What would you add in minecraft if YOU were notch

Fire_Water's Avatar Fire_Water7/27/12 12:49 pm
11/1/2012 9:45 am
Windows7HomePremium's Avatar Windows7HomePremium
So What would you add if you were notch ?

I would add More ores and more swords and armor and more biomes
Posted by Fire_Water's Avatar
Level 29 : Expert Nerd

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11/01/2012 9:45 am
Level 21 : Expert Goblin
Windows7HomePremium's Avatar
I'd add a lame feature. I rarely saw Notch make anything cool.
11/01/2012 9:43 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Pony
TheMiightyJP's Avatar
Rebooting a dead post!
07/28/2012 5:27 pm
Level 26 : Expert Engineer
Technofreak301's Avatar
EstiKill Jeb for screwing up Minecraft :')

why kill jeb he's awesome? :?

I know, right. Jeb rocks. He's the one responsible for adding Ender chests, tripwires, sideways logs, upside-down stairs, iron golems, ocelots, my two new favourite structures, desert and jungle temples, and heaps more! :D But Notch did create the original game.
07/28/2012 5:23 pm
Level 26 : Expert Engineer
Technofreak301's Avatar
I would add crafting recipes for chain armour and bottles 'o' enchanting, and make it so you can get an Enderdragon spawn egg by smelting a dragon egg. I would also re-add Giants, and make them a little bit rarer, and give them better AI. :)
07/28/2012 5:20 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Nerd
Gromm1608's Avatar
07/28/2012 5:18 pm
Level 22 : Expert Scribe
eaPiniM's Avatar
I'd add all of Tekkit into the game, a spear, and finally, a toilet which you can sit on. (It also makes farting sounds when you press 'S' while sitting on it.
07/28/2012 5:01 pm
Level 29 : Expert Artist
Xxchaosfox's Avatar
minecraft was alot better in beta 1.3-1.7 and such now its ruined
07/28/2012 4:59 pm
Level 29 : Expert Artist
Xxchaosfox's Avatar
a freinds list easier to host servers more gamemodes ect
07/28/2012 5:03 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Explorer
Zemor's Avatar
Already been suggested, but nonetheless still a nice idea.
07/28/2012 4:57 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
pokefan997's Avatar
i would add more golems, like the golden golem could be like a 3 block pillar of gold with a pumpkin on top. diamond golem too, maybe even an emerald golem!

oh yeah, also better AI for pets.
07/28/2012 4:49 pm
Level 29 : Expert Network
Oni__'s Avatar
Weeeelllll, Punch Jeb/myself for killing minecraft ((potions? Enchantments REALLY?)) add 3 more game-modes Casual ((Minecraft in 1.7ish)) Rpg mode ((Think of better name first)) with all current stuff. NEW Survival mode which has ore rarity of alpha (Prepare to CRY) stuff from early beta, hunger, thirst, tirededness (?) etc.

Then I would add three more world generation types.

Alpha generation
Beta generation ((1.6ish))
New generation

THEN I would stop bringing back stuff from before it was ruined and add some new stuff.

New repair system,

Repairing is different now! Simply goto a work bench and find a NEW slot on the bottom left. Place a damaged item here and HEY PRESTO! The item recipe appears! The thing is its Faded out, you will see things in red, these can be repaired by putting the required item in, there will be three stages of broken-ness, Yellow, orange, red. The more damaged the more items required to fox it.

Tool upgrade system.

HAYO, when you have spare material to hand you JUST need to use look no furrier than the upgrade system, just place am item into the bottom left slot and HAYO the faded recipe appears, just plonk in an extra set of the materials, and you get an upgraded version, there will be four stages, White (normal) then green, then blue, then purple HAYO now you'll never have any spare materials!

More advanced cooking system.

Cooking can be a drag, having to wait around for that pork to finish cooking, never changing but now it can! HAYO! Simply create a fireplace, or the more advanced cooker ((Like a furnace but for cooking)) and HAYO you get a guy when right clicked, this shall feature four (six if a cooker) slots at the bottom, one (three if a cooker) slot at the top HAYO! At the left is a bar green at the top, red at the bottom signifying heat, green is cool, red is hot, now the more fuel you put in he more heat is produced (and if a fires at the bottom of the cooker, then you get an extra 2 units!) now you can cook the pork, steak etc. better or worse for better effects or worse de-buffs!

