~Fire Flare~ Elite Building team! Looking for builders!

Xxodstsuper1xX's Avatar Xxodstsuper1xX6/15/13 8:16 pm
1 emeralds 5.8k 115
6/25/2014 11:47 pm
Yocake's Avatar Yocake


We are searching for dedicated, highly skilled and experienced team members willing to put
themselves out there, members that are looking to be part of a medium sized exclusive professional
building team that plans on a big future. Members that are going to give time and effort into the team as much as they can and to learn new techniques, and overall become an even better builder than ever before.

You will be credited for whatever you create and we can guarantee you will be known across Minecraft if you stick with the team. We have a two leaders,(odstsuper1, and loridus) who both are willing to stride the team into success if you're willing to take the adventure.If you show enough dedication and very good builds soon after the server is live we may even pay you. Nevertheless, the biggest benefit we think would be that you could be part of such an amazing well known team that could eventually become a well-known Minecraft Sensation of builders.

Fire-Flare is a round the top group of talented builders who devote there time to the creation of breathtaking builds that will be showcased for the world to see and for people to interact with inside and outside.Every build you make will savored for use in high class rpg server, Avalon wich will open up the world of minecraft to its true possibilities as a fantasy world for a player to explore to his or her own freedom.

Now you may ask, whats in it for me?


-Meeting great new people



-and payment!


Not convinced yet? Check out our builds!

Click to reveal

Can it get better? Yes it can! If you stay with the build team and truly dedicate yourself to our building team you can be paid with real money that we raise!

Builder Application!

Why should we choose you?:
Do you have a skype? (y/n)
Write a small paragraph describing who you are, your native language, and how you act around others:
Why do you want to join:
Why do you build or what motivated you to build:
How can we contact you:
Portfolio of your builds:
How many hours a day do you play minecraft:

Thank you, ~The Fire Flare Team.
Posted by Xxodstsuper1xX's Avatar
Level 31 : Artisan Architect

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06/25/2014 11:47 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Yocake's Avatar
Alright, well if you are, here's my app if you want:

IGN: Stievie_Bobby

You should choose me because (All BS aside) I can build what you want me to, I know a lot of people in the building community (Mostly through Mithrintia if you heard of them) and I can adapt quick and easy to the task and working with others.

Skype: Yes, and if you want to contact me its my PMC username. Please in your Skype contact request state your are from this or I will not accept it.

I am a well rounded MC player, I also play cello and mountain bike (not that that's important). I speak English, I've had two years of Spanish education, and starting my second year of a four year plan to learn Japanese. I'm pretty chill around others, and very calm. I typically make my friends laugh, but who knows, they are all two years behind on the maturing process.

I want to join, because I think you guys look pretty cool. I've been roaming for a team for a while, but most I apply to or work for have expired either themselves or their applications.

I build because its fun, and its a way to keep my responsibility level up. I've always been artistic, yet I love the mathematical and logical side to me, which kinda reflects in the builds I do. I'm motivated to build because I always picture me getting somewhere, and making to a higher than average state with it. Also all these famous serves with junk builds running it piss me off, and yea, that is a pet peeve of mine.

Please contact me through Skype, yet if you need you can email me (Skype me for my email).

I'm sorry, but most of my recent builds (Ones that are good and sufficient) are lost on servers I can't access anymore, or places on servers I can't access anymore. I do have my current plot on the Mithrintia server, though, so I hope you can deal with only one build. !(! The tower is much more recent than the castle type thing, so please only judge the tower, not the flaws in the castle that are fixed in the tower build ;P!)! Also, I am the green guy in the photos, it is not Photoshop or any trickery like that. If you need more proof, you can come see these on the Mithrintia server.

http://imgur.com/scG5eFy,kTqV46w,EzvtM1 ... uAS7YuG#16

I play maybe 0-3 on weekdays during school and 2-7 on weekends during school.
Summer (Right now until sometime in August) I am usually available a guarantee of 0.5-2 and most the time 3-5.

