ninja

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07/08/2014 3:22 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Ninja
rsmovactor's Avatar
07/07/2014 8:02 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Ninja
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07/06/2014 6:07 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Ninja
rsmovactor's Avatar
07/05/2014 6:15 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Biancaporter's Avatar
Name: Bianca
Age: 18
Skype: Bianca Porter (I'll add you if this doesn't work)
Role: Writer/Crew
Experience: I have only one story that I am willing to currently share and it is incomplete, most of my other writing was done for high school so I have no access to it.
(Link: http://www.wattpad.com/9525174-game?d=ud )
Availability: GMT+ 9:30 Available pretty much all the time.
Credit: Bianca Porter
Extra: Don't think so...
07/05/2014 7:29 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Ninja
rsmovactor's Avatar
You've been ACCEPTED as a CREW member, and are under REVIEW for a WRITER. My only concern with your writing, is that writing something in the style of a short story or book is completely different than writing in film. It's less about skillful wording, and more about storytelling and developing characters.

I'll talk with you further about a writing position over Skype. You'll probably have to send me a friend request, because there is a bunch of accounts under your same name. xD

Thanks for applying!
07/04/2014 9:12 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
littlelemon348's Avatar
Name: Tanner
Age: 14
Skype: charizardcharmer
Role: voice actor/ body actor
Experience: I don't have any professional experience but I do love reading out loud.
Availability: Most of the time, however there are a few days I'll be gone for a few hours.
Credit: Tanner K.
Extra: I have a pretty deep voice. I also have a Blue Snowball microphone and a pop filter attached.
07/05/2014 5:04 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Ninja
rsmovactor's Avatar
You have been ACCEPTED as a BODY actor, but like I told that last applicant, you will still have to APPLY for a VOICE role once casting starts. Not everybody gets accepted, they all go through the casting process. Also keep in mind most of our character's are at least in their 20's, so we usually cast the age of 16 at minimum.

However, you will still be able to go through the casting process. Good luck, and thanks for applying! Look forward to working with you!
07/04/2014 6:58 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Network
Legit_Ted's Avatar
Name: Andrew, but you can call me Ted.
Age: 14
Skype: LegitTedGaming
Role: Voice Actor and Body Actor. Also Crew.
Experience: I've been wanting to do a machinima for a while now. But either they're busy or they're offline.
Availability: I'm usually always available, but as soon as school starts I'm only available on weekends.
Credit: LegitTed
Extra: I sound a lot older than 14.
07/05/2014 4:59 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Ninja
rsmovactor's Avatar
You're willing to APPLY for a VOICE role once casting starts, however I will tell you what I have told many others your age. Our roles are mostly composed of character's in at least their 20's, so somebody voicing them at the age of 16 is usually the bare minimum.

Of course, everybody still gets a chance to find a role that may fit them. You have also been ACCEPTED as a BODY actor and CREW member.
07/05/2014 12:54 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Network
Legit_Ted's Avatar
You can ask many people on this forum: I sound like a lot older than 14.
07/04/2014 4:14 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
tankedpvp's Avatar
Name: Jay and my IGN is TankedHD

Age: 14

Skype: PM'd you

Role: Voice Actor and Crew, I'd like to be able to speak and help out!

Experience: I commentate on youtube for minecraft and other games such as GMod and League of Legends.
My YT: https://www.youtube.com/user/tankedpvp

Availability: Pacific Time +8 [West Coast]

Credit: TankedPvP as Jay

Extra: Nothing much, I'll be able to read and commentate anything you'd like me to do, and I have a lower-voice, fraps changed the sound, and makes it higher. But I am also funny, very chill and slow to anger.
07/04/2014 4:36 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Ninja
rsmovactor's Avatar
Your willing to tryout for roles during casting, but keep in mind we usually only accept actors the age of sixteen or above, because are characters are usually late-teens or adults. However, you have been ACCEPTED as a CREW member and you can always work up to other positions later on.
07/04/2014 2:52 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
ShadowDragon55's Avatar

Name? : Please,please,just call me Good.Even tho my IGN is goodforces.

