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Writing Contest | Thriller/Fantasy LOOK AT THE RESULTS AT BOTTOM

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MuggleWorthy's Avatar MuggleWorthy
Level 58 : Grandmaster Dwarf
Hello peoples and fellow writers! I very much enjoy writing, and I felt like it was time
I finally made a writing contest. ill just go ahead and move on
to da details

I will be teaming up with da one and only len_kun, she will help me judge the stories, give a round of
applause bois

First of all, you don't have to be a fantastic writer, it's just whoever has the best
story is the one who wins.

If there is enough people joining there will be a first, second, and third place and trophies
for their places, you will also earn a trophy for participating in the contest. And anyone can join!

Theme is: Thriller and Fantasy. You could do Thriller or Fantasy, or mix em' both. ur choice.
It could be where the world is ending, another planet, or just a group of friends going into a huanted
manor that Uncle Billy specifically told them not to go into. Make it fun, interesting, scary, whimsical, and most importantly, creative. Thats the key right there my frens, and the second key to winning the contest. into the lock we go, testing both keys.

Rules: sorry, have to have em'

No cursing, and no anything that could be rating an R or a strong PG 13. ( my best analogy, don't judge lol )
you could be disqualified. :O

You may use some ideas or concepts from other books/movies etc, but it can't be completely based off of something,
it has to be a little original.

you CAN NOT copy other contestants work! if you do I'LL HUNT U DOWN! "mummy, muggleworthy got scary"

Have fun and don't sweat it. the contest ends in three days, now go. lol im joking the contest ends Jun 18th! I hope
thats enough time. if you guys feel thats not enough i can move up the date, just let me know!

Make sure spelling as correct also, please. ( it would make it easier to read ) and im not gunna be a
grammar police today, just get down the basics. *wink wonk*

You must at least write something with three hundred words in it. If you want,
go crazy and make it a little bigger. ( it just can't be 1000 pages worth XD )

Make your tags for your story FantasyThrillerWritingContest please!

Post a link to your story in the comments! :)

if you had or have been writing a story/book that goes with the contest's theme you can
enter it in! just give the link to me in comments :)

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate!

"If you want to be a good writer you must do two things
above all others: read a lot, and write a lot.

-Stephen King

Don't ever let the other stuff get in the way of your inherent skills
as a kick-butt storyteller. Move the reader, make them happy and sad and excited and scared.
Make them stare into space after they've put the book down, thinking about the tale that's become a part of them.
-James Dashner

People Joining the Contest:


The winner: gets two skin requests, a fancy trophy, and their story will be featured on my profile for two weeks!
The participants: will get a trophy and a skin request! Since i didn't have enough places for
first, second, and third places there will just be a winner! sorry yall

first of all, thank you guys so much for being patient with me and participating in my first ever contest
on PMC, I had the hardest time choosing the winner! ( thats one of the reasons
i took so long xD ) you guys are truly amazing and talented, keep writing no matter
what! :D

THE WINNER IS: Chiaroscuro!

The participants will be pm'd and awarded their skin request and trophies!

thank you guys so much!


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07/05/2018 11:31 am
Level 29 : Expert Blacksmith
striker107's Avatar
Any reason as to why there has been no response to it being several weeks with radio silence?
07/06/2018 3:56 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Dwarf
MuggleWorthy's Avatar
Hi striker! No, there’s not really a reason, I’ve just been super busy lately and haven’t quite got a chance to read your submition yet! I’m super sorry about this, I will try my best to continue the contest as soon as possible! It’s still going though, I just gotta set a date to when it ends. Again I’m super sorry, next week things should probably pick back up again! Btw I’ll PM you when the reasults are in! ;)
07/06/2018 9:49 pm
Level 29 : Expert Blacksmith
striker107's Avatar
Alright, thanks for the quick response!
06/18/2018 9:35 am
Level 29 : Expert Blacksmith
striker107's Avatar
Here's mine now.
06/09/2018 11:17 am
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Ladybug
Chiaroscuro's Avatar
I wanted to complete one more chapter before entering this, but now that it's done, here it is!
06/09/2018 2:44 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Dwarf
MuggleWorthy's Avatar
okay tysm! im hyped to read it!! thanks for joining btw! <3
06/05/2018 10:00 pm
Level 49 : Master Artist
GalacticMelody's Avatar
Here's mine, dunno if this is alright... X3
06/07/2018 11:16 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Dwarf
MuggleWorthy's Avatar
alrighty! thanks so much! can't wait to check it out! thanks so much for joining btw! x3
06/05/2018 6:56 am
Level 84 : Elite Jarl
Aspirin60's Avatar
Good idea, but my English is soo bad and translate long story with google is too much for me...
...and i'm lazy...
06/07/2018 11:15 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Dwarf
MuggleWorthy's Avatar
thanks! its okay, I understand! you can totally join if you want to though! I can take bad english! ( im sure your english is great tho ) x3 i totally forgot ur from Switzerland lol
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