Thanks for your time and consideration! Yocake wishes you a good day full of blocks!
06/25/2014 11:04 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Yocake's Avatar
Are you still hiring?
11/06/2013 7:40 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
dragonxp1's Avatar
IGN: Dragonxp1
Why should we choose you?: I have skill in building and a little in terraforming that I think could be of use in this team. I am a friendly guy, and just enjoys being around others.
Do you have a skype? (y/n) Yes, it is Dragonxxp1
Write a small paragraph describing who you are, your native language, and how you act around others: I am a twelve year old boy who just enjoys school and playing minecraft. I speak English, and do not speak any other languages. Depending on the situation, I will usually act good around others; I am never mean towards anyone.
Why do you want to join: I want to join because this looks like a great experience to raise my building level, and just meet others, and have a good time. Also, my friend Tslord is in the team, so I want to join it too.
Why do you build or what motivated you to build: Well, just plain creativity and an urge to personify my mind's thoughts into something that I can visually see.
How can we contact you: You can contact me through PMC (dragonxp1), Email (PneumaticDragon@gmail.com), and skype (dragonxxp1)
Portfolio of your builds: https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/115978450565218919473/albums/5943122216133531681?partnerid=gplp0 Sorry for long URL :/
How many hours a day do you play minecraft: If there is school that day, around four to five. If there is no school, more than ten.

Your Welcome! - Dragonxp1
10/30/2013 6:01 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Burkee's Avatar
IGN: Burke_Is_Pro
Why should we choose you?: Because i'm Creative and Innovative
Do you have a skype? (y/n) Yes - tombo.burke
Write a small paragraph describing who you are, your native language, and how you act around others:
I speak English, and love talking to others ( As long as they're not assholes)
Why do you want to join: I've been looking for a build team for a while, I joined Mithrintia, but i'm looking for a different team because i feel that i'd be better off with others.
Why do you build or what motivated you to build: I usually get Motivation from real life things.
How can we contact you: Skype or PMC, Skype is probably best.
Portfolio of your builds: http://imgur.com/LMaTynm,zWuhFlX,297K4d ... ,H6RO85C#2
How many hours a day do you play minecraft: 5-6
10/29/2013 7:45 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Narwhal
sheasawesome's Avatar
Looks cool, I might apply when I finish up more builds
10/29/2013 12:00 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Fyspy's Avatar
Guys, I'm pretty sure you need to have builds.. I don't think you have a chance if you don't have any
10/28/2013 9:39 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Archer
TheGamingBlockHead_1's Avatar
Do you have to have downloads for builds or can it just be screen shots?
11/03/2013 9:04 pm
Level 29 : Expert Dragonborn
Infinity-Box's Avatar
Screen shots work
10/28/2013 9:27 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
masterkiller160's Avatar
IGN: masterkiller160
Why should we choose you?: im creative and a good builder
Do you have a skype? (y/n) yes
Write a small paragraph describing who you are, your native language, and how you act around others: Im a youtuber/builder/streamer that loves building in minecraft i act aorund the others talking with them having a good time and laughing my native language is spanish and i know to talk english
Why do you want to join: because i love building with other people
Why do you build or what motivated you to build: i build castles cities animals almost everything depends on the place where im building it
How can we contact you: with twitter @masterkiller160 skype masterkiller160
Portfolio of your builds: i dont have saved my builds srry
How many hours a day do you play minecraft: depends if im buiding like 3-4 hours making a video 1-2 hours and playing pvp or games 1 hour
10/27/2013 6:18 pm
Level 45 : Master Batman
ItisaCloud's Avatar
i didnt get a request add l.p.klaud
10/26/2013 8:43 pm
Level 29 : Expert Dragonborn
Infinity-Box's Avatar
Todays been a good day we started a commission build with the terrain all prepped and this is what we accomplished in around 8+ hours