Age?: I am 13 years old.

Skype?: My Skype is kinda messed up so I will be doing a COMPLETE REMAKE of it!

Role: Crew please!

Experience?: I don't have experience

Availability?: Pretty much whenever I can in the next 3 months.

Credits: Goodforces/Good

Extra: Chicken?

Looking forward to your reply,

07/04/2014 3:07 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Ninja
rsmovactor's Avatar
You have been ACCEPTED as a CREW member as soon as you fix your skype issue. Add "rsmovactor" and you can start. Thanks for applying!
07/04/2014 10:08 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
M4skedThief's Avatar
Name: Just call me Alex. My IGN is ItsZerox, but I prefer Alex.
Age: 14 years.
Skype: jarendoesntlie
Role: Crew
Experience: I don't have any "real" experience.
Availability: Since it's summer, I can pretty much come on anytime.
And my time zone is GTM +1, Norway
Credit: ItsZerox or Alex
Extra: As you probably read, I'm norwegian, so my writing skills isn't the best, but trust me, I'm trying. I speak alot better than writing.

*Sorry if I didn't write as much as you'd like, I pretty much just woke up, if that's any excuse. Please add me on skype or pm me if I get accepted.
And good luck to the others if I don't get accepted!

Yours sincerely,
07/04/2014 2:19 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Ninja
rsmovactor's Avatar
Thanks for the application!

You have been ACCEPTED as a CREW member. While you may not feel very experienced now, if you stick with us you can get experience and work your way up to another job later on if you would like.
07/04/2014 9:02 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
sunnydog1's Avatar
Name: Robbie (Most people call me Sunny)
Age: 11
Skype: rcruz2002
Role: Voice Actor/Artist
Experience: I have experience with both, The video was just recorded yesterday, so it is not up. I will link you to some of my work. http://rcruz2002.imgur.com/all/ (These pictures aren't the best)
Availability: (EST) I am available pretty much all throughout the week, there may be some days that I am out and I can't do anything.
Credit: Sunnydog1 or Robbie
Extra: Potato?
07/04/2014 2:09 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Ninja
rsmovactor's Avatar
I regret to inform you that you have been DENIED as both a VOICE ACTOR and ARTIST. We are looking for older applicants when it comes to that because for the most part, we only have older roles. As for GFX we are also looking for someone more experienced. However if you are still interested, you have been accepted into the CREW and should add "rsmovactor" on skype if still interested. You can still help out with the project and you can later join as an Artist when your skills improve or you may even find a better position!
07/04/2014 8:03 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Jax151's Avatar
Application: Body Actor Application.
Name: My MC username is Jax151, but call me Jackson
Age: 11
Skype: I have it. It's Jackson G
Role: Body actor or crew. (I fit there over anywhere else)
Experience: I do not have experience.
Availability: Everyday of every week. I live in USA EST
Credit: Jackson G is fine
Extra: I thought I belong in the body actor or crew. I am not the most artistic, but I'm a little shy for the voice part. Thank you!
07/04/2014 8:15 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Ninja
rsmovactor's Avatar
You have been ACCEPTED as a CREW member! Everybody willing to help out can find a way to be beneficial. Thanks for applying!
07/04/2014 7:23 am
Level 29 : Expert Pixel Painter
delusi0nal's Avatar
Sir no offense..But you technically ain't doing crap...Your getting everyone to do everything isn't making this fair...Good leaders are hard working ones
07/04/2014 7:27 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Ninja
rsmovactor's Avatar
Perhaps I should have made this more clear. We are very far into this project already, just looking for some extra help! I have a passion for filmmaking, so as for what I will be doing/have done includes hosting the server, filming, editing, as well as writing most of the script. We also have many others who have been with us for a while who have contributed just as much. However, this is a very big project. What we are looking for is some more help.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention, I will adjust my introduction accordingly so it doesn't seem like I'm one of "those" people who are trying to leach off of others while bringing nothing to the project themselves.

EDIT: As you can see, that's why I haven't listed roles like builder, server host, animators, or editors. These parts are already under control and I am even putting in my own money towards this.
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