Minecraft Data Packs / Tool

IDVisor 1.16+

  • check_circle Functions
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Cubyc's Avatar Cubyc
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Programmer
IDVisor [v1.9]

This datapack adds the functionality to view blocknames from a 2-block distance using a visor. Useful for on the go block checking with e.g. other resourcepacks or to new players. It holds more than 700 blocks. Only works for Minecraft vanilla blocks of version 1.16.

Only uses scoreboard and actionbar commands, no additional entities are created like armor stands or area effect clouds. Using the visor will override any incoming actionbar message. The visor will not work in lava as it fictionally overheats, however if the player has an active fire resistance effect, it will work normally. The visor is naturally waterproof. Minecraft is not perfect, looking through a block is occasionally possible. Nevertheless, as the visor is fastpaced, this is not a problem.

- Place the folder out of the .zip file into your 'datapacks' folder of the desired world.
- Type: /datapacks list to check if the datapack is correctly installed.
- Reload your world to fully initiate the datapack with: /reload.
- Begin using the visor by typing: /trigger IDVisor

Keep an eye out for future updates!

CompatibilityMinecraft 1.16

20 Update Logs

Version 1.9 : by Cubyc 06/06/2020 11:57:01 amJun 6th, 2020

  • Snapshot version is now the leading 1.16 version.
  • Added advanced tooltips in chat for all blocks! Simply tap crouch 3 times to get a tooltip in chat. This also adds clickable url's to open the wiki of the corresponding block.

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08/26/2020 7:18 am
Level 45 : Master Mlem Mlem Bat
My_name_is_gLiTcH404's Avatar
I think this datapack took at least 1 year to make lol
01/19/2020 11:51 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Explorer
Etsan's Avatar
Would it be possible for a datapack to make every item drop have a nametag? What I mean by this is if you see some dropped pork it would have a name tag letting you know that's what it was. I think this idea would really go along with this datapack you have created here.
01/20/2020 11:53 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Programmer
Cubyc's Avatar
I see you've replied twice on my page, haven't noticed untill now. To answer both, I think that the idea you're suggesting in this comment is very interesting, the wiki idea not so much. This idea of yours does exist as a plugin for servers I recall. I was also thinking of applying some identification to mobs. I'll do some testing to see if it works the way you say. I do think an update of that scale would mean a 2.0 release. Much appreciated feedback.
01/20/2020 6:30 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Explorer
Etsan's Avatar
Coolio, well lmk if it's possible, also do you know what the name of the plugin is?
01/21/2020 4:44 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Programmer
Cubyc's Avatar
I believe the one with the latest update on minecraft is this. But other plugins like that exist, most of them discontinued. Got this one working on a 1.13 server, but it might not work anymore.
12/29/2019 9:29 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Explorer
Etsan's Avatar
I feel like this datapack is aimed at new players and as such, have you ever considered on making a data pack that puts a link to the item or block's wiki page in chat whenever you first obtain the item/block?
10/21/2019 7:57 pm
Level 63 : High Grandmaster uwu
LeonNikolai's Avatar
not tested, but opened the code, looks cool.

some critique:

dividing into separate functions:
the starting part of each command in "ids_scoreboard_blocks_air_1.mcfunction" is the same. You should try dividing some things into separate functions to decrease file size?
execute as @e[type=player,scores={visor_toggle=1}] at @s anchored eyes positioned ^ ^ ^1 run execute if block ~ ~ ~ minecraft:birch_sapling run scoreboard players set @s visor_facing_id 21to where it only executes the first part then runs a function?:
execute as @e[type=player,scores={visor_toggle=1}] at @s anchored eyes positioned ^ ^ ^1 run function idvisor/blocktestwhere blocktest.mcfucntion is the last part of each command.
execute if block ~ ~ ~ minecraft: run scoreboard players set @s visor_facing_id 1

execute if block ~ ~ ~ minecraft: run scoreboard players set @s visor_facing_id 2

this way you probably only need 2 functions/commands deciding block locations, and 1 function for detecting what block. but maybe there is some unforseen consequenses that i dont know, that makes your current solution better?
why is scoreboards needed?
if you’re not planning to increase performance by only running the block check once, and then wait for movement or something before checking again, i see no reason to use scoreboards. you should just out right run the tellraw command after checking the block type?
10/22/2019 8:38 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Programmer
Cubyc's Avatar
Thanks for the feedback! A lot of things are little tests to see what runs the best and what not. At first, the whole premis of this datapack was not using any extra entities, however the scoreboard can be eliminated as well I understand now. But as you're pointing out, a good structure in functions is helpful for debugging and stuff.

Replying to your blocktest function, I think by using a seperate function the execute command loses its position via anchored eyes positioned. However, I understand your way of removing the repetitiveness from the codes and will try it out!
10/26/2019 11:45 am
Level 27 : Expert Miner
Willral's Avatar
does this work with modded blocks :/
10/27/2019 10:29 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Programmer
Cubyc's Avatar
Nope, sorry. Just blocks up untill 1.14.4. Datapacks are additions to vanilla Minecraft using ingame commands, mods are a different side of Minecraft.
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