The client is very happy so far ^^
10/26/2013 8:28 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Fyspy's Avatar
IGN: ~Fyspyguy
Why should we choose you?: With building, I prefer doing organics, which might be rare. I can terraform, which is usually important for large builds and I can add many other organics(such as trees and creatures) to group builds. I'm also pretty decent in everything else that involves building, but i'm mostly an organic person.
Do you have a skype? (y/n) Yes, my skype name is fyspyguy
Write a small paragraph describing who you are, your native language, and how you act around others: I speak english, and I love seeing other builder's building styles, and how I can incorporate my style with theirs. I've worked on a few other build teams before and have gotten along/communicated pretty well with the other fellow builders.
Why do you want to join: I saw your booth on MSE and decided to check you guys out, and I was very impressed with how awesome your builds look. I would like to see how you guys build, and like I stated before, see how my style can help. It would also be pretty cool to get some help/advice with builds.
Why do you build or what motivated you to build: It's fun to see what you can create with just blocks, I like to try and replicate things into minecraft(organics). I also see what other builders have created, and try to motivate myself to build as good/better than them.
How can we contact you: Add me on skype with the name shown above, or message me on here.
Portfolio of your builds:
All of these were made 100% by me
Smash/SCB Arenas(old): http://imgur.com/a/uFaCU
Spawns(old): http://imgur.com/a/Kms6T
Organics(old): http://imgur.com/a/A7DJW
Minigame Maps(recent): http://imgur.com/a/IdDuJ
Willy the Dragon(recent): http://imgur.com/a/MVH7s
Floating Spawn(WIP): http://imgur.com/a/HUa7e
Random: http://imgur.com/a/pNmyO
(no shaders or anything, sorry )
How many hours a day do you play minecraft: 1-3 hours on weekdays, 2-6 on weekends.
10/27/2013 4:46 pm
Level 29 : Expert Dragonborn
Infinity-Box's Avatar
You are accepted on trial good luck!
10/26/2013 10:18 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Skinner
Isitacloud's Avatar
IGN: lpcloud
Why should we choose you?: I am a very active builder, who is building since the alpha. I am a builder,terraformer,skiner and i also know how to use gimp
Do you have a skype? yes
Write a small paragraph describing who you are, your native language, and how you act around others: At the moment i am in the "oberstufe" in germany for getting my abitur. I am 17 years old. I speek german , english and french. I play minecraft and lol (platin 2), but at the moment I prefer to play minecraft.
Why do you want to join: I am looking for a server with other active Builders. On my last 2 servers were only 1-2 other persons active.
Why do you build or what motivated you to build: I like to be creative and to create a realistic world,
How can we contact you: skype : l.p.klaud
Portfolio of your builds: http://www.planetminecraft.com/member/itisacloud/ thats my main acc on pmc
some older builds by me

How many hours a day do you play minecraft: i play 2-4 hours per day under the week, and i cant say how much i ll play at the weekend (0-7 h)
10/27/2013 5:02 pm
Level 29 : Expert Dragonborn
Infinity-Box's Avatar
Accepted On trial!
10/27/2013 5:26 pm
Level 45 : Master Batman
ItisaCloud's Avatar
What does on trail mean exactly?
10/27/2013 5:55 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Architect
Xxodstsuper1xX's Avatar
Oh spelling typo sorry its trial and it means you will make a trial build on our server and if its just right you will get in i sent you a request on skype please accept it
10/20/2013 10:08 pm
Level 23 : Expert Pokemon
Ramman1526's Avatar
IGN: Ramman1526
Why should we choose you?: I really want to join a good build team so I can learn how to improve my building skills with the help of other good builders.
Do you have a skype? (y/n) Yes
Write a small paragraph describing who you are, your native language, and how you act around others: I played minecraft since alpha. After taking a break from it I got hooked again and am now looking to improve my builds and maybe become as good as those megabuilds that just amaze everyone. My native language is English and I may be quiet at times (because of my mic) but I work well with others
Why do you want to join: Like I said, to improve my building skills and to contribute towards huge megabuilds. I also wanna show of my builds on my Youtube channel.
Why do you build or what motivated you to build: I saw those huge amazing builds and wanted to make similar builds. After working around on servers I realized that I was pretty good at building and decided I should try bigger things to improve my building even more.
How can we contact you: Easiest way is through skype: witherskull
Portfolio of your builds: http://imgur.com/a/oyPMi
How many hours a day do you play minecraft: 3-5
10/23/2013 6:43 pm
Level 29 : Expert Dragonborn
Infinity-Box's Avatar
denied sorry your builds are not the quality we look for
10/20/2013 2:37 pm
Level 29 : Expert Dragonborn
Infinity-Box's Avatar
Update on the nether build
10/16/2013 6:57 pm
Level 41 : Master Engineer
jefe070's Avatar
hmmm if you guys are still accepting new members, here is a project that i just made
http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/ ... -download/

