Minecraft Data Packs / Game Mechanic

CC's Super Suspicious Stew — Buffed Status Effects!

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calebchan's Avatar calebchan
Level 52 : Grandmaster Meme

Very Suspicious Stew

Makes Suspicious Stew from a brown Mooshroom more powerful!

When was the last time you ever used Suspicious Stew?

Do you even know what it does?

Did you know you get can get Suspicious Stew by feeding a brown Mooshroom a flower, and then using a bowl on it?


Potions are powerful items, and they are rightly expensive and tedious to make, and take up a whole inventory slot.
They are also not worth the trouble for most casual players who don't need 3:00 of a particular potion effect.

And then on the other hand, we have Suspicious Stew. Found in so many places, but their super short durations make them USELESS! One very unique feature in particular was how you can farm Suspicious Stews from very rare brown Mushrooms. But no one ever has a reason to do this, even though there's so much gameplay content that potentially can come with it.


With this datapack, if you right click a brown Mooshroom with a flower, and then use a Bowl on it, it will give you one Very Suspicious Stew, that grants a status effect according to the flower that you fed it with. This status effect is changed from the vanilla status effect.

All other sources of Suspicious Stew (crafting, trading, chest loot, shipwrecks) currently remain the same with the same vanilla status effects, but can certainly be extended to include this special Stew too.

1. Status Effects

1a. Tier progression: Players can have access to useful status effects before going into the Nether for Nether Warts or killing a Wither for beacon effects. Yet, the Very Suspicious Stew's effects are very limited in duration, so while 0:10 of Fire Resistance may be useful to keep on the hotbar to save their lives in a pinch, they will still need to do proper brewing to get 3:00+ status effects.

1b. Duration length is now long enough for it to be viable for players to actually practically use them. They can be used at any stage of the game, even in late game since as a weaker but cheaper alternative to potions! Effects like Blindness and Nausea are made longer so that players can use them in minigames or role-play or whatever they need!

1c. Accessible features: Interesting effects like Luck and Health Boost become accessible in the game.

1d. Quality of life features like Jump Boost and Dolphin's Grace, for cheap and short-duration use cases.

2. Brown Mooshrooms

Brown Mooshrooms are supposed to be this rare creature, but their one unique practical feature doesn't really do much. Red Mooshrooms aren't even that glorified, because nobody has a use for infinite Mushroom Stew; regular cows work just fine for their Steak and Leather.

Now, finding a Mooshroom Island actually means something. You could excessively breed red Mooshrooms or get a Chanelling Trident and wait for thundering weather. You'd have to transport the Mooshroom back to your base. There's so much content a player gets to invest in order to get a precious, prized brown Mooshroom for psuedo-potions.

3. Flowers

If players want Dolphin's Grace to conveniently cross a strait, a player must scavenge for the Lily of the Valley. To mass produce Very Suspicious Stews, flower farms have to be built in the right biome. Specifically, if PVPers want to mass produce the powerful Health Boost effect, they'll need to set up a Wither Rose farm!

There's so many applications for the different effects of Very Suspicious Stews. There's so many goals to set, so much content that a player gets to experience and plan out for themselves. That's the core gameplay loop of Minecraft.

4. Endgame Content

As the latest addition, players can now get supercharged (soupier-charged?) versions of the Stew as an endgame challenge! They'd have to transport a brown Mooshroom *into the End* and soup them there to get the powerful Soupier Suspicious Stew, powerful versions of Suspicious Stew with very interesting combination of potion effects. It's a lot of trouble to go through, but since once they've got the Mooshroom in the end, it's easy to spam farming the Soupier Stews. So, I've added an interesting 10-minute cooldown between stewing. The cooldown can be shortened with wheat!


The original vanilla Suspicious Stew is hardcoded to be given straight into your inventory and not bound to a Loot Table. There's probably a way to check for the original Stew and replace it, but I can't brain it, there's probably a better way that I don't know. So for now, players are restricted that they must hold only one empty Bowl in their main hand to get Very Suspicious Stew from a flower-fed brown Mooshroom.

If players use their offhand, or if they use a slot with two or more Bowls, they will just get a regular Suspicious Stew and a feedback message in the action bar, telling them this limitation.

Please suggest how I can overcome this limitation!

Original Suspicious Stew Effects Table

So bad I don't even want to type out the table

Effects Table
FlowerEffectDuration (seconds)
AlliumFire Resistance  20s
Azure BluetBlindness30s
Blue Orchid
CornflowerJump Boost30s
Lily of the ValleyDolphin's Grace  20s
Oxeye DaisyResistance20s
Wither RoseHealth Boost30s

All effects are at level 1, as the NBT for Suspicious Stew doesn't allow for any other effect potency value. But that's alright! Level 1 is a perfect level for this mid-game item.

