PMC Book Hub!

Crescendo's Avatar Crescendo1/28/15 3:09 pm
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1/17/2017 8:13 pm
Crescendo's Avatar Crescendo

This book hub is for anyone interested in reading!


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Ideas on what to post

- Favourite book/books!
- What you are reading at the moment
- Book recommendations
- Movie adaptations and your opinions
- Favourite authors/poets I believe
- Quotes you like/stumbled across whilst reading
- Books you are waiting for!
- Awesome book fanart you find on the net

That's all from me!
Posted by Crescendo's Avatar
Level 81 : Elite Witch

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01/17/2017 8:13 pm
Level 81 : Elite Witch
Crescendo's Avatar
Read two books recently!

They're both really dark and pessimistic, I like that kind of stuff tho sorry aha (not young adult fiction sorry)

The Secret History

I like this book because well it's so dark! (tells you on the first page that they murder their friend) and the rest of the book is about how and why really

The Little Friend

This one's end is so anti-climatic but I enjoyed it, it's written from the perspective of a child but her family is really problematic and she gets left alone a lot. She becomes involved in like criminal stuff so it's pretty interesting
05/21/2016 11:24 am
Level 41 : Master uwu
HippyKat's Avatar
I finished the Lunar Chronicles series and it was really anticlimactic.
04/22/2016 8:50 pm
Level 41 : Master uwu
HippyKat's Avatar

It was a runaway teenage vampire romance novel. Definitely like Cinder better.

Also finished Cress. Way better than Scarlet.
And Bud, Not Buddy is amazing!
04/22/2016 7:52 am
Level 81 : Elite Witch
Crescendo's Avatar
// unrelated but I handed in my 5 minute script and got a really good mark so YAY now I have to write 2 poems //
03/14/2016 10:21 pm
Level 41 : Master uwu
HippyKat's Avatar
About to read Scarlet once I get it..... Cinder is the best book ever!
03/12/2016 12:12 pm
Level 41 : Master uwu
HippyKat's Avatar
haha can't wait to see what you think! And teen fiction will always be awesome. I agree xD
03/12/2016 10:00 am
Level 41 : Master uwu
HippyKat's Avatar
I didn't find the Maze Runner that good. :/ I felt the plot was predictable and the writing wasn't for me. (you might have more luck with it than me if you find it.) Cool! I might take a look into it if you like it!
03/12/2016 10:12 am
Level 81 : Elite Witch
Crescendo's Avatar
I shall definitely do some reading after I've cleaned my room aha! I'll let you see how it goes. I watched the film for Maze Runner and it was OK, I haven't read teen fiction in ages aha (it's my guilty pleasure) Then again 19 is still TEEN so... I can do what I like x'D
03/09/2016 9:33 pm
Level 41 : Master uwu
HippyKat's Avatar
Cinder is incredible so far. It's a science fiction twist on Cinderella, where Cinder, the main character, is a cyborg mechanic.
The Silver Paladin
03/06/2016 2:07 pm
Level 27 : Expert Mage
The Silver Paladin's Avatar
I finished reading the book of The Martian. It curses quite a bit, but it was still an extremely good book. The author checked his facts.

It's also an incredibly accurate Book to Film adaptation.

It was great.
03/06/2016 3:14 pm
Level 81 : Elite Witch
Crescendo's Avatar
oooo I need to read that! Absolutely loved the film!!!
The Silver Paladin
03/06/2016 3:48 pm
Level 27 : Expert Mage
The Silver Paladin's Avatar
Definitely read it. The book is amazing. Just, don't read it if you mind cursing.It curses a lot.

Also, I'm writing a book, actually.
03/12/2016 6:52 am
Level 81 : Elite Witch
Crescendo's Avatar
Writing is so fun, I have to write a 5 minute script for creative writing aha x'D
The Silver Paladin
03/13/2016 6:30 pm
Level 27 : Expert Mage
The Silver Paladin's Avatar
Writing is great. But I actually do plan to publish this book. I have One fourth of it done.
04/22/2016 7:51 am
Level 81 : Elite Witch
Crescendo's Avatar
That's awesome! Writing is like the best <3

OK so I went on holiday so I read LOADS:

- Fangirl -> quite a cute book about a girl and her struggle to start University
- The Red House -> this is actually a pretty dark book it's by Mark Haddon who wrote The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime I really enjoyed it though, but it's not for younger readers aha
- All The Light We Cannot See -> I thought this was a really beautiful and artistic book, it's set during the war and follows two main characters, a blind french girl and a German soldier. Very nice book, I love the language used in it
02/23/2016 9:49 pm
Level 41 : Master uwu
HippyKat's Avatar
I just finished Mr.Lemoncello.