pm me if you accept
10/16/2013 6:15 pm
Level 27 : Expert Dragonborn
circulus's Avatar
Do You guys still want me on the team or no? Just wondering
10/17/2013 4:09 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Architect
Xxodstsuper1xX's Avatar
Indeed we do but you will have to apply on the topic it
Shouldn't take long I'm sure you would be accepted!
10/16/2013 5:43 pm
Level 29 : Expert Dragonborn
Infinity-Box's Avatar
You can now apply on our website see the post above!
10/15/2013 3:53 pm
Level 29 : Expert Dragonborn
Infinity-Box's Avatar
Fire flare now has a website! Check it out at fire-flare.com!
10/13/2013 6:17 pm
Level 22 : Expert Dragonborn
AreoTy's Avatar
Why should we choose you?: I am very dedicated in what I do, and I put as much detail into a build as possible. I am very mature, and I do my best to help others.

Do you have a skype? (y/n) Yes

Write a small paragraph describing who you are, your native language, and how you act around others: I am a bit of a perfectionist, and I always look at every detail in a build. My native language is English. I am always mature around others, and a little quiet. I try to get involved in whatever they are doing and help when I can.

Why do you want to join: I want to join your build team because I think you guys are very talented, and I would like to join and learn from your talents.

Why do you build or what motivated you to build: What motivated me to build was the beauty of people's builds, and I wanted to try it out myself.

How can we contact you: You can email me or skype me.

Portfolio of your builds: None yet, but I will try to post some builds on my PMC account.

How many hours a day do you play minecraft: Weekdays : 1-3 Weekends: 2-5

Thank you for reading my application.
10/13/2013 7:08 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Architect
Xxodstsuper1xX's Avatar
You need to post pictures of your builds its required :
10/13/2013 4:46 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Architect
Xxodstsuper1xX's Avatar
Yay sneek peek at dulia, soon to be posted!

10/08/2013 11:50 am
Level 29 : Expert Engineer
DrStrad's Avatar
IGN: 57r4d
Why should we choose you?: Moderately new to building, but have progressed greatly over the past few months.

Do you have a skype? (y/n) Yes, thespncr

Write a small paragraph describing who you are, your native language, and how you act around others: I am 17 years old, speaking English in the USA. I try to hear everyone's opinion, and if there is someone more certified than me telling me something, I listen and try to understand. I work well in a team and come up with many ideas.

Why do you want to join: I feel like I can improve even more upon my technique, learn new ones, and build with people who know what they are doing and like to work as a team.

Why do you build or what motivated you to build: PVP is very unattractive to me, and I wanted to contribute to the community and be recognized for the things I can do. I like seeing the finished project and not leaving any detail out.

How can we contact you: skype, facebook, twitter, phone

Portfolio of your builds: I only have one on my PMC profile, because I am still working on it and other projects. I like building with stone and ice, sometimes wood. I am the best at creating structures, not as much as furnishing.

This is one of the things I am currently working on: View Temple of the Gods

Something else I'm still working on: View Dome/Cathedral/Longhouse

I'll upload more as soon as I can

How many hours a day do you play minecraft: Not much on weekdays but 6 a day on weekends
10/10/2013 5:22 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Architect
Xxodstsuper1xX's Avatar
Sorry your builds are not sufficient enough to join the team but you can always re-apply when you think your better
10/06/2013 5:37 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Architect
THAT_AFROguy684's Avatar
Applying for builder

Name: Domonieq Roberson

Age: 15


What (in your opinion) theme are you best at building: Modern and Mid-evil along with some futruistic.

Timezone you are in: Pacific time

Your experience in servers: Basically almost 2 years. I used to do a lot of coding but then I started to take interst in my building and became what I am today. I can still help setup a lot of plugins and program a few but i'll try to stick with building unless you want me to help with a few plugins.