See the (rather lame) original effects at Suspicious_Stew/Effects

Please comment any tweaks to the effects table!
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.18
toMinecraft 1.19

8 Update Logs

v1.8 Soupier Suspicious Stew! : by calebchan 09/16/2022 5:12:25 amSep 16th, 2022

- Renamed "Very Suspicious Stew" to "Super Suspicious Stew"
- You can stew brown Mooshrooms in the End, for superpowered Soupier Suspicious Stew!
- If stewed in the End, they will be on cooldown before they can be stewed again
- Add new achievement for getting that stew

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09/14/2022 5:08 am
Level 40 : Master Miner
Lordphenex's Avatar
Hello ! Another great datapack !
Your uninstall function is again in the advancements folder =).
I have the feeling that the super suspicious stew should be a bit more powerful to offer a better alternative to potions.
Having multiple potion effects at a time could be great.
09/14/2022 8:20 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Meme
calebchan's Avatar
AHHHH I've been found! I copy pasted from this datapack to get a boilerplate for the cycle-offhand-arrows datapack... Thank you for the heads up!

I also think the super sus stew should be more powerful too! It'd be such a cool thing to work towards.
But as of the current version, you can spam collecting super sus stew. The video shows how easy it is once you've got a brown Mooshroom. So you could amass a very large amount of super-potions, at a relatively low cost of wooden bowls and flowers.

So right now the catch is that the Super Stew gives relatively weak but niche potion effects like Resistance and Haste, which can be very useful in specific situations. It was also important to me that the effect you get from each flower is predictable, since there are no potion effect labels on the item.

I might make Stews more "expensive" by adding some sort of cooldown for each Mooshroom. This would incentivize not just getting one brown Mooshroom and calling it quits there, like how once you've found just one rare crop (sugar cane, cocoa bean, etc.) then you can safely infinitely renewably create more. But the only problem is that I don't know how to add a visual effect to the Mooshroom to indicate whether it is ready or on cooldown. I could use additional entities or particles but I wanted to keep it minimal and not have functions running every tick if possible. Perhaps they could turn into red Mooshrooms temporarily?

How would you suggest "more powerful stews"? In terms of potency or duration? And multiple potion effects, combinations like Turtle Master? Cause I think it would be good to have some Stews still give just one useful effect.

But thank you for your kind words about the datapack! :D
09/14/2022 11:51 am
Level 40 : Master Miner
Lordphenex's Avatar
For the cooldown you could give the cow a potion effect that you can detect in the advancement. This way the cow will have some particles around them when you can't "stew" it.
Yeah using stew to get otherwise unobtainable effects like conduit power or levitation.
09/14/2022 1:34 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Meme
calebchan's Avatar
OH that's smart YO yea then I don't need to have a tick function at all! I'm just concerned for players with minimal particles on, whether the particles will be evident enough or not. But that's an ingenious lag-efficient way to do it.

Well conduit power and levitation are obtainable, just very circumstantial. And I thought that those effects were too thematic to the ocean/End for them to be so easily farmable... but those are interesting effects, how did I overlook them? Yea I could replace a few flowers for them.

What do you think about the duration of the effects? Potency? Any good dual-effects suggestions? Blindness-Strength is one that immediately comes to mind.

Oh yea. At least for Levitation specifically, I thought it was quite weird lore-wise, how a cow can make you levitate, at least the other potion effects may have some chemical explanation for it, levitating is straight up magic. Though it'd be useful.
09/14/2022 2:31 pm
Level 40 : Master Miner
Lordphenex's Avatar
I didn't think about the minimal particles option. Maybe giving the cow a glowing effect would be more visible but would also feel way less vanilla.

Yes I meant unobtainable under a potion form. And I see what you mean by thematic to a biome. Maybe it would be possible to stew a levitation cow only in the end ? That would add a little challenge.

If you can play with potency, it would be cool to make dual-effects with one strong positive effect with a negative effect as a downside.

Yeah I know that creating a well-balanced datapack is pretty difficult.
09/15/2022 12:19 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Meme
calebchan's Avatar
HAH so I was falling asleep to how to go about this. One other countdown NBT that can be used is the Age field LOL I think it'd be (too?) wacky if every time you stew a brown Mooshroom, they turn into a child. And then you gotta wait for them to grow up before you can stew them again. The potion particles might still work, people still use the love particles when breeding, albeit that particle is more obvious.

But THATS SO COOL okay that could work, Mooshroom in the End giving Levitation... Invisibility too because Endermen? Not sure about that last one.

I will look into some interesting potion combinations but I don't want to go too overboard with it until it feels un-vanilla. A good guideline would be the Turtle Master's Resistance IV/Slowness IV. It can always be balanced later on!

OH I JUST REMEMBERED why I kept it at level 1. So the NBT for Suspicious Stew only allows to apply effects at Amplifier level 1. So to keep it simple, I left it at this. Though I think you can use the consume_item advancement requirement with an NBT check to call a function to do whatever you want.
05/15/2022 8:33 am
Level 1 : New Miner
JCDaRailWei's Avatar
Kinda sus, not gonna lie.
08/31/2022 7:30 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Cookie
Unavalible_User's Avatar
you lie sir, it is very sus
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