I also started The WAR That Saved My Life! Loving it so far.
03/06/2016 5:31 am
Level 81 : Elite Witch
Crescendo's Avatar
I recently read Gone Girl - even though I had seen the film the book was still SO good. The plot twist is so epic like WOW x,D - if you wanna read a book which makes you question characters I would definitely read Gone Girl. Think I am gonna read more from that author!
03/06/2016 4:21 pm
Level 41 : Master uwu
HippyKat's Avatar
Will check out! I'm rereading The Hunger Games. And will read Cinder.
03/12/2016 6:55 am
Level 81 : Elite Witch
Crescendo's Avatar
I tried to find the Maze Runner the other day >.< but I couldn't find the teen section in the book store (I was too afraid to walk up an unlabeled staircase x'D) I did however find The Revenant, haven't seen the film but the book sounded interesting - I'll let you guys know how it goes !
01/29/2016 5:41 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Dolphin
Masq's Avatar
Speaking of sci-fi, one of the best books I have ever read to this day was from that genre: it was called "Ready Player One" by Ernest Cline and is a definite recommendation from me.

It's basically a race through an online platform to find a hidden easter egg - there's various stages and hints throughout, as well as corruption, murder and an abundance of sci-fi references.
The Silver Paladin
01/31/2016 2:59 pm
Level 27 : Expert Mage
The Silver Paladin's Avatar
I've actually read that. i remember really liking it.
The Silver Paladin
01/28/2016 10:43 pm
Level 27 : Expert Mage
The Silver Paladin's Avatar
I started rereading Dune.

That's always a good story.
01/29/2016 2:28 pm
Level 81 : Elite Witch
Crescendo's Avatar
Is that a sci-fi or am I thinking of a film xD
The Silver Paladin
01/29/2016 2:56 pm
Level 27 : Expert Mage
The Silver Paladin's Avatar
It's one of the Landmark Sci-Fi novels, and it inspired a lot of Science Fiction after it came out.

It did have a film made of it, yeah.
01/22/2016 12:40 pm
Level 41 : Master uwu
HippyKat's Avatar
I'm going to read Mr.Lemoncello's Library Olympics soon. I recommend the first one as well. It's called Escape From Mr.Lemoncello's Library by Chris Grabenstein
01/25/2016 6:07 pm
Level 81 : Elite Witch
Crescendo's Avatar
That sounds good! It's a children's book right? I really liked the Secret Garden when I was younger, I think it's a children's classic not sure!
02/06/2016 12:55 am
Level 41 : Master uwu
HippyKat's Avatar
It is! I remember the secret garden... it is a classic.
01/09/2016 8:24 pm
Level 81 : Elite Witch
Crescendo's Avatar
Nice one! I also read a horror recently, The Monk ;o; (I like horror aha)

I enjoyed it though it's really really dark 0_0
12/28/2015 8:39 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Dolphin
Masq's Avatar
The most memorable recent read has to be the "The Testing" trilogy by Joelle Charbonneau. They're a brilliant set of books, and although an obvious comparison to the Hunger Games, I think they stand up for themselves and branch out into a new sub-genre of YA dystopia.

Would definitely recommend the set.
The Silver Paladin
12/29/2015 2:37 pm
Level 27 : Expert Mage
The Silver Paladin's Avatar
Sounds cool.
01/08/2016 7:23 am
Level 81 : Elite Witch
Crescendo's Avatar
oooo I love YA dystopia, will try that out! How did you like The Canterbury Tales, Silver? T.T I had to study The Wife of Bath in school. At the moment I had to look at Anglo-Saxon literature/Viking Icelandic Lierature.

If you guys like Lord of The Rings type stuff you might like Beowulf (translation by Seamus Heaney) it's a long heroic, sort of poem type thing. Tolkien was inspired a lot by anglo-saxon literature c: Also if you like Loki... Thor... those type of stuff there are translations of the Edda around, which has original stories about them, not the comic book stuff 'Runes' is also a more 'truer' version of the Nordic Gods ^o^
The Silver Paladin
01/08/2016 6:25 pm
Level 27 : Expert Mage
The Silver Paladin's Avatar
I loved Chaucer. He's great. We read The Knight's Tale, Wife of Bath's Tale, The Nun's Priest's Tale, the Clerk's Tale, and one more that I forget...

