Skins have taken a turn for the worst, what do you think?

failtolawl's Avatar failtolawl10/15/12 3:17 am
10/15/2012 10:32 am
Charlizard's Avatar Charlizard
Good day chaps, I just want to discuss your opinions on the current trend that skins seem to be taking.
I am talking about this "metal" type of shading that seems to be in every popular skin.
let me show you some examples

Can anybody explain to me why people think these look nice? To me, they look like a strange mess of metal texture pieces, and if you look at them from a far enough direction, they look like there is a separate light shining on them every foot. Why do people like them?
Posted by failtolawl's Avatar
Level 41 : Master Taco

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10/15/2012 10:32 am
Level 36 : Artisan Network
Charlizard's Avatar
._. *facepalm*
10/15/2012 10:16 am
Level 72 : Legendary Button Pusher
the_soup's Avatar
The popular skinning style is a combination of lilfella's 'stripey' shading and Leostereo's high contrast and saturation, mixed pixel-art influences from the general pixel-art trend going around PMC. Nothing more. This is what people like and it's pretty silly to say a large portion of PMC's user base is 'wrong' for liking it. It's one thing to point out a new trend in PMC skinning, but when you say that skins have 'taken a turn for the worst' and call out specific examples for being bad quality, it crosses into flaming territory.
10/15/2012 10:08 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Miner
Phrozenbit's Avatar
I like it well enough myself.

Why? Because It looks neat. Is there much other reason to like a skin?
I'd say anything beyond that is being a little bit of an elitist.
Judging a public skin as bad, because "the metallic sheen makes it look abhorrent" is pretentious, in the least.

Note, though, that these are simply my views. I'm not an artist, I judge things purely off of my perception of them. It either looks nice to me, or it doesn't.

I have very little interest in skins uploaded for public consumption. Some of them are good, most of them are poorly thrown together and are just unpleasant to look at.
I don't care for the 'emo teen' skins, the 'meme' skins, or the 'girly girl look at me I'm a girl' skins.

As I'm sure someone is bound to ask "Oh yeah, well what do you use?",
I use a gambit skin. Not sure where I got it, it's been quite a while.
Why do I use it? I like Gambit, and it looks cool.

Not concerned what other people think about it, because it is my personal preference. I do get compliments for it, but it wouldn't matter if I didn't.

I agree with this, and was going there eventually
10/15/2012 10:06 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Programmer
Cyentw's Avatar
Yeah, I call that metal shading 'over shading'. I try to make my skins smooth, but I'm really not sure because I cannot see my work in a bad way
10/15/2012 10:01 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Dragon
LithiumSedai's Avatar
Oh, I'm sorry for overreacting a bit then.

Well, everyone has their own style of skins they like. I myself prefer skins like Night Witch. However, this site has a lot of active users and there are many opinions, so we should just find a way to get along
10/15/2012 10:08 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Ladybug
Mymagic12's Avatar
exactly, posting anything like this is never good, opinions are different and one should never assume that everyone would agree with theirs....

...good lord I'm stuck in blog mode.

Anyways, morals morals morals skins blah.
10/15/2012 10:00 am
Level 23 : Expert Dragonborn
krisnarocks's Avatar
what do you think about my texture?

10/15/2012 9:57 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Ladybug
Mymagic12's Avatar
Mymagic12But this isn't just opinion your being hurtful, and honestly, all those skin required skill and time, you shouldn't be insulting them.

don't don't don't try and say you aren't because I know I'd already be on you if I saw one of my skins up there. "Skins have taken a turn for the worst" really, finally we don't have teen skins up there, now you complain about actually shaded ones, I swear, this community is never happy....

Great, a debate. Just what a newbie needs...

But am I insulting these skins? I said they're good in their own way, however it is my personal opinion that they're too metallic. I prefer less shiny skins.

Also, I did not make this thread and I do not completely agree with its point, but really, saying "these skins are actually shaded so do not complain, it takes skill you do not have" is like saying you can't criticize a movie because you can't make one.

PhrozenbitAlright, why?

Because as I said, it's less shiny, the shading is good IMO and the colors blend nicely.

I... wasn't talking to you..., friend.

I was reply to the post below the part where I said Liked softer skins yeah?

But hey, I can see your confusion.

The point isn't that he couldn't make better, it's the fact that he's exaggeration so badly like the world is going to pot because people aren't shading like he wants them too, ya know?

First it was teen skins now we're going to have rants about shading, great.
10/15/2012 9:55 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
Talaysen's Avatar
Mymagic12But this isn't just opinion your being hurtful, and honestly, all those skin required skill and time, you shouldn't be insulting them.

don't don't don't try and say you aren't because I know I'd already be on you if I saw one of my skins up there. "Skins have taken a turn for the worst" really, finally we don't have teen skins up there, now you complain about actually shaded ones, I swear, this community is never happy....

