End Productions - [Builders/Writers/Actors/Artists/More]

rsmovactor's Avatar rsmovactor3/4/13 5:21 am
3/25/2013 12:17 pm
rsmovactor's Avatar rsmovactor
Who are we?

End Productions is a dedicated team of skilled individuals looking to change the online conception of the way we [the Internet] make and watch videos.

Who do we need?


Skilled architects who can create both creative and large scale set pieces.

Voice Actor's

Those who can give a character a realistic interpretation, bring him/her to life with a memorable performance.

Body Actor's

Anyone who is both willing to change there skin, and follow directions.

Visual and Graphical Effects
Those who are a master at either photo, video, or modeling programs who can create stunning imagery to present on screen.

Those who can create engaging stories with deep characters and witty and/or meaningful dialogue.

Those who can visualize film, and put together the art of cinema in a creative and professional way.

From organizing events, to scheduling and recognizing ideas that can be made into series's or Machinima's that stay in the hearts and minds of the viewers.

Whether its dub step, rock, or film scores, music is an essential part of any video and we would like you on our team.

Spread the word and recruit skilled and professional members who will benefit the team, and become apart of our family.

Help with management in any form whether it is on set, on our site, team, or any other media.

Server Host
Someone who can actively (preferably 24/7) put up a private or public bukkit server when needed, that can handle a decent amount of players.

How to join

Step 1: Fill out application below, in detail, leave out anything in parenthesis.

Step 2: While waiting on a response, show this post to others. Referrals will help when in consideration of your application.

Step 3: If accepted, send a friend request to rsmovactor on Skype (If I haven't sent you one already) and we can talk.

Step 4: Send me an email you are able to check often, and sign up on our website (Link will be provided) for updates.

Step 5: Last, choose a current project, or depending on your role you may suggest to start your own.

Step 6: Your finished, a full member of End Productions!


What do we call you?

What is your age?
(Mature and professional people required, although this may be over looked.)

Are you male or female?
(Just to know more about you)

Role your applying for?
(Job listed above or another service you may offer)

Skills And Qualifications?
(Proof, and don't say "Look at me PMC page".)

Where are you located?
(So I know when to contact you based on time zone)

What do we credit you as?
(A link to your youtube or other social media, and/or a name to credit you as on projects.)


(How did you find this post? If someone list his name.)

Current Projects

The End (Working Title)
Feature Length MineCraft Machinima, currently In Pre-Production. The final draft of the script (Estimated 90 Pages) is In the works, and we are working on building and casting.

Untitled Mini-Series
Horror/Found footage mini series, currently in the early writing, building, and casting stages.

Apollo Craft
A lets play series featuring several guest stars, and plenty of mods. Currently almost twenty episodes in, act fast for a chance as a guest star before the next round of episodes are shot.

Untitled Ongoing-Series
Looking for writers for an ongoing series, very early stages of development, anyone with creative ideas sign up now.

Contact info and Credits

CEO Rsmovactor, AKA Mason. http://www.youtube.com/rsmovactor


Rsmovactor - Skype Name
Posted by rsmovactor's Avatar
Level 16 : Journeyman Ninja

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03/23/2013 1:48 am
Level 1 : New Miner
iJax's Avatar
Is.. Is this still a thing? Cause I would totally apply.. If this is going anywhere...
03/23/2013 2:23 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Ninja
rsmovactor's Avatar
Very much so! Will get to the applications in the morning it's late.
03/18/2013 3:15 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
VakamaMetruNui's Avatar
What do we call you?

What is your age?

Are you male or female?

Role your applying for?
Voice Actor, I could body act if you needed me to, but scheduling could be difficult.

Skills And Qualifications?

Where are you located?
New York

What do we credit you as?
VakamaMetruNui http://www.youtube.com/user/VakamaMetruNui


I just searched and found it.

I look forward to working with you.
03/25/2013 12:17 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Ninja
rsmovactor's Avatar
Accepted, will contact you on Skype about a role.
03/14/2013 8:52 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
Leedgymemer's Avatar
any descion on mine?
03/12/2013 11:50 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
Leedgymemer's Avatar
What do we call you? zack

What is your age? 13
Are you male or female? male

Role your applying for? advertiser,or body actor

Skills And Qualifications? i can change my skin and follow directions and i am very good at writing advertisments (many of my posts are ads you can browse them)

Where are you located? usa eastern coast

What do we credit you as? you dont have to

Skype none :O

Referral i found it while randomly browsing
03/18/2013 12:22 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Ninja
rsmovactor's Avatar
Sorry for inactivity. Skype is absolutely required to be a part of this, It's going to be very hard without it ESPECIALLY for body acting.

If you cannot download a simple program you do not seem to be very dedicated. So if you really want to be apart of this, come back to me with skype!
03/12/2013 11:17 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
Zatharel's Avatar
What do we call you?

