Minecraft Data Packs / Simple

Death items glow

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Lostya's Avatar Lostya
Level 33 : Artisan Miner
This datapack makes items dropped on death glow, and makes them despawn for longer.
✔ This datapack is fully multiplayer compatible.
✗ This datapack is NOT compatible with gamerule doImmediateRespawn true.

1. When items drop on death, they despawn in 15 minutes instead of 5. Does not work on any other items.
2. When items drop on death, they start glowing and can be seen through blocks.
3. Glow color depends on time left before despawn:
Green = 5+ mins before despawn;
Dark green = 4 mins before despawn;
Yellow = 3 mins before despawn;
Gold = 2 mins before despawn;
Flashing red and white = 30s before despawn;
Faster = 15s before despawn;
Even faster = 5s before despawn.

/function death_glow:config
Allows to change despawn time in minutes between 5 and 60, also allows to go to inf to remove despawning at all.
Default is 15.
(only changes despawning time of death items, not every item)

Just put this datapack in datapacks folder. No further actions needed.

You are allowed to do anything. Crediting me is fully optional.

Uninstalling: run /function death_glow:uninstall first to remove all related stuff.
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.18
toMinecraft 1.19

1 Update Logs

v1.1 : by Lostya 07/06/2022 7:54:35 amJul 6th, 2022

• An internal fix: items were counting up to their despawn time, now they count down to 0 wich is their despawn time
• Removed aqua color that was after 1 second of drop
• Removed dark red color that was after any supposed despawn time. Now they just despawn
• Added config /function death_glow:config to change time in minutes of despawn of those items, 5 minutes to 1h and inf to turn off despawn for death items at all.
• Added /function:death_glow:uninstall to remove all datapack scoreboards and teams.

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07/20/2022 9:07 am
Level 1 : New Miner
JVG2007's Avatar
.Hola esta guapo tu texture pck la cosa es que quiero tenerlo en la 1.19 y pues no me deja solo en la 1.18
07/21/2022 3:05 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Miner
Lostya's Avatar
As far as I understood from google translate (I don't know spanish), you say that you try to use it in 1.19 but you only can in 1.18. If I understood this right, then this is some problem with your server/world/version or something else, as I personally use this datapack in my own survival server, and that's where is was written for, and it works perfectly fine in my singleplayer test world on 1.19 and survival multiplayer server on 1.19. Consider checking that you actually installed the datapack, and that you are using 1.19 version and not 1.18 (as 1.18 was not tested yet, just most of things on 1.19 also work on 1.18 so that's why I put there range of both versions).

If I didn't understand you right, tell me. Maybe try using translator yourself in that case?
07/06/2022 5:58 am
Level 1 : New Miner
B1ackTea233's Avatar
Hello, I like the data packs you made very much, I want to move them to the largest mcbbs in China, because there are many Chinese players who are not familiar with pmc or curseforge. I want more people to see such excellent works, of course I will not profit from it. I will mark the original address and let them go to pmc to download it, hope to get your authorization, thank you
07/06/2022 6:42 am
Level 33 : Artisan Miner
Lostya's Avatar
I am glad to hear that you liked my works! Yes, you can share my works freely across any websites if you want to. I am going to drop an update for this particular datapack very soon, as I am almost done with it, so you can wait for it if you want to give chinese players an up to date version. Have fun!
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