Are you good at building: Yes, inmy opinion and in a lot of others i'm an amazing builder. I'm notbeing cocky i'm just stating what I've been told.

Are you good at plugins: Yes, i'm very good at plugins. Give me any plugin I will know every little detail in under 20 min. I'll know exactly how to set it up and everything so not only can I build I'm good with plugins too.

Would you be able to donate and help keep the cost up: I can try my best, but overall I will pay to keep this server running to the last second and to my last penny.

How long can you play: 12 hours weekdays adn all day weekends.

skype name : afrodude684

working microphone? [yes]

Why i should pick you from the rest: cause I strive to make sure everything is just perfect. I go all out, unlike many others I make sure I give you 110%. I go the extra mile just to make sure it looks just right.

What you can offer me and the server: I can offer a new style of building. Using modern and midevil to my advantage. This will make all the builds you see from me different and totaly unique. I also add a pintch of futuristic just to make things interesting. The way my patterns flow is completely new. I use everything to my advantage. Wether its the region, sky, grass, or even weather I will take that and use it to my advantage.

Why do you believe you should get this job: The reason I want to join is because ever since I first started up Minecraft I've been dedicated to building bigger and better with each world I make. I belive that I can bring a brand style to this community. As well as making new Idea's for builds. I also would like to expand my building knowledge by learning from my fellow teammates and hoping that I will be able to teach everyone else something.

How long can you be online: 12 Hours on weekdays and all day on weekends

How long have you been playing minecraft: 3 years now

Build pictures:www.planetminecraft.com/project/need-a-builder-2515161/
10/07/2013 5:24 pm
Level 29 : Expert Dragonborn
Infinity-Box's Avatar
Thank you for your time we will accept you as a trial, mainly becuase you can dedicate and that way we can work with you ti improve your skills to be very good your on trial connect with conflictedrealms.com
10/05/2013 8:24 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
_Jokez_'s Avatar
GUYS! If you,re expecting to get accepted without any pictures, u won't, so plz don't apply withoutany images! It must be annoying for Aiden. Ty.
10/04/2013 9:46 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Architect
Xxodstsuper1xX's Avatar
09/30/2013 6:36 pm
Level 25 : Expert Crafter
MN_Surfer's Avatar
IGN: mksurferboy
Why should we choose you?: I Have Experience With Building I Am Good With Red stone And Designing.
Do you have a Skype?: Yes mksurferboy
Write a small paragraph describing who you are, your native language, and how you act around others:I Am Aussie Speak English I Don't Get Angry With People Very Much My Instructions Are Clear Ill Do What You Want Me To.
Why do you want to join: To Build With You Guys And Help.
Why do you build or what motivated you to build: I Have Been Building For A Long Time Found It So Fun I Practiced Now I Want To Show The People What I Can Do.
How can we contact you: Though Skype, Texting Any Social Network
Portfolio of your builds:
How many hours a day do you play minecraft: i Play Alot A Day About 4 Hours.

Thank you, ~Mksurfer
10/01/2013 3:05 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Architect
Xxodstsuper1xX's Avatar
Please post pictures of yor builds as they are nessasaraly for a application
09/30/2013 6:09 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Pony
CybersWaffle's Avatar
IGN: Dr0bak

Why should we choose you?: I am good at building and have been playing minecraft for a while. I have skype and a mic and can be on a lot. I am good with computers and have a good quality gaming computer i can work on. I am in to learning more techniques and meeting new people.

Do you have a skype? (y/n) Yes. I also have a mic

Write a small paragraph describing who you are, your native language, and how you act around others: My native language is English. My name is Michael and i am in real life normally shy around people. On skype i am normally not shy and love to talk. I am 12 years old but that says nothing about my maturity. I love to play video games. I first started playing video games when i was 5 and i played World of Warcraft. I also know some php and a little java.

