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xXSnowyXx Things I think Minecraft should add (Pop Reel)

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SnowTiger98's Avatar SnowTiger98
Level 28 : Expert Ninja
Hey, this is my first blog so don't judge it too tough haha. This is just some of my opinions that I think they should add. I'm not trying to bash Notch or anything like that, because they're doing a great job. I love the updates :P but I just wanted to see if I could make a blog. Hope you like it :D

Things Minecraft Should Add

Notch has done an awesome job of constantly updating Minecraft and making better, and that's why I like the game so much. But I have a few suggestions that I think would make a good edition to the game.

First off, they have a good variation of animals that you can either become friends with or make food/wool with. Although, there are quite a few other animals that would be cool on the game. I'm sure everyone can come up with any animal that they would want on Minecraft, but here's some of mine:

There could be different types of snakes, the venomous ones would be harmful and attack, but the non-venomous snakes could become your friends. You could have them as pets and guardians. Or, they could all look the same yet you wouldn't know if it's going to attack or it's friendly until you got close to it.

There are no harmless creatures in the oceans, so I think there ought to be sharks, and you could only escape getting hurt by riding in a boat. I just think that getting from island to island is a bit too easy haha. There wouldn't be a large amount of them, you could just find one or two every once in a while.

Another one I thought would be cool to have is a Snow Tiger. Well, you might guess they're my favorite animal according to my username. They could be harmful at first and attack you from a glance, but if you trap it, come back a lot and give it fish, then you could eventually become friends with it and have it as a pet. Although it doesn't have to just be a Snow Tiger, it could be any big cat, and each of them live in a different environment.

Next is on to transportation. Now that we have a way to travel on the ground with horses, I was thinking that we could make wagons to hook them up with. The wagon would be able to carry supplies with you like a portable chest.

We could also have a way in the sky. Airplanes is one, and that would be a lot of fun but a lot of work. You'd have to gather all the tools and supplies to make it from in all the different biomes. It'd be a challenge so it's not so easily accessible. They would also not be able to go so fast like jets, but more like the first planes invented.

Lastly, there is a pretty good variation of food on Minecraft, but there could also be some additions. One is things like corn and other vegetables that you could grow in the ground. They would be grown exactly like wheat and watermelon.

There could also be ways to get different fruits. Instead of apples just randomly falling from a tree, you could plant an actual apple tree. And different types of fruit trees like orange trees, peach trees, and banana trees.

Also a fun idea I had was marshmallows. You could roast them on sticks over lava or any fires. But they'd be really hard to make, with lots of ingredients involved.

There could also be lots of fun different foods like pancakes and waffles, stew, roast, all those different things.

To end this blog, I was in no way bashing or criticizing Notch in their abilities to upgrade and improve Minecraft, I was only throwing some ideas out there. I hope you liked it, please give it a diamond :D

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Military Minecraft
07/26/2013 10:35 pm
Level 74 : Legendary Engineer
Military Minecraft's Avatar
There ya go :)
07/26/2013 10:46 pm
Level 28 : Expert Ninja
SnowTiger98's Avatar
Thanks! That really helps :D
07/16/2013 11:30 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Artist
ATLgirl92's Avatar
You guys are so hateful. She was just saying that it would be cool if they could add these things to minecraft. And it would be. I don't think it would be impossible to have airplanes and stuff like that. And why not add sharks? Sure they are scary, but it would make the game more intense!
07/16/2013 9:44 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Network
Knarfer's Avatar
Here comes the Opinion-Bomb! My opinion about all of these in numerical order:

1) Jeb updates Minecraft now, not Notch.

2) To be honest, there are plenty of mods for extra animals and there are too many animals in vanilla Minecraft to begin with. Adding Lions and Tigers and Monkeys is just a stretch. No, please. No shark. I have a HUGE fear that whenever I get in the water in any video game, I will get attacked by a shark. Far Cry 3 extended on these fears.

3) You can put chests on mules. We also have Chest Minecarts, so adding more transportation systems is just completely useless. Air travel? Are you serious? Do you know how many computers that would kill? Hate to burst your bubble, but things like the sky limit and some of the budgets that people are on cannot allow for air travel in vanilla Minecraft. There are mods for this.

4) There are mods for food. The roasting marshmallow system would not work because the item could not literally be held over the fire. There are mods for different types of trees. We really don't need any more food items. We have enough, anyway.

