Artsists Under the Age of 18

creeperfreak01's Avatar creeperfreak017/5/12 11:57 pm
8/25/2012 8:52 am
Esti's Avatar Esti
Hey all You Artists!

I wanna Know!
Where do you get Inspiration?!
Why do you like art?!
What is your favorite type of Art?!
Do you have a favorite painting?!
What kind of art do you do?!

All that!

Your Fellow Artist,
Posted by creeperfreak01's Avatar
Level 32 : Artisan Dragonborn

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08/25/2012 8:52 am
Level 34 : Artisan Artist
Esti's Avatar
Well I'm 12 (Herp derp) and I tend to do Chibi style drawings. I didn't get lessons or anything. I guess it's just a natural talent. I really like art because it expresses many different things all at once. You can show your feelings through art .

I did a fan art speed paint for inthelittlewood. I'm too shy to tweet it to him. Anyway, here's the video and the final picture.


It's more Cartoon, Manga and Chibi rolled into one
07/08/2012 2:39 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
A_Tulip8675's Avatar
Where do you get Inspiration?! Everywhere, usually in my friends and family.My books and my surroundings. In my deepest thoughts, and in my most open thoughts..

Why do you like art?! It allows me to let go, to go to a place of peace were no one else can tap into, only my artistic talent and me.Art is a beautiful thing, how it sends a message to your mind and its diff. each time.

What is your favorite type of Art?! Anime. ftw.
Do you have a favorite painting?! Nope. there are alot so only 1 favorite i couldn't name :3

What kind of art do you do?! Anime. Abstract. StiIl Life
I'm 11 btw, i started being an artist at age 3.
07/08/2012 2:02 pm
Level 23 : Expert Skinner
PlanetCraftMine2112's Avatar
inspiration:so people don't think i sit at the computer all day...and some tv shows...
I like drawing
I like to draw minecraft and make up my own cartoon series
07/08/2012 1:49 pm
Level 25 : Expert Dragonborn
Plienas26's Avatar
I'm 14 and I started creating drawings, sketches and maps. I still do that, only (pretty self-understandable) better.
Where do you get Inspiration: I got huge amount of inspiration from steampunk artists, map makers in Cartographers Guild forums and also Leonardo Da Vinci's engineering wonders.
Why do you like art: Because it's a way to shape the world without intruding others, a way to show your imagination!
What is your favorite type of Art: I can't say one type I'd like, but I really love Fantasy Cartography, Traditional Pencil Art and Steampunk.
Do you have a favorite painting: Still searching...
What kind of art do you do: As I said before, pretty much maps, pencil drawings and a variety of normal things converted into Steampunk (such as Steam Powered Exo-Foot Shoe)
07/07/2012 2:00 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
alyelliott's Avatar
Where do you get Inspiration?!
My inspiration comes from many other paintings and sculptures. I love to see myself improve little by little and look back upon years of drawing and ask myself "Was I that bad?" I also get inspiration out of the support I get. My friends and family alike love to see me draw.

Why do you like art?!
I love art because it's a great way to put my thoughts onto paper. My mind is overloaded with ideas and it helps to draw and put it all down. I just seem to love art and the way that each piece can invoke different moods and actions.

What is your favorite type of Art?!
My favorite would have to be James Hewitt's style for the Gorillaz. I adore his cartoony style and crazy ideas. I love to draw in his style and watch the crazy music videos.

Do you have a favorite painting?!

One day I want to be able to do the amazing details like this artist.