What is your age?

Are you male or female?

Role your applying for?

Skills And Qualifications?
You want proof? Alright, expect 5 horror stories in word documents sent to your email by the end of next week.
( I have them written in a notebook, tho I'll need to retype them in word)

Where are you located?
Macedonia (GMT+1)

What do we credit you as?
Something like:


rsmovactor's blog post
03/13/2013 5:10 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Ninja
rsmovactor's Avatar
Just so I can see what you can do, send me something at rsmovactor@gmail.com and we can talk over skype about it.
03/09/2013 10:31 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Ninja
rsmovactor's Avatar
03/06/2013 10:35 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Ninja
rsmovactor's Avatar
03/06/2013 8:39 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Ninja
rsmovactor's Avatar
03/05/2013 2:12 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Ninja
rsmovactor's Avatar
Le bump.
03/04/2013 11:08 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Grave_Zombie's Avatar
What do we call you?
Jeremy will be fine.

What is your age?
13 But very mature.

Are you male or female?

Role your applying for?
Body actor's.

Skills And Qualifications?
I have been on a lot of youtube channels and i just left on called
AzzAGamingChannel. I didn't really like them but i had like 2 videos on
there and i also had a channel before that Called "The GoonsCast"
One of our memmbers deleted all the videos so i left it.

Where are you located?
Central Time Zone

What do we credit you as?


03/04/2013 11:11 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Ninja
rsmovactor's Avatar
Accepted as a body actor, I'll add you on skype.
03/04/2013 10:52 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Dragonsword13's Avatar
Nickname: Mike

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Role I am applying For: Depending on what you feel like, writer or body actor or builder

Skills and Qualifications: I am extremely creative, I can come with crazy story lines and amazing quick short films if needed to, everyone who I have talked to says I am, and for the body actor, I am more than willing to be one, I think from what I have seen, I would love to be one, and I will obey where I need to go and what I need to do in order to make the best film, don't really know how to show my proof for building, but if you tell me how I can, I will send you some shots of mine, I am not amazing, but I am really good at architecture, my creativity will help

Located: Utah, Central Mountain Time Zone

What do you credit me as: Just do me as Dragonsword, that is Dragon Sword, not Dragons word, I had a lot of people call me Dragons Word, it bugs me

Skype Name: Dragonsword13, that is my usual name for everything I do, unless of course it is not available

Referral: I found it myself, first thing I saw and read once I got on planetminecraft's forums
03/04/2013 11:09 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Ninja
rsmovactor's Avatar
Great app! For the building aspect, you can send me screenshots through skype or host it on something like photobucket and link me. I may not be able to talk tonight, but I'll send you a skype request.
03/04/2013 7:46 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Architect
_Nomo_'s Avatar

What do we call you? Nomo

What is your age? 15
(Mature and professional people required, although this may be over looked.)

Are you male or female? Male
(Just to know more about you)

Role your applying for? Builder
(Job listed above or another service you may offer)

Skills And Qualifications? I build for many servers and everyone says i am really skilled. I can of course learn a lot more, but I think I can help you guys a lot. I can send you pictures of some of my builds over skype easiest.
(Proof, and don't say "Look at me PMC page".)

Where are you located? Idaho
(So I know when to contact you based on time zone)

What do we credit you as? Just say my name in everything i helped with.
(A link to your youtube or other social media, and/or a name to credit you as on projects.)

Skype: nomo5252

Referral: Just was looking for something like this and found it.
(How did you find this post? If someone list his name.)
03/04/2013 10:38 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Ninja
rsmovactor's Avatar
I've sent you a request on skype so you can send me some pictures of your work, Besides that, everything in your app looks good!
03/04/2013 2:27 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
muppetlab's Avatar
untitled mini series
03/04/2013 2:26 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
muppetlab's Avatar
What do we call you?
(Nickname) lathe

What is your age? 13
(Mature and professional people required, although this may be over looked.)

Are you male or female? female
(Just to know more about you)

Role your applying for? body actor or builder
(Job listed above or another service you may offer)

Skills And Qualifications? im kinve new to minecraft but ive always been a great builder in any game
(Proof, and don't say "Look at me PMC page".)

Where are you located? east vcoast
(So I know when to contact you based on time zone)

What do we credit you as? nothing i do not liek publicity
(A link to your youtube or other social media, and/or a name to credit you as on projects.)

Skype Jack Rawlins (my brothrs we share)

Referral planetminecraft
(How did you find this post? If someone list his name.)
03/04/2013 5:56 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Ninja
rsmovactor's Avatar
I don't can't know if your a good builder or not without some sort of proof, and your application seems a bit... rushed. I suggest sending in a few screenshots of your work, and cleaning up your app a bit, and then we can talk.

EDIT: To be a body actor, you must follow directions. In your application, you didn't seem to follow any that I have given.
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