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Why Is The 'Survival Games' Minigame So Popular?

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ThatCobblestoneGuy's Avatar ThatCobblestoneGuy
Level 58 : Grandmaster Lad
Why Is The Survival Games Minigame So Popular?

Unless you're new to minecraft, you've most likely heard of the mini game referred to as the "Survival Games", or at times "Hunger Games". This is extremely popular amongst a vast range of large minecraft community, such as MCGamer, Mineplex, Nexus, HiveMC, the list could literally go on for pages and pages. 
But the real question is, why is this mini game so popular? Why is it that almost all active minecraft players play this mini game? Well I am here to supply you with some reasons that may be why the Survival Games is such a success.

The Survival Games is a challenge (At least to most people), and completing a challenge sends a sense of achievement, and that you've done something. Let's face it, when you kill the final player and the fireworks launching broadcasting your victory, you feel a sense of happiness, am I correct? 
So when new players are introduced to the mini game, their first few games aren't going to be victorious. They're more likely to get killed by another player, generally making the player feel upset. So then they try again... And again, and again, and again. It becomes a cycle, an addiction, they are fighting for their first win, and by the time they get it they're fully addicted to the mini game, so they continue playing. 

Another reason is that it spreads through youtube. Almost every large youtuber has done survival games on their channel. Remember when all those youtubers got together and held SG events? Look at CaptainSparklez, sitting on 8 million subscribers, and he uploads SG on a regular basis (Once a week?), and as if none of those 8 million received motivation to go play the mini game, or at least try it out. So amongst thousands and thousands of large youtubers, the popularity of the mini game expands extremely. 

This effect also applies to servers. When a large server, take mineplex for example, adds a new mini game, everyone wants to try it out. So when large servers add the Survival Games mini game, heaps of people want to try it out. Many of these people tend to become addicted to the mini game, thus boosting the games popularity. 

We can't forget to mention, it is based of the novel/movie series "The Hunger Games". The Hunger Games is an extremely popular series, watched by hundreds of millions, and what if the minecraft fans could experience that? So why not experience on a video game. Still creations tension and intensity if you are a beginner, and they want to gain a sense of achievement by winning, as mentioned earlier. To make the game seem more realistic, use realistic sounds, textures, and video settings (Trust me, it's fun).

After speaking to a few of my close friends, practically all of them said it's just unique, interesting, and a fun thing to do with your mates, which I entirely believe. Playing survival games with your friends is a great way to improve your communication and teamwork, and just a nice way to relax. 

Now, I've mentioned that when you are new to the mini game, you need to practice until you are eligible of victory. The thing is if you are an experienced player, you can still challenge yourself. You can set challenges for yourself such as the 30 FOV challenge, the perspective (f5) challenge, the 1 chest challenge, and so forth. This allows the experienced player to still have to put hard work into the game, thus making it more of a challenge rather than winning every 2 games.

In conclusion, the Survival Games is very popular because it spreads through large youtubers and server networks, and is a challenge for new players. Even for the experienced players, they can still challenge themselves. The mini game has also had a huge popularity bursts due to the novel/movie series, which many Minecraft players enjoy, and want to attempt to play for themselves, only in a video game.

Thank you for reading! -ThatCobblestoneGuy

Why Is The 'Survival Games' Minigame So Popular?

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12/20/2014 10:05 am
Level 1 : New Network
MinerZFinest's Avatar
I hate it because there is always one spoilt dick who forks out £100 on OP crap, then complains when everyone calls hacks, or just quits. That kid always kills the fun, since he always wins, or whines that he should win because he's a rich dick who likes to be a steaming pile of crap and kill everything. Rant over, thank you!
11/30/2014 5:20 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Archer
Chetcat's Avatar
I like the survival games because, unlike many minigames, they don't have some awful gimmick. You throw a bunch of people into a map, give them weapons, and pvp from there. It's simple, straightforward fighting, and that's nice. The only other places to really get straight, normal PvP are either faction pvp servers or KitPVP, and both of those have their downsides. Typically in KitPvP you have pay-to-win players or gear is unbalanced, and it's a lot of work for a very small amount of fighting in factions. Survival games are a quick way to get a fun, evenly balanced combat challenge with no strange mods, abilities, extra weapons, or overpowered donators.
11/27/2014 1:57 am
Level 31 : Artisan Pixel Painter
F4llenW4rlord's Avatar
There was a point where I got really competitive on Hunger Games. To the point where I got in the top 200 on Uberminecraft Hunger Games last year. (The rank was between 120th and 90th, can't remember, lel) Then, I never played it that much since.
Personally, it was a hype for me, and it is a hype for other players. I found the game so unique (until I watched 'The Hunger Games', lel), but overall, it was fun.
Great blog. Diamonded. ;)
11/26/2014 1:34 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Network
Antlo's Avatar
This post makes me want to go play some Survival Games right now.
11/26/2014 3:53 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Lad
ThatCobblestoneGuy's Avatar
You'll never guess what I did after posting this blog... :D
11/26/2014 4:06 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Network
Antlo's Avatar
11/26/2014 11:07 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Architect
Admin131's Avatar
One word: True
11/25/2014 11:02 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Ranger
Makuta00's Avatar
You cant relax playing Survival Games XD
11/25/2014 10:08 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Bunny
Snow's Avatar
Well... you've improved since I list came across your account.
11/26/2014 3:55 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Lad
ThatCobblestoneGuy's Avatar
Not sure if sarcasm....
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