Minecraft Data Packs / Simple

Simple Damage Indicator

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NodeNotJS's Avatar NodeNotJS
Level 49 : Master System

Configurable datapack to display damage and heal indicators.

ℹ️ Sobre o Datapack
Esse é um simples datapack para exibir indicadores de dano e cura.
É altamente configurável, e funciona com absorção, efeitos, atributos, (provavelmente) mods, qualquer coisa!

Nota: Entidades com a tag sdi.ignore serão ignoradas pelo datapack (não exibirá o indicador).

ℹ️ Instalação
Apenas coloque o arquivo .zip dentro da pasta datapacks dentro do arquivo do seu mundo e pronto. Aproveite :)

O datapack tem várias configurações
Para abrir o chatmenu de configuração, execute /function sdi:settings.

As configurações são:
Decimal Places: Muda a quantidade padrão de decimais a serem exibidos. O valor padrão é 1.
Motion: Define se o indicador será animado ou estático.
More Colors: Define se o indicador terá cores únicas para dano ou ganho de absorção.
Symbols: Define se aparecerá o - ou + no indicador.
Hide Decimal 0: Define se o indicador irá esconder o ".0". Exemplo: 2.0 de dano apenas aparecerá 2. 2.5 ainda aparecerá 2.5.
(Opção Avançada) Entity Group Size: Define em quantos grupos o datapack irá separar as entidades a serem atualizadas. Grupos maiores resultam em maior desempenho, enquanto grupos menores resultam em menos latência para exibir o indicador. O valor padrão é 3.

✔ Perguntas frequentes e Solução de Problemas
Tem indicadores presos no meu mundo. O que eu faço?
Você pode executar o comando /kill @e[​tag=sdi] ou /function sdi:kill_indicators para matar os indicadores.

Funciona em Multiplayer?

É compatível com outros datapacks?
Provavelmente sim. O datapack foi desenvolvido para não ter nenhum problema de compatibilidade com outros datapacks.

Mobs mortos não exibem o indicador!
Não mesmo. Infelizmente, o método de detectar mobs mortos é pesado e poderia trazer problemas de performace. Por conta disso, o datapack não tem suporte a isso.

🗑️ Desinstalando o datapack
Para desinstalar o datapack, você pode executar /function sdi:uninstall. Todas as mudanças pelo datapack serão desfeitas.
NOTA: Você deve desativar ou deletar o datapack do seu mundo. Caso contrário, quando você carregar ou recarregar o mundo a próxima vez, o datapack será instalado novamente

Se você tinha a versão antiga do datapack, eu recomendo remover resquícios da versão antiga. Execute /function sdi:uninstall_old para isso.

Qualquer problema, por favor, reporte!! Eu sou ativo no discord: N0de#0657

ℹ️ About the Datapack
This is a simple datapack designed to display damage and healing indicators.
Is highly configurable, and it works with absorption, effects, attributes, (probably) mods, anything.

Note: Entities with the tag sdi.ignore will be ignored by the datapack (will not display the indicator).

ℹ️ Installation
Just drop the .zip into the datapack folder in your world. Enjoy :)

The datapack has several configurations.
To open the settings, run /function sdi:settings to open the chatmenu.

The settings are:
Decimal Places: Changes the default amount of decimals to be displayed. The default value is 1.
Motion: Defines whether the indicator will be moving or static.
More Colors: Defines whether the indicator will have unique absorption colors in damage or gain.
Symbols: Defines whether the + and - signs will be displayed in the indicator.
Hide Decimal 0: Defines whether the indicator will hide ".0". Example: damage of 2.0 will only show 2. Damage of 2.5 will still show as 2.5.
(Advanced Option) Entity Group Size: Defines how many groups the datapack will separate the entities to be updated into. Larger groups result in higher performance, while smaller groups result in less latency to display the indicator. The default value is 3.

✔ FAQ and Troubleshooting
I have indicators stuck in my world. What do I do?
You can run the command /kill @e[​tag=sdi] or /function sdi:kill_indicators to remove the indicators.

Does it work in multiplayer?

Is it compatible with other datapacks?
Probably Yes. the datapack was developed in a way to have no incompatibilities with any datapack.

Dead mobs do not show indicators!
The way of detecting dead mobs is heavy and could bring major performance problems. Therefore, the datapack does not support displaying indicators for dead mobs.

🗑️ Uninstalling the datapack
To uninstall the datapack, you can run /function sdi:uninstall. All changes made by datapack will be undone.
NOTE: You must delete or deactivate the datapack from your world after that. Otherwise, when you next load or reload the world the datapack will be installed again.

If you had the old version of datapack, i recommend you to remove remnants of the old version. Run /function sdi:uninstall_old for this.

Any issues, please report!! I am active on discord: nodenotjs
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.16
toMinecraft 1.20

19 Update Logs

Compatibility Update : by NodeNotJS 07/17/2023 10:18:49 amJul 17th, 2023

+ Updated to 1.20
+ Retrocompatibility with 1.16-1.19 added

Important Notice: This datapack may lose compatibility for versions earlier than 1.20 soon. Keeping backward compatibility takes away the possibility of exploring the features of the new version

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01/21/2023 1:34 pm
Level 1 : New System
KylomaskGamer's Avatar
this looks cool
05/10/2022 2:03 am
Level 30 : Artisan Explorer
Wakarimasen1's Avatar
the indicators don't seem to be working in dimensions that arent the overworld in 1.18.2
06/24/2022 9:11 pm
Level 49 : Master System
NodeNotJS's Avatar
hi, sorry for the delay. the indictors are not presenting this problem for others. are you using a mod, using some another datapack or running the datapack in a modded server?
04/08/2022 10:11 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Explorer
Wakarimasen1's Avatar
Theres a bug where the indicators set off sculk sensors, i tried giving the armor stands the 'silent' tag and it didnt work
04/10/2022 12:49 pm
Level 49 : Master System
NodeNotJS's Avatar
Hi. Thanks for letting me know! Unfortunately this seems like a bug in the game itself, and tha's sad... I'll see what I can do to get around this
07/18/2023 12:16 pm
Level 49 : Master System
NodeNotJS's Avatar
I will use item displays in the next update and that will probably fix the bug
04/02/2022 10:30 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
Lutece1979's Avatar
dkw but have a bunch of lag and sometimes damage keep on the air or on the wall
03/20/2022 1:15 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
poletooke's Avatar
Could we get an option to be able to toggle and see health bars of mobs?
02/19/2022 8:34 am
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02/22/2022 4:40 pm
Level 49 : Master System
NodeNotJS's Avatar
Ah, that would be a good idea! You are not the first person to ask me that lol. I'll see if I can add it soon.
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