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YOUTUBE SERIES #1: Starting out

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rsmovactor's Avatar rsmovactor
Level 16 : Journeyman Ninja

Hey everybody, Rsmovactor here! By popular request by my last blog, I will be starting a series about YouTube video making, and how to be successful. So let's begin, shall we?


Why start YouTube? It's a fun way to express yourself, and possibly make money. There's no reason you shouldn't enter YouTube to make money, other then if it's the only reason. Remember that YouTube is about passion, so if you don't have that, stop here. This is not for you.


This completely depends on the type of videos you will be doing. While I will focus mainly on MineCraft, I will touch on other types of videos as well. Below you can find some recommended purchases, although you might have to make do because of price. Please also note not all of this equipment may apply to you, as I do not know what type of video you will be making.


~PC Capable of recording 30+ FPS on whatever game you would like, since 30FPS is the cap for YouTube. ($300-$1500)

~1080p Monitor, so you can record your footage in the best quality ($100+)

~HDPVR/Capture Card to record console footage ($50-$200)

~Mic to communicate with partners or commentate over gameplay ($30-$150)


~Editing Software - Sony Vegas/After Effects/Movie Maker - ($0-$1,000)

~Fraps - Best recording software you can get without making it yourself ($37)

~Skype helps with communication and is a way of contact to collaborate ($0)

Now you may not need the best equipment to get started, but as you go you will notice that these will greatly increase the quality of your videos. While YouTube is not a competition, that doesn't change the fact you need to keep up with others quality or people will not watch you. Start off with some basic stuff, and upgrade.


Also consider what type of video suits you. Make sure that this fits your style, and you are not trying to copy someone else! It will show in your video. Also know that these are just some ideas, doing something not on this list that is original and good, will make you very successful!

~Let's Play - Play through MineCraft/Other games, preferably with friends. This is for people with outgoing and entertaining personalities, and requires a bit of over reacting.

~Machinima's - Film's (Short or long) within the engine of a game, these are for people who can take there time to develop something and want to tell stories.

~Reviews - Rate mods, custom maps, servers. These are for people who wish to share there opinion, and can be unbiased and help people know what to spend there money on or download.


Machinima's a bit more complicated subject, and I will have a specific tutorial for this later on, so subscribe to know when it is released. Now that you have chosen the type of video you will do (for now), watch other's who have done the same. Do what they do but better, and learn from there mistakes. Use this as reference, do not blatantly copy someones style! After you have recorded what you need, edit it together how you see fit.


I will explain copyrights later, but for now just remember this: DO NOT POST SOMETHING YOU DID NOT MAKE! Whether its the video, music, or anything! Just stay away from this for the time being. Make sure you have made your contact or have permission to display your content 100 percent! It's safest to just post what you make, later I can tell you about legal ways to use someones content and how to get permission.


Now that you have made your first video, you will need a YouTube account. Here's some tips on the name:

1) No numbers

2) Short and easy to remember

3) Something you can create your own meaning to (Seananners means a youtube, but XxCoD_SlayerxX is someone good at call of duty, you wont remember him as a youtuber will you?)

4) Make sure its unheard of and original EX: Not CaptainSprinkles


Navigate to the YouTube upload button, click it. You will be presented with options for a title, description, tags, and a few other settings.

Title: Make it memorable and short, but let them know what they are getting into.

Tag's; People who look for your video, what words would they search? Type in anything related to your subject. Leave out words in the title and description, as they are also tags. Fill this space up!

Description: A brief description of your video, as well as links to the channels who helped you out.

Thumbnail: I will go more in depth on this later, but you most likely starting off will have to pick from three. Find something with high contrast, and represents the video properly and is very interesting.


You may not get any feedback at first, don't worry. Show it to friends, see what they think. Take in there feedback and those from the comments and use every bit of it to improve your next video. Feedback is crucial to success, so take all of it under advisement! You may also use PMC as feedback.


You want to attract the right people. This, in most cases when starting out, is not 10 year old's or people with low standards. Advertising your channel will MAKE SURE that you attract these people, and not the people who can give you proper feedback. It's nice to have someone say "OMG UR DA BEST VID MAKER EVAR!!!" but that does not help you improve. Don't message people you don't know, or comment in videos about your content.


With everything above under advisement, its time to learn how to properly advertise. On Planet Minecraft, find review threads and enter in them, also start your own thread advertising your channel. Be polite and give a detailed description of your channel, do not give them a link to the video EMBED IT! This makes things so convenient.

What you can do, is go to small youtuber's and give them proper feedback in a comment or message, and ask if they can do the same to you.

DO: Hey! I really enjoyed the video, I think you need to lower the brightness and speak a bit louder though. A better mic would help out too, and try lowering your settings for higher frame rate. I hope I helped, mind doing the same for me? Just started and would like feedback, not a subscriber :)

DONT: Tis vid wus perfect plz subscribe my channel k ty!


I hope you enjoyed, worked very hard on this blog! Diamond, Comment's, and Favorites would all be very much appreciated! I would love to also see what you guy's have learned from this blog, so link me to some stuff you made with this in mind!

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03/22/2013 1:22 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
RastafarnTF's Avatar
Good job. :P
03/22/2013 1:24 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Ninja
rsmovactor's Avatar
Thank you :)
03/22/2013 1:01 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Ninja
rsmovactor's Avatar
Tell me what you guy's think down here in the comments, would like to here feedback and what you want in the next blog in this series!
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