Why do you want to join: I love building with others. I love to learn new techniques that i can use in future builds and just have fun with other people. I also want to extend my knowledge and be a better builder that i know i can be
Why do you build or what motivated you to build: My motivation to build is because i am normally shy and have a hard life. I have acne and im only 12 and get picked on sometimes. I am shy talking to people face to face and only have a couple of friends. I love to build because it gives me a way to express myself and what i can really do.

How can we contact you: You can contact me through skype. To get my skype pm me. I dont want random people adding me.
Portfolio of your builds: Check out my profile i have one build there. I have built others too for private servers.
How many hours a day do you play minecraft: I play all day on the weekends and cant play from 6am-4pm on weekdays because of school.

Thank you for your consideration.
10/01/2013 3:07 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Architect
Xxodstsuper1xX's Avatar
Got acne to man it's not so bad :p but sorry your denied I like your app but your builds are not good enough! But when you believe your better feel free to apply again
09/30/2013 4:33 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
lildrumma13's Avatar
IGN: lildrumma
Why should we choose you?:I've been looking for a Minecraft building team to join up with because it would seem fun to work with many people to make something epic in minecraft, when I saw this, I decided it could be a good one for sure. I love to build, especially with others. When i work with others we make the most marvelous creations.
Do you have a skype? (y/n) yes
Write a small paragraph describing who you are, your native language, and how you act around others: My name is Alex, i am 16 years of age. I speak english and some spanish. Around others, i am very creative, collaborative, and trustworthy. I am very responsible with the task given to me.
Why do you want to join: I want to join so i can combine my ideas with my team and want to show the world what building to me means.
Why do you build or what motivated you to build: What motivated me to build is looking at all the amazing architecture and buildings these days in the cities and i just thought to myself, why don't i make that myself?
How can we contact you: Skype:aedelman7
Portfolio of your builds:lildrumma.imgur.com
How many hours a day do you play minecraft: 4-5 hours a day
09/29/2013 6:22 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Goblin
Eaphox's Avatar
IGN: babybluerick(Will Be Eaphox Soon!)
Why should we choose you?: Well i'm pretty sure i build like no-one else!
I do alot of cool stuff with water and lava and fire!
I can make dragons, castles pretty much anything with worldedit!

Do you have a skype? (y/n) Yes (Tzeezelab)
Write a small paragraph describing who you are, your native language, and how you act around others: Well i am ricky reyes i am just a teen that loves building on Minecraft! I usually speak english and a little bit of spanish.
I act fun and funny around others but when it time to build i pretty much just shutup.

Why do you want to join:
Well i have been looking for a very good building team for about 1 month!!
And you guys seem like you have more than enough for me.

Why do you build or what motivated you to build: Well when everybody started building alot of cool things i started and i sucked but i kept on building and i got better and better, thus i am now a good builder more than good actually.

How can we contact you:
Skype: tzeezelab
Email: eaphox@gmal.com
Phone: 5303140816

Portfolio of your builds:Not yet sorry!
But i am willing to send pictures!
How many hours a day do you play minecraft: 7
09/29/2013 7:48 pm
Level 29 : Expert Dragonborn
Infinity-Box's Avatar
Please post your pictures as they are required! Your application is on hold at the moment.
09/29/2013 6:20 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Toast
Unnatural's Avatar
you guys are really quite good, maybe I will apply ... maybe
09/30/2013 3:11 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Architect
Xxodstsuper1xX's Avatar
You should apply there are menu benefits to joining and it's worth a try I'm sure you would get in
09/29/2013 6:08 pm
Level 29 : Expert Dragonborn
Infinity-Box's Avatar
Update on the nether build!
09/28/2013 6:26 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Blockhead
Dafaria's Avatar
Thanks for your words but your buildings are not sufficient to join us practice a little them you can re-apply![/quote]

Hahaha, okay, I'm actually really liking Fire Flare, because it's hard to get in. I am actually working on a VERY large-scale project at the moment, so I will re-apply when that is done!
Thank you for your time!
09/26/2013 5:56 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
mozo1009's Avatar
IGN: benzo1009
Why should we choose you?: because i have had mincraft for over a year and would love to join a building team.
Do you have a skype?: yes zayb1090
Write a small paragraph describing who you are, your native language, and how you act around others:My language is english, I love to be around others and can have a joke.
Why do you want to join:because i have wanted to join a building team for a while.
Why do you build or what motivated you to build: before i got minecraft i saw a video of an amazing building and from then i wanted to start building.
How can we contact you: through skype.
Portfolio of your builds: will be an attachment.
How many hours a day do you play minecraft: 2 to 7
09/26/2013 7:36 am
Level 34 : Artisan Blockhead
Dafaria's Avatar
Builder Application!

