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Why people call Gold Budder

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Randomness6894's Avatar Randomness6894
Level 47 : Master Nether Knight

Right, so as most of you know, Minecraft's community is spreading and growing every day. YouTuber, namely LPers, are also growing too, Minecraft helps YouTubers grow and YouTubers help Minecraft grow. One YouTuber, SkyDoesMinecraft, has started a trend to call Gold a different name: Butter. This may have started as a joke, but his fan base has spread (get it) it throughout minecraft. Diggy Diggy Hole and other YouTuber quotes also fit this article, I am just using "Budder" addicts as an example.


Well, before when it was only the odd player every few months was totally fine. Barely anyone noticed them, and it was probably thought that they were just dumb. However, now it is almost everywhere, it has probably affected every public server, at least once. It is all over forums and there are far to many fights and arguments over it.

For the more mature part of the minecraft community, saying "BUDDER!!!" tends to point out the idiot of the server. Which is almost unfair, because then people joke about them and troll them. Everyone likes to pull a joke or a prank, and sadly, this makes them a target.


From my own personal synopsis of the situation, people say "Budder" to fit in. Yes, that it the reason I have come to, but it is deeper than that. Taking it from a psychological point of view, they may feel very lonely in real life and say this to fit in and be accepted by others.

It also points towards a lack in confidence, or a lack in social skills. People, particularly when young, look to a parent, teacher, older siblings etc. to learn how to fit it and get liked by others. The exact same is happening with Sky, in fact he is so know for "Budder" and the hatred of squids, that he is almost forced to into it by his fans.

This also explains why people want to be admins on servers, it is the search of respect. Kids will look up to admins, and want to be like them, because they have power and are respects and they want it too.


Sky fans, who spread "Budder", tend to try declare it whenever possible, almost like a search of other fans. They may say something like "Look a BUDDER ZOMBIE", "Nice Budder armour" or "I FOUND BUDDER IN A CAVE", and all of them are annoying to most people who don't watch Sky. However, not only does this announce the presence of a diehard fan, but it is also indirectly advertising Sky. So Sky will get more fans with the more people who spread it.

Saying "Budder" a lot or spamming it like "BBUUDDDDEEEEEERRRRRR", can draw hatred/abuse, which in turn, drops their confidence meaning they will probably say it more. So how can it be fixed?


So with "BUDDER" spreading, and I am getting worried that in 20 years time, Budder will literally be everywhere. Ads, TV, Radio, Movies, Music, Games, Newspapers, Websites, Descriptions of things, etc. By the way, I am just kidding about it entering into the media, but imagine life it is did, haha.

Well first thing is first, we know they will come to us, looking for guidance with out knowing it. So do we mock them and laugh, or accept them and teach. Well mocking solves nothing and may make this issue even worse. As people it makes us look bad and cruel, so we may as well accept them or ignore them. However, ignoring them it useless, ignoring the problem doesn't solve it.

So lets try accept and befriend them, they are probably very nice and friendly, however, refuse to accept "budder" remind them it is Gold. In a way you are disciplining them. If they refuse to drop the "budder" and try enforce it, just say "doesn't matter I'll hang out with someone else" or something. Remember you don't need them, but they want you. You can just walk out of it, but the risk is they may never drop it and cling to you, you could try tell them to leave you, or tell them you refuse to talk to "budder" fans, because they look like idiots to you(be indirect). I am not entirely sure how well this will work, I have tried it yet.


Well the goal is it teach and discourage this, need for acceptance. In doing so you are helping out in more ways than one. 1. You may have just saved that person from ruining their own future. 2. You have just helped them and taught them, this raises confidence and happiness. 3. You stopped them saying "budder", meaning they won't get abuse and they will be better accepted among others. 4. They may teach others, with a knock-on effect, meaning you just helped more than one person, you legend.


Lately, I have seen people write messages to moderators, because they are nervous that a moderator will take down their post or even jump to conclusions and ban a user. This is not aimed to put anyone down, it is to inform others on how to treat these people and inform others on a possible reason as to way they spread YouTuber quotes. If a Moderator or Administrator does have an issue with something I have said, please inform be by Private message and I will change this post accordingly. I also realize that people will flag and flame this for misunderstanding that I am trying to help the community as a whole, I am not aiming to discriminate against anyone or any type of group of people. Thanks to reading and understanding.

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Caleb is Awesome
10/18/2013 11:39 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Caleb is Awesome's Avatar
I the next 25 years skydoesminecraft haves more than 500 Billion Subscribers when hes Propbly Dead and to rember them they say on every server

but i am a fan of SkyDoesMinecraft
King Of Crazy
06/03/2013 11:51 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Explorer
King Of Crazy's Avatar
I agree it has gotten pretty abundant but I watched one of sky's videos recently and he is asking people to stop.
Jacob Rigoberto
06/03/2013 4:41 am
Level 43 : Master Pokemon
Jacob Rigoberto's Avatar
I agree, it should be stop to be that extreme... People start breaking rules at servers, look:

I built a house out of wood, and put a gold in a item frame. After I log off, some random butter fan changed the sign under item frame from: My first gold - IT IS GOD DAMN CALLED BUDDER!!!! This is just madness.....

I made a Squid farm to get some black dye. But some random player came and killed all Squids and called them evil, then destroyed the whole glass tank. He was banned some days later.

Sky's fans doing that bad stuff, just becuse of him started... People who even kill all squids they see are idiots..
06/18/2013 4:48 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
awesomepizza03's Avatar
Yeah. I played on a server with someone, (mind you it wasn't mine), and made a house for each ore and/or material for it. Wood, dirt, leaves, gold, iron, diamond, quartz, obsidian, stone, cobble, netherrack, glass, gravel and sand. He BLEW UP on me. He destroyed EVERY house he could with TNT. Except his precious butter. He destroyed my sign and it then said, (don't quote me on this), "Damn it! UR shit. Budder" He then banned me and I'm glad he did.
06/02/2013 9:27 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Farmer
Henry_'s Avatar
Maybe Mojang could edit the default texturepack to where gold looks nothing like butter
06/02/2013 9:17 pm
Level 27 : Expert Architect
confusedhobbo's Avatar
SkyDoesMinecraft did not start saying butter.

IT WAS Seananners
06/03/2013 10:25 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
Boss_Bro's Avatar
BUT seananners said "Butter Shoes" which is different from "Butter" which is basically pot
06/02/2013 5:18 pm
Level 25 : Expert System
LegalizeTax's Avatar
I am a SkyDoesMinecraft fan, and yes, I say buddar, but not all the time. I realize it is gold, AU, a real element. I will mix both into my speech, and for my friends who say buddar all the time, I especially mix in the buddar more than gold. I find it annoying how people spam it, and I only use buddar in casual conversation, meaning I don't go out and say "I FOUND BUDDAR", "BUDDAR FROM PIGMEN", etc. If someone wants a trade for gold, I may say "Ok, how about 6 iron for 2 buddar", and then if I repeat myself, say gold the second time. Good blog, btw.
Creeper Spy
06/03/2013 1:52 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Scribe
Creeper Spy's Avatar
how did u find out the nickname I give to gold? Lucky shot dude :p
06/02/2013 7:05 pm
Level 47 : Master Nether Knight
Randomness6894's Avatar
That kind of thing is fine, and I totally agree the spam is just over the top.
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