[Help Me] Need redstoner! Problem with a minigame

Krotass's Avatar Krotass11/23/13 8:09 pm
1 emeralds 394 5
11/25/2013 12:30 pm
SlaimCraft's Avatar SlaimCraft
Hey Guys.

I'm currently working on a PvP map including redstone, command blocks and scoreboards.

Everything seems to work but I've got 2 issues.

1'st: I've came up a design of a timer (10mins) but it's 2 compact to send outputs. I need outputs with command blocks saying like: "5 minutes remaining". Could anyone find a video or something of a nice design? (should ofc send out a signal at the end of the 10mins)

2'nd: I've got a problem with scoreboards using the /scoreboard players remove Red 1 seems to work but I do not want it to be able to go below 0. I tried using a command but it crashed my entire map so I had to delete the scoreboard dat file. (command used: /scoreboard players remove Red[score_base_1] 1

I used the player section to create the "Red" at the scoreboard since you can't do this with objectives (You cannot load objectives inside of an objective)

Please help me!


The Red player is set to join the objective Base which is a dummy. This is the same as displaying players amount of health on the sidebar but just your own objective. I'm then removing points from the player. The only different is that I'm using the player as a team name so it would look like it saying how much health the blue team has. This means that the player "Blue" wont be able to play the game. I'm removing points from him as I said but I want to make sure that he needs 1 point before it's able to remove one point so it wont be negative numbers.
Posted by Krotass's Avatar
Level 35 : Artisan Toast

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11/25/2013 12:30 pm
Level 48 : Master Architect
SlaimCraft's Avatar
Here's a pic of the clock:

Green is input, blue output after 5 min and red after 10.

What happens when someone gets 0 health, do they lose? Otherwise if you really do not want them to get negative score and there's no way to regain score just put a block at the end of the series that replaces the commandblock with air that sets their score to 0.
11/25/2013 6:54 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Diilllon's Avatar
I just posted a fourm about redstone timers just for you check it out
11/23/2013 11:18 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Programmer
Cyentw's Avatar
score_base_1 wont work; use score_base=1
11/23/2013 10:51 pm
Level 48 : Master Architect
SlaimCraft's Avatar
1. 2 five minute timers and hook up the commandblock that warns the player that 5 minutes remain in between them. For a five minute timer just do a dispenser with a wooden pressureplate under and a torch under the pressure plate. The output will start as on and when the item dispenses it will turn off, The item despawns after 5 minutes turning the output on again and activating the warn block and the next 5 min timer.

2. There might be easier solutions for this but here's what I came up with.

For this to work I am assuming that you can gain healthpoints in the game, not only lose.

So, at the end of the line of commands that removes 1 point for Red you have a testfor block. It tests if the healthscore is at 1, if it is it activates /setblock commands that replaces the /scoreboard players remove Red 1 block with air, Red is then unable to get any lower than 1 point. For this to work you then need to have a commandblock in the line that increases the healthscore that recreates the commandblock you destroyed with /setblock, so if you're health goes up to 2 the commandblock that removes points is back again.

If I explained poorly ask again and I'll try to be more precise.
11/23/2013 11:12 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Toast
Krotass's Avatar
I don't really get the idea of the timer, could you find a video about it? If not please take a picture of the design ingame (if you've got the time)

2'nd: You're not able to re-gain healthpoints after the 10mins so it would only fall. The way to loose points is when someone from another team stands on the "core" pressure plate. This system works well but should stop at 0 to avoid the negative numbers. I could do a testfor 1 health then replace the 2 command blocks but it would have a delay(cause of the comparators) which could take down the points to negative numbers before the testfor block sends out it's output.
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