IGN: Dafaria
Why should we choose you?: I have technically been playing Minecraft since it was ever released. I was browsing the interwebs back in the day and I came across it where all you could do was place stone and grass and break stone and grass. I had a long gap of time between then and near the start of Beta where I didn't play Minecraft at all. And now I'm addicted! I have started from the start and I'm quite professional. I have experience of other build teams and much, much more. I am VERY good at redstone, reasonably good at texturing, 8.7/10 at building and almost perfect on terraforming (Using World Edit, MCedit, etc). If need be, I also have experience in all other things MCedit and those sort of programs. (filters, etc)
Do you have a skype? (y/n) y = Dafaria1
Write a small paragraph describing who you are, your native language, and how you act around others: I am Dafaaaaaaria, known well as I submit maps to RageGaming and GenerationHollow. I am funny but will be serious when necessary/asked to. I come from Australia and natively speak English. As I am Aussie, I spell "color" like this! "Colour". W00t. Anyway, I act politely to people older than me, and don't act like I'm better than younger people. I am funny and nice, and I hope I get picked! :3
Why do you want to join: I, long ago was part of a build team and I miss the teamwork and just the fun of it, so I've been looking for a good build team like this to join.
Why do you build or what motivated you to build: I started building when I started playing, basically. But then it got more professional as I played more. I watched the first ever RageGaming video I saw, and then I started making Portal 2 maps for him. I kept playing Minecraft in the background, but then a series by Rage and his friend called Mapstrav, so now I submit maps quite often to him.
How can we contact you: Skype, PMC or Steam.
Portfolio of your builds: http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/ ... oss-fight/ (Not my map, but I helped quite a bit on the redstone and building)

http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/ ... ilisation/ (My incomplete Survival Games map, which I hope I will complete soon)

http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/biomeblock-v10/ (A new idea for a skyblock island)

http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/ ... ias-entry/ (My "To The Stars" contest entry)

http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/ ... ldbuilder/ (My first terraforming project)

http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/ ... d-of-hope/ (Another sky block)

http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/ ... -deathrun/ (A co-op version of deathrun)

http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/ ... mountains/ (My second terraforming project)

I also have some random redstone and parkour/puzzle maps on my profile as well as some not on my profile that I have not finished/uploaded yet. I have also not included some because I feel like they are not good enough to be shown.

Extra: I have quite a strong relationship with "RageGamingVideos" and "GenerationHollow". They are both Youtubers, Rage having 300,000 subs and Hollow having 30,000. I send them my Minecraft maps and Portal 2 maps and they 99% of the time play them. I have been in one build team before and have helped others just because I've been bored. At the moment I am working on a Monopoly minigame, an achievement minigame and an entry for the rollercoaster contest which is looking pretty good at the moment!
How many hours a day do you play minecraft: On weekdays 1-2 hours, on weekends 2-3 hours, on holidays 3-5 hours.

Thank you, ~Dafaria.
09/28/2013 2:14 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Architect
Xxodstsuper1xX's Avatar
Thanks for your words but your buildings are not sufficient to join us practice a little them you can re-apply!
09/29/2013 10:44 am
Level 29 : Expert Dragonborn
Infinity-Box's Avatar
Hahaha, okay, I'm actually really liking Fire Flare, because it's hard to get in. I am actually working on a VERY large-scale project at the moment, so I will re-apply when that is done!
Thank you for your time!
I look forward to reviewing your next application
09/22/2013 3:12 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Architect
Caux's Avatar

I was really interested on this, and think your buildings are great. I'd like to talk to you a little more on skype to decide if I'm interested on applying or not. My skype is nmaurok, please add me.

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