What kind of art do you do?!
I range from many styles but I do mostly Anime style. Although one day I want to make my own style and stick with it.
07/06/2012 10:06 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Artist
Aeron24's Avatar
[spoiler][quote="superch00b"][quote="Aeron24"]Where do you get Inspiration?![b] ---From Anime their quotes,story,characters etc---[/b]
Why do you like art?! [b]---it's good from the imagination of the mind ---[/b]
What is your favorite type of Art?! [b]---Abstract---[/b]
Do you have a favorite painting?! nOne
What kind of art do you do?! GFX
o: thats cool, I used to know how to make some cool things on GIMP but I've forgotten how, I should update myself on that lol.[/quote]
i don't use gimp but i have gimp paint.net and photoshop cs6(i use photoshop)
07/06/2012 8:02 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Artist
Aeron24's Avatar
Where do you get Inspiration?! ---From Anime their quotes,story,characters etc---
Why do you like art?! ---it's good from the imagination of the mind ---
What is your favorite type of Art?! ---Abstract---
Do you have a favorite painting?! nOne
What kind of art do you do?! GFX
07/06/2012 8:04 am
Level 28 : Expert Artist
Aeiou562's Avatar
o: thats cool, I used to know how to make some cool things on GIMP but I've forgotten how, I should update myself on that lol.
07/06/2012 7:31 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Architect
Logic_Craft's Avatar
Ah see that's not the motivation that will allow you to get better than her! Art is in your genes, you are more than capable of being better.
07/06/2012 7:33 am
Level 28 : Expert Artist
Aeiou562's Avatar
:3 I guess so
07/06/2012 7:26 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Architect
Logic_Craft's Avatar
I'm sure she has been doing it for at least 20. Most things like that take years to develop the skill to do. You should be very inspired by your mother! What an excellent artist.
07/06/2012 7:29 am
Level 28 : Expert Artist
Aeiou562's Avatar
I am :3 But I will probably never be as good though, she knows her colors better than I do :3
07/06/2012 7:18 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Architect
Logic_Craft's Avatar
I can tell she put so much work into that. Honestly makes me wish I was a better artist so I could make something like that. I really wish I could have snagged the original myself for that price. It really is one of the top 10 best paintings I have seen. I just love how she blended the rainbow colors into the piece, but it's just so slight it's not overwhelming. I don't think I could point out 1 single flaw. And yes, a painting selling for 3000$ is VERY good. A lot of painters I have met have only sold paintings upwards of 800-1500$, and that is if they are lucky.
07/06/2012 7:23 am
Level 28 : Expert Artist
Aeiou562's Avatar
I also forgot to mention that it's pretty sizable :3
My mum told my that she got good by just sketching something every couple of days : P
I don't know when she started though.
07/06/2012 7:17 am
Level 20 : Expert Robot
Elitecrafter's Avatar
Where do you get Inspiration?! just random stuff i see. i see a brick wall take a photo and put graffiti on it in ps
Why do you like art?! its fun its creative and most of all why the hell not
What is your favorite type of Art?! techno
Do you have a favorite painting?! no
What kind of art do you do?! mostly minecrafty but i do other things to

this was a lot shorter than the others but i hope it helped
08/25/2012 8:44 am
Level 32 : Artisan Dragonborn
creeperfreak01's Avatar
Everything help thx
07/06/2012 7:13 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Architect
Logic_Craft's Avatar
Your mother is a great artist. That is definitely QUITE the magnificent piece.
07/06/2012 7:14 am
Level 28 : Expert Artist
Aeiou562's Avatar
Also note that it took her 3 months to finish :3
It sold for $3000 though so that's pretty good I guess.
07/06/2012 7:02 am
Level 28 : Expert Artist
Aeiou562's Avatar
Well I'm 14 and I've just started learning to to draw manga (Yay : D)
My inspiration probably comes from my mum, she is an artist.
I like art because it is art, It's unique :3
At the moment, pixel art and sketching is what I usually do.
My favorite painting would be this:

Done by my mum :3
I'm still learning how to sketch but I'm pretty good at pixel art (I have some on my profile :3)
Thanks for reading ^.^
07/06/2012 6:53 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Architect
Logic_Craft's Avatar
Well I'm not under 18, but I started just like you folks in your younger to mid-teens and I know how it is. How difficult it can be to learn and to push forward and really improve your artistic skills. So I being in that same position only a matter of 6 years ago (Not that long when I look back, time flies when you're growing up.) I will share my experiences and my personal inspiration and the other information you have asked for here.

Where do you get Inspiration?: Inspiration is all around me, from the cup filled with liquid in front of me to a mirror on the wall to my right. For example, when I look at the cup filled with liquid I can imagine all the things I could derive from that cup, I could make smoke come out of the cup of liquid, or have a fungus growing on the side, and that fungus would bloom out into a beautiful flower, signifying that beauty can come from even the most disgusting of places. These are ideas I get in my head in a matter of a few minutes, if you have an imagination, it can be easy or difficult to find inspiration. Try to hang onto that.

Why do you like art?: It provides me a release, a place to pour my emotions into without having to tell anyone how I'm feeling. As a child growing up I was always artistically talented and I always found joy in making others happy and satisfied with how I can visually represent an object or an image. When I make a piece and someone doesn't like it I take it personally. Because everything that I make, I put a little bit of myself into; even if that piece is an edited image I got from a completely different artist, the point is, when I am using my artistic ability in something, I am putting small pieces of myself into it. And so, in a way art is an extension of myself. People online always wonder "Why Andrew do you take when I critique your work so personally." The only thing I can reply with (And usually they don't understand) because it's an extension of myself. It doesn't make sense to most, but with me it clicks.

What is your favorite type of Art?: The better question is what isn't my favorite type of art.

Do you have a favorite painting?: Not to float my own boat, but this is a painting I did myself a year or so ago, and I really enjoy it. Every time I look at it I can't help but find every flaw, but I still love it. Here's a link if you wanna look at it.
http://i841.photobucket.com/albums/zz33 ... prog-2.png

What kind of art do you do?: I wouldn't classify what I do as any particular style, art is what YOU make of it. Not what style another artist may have invented. People stick with styles such as typography, or grunge, or only digital painting. If I had to pick one I would say digital painting. I love it because it takes a lot of skill and imagination to do, and a lot of digital artists these days don't do it. However my specific style, I don't think any amount of words could describe, just like no amount of words could describe YOUR style.
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