Minecraft Data Packs / Tool

HephesTools datapack (1.20+)

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    Required Resource Pack
    GalSergey's Avatar GalSergey
    Level 44 : Master Engineer
    This datapack adds advanced tools that add the ability to mine 3x3 blocks, cut whole trees and harvest with a right click.


    HephesTools datapack (1.20+) Minecraft Data Pack

    Works like a pickaxe, but mines 3x3 blocks. Netherite Hammer mines a 3x3x3 area. If you take the Ender Pearl in the second hand, then the stone will not drop. For the extraction of blocks, a system of heredity works. When mining more harder blocks, such as obsidian, less hard blocks will also be mined, but not vice versa, even if the level of Vein Miner allows you to get a more harder block.


    HephesTools datapack (1.20+) Minecraft Data Pack

    Works like a shovel, but digs a 3x3 area. The Diamond Excavator mines all the sand and gravel above the excavation site. The Netherite Excavator also digs the 3x3x3 area and all the sand and gravel above.

    Lumberjack Axe

    HephesTools datapack (1.20+) Minecraft Data Pack

    Cuts down a whole tree. If you take any hoe or shears in the second hand, then this tool will be used to break the leaves.

    Vein Miner

    Mines the entire vein of ore. Diamond and Netherite Vein Miner glows the mined ore for a while. For mining ores, a system of heredity works. When mining a harder ore, such as Ancient Debris, a less hard ore will also be mined, but not vice versa, even if the Vein Miner level allows you to mine a harder ore.


    Harvests by right click. Diamond Sickle harvests in a 3x3 area, Netherite - 5x5.


    All tools except the Sickle will consume a small amount of food. Hammer and Vein Miner slightly slows the player down when the tool is in hand. Any vanilla enchantments are supported for all tools. With one exception, due to Minecraft restrictions, you can't enchant Fortune on a Sickle in the vanilla way, so to do this you need to throw a Sickle and an enchantment book with Fortune on an anvil.

    Coding things - GalSergey
    Worked on textures - IDarkSun
    Helped with names - Matin aka MatinTheBoy
    CompatibilityMinecraft 1.20

    1 Update Logs

    Update #1 : by GalSergey 06/28/2023 11:18:38 amJun 28th, 2023

    - updated textures of all tools
    - now requires general GalLab resourcepack to work
    - minor fixes

    Due to the CustomModelData change, if you used the datapack before, you need to run this command to display the custom textures:
    execute as <player> run function gallab:update

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    10/26/2023 1:35 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    User4870478G's Avatar
    Hey I'm using this on a server and for some reason all the tools work except the sickle. I'm wondering why this might be
    10/31/2023 1:19 pm
    Level 44 : Master Engineer
    GalSergey's Avatar
    Are you using any other datapacks?
    10/24/2023 3:34 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    User4868995D's Avatar
    bonsoir, est-ce normal que la fonction 3x3x3 ne fonctionne pas ? ni sur le marteau ni sur la pelle ? seul l'option 3x3 fonctionne
    10/31/2023 1:18 pm
    Level 44 : Master Engineer
    GalSergey's Avatar
    Utilisez-vous d&#39;autres packs de données ?
    11/03/2023 4:50 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    User4868995D's Avatar
    oui, mais pas en rapport avec les outils, hormis le data pack silk touch spawner
    11/04/2023 3:14 am
    Level 44 : Master Engineer
    GalSergey's Avatar
    La fonction 3x3x3 n'est disponible que pour le niveau Netherite de l'outil. Utilisez-vous l'outil Netherite ?
    11/12/2023 9:07 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    User4868995D's Avatar
    oui bien sur, on est en multijoueur pour préciser
    11/14/2023 4:27 pm
    Level 44 : Master Engineer
    GalSergey's Avatar
    Vérifiez que votre outil possède une balise mining_level et une valeur de 5.
    Prenez l'outil en main et utilisez cette commande :
    data get entity @s SelectedItem.tag.mining_level
    Si tel est le cas, vérifiez les erreurs sur votre console.
    10/23/2023 3:28 pm
    Level 41 : Master Procrastinator
    SpruceStudios's Avatar
    Can you make this compatible with Trimmable Tools? Right now if I apply an armour trim to a diamond tool it just gives me a netherite one for free.
    08/23/2023 3:10 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    ikon106's Avatar
    Is it possible to change the durability usage? When one spends so much more materials on it I'd like to be able to use it for longer.
    08/23/2023 7:39 pm
    Level 44 : Master Engineer
    GalSergey's Avatar
    All tools are 25% more durable than regular tools, but you can change this by changing the value in this file: data/hephaestools/predicates/rnd/0.75.json
    Supported values are from 0.0 to 1.0. The lower the value, the more durable the tool.
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