More soon.
07/28/2012 4:47 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Miner
anonpmc197484's Avatar
07/28/2012 4:44 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
alexmurphy41's Avatar
i would add sandstorms real life weather not just rain and snow i mean more like twister tornados and such i know this would eat fraps but cool
07/28/2012 4:43 pm
Level 27 : Expert Dragonborn
dragonsmithing's Avatar
I would have to make the mobs better..as in adding more joints and making movement smoother they can still have their blocky shape but joints would make everything look better.
07/28/2012 4:42 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Cake
meepgofish's Avatar
oh yeah and easy mod support so a folder that you put the file in and it installs itself
07/28/2012 4:38 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Dragon
BenjamiinNoR's Avatar
It would be much better if there would be more creatures and pets which would fight for you, and you could lvl them up and give them food so they could heal.
This, without have to install a mod, you could be able to choose which mods you would have on when generating world.
Also, some bosses in Nether and somewhere in the Normal World.
Like mentioned here earlier, fossils.
There would be way to bring the fossils back to live, and have the has pets, which would fight for you.
I think, now that they already have levels and enchanting, why not bring some more RPG too? Like these Scrolls in YogBox.
07/28/2012 4:35 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Cake
meepgofish's Avatar
If i could add anything one i would add different planets to go to and two i would add secrets tons of them secret mobs more randomly generatedstructures undeground and above ground populated unpopulated paradise like hell like or abandoned and stuff and stuf like ghosts with paranormal activity like herobrine rare ones and common so you could have tons of fun investagating with friends and if there were more secrets that would be awesome!!!!!!
The Great Soul
07/28/2012 4:28 pm
Level 49 : Master Vampire
The Great Soul's Avatar
gogocpI hope you like my ideas, and if you want to make them into mods, PM me!

And I can make this into a mod.
07/28/2012 2:22 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
AnimalxGoddess's Avatar
If I were Notch I'd scream at Jeb first and gain control over the game again,and add a tropical realm (Basically Tropicraft) Into the game so people like myself who want it but have the world's worst computers could have it.
07/28/2012 2:17 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
sky9812's Avatar
If i could add one thing in to minecraft i would add the world type extreme it is like the extreme mountains but WAAAY more extreme and crazy shit like water formed like waves and other crazy world generation.
07/28/2012 2:14 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
jamiescottroxs's Avatar
Horses! That you could ride. I mean really Pigs??? And you could train the Horses! Different breeds of Pigs, Sheep and Cows! More types of Villagers! That arnt ugly with big noses!
07/28/2012 2:11 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Nerd
gogocp's Avatar
I would make it so theres a 20% chance that when you find a village it's abandoned, and a 5% chance that it'll be full of fire and lava, and if you get to a special obsidian house that will generate, you get loads of rare stuff, like diamonds, golden apples, obsidian, and for the luckiest, bedrock or chainmail armor.

I would make more NPC mobs, like Notch's and jeb_'s. That would be funny, and if you kill them, you get diamonds, and they also fight back like spiders at daytime, and they randomly have armor and weapons with them, which drop when killed. It would be good having a way to legitimately obtain chainmail armor on singleplayer, or multiplayer servers without creative or chainmail armor in the shop.

I would make many more ores, change the texture of redstone first thou to look more like lapiz lazuli, but red. Then there would be sapphires, rubies, and silver, which look like normal ores. Sapphires would be a similar color to lapiz lazuli, rubies looking very similar to redstone, and silver looking like a very, very light version of iron. More white than pinkish-yellowish grey. And I'd also add nuggets for every gem, instead of just having Gold Nuggets. Then there would be diamond apples, iron apples, ruby apples, emerald apples, sapphire apples, and silver apples. Diamond (or mabye emerald?) apples being the best, iron apples the worst. By the way, say you had a 1/100 chance of finding diamonds, a 25/100 chance of finding gold, and a 75/100 chance of finding iron, sapphires, silver and rubies would be around 45/100.

I would make more bows and rename 'Bows' into 'Wooden Bows'. I would make iron sticks, diamond sticks, etc, and you could make more bows but with the different sticks! That's a good idea, hey? And also, arrows. Say a diamond arrow, the same as normal, but instead of a stick theres a diamond stick. The feather and flint stays. And possibly elemental arrows, say 'Explosive Wooden Arrow' would be:

