Quick, no time to explain! [Forum Game]

_books's Avatar _books7/13/14 10:31 pm
7/23/2014 8:07 pm
_books's Avatar _books
Quick, No Time to Explain!

Hello and welcome to the game "Quick, No Time to Explain!" It is a game in which fandom references and jokes are key.

The game is simple. You start by saying "Quick, no time to explain!" and then add a quick summary. Then, you put down "to your left is your ____, to your right is your ____, and (own creative choice)". Then, the person who posts after you answers, rates how doomed they are from 1/10 (1=Perfectly fine, 10=Doomed doomed doomed), and does the same thing.

Example VVV
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XoXoAwesome: Quick, no time to explain! You have just committed a crime, and the police are at your door! To your left is the excuse you use to not open the door, to your right is a weapon, and the main character in the last movie you watched is your lawyer.

Derpface266: My backpack, a pillow, Captian America. 6/10.
Quick, no time to explain! You are the 13th Doctor! To your left is your "sonic screwdriver"-esque tool, to your right is your accessory, and your favorite YouTuber is your companion.

I don't know how long this will last, but have fun with it!

(Pixelated trophies may or may not be goven out to the most doomed and/or clever people to display in their profile or in their siggy.)

I'll start with my example:

Quick, no time to explain! You have just committed a crime, and the police are at your door! To your left is the excuse you use to not open the door, to your right is a weapon, and the main character in the last movie you watched is your lawyer.
Posted by _books's Avatar
Level 29 : Expert Ninja

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07/23/2014 8:07 pm
Level 29 : Expert Ninja
_books's Avatar
Carry-on bag, wall, my fifth grade teacher. 5/10.

((Will edit when I think of something good))
07/23/2014 5:28 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Network
SlimeCityCreator's Avatar
A piece of paper,lip balm,2.2/10

Quick,no time to explain!You are on a trip to the amazon.To your left is your weapon.To your right is your only friend.And your favorite teacher is your partner.
07/23/2014 5:07 pm
Level 29 : Expert Ninja
_books's Avatar
Sketchbook. tablet charger, cat. 8/10

Quick, no time to explain! You are on a deserted island. To your left is what you got there on, to you right is what you use to hunt, and your favorite grade (as in grade school: 1, 2, etc.) is how many times you've faced a near-death experience.
07/23/2014 3:52 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
KiraMurphy's Avatar
The world, ....bracelets? xD, and 13 o.o 9/10

Quick, no time to explain! You are a baker, to your right is the last utensil you've used, to your left is the last machine you've used, and whatever your favorite animal is is your greeter.
07/22/2014 5:36 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Network
SlimeCityCreator's Avatar
A book,A toy salamander prize thingy from a carnival,My brother 1/10(Much doom)

Quic,no time to explain!You are a toymaker!.To your left is your inspiration.To your right is your creation.And your age is how much you make per month.
07/22/2014 5:26 pm
Level 26 : Expert Artist
VertziForte's Avatar
Since eliminationoh44 used the wrong format, I'll just ignore that and use the last one that was used before.

Quick, no time to explain! You have just signed the contract to be a magical girl. To you left is the symbol of your transformer thingy (Sailor Moon = moon. Do it like dat owo), to your right is what tried to stop you from signing the contract, and your favorite minecraft ore is what your wand/staff is made out of.

Sailor Door, an open window, redstone. 3/10
Well that's unique I guess. Sailor Doora the explora. And an open window was the main problem that was stopping me. Interesting.
Man, this game looks fun. It's a shame that people don't come here. xD

Quick, no time to explain! You are now falling to your doom! The nearest item to your left is something used to break your fall, to your right is what you would use to get help with, and the last person you talked to is the one who pushed you.

Gogo. \o/
07/15/2014 4:36 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
eliminationoh44's Avatar
plug, redstone, Minecraft. 3/10

Quick, no time to explain! You just broke into the girl/boy bathroom. To your left is the choice of making out with a hot boy/girl, to your right is to quickly go back to your classroom, and diamonds start popping out of your eyes for no reason.
07/15/2014 11:49 pm
Level 29 : Expert Ninja
_books's Avatar
What is that even supposed to mean? .-. I'm confused.
07/15/2014 11:57 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Network
SlimeCityCreator's Avatar
I have no idea...
And apparently Minecraft's an ore.
07/14/2014 9:53 am
Level 29 : Expert Ninja
_books's Avatar
Couch, Birthday Present, Deadpool. 4/10.

Quick, no time to explain! You have just signed the contract to be a magical girl. To you left is the symbol of your transformer thingy (Sailor Moon = moon. Do it like dat owo), to your right is what tried to stop you from signing the contract, and your favorite minecraft ore is what your wand/staff is made out of.

07/13/2014 11:32 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Network
SlimeCityCreator's Avatar
A lamp,a pillow,Anna.5/10

Quick,no time to explain!You are a villain for a day and a superhero is out to get you!To your left is your weapon,to your right is your weakness, and (your favorite superhero) is out to get you.
Planet Minecraft


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