I've also read Beowulf. That's great, and I have a book of Norse Myths by Deaulaires, I believe it's spelled, which has these pictures in it, and they're simple to learn, but still pretty good.
The Silver Paladin
12/28/2015 6:57 pm
Level 27 : Expert Mage
The Silver Paladin's Avatar
I've been reading Arthurian Legends.

Geoffrey of Monmouth, Thomas Malory, and The Pearl Poet.

Those are always cool. I also read some of The Canterbury Tales.
12/25/2015 2:00 pm
Level 81 : Elite Witch
Crescendo's Avatar
Oh gosh I have been reading loads t.t (doing an English degree after all) x'D One book I really want to read is some of Kazuo Ishiguro's work! My lecturer recommended him to us so I wanna see what he's like c:
12/25/2015 12:11 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Dragonborn
WTFshady's Avatar
Daaaaamn that was a big necro
12/24/2015 10:53 pm
Level 41 : Master uwu
HippyKat's Avatar
I'll join! Right now I'm on the 6th Harry Potter book. *Several months later*
The Silver Paladin
08/25/2015 7:28 pm
Level 27 : Expert Mage
The Silver Paladin's Avatar
Oh, I'm about to read "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" Which is the novel by Phillip K. Dick that the film Blade Runner is based off of.

I just finished reading the book "Night" by Elie Wiesel, which is about a Concentration Camp...

It was...
08/22/2015 7:04 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
Zatharel's Avatar
bumpity bump.
08/24/2015 12:58 am
Level 42 : Master Fox
-Mage-'s Avatar
Reading Seraphina, by Rachel Hartman.
08/18/2015 1:45 am
Level 37 : Artisan Princess
Dialga's Avatar
Reading a murder mystery, it's called 'the fifth gospel' and it's really good. I recommend it.
08/17/2015 3:52 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Dragonborn
WTFshady's Avatar
Just read ZeroZeroZero, a novel by Roberto Saviano. Recommending it for anyone that wants to get into more mature book themes.
The Silver Paladin
08/18/2015 12:38 pm
Level 27 : Expert Mage
The Silver Paladin's Avatar
Can I get a plot summary?

Just basic?

Oh, I'm also reading Ready Player One, which I really like.
The Silver Paladin
08/16/2015 2:06 pm
Level 27 : Expert Mage
The Silver Paladin's Avatar
Well, once again, I am rereading "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy."

It is seriously one of the funniest books I have ever read.
08/10/2015 3:19 am
Level 38 : Artisan Cake
CalPal_'s Avatar
I highly recommend the Chaos Walking trilogy by Patrick Ness. Simply fantastic.
08/10/2015 3:18 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
Zatharel's Avatar
Bumpity bump.

Tech recommended the His Dark Materials series to me. I watched The Golden Compass film but never really read the books. So far this is interesting and honestly infinitely better than any generic fantasy books.
08/04/2015 1:59 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
Zatharel's Avatar
Not dead yet.

I read some witty short stories Kipling told to his children, those were fun.
The Silver Paladin
07/09/2015 4:54 pm
Level 27 : Expert Mage
The Silver Paladin's Avatar
I'm reading Catch-22.

Really great book. It's like a humorous "All Quiet on the Western Front." It's a really hilarious book with some inappropriate bits.
07/09/2015 4:48 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Princess
Dialga's Avatar
I'll do it too.
The Silver Paladin
07/09/2015 4:41 pm
Level 27 : Expert Mage
The Silver Paladin's Avatar
Wow. haven't been here in a while.

Yeah, I'll make a list.
07/08/2015 2:00 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
Zatharel's Avatar
Alrighty. Here's my list in no particular order:
1. George Orwell
2. Philip K. Dick
3. Jules Vergne
4. Edgar Allan Poe
5. Ambrose Bierce
6. Michael Scott (am currently reading that alchemyst series, not too bad...for a fantasy book)

On an unrelated note, I once read a little heartwarming book, similar to Oliver Twist in plot but not quite the same. I can't seem to remember the name or the author, I know the name in Macedonian but we change the meaning of things once we translate them. If anyone can think of it, the main character is named Remi and by that I'm assuming the book is French or something.

EDIT: Nevermind, found it. Sans Famille (original title)/Nobody's Boy (English title).
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