I hope you like my ideas, and if you want to make them into mods, PM me!
The Great Soul
07/28/2012 2:28 pm
Level 49 : Master Vampire
The Great Soul's Avatar
Um, iron IS silver...
The Great Soul
07/28/2012 4:29 pm
Level 49 : Master Vampire
The Great Soul's Avatar
Nevermind, I was wrong.
07/28/2012 2:04 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
kyuzon's Avatar
I would add a world option to play lots of the well known maps (Survival island, Walls, Adventure maps, Get the wool thingies etc also i would add a nether boss that spawns when you right click a throne in a nether fortress it would be a big room with lava features and stuff and it would spawn queen ghast it would be 2x bigger and 15x stronger. it would drop 15 ghast tears and 5 fire charges the same amount of exp as the ender dragon and some type of scroll that you can craft with a bookcase to make a fire book case and then armor can get fire resistance enchants and swords can get fire aspect
07/28/2012 1:59 pm
Level 23 : Expert Ninja
_LoveBunny_'s Avatar
Dubstep music discs
07/28/2012 4:37 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Cake
meepgofish's Avatar
are you trying to make this a better or worse game?
07/28/2012 1:53 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
Irraticon's Avatar
I would add flares into the game
07/28/2012 1:48 pm
Level 42 : Master Mlem Mlem Bat
planetblox2000's Avatar
I would add a mob called grolls that greif your house, and steal from your chest. Also I would add diamond shears for longer sheep shearing and leaf cutting.
07/28/2012 1:40 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Pixel Painter
TheGemerboy's Avatar
i would add friends and server lists. you can add firends, and see in which srevrs they are. srever list is that you can make srevrs in other list like PVP servers,freebuild srevers...
07/28/2012 1:34 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Network
Darthmineboy's Avatar
Add the skylands , when you go sleep you go to that or you go to the nether for hell
( Idea from dreamlands bukkit plugin )
07/28/2012 1:22 pm
Level 44 : Master Botanist
Kyazi's Avatar
I would add: Stained glass (use dyes to change the colors), Glass and Wool Stairs (and other blocks that need stairs !) I would also add "Molding" or side stairs to use as molding xP also more decorative blocks that are able to be used. oh and horses <3
07/28/2012 1:16 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Dragon
Wipotazi's Avatar
TheMiightyJP, do you have a windows computer? If so, I could teach you how to install mods.
07/28/2012 1:15 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Dragon
Wipotazi's Avatar
I'd add the Aether Mod and the Mo' Creatures Mod.
07/28/2012 1:07 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Skinner
xtrahungry559's Avatar
MAGIC RINGS !!!!!!!!

Thin blocks

And a porion that sets people on fire
07/28/2012 1:06 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
tteagu01's Avatar
If I were Notch, I would make the nether boss mob a phoenix and make throw-able redstone torches
07/28/2012 1:03 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Narwhal
SwagHooves's Avatar
Horses, more colored wool.
07/28/2012 1:02 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Pony
TheMiightyJP's Avatar
I would add a "MODS" folder like for the texture packs because I cant install mods even if my life depended on it!
07/28/2012 12:55 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Hunter
Bobots's Avatar
Add snakes.. In 2 parts to decrease lag, snakes make your health poisoned (like hunger just on health ) Snakes can climb up walls and the minimum walktrough hole is 0.5 blocks(slab). Add voice chat and IRC, get more arrows like fire, and stuff.
07/28/2012 12:50 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
bpsboy's Avatar
I'd add dragons that u can ride with tons of dragons AND CHECK MY SIGNATURE PLZ THX!!
07/28/2012 12:45 pm
Level 24 : Expert Pony
devntran's Avatar
More animals, friends, more biomes, some more ores, and riding dragons for extra badassery with a bow
Hawkeye Graphics
07/27/2012 2:29 pm
Level 28 : Expert Dragonborn
Hawkeye Graphics's Avatar
Add a social network. Like friends list, message system, etc.
07/28/2012 12:41 pm
Level 22 : Expert Geek
YES! This would be awesome.
07/27/2012 2:33 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Explorer
Zemor's Avatar
THIS. That would be great, along with the IRC.
07/27/2012 2:25 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Jack724's Avatar
If i were notch/jeb i would add STAR TREK SHIPS!!! You can craft an item that when used it makes a shipyard, When you put 2 stacks of blocks into it, you have the option of what ship u want, u select that, and u go into space with NPC Crew, and then, it makes randomly generated wormholes, planets, space stations, and more ships. You can fight with phasers, photon torpedos, shuttle craft. Its very complicated, but i think it would be fun!
07/27/2012 2:14 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
Joecool2001's Avatar
I'd make it more like tekkit but not too much. and add in any mode the ability to use an irc or join mic chat channels IN the game
07/27/2012 2:13 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
MrSnowmanJoe's Avatar
I would add:
more ores
more dimensions
more random structures
more weapons
survival-able nether
more mobs
craft-able saddles
in game server list
Thats all i can think of.
07/27/2012 2:11 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
hungoverbunny's Avatar
well i would add some guns and some army bases with men to actually shoot at you
but in the medium size base there would be ammo and guns,picks,swords,and hoes because all of the things they need to start a new base!
07/27/2012 2:06 pm
Level 23 : Expert Princess
momarama's Avatar
i'd make a new mob pizza creepers if u give them pizza u tame them make pizza with thing i could put something in minecraft that is what i could
07/27/2012 2:04 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Engineer
Own's Avatar
Either i would add Aether OR make 1.4 renamed to 1.7.3 and make that version have the features of Beta 1.7.3.
Planet Minecraft


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