Opinion-Bomb After-Effects: While the writing style is not poor (especially for your first blog) , the ideas are. There are mods for all of the things that you mentioned. You should really check your ideas first and really think if they could do that. Minecraft is an indy game. They can't do all of the complicated things that you suggest in this blog. I know it sounds nice, and I wouldn't have even added that last sentence if there weren't mods for all these things already.
07/17/2013 4:13 pm
Level 44 : Master Wolf
Satoru's Avatar
To put it simply this way, she wasn't really asking for your opinion, she was sharing hers. She told everyone RIGHT from the start that she was just throwing some stuff out there. This is her first blog. Therefor I think you have no right to criticize her for everything.

1) How is she to know that? Not everyone continuously keeps up with EVERY update. Yes jeb is the knew owner, but it was notch once. I didn't even know that.

2)Some people love animals. And the more there are the more realistic the game feels. So what about your shark phobia? It's not like your actually the one who's going to swim with them.

3)Modding is very difficult for some people. I'm sure she has no clue how to do it, therefor it would be awesome if minecraft did have it. And our computers are already dying, adding airplanes in it wouldn't change that.

4)Again i say, modding isn't always the BEST way to go about minecraft. And so what If minecraft has a lot of food? You know there ganna add more later anyway. They want minecraft as close as they can get to reality. Or, at least as close as it can get with creepers and skeletons.

Your Review-Bomb After-Effects: I don't know you but I know your 'helpful criticism' isn't what some people would consider 'helpful'. And I don't care what you think about me. She may not have been 100 percent right with everything, but who cares? We aren't perfect. People like you annoy me. You can report me all you want but I did nothing wrong except spread my opinion. As you also did In a horrible manner.

07/26/2013 10:42 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Fox
sirtoalikan's Avatar
Modding and coding is rather simple. And my computer never dies. Although when things like aircraft would be implemented. There would be lots of crashes and FPS drop. And if someone added that many mobs (Especially with the new "No area limit" fix) FPS would also drop down even more. YOU did not think this comment through very well AnimeFox.
07/30/2013 1:16 pm
Level 44 : Master Wolf
Satoru's Avatar
From what I recall it isn't as simple as you'd think. I've played minecraft for quite a while and even now I still don't fully understand it. Not everyone's computer can run mods. I know mine can't. Mobs wouldn't be a problem. I agree that aircrafts would be though, but I can't see mobs affecting that. And I don't care if you don't agree with what I say, sorry if what I say displeases you sirtoalikan.
07/30/2013 8:56 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Fox
sirtoalikan's Avatar
I suppose more mobs would be good. Especially more hostile. But I would rather mojang fixes there several issues first
07/30/2013 10:34 pm
Level 44 : Master Wolf
Satoru's Avatar
Yeah the more hostile mobs the more fun the game is in my opinion. I agree that minecraft should fix the issues it has first though.
07/17/2013 5:35 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Network
Knarfer's Avatar
Really? I didn't know people were free from criticism just because it's their first blog. I also didn't know you needed to be asked for an opinion before you gave one, either.
1) It's common knowledge. Just because Notch updated it at some point doesn't mean he does it forever. Of course, nobody keeps up with Minecraft News 24/7, but even I knew that. At some point, someone had to have told her or she had to have found out.

2) Just because people love animals doesn't take apart from the fact that there are mods to have more animals. My shark-phobia was more like a joke. Even though it's true, thanks for making fun of my fear of sharks. It means a lot.

3) At any point, did I say that she had to make the mods herself? I even brought up some forms of transportation in vanilla Minecraft, but as anybody else would, you're only focusing on every negative I mention in a desperate attempt to prove me wrong.

4) I'd rather them add some logical foods rather than add marshmallows, pancakes, and waffles. We really need to think about just how realistic Minecraft can get, as you said in your last sentence. Minecraft is not going to add some sort of mechanism where you can cook marshmallows over a fire because it'd be too complicated.

Overall: I don't care if people don't consider my criticism helpful. People need to learn to suck it up and deal with the criticisms they're going to receive after they post their submissions. I don't care what you think about me, either. I'm glad we're on the same page. I didn't know people who don't share your opinion annoy you. People like you annoy me as well. I don't like it when people try to defend posters against constructive criticism or people who don't share the same opinion as they do. Again, people need to learn to suck it up and they need to know that not everyone is going to agree with them. Why would I report you? You didn't threaten me, you didn't do anything wrong. I also did nothing wrong except spread my opinion, so why are you being hypocritical and attacking people who are also spreading their opinions?

- Knarfer
Planet Minecraft


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