Great, a debate. Just what a newbie needs...

But am I insulting these skins? I said they're good in their own way, however it is my personal opinion that they're too metallic. I prefer less shiny skins.

Also, I did not make this thread and I do not completely agree with its point, but really, saying "these skins are actually shaded so do not complain, it takes skill you do not have" is like saying you can't criticize a movie because you can't make one.

PhrozenbitAlright, why?

Because as I said, it's less shiny, the shading is good IMO and the colors blend nicely.

I like it well enough myself.

Why? Because It looks neat. Is there much other reason to like a skin?
I'd say anything beyond that is being a little bit of an elitist.
Judging a public skin as bad, because "the metallic sheen makes it look abhorrent" is pretentious, in the least.

Note, though, that these are simply my views. I'm not an artist, I judge things purely off of my perception of them. It either looks nice to me, or it doesn't.

I have very little interest in skins uploaded for public consumption. Some of them are good, most of them are poorly thrown together and are just unpleasant to look at.
I don't care for the 'emo teen' skins, the 'meme' skins, or the 'girly girl look at me I'm a girl' skins.

As I'm sure someone is bound to ask "Oh yeah, well what do you use?",
I use a gambit skin. Not sure where I got it, it's been quite a while.
Why do I use it? I like Gambit, and it looks cool.

Not concerned what other people think about it, because it is my personal preference. I do get compliments for it, but it wouldn't matter if I didn't.
10/15/2012 9:42 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Dragon
LithiumSedai's Avatar
Mymagic12But this isn't just opinion your being hurtful, and honestly, all those skin required skill and time, you shouldn't be insulting them.

don't don't don't try and say you aren't because I know I'd already be on you if I saw one of my skins up there. "Skins have taken a turn for the worst" really, finally we don't have teen skins up there, now you complain about actually shaded ones, I swear, this community is never happy....

Great, a debate. Just what a newbie needs...

But am I insulting these skins? I said they're good in their own way, however it is my personal opinion that they're too metallic. I prefer less shiny skins.

Also, I did not make this thread and I do not completely agree with its point, but really, saying "these skins are actually shaded so do not complain, it takes skill you do not have" is like saying you can't criticize a movie because you can't make one.

PhrozenbitAlright, why?

Because as I said, it's less shiny, the shading is good IMO and the colors blend nicely.
10/15/2012 9:35 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Miner
Phrozenbit's Avatar

I'd say this is a great example

Alright, why?
10/15/2012 9:30 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Ladybug
Mymagic12's Avatar

I'd say this is a great example

mhhh it's still very harsh to me, the shading is very abrupt, I'm a softer person.

But this isn't just opinion your being hurtful, and honestly, all those skin required skill and time, you shouldn't be insulting them.

don't don't don't try and say you aren't because I know I'd already be on you if I saw one of my skins up there. "Skins have taken a turn for the worst" really, finally we don't have teen skins up there, now you complain about actually shaded ones, I swear, this community is never happy....
10/15/2012 9:24 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Dragon
LithiumSedai's Avatar

I'd say this is a great example
10/15/2012 9:18 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Dragon
LithiumSedai's Avatar
These skins are good in their own way, but not as a general example of what should a skin look like. I too find it lame that they sometimes win contest they're not supposed to or get on the popular reel too much. I prefer good shading to "metallic" look.
10/15/2012 9:22 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Miner
Phrozenbit's Avatar
Then what should a skin look like, as a general example?
10/15/2012 9:03 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Miner
Phrozenbit's Avatar
I do not get what the deal is with skins in general.. I thought Minecraft was about building great things with friends or by yourself. Minecraft nowadays seems to be about everything around it like skins, mods, texturepacks, blogs, rants and randomness.

I have yet to experience the day an other group like the Angle Block society comes to life and flourish on Planet Minecraft.

Overall, even though my opinion is that there are to much people on Planet Minecraft submitting only skins, I do think there are a lot of good looking skins, including this one.
10/15/2012 8:52 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Miner
Aaron1818's Avatar
I DONT WANT TO LIVE ON T HIS PLANET NO MORE *leaves planetminecraft*
10/15/2012 8:51 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Miner
Aaron1818's Avatar
those are the gayest shaders i've ever seen
10/15/2012 7:31 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Ninja
NinjaCharlieT's Avatar
yeh those "Metal" textures do seem to be in the popular reel and winning the skin contests
it's kinda getting annoying
Viz Xatir
10/15/2012 3:50 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Artist
Viz Xatir's Avatar
I have to agree with you on that one.
10/15/2012 3:46 am
Level 22 : Expert Button Pusher
treyishuman's Avatar
Same here, i am not sure what is up with skins these days.. they look messed up..
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