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Why I hate teen drivers (another year with no christmas)

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zayzre's Avatar zayzre
Level 50 : Grandmaster Geek
I don't know about you but their are some teen drivers that I just can not stand! A lot of first time drivers (almost all) are teenagers. Now if you never driven a car then let me tell you what its like to try something bran new. You ever seen a commercial of something you've always wanted but never got the chance to get it then one day you actually get that one item and the experience is like "oh wow this is so amazing!" That is what it's like to be a first time driver.

When you experience something so amazing as that you don't really tend to care about anything around you at that moment like that people around you are on the road. Some teenage drivers tend to get an itch for speed or doing something they think is cool but is stupid while driving.

Now let me tell you my experience with teen drivers. I don't have a lot of money, I work as a janitor and I don't have a working car, My only way to get to work is on a mountain bike that has a rusted chain so its hard to pedal with it. The only time I ever get to the store (Walmart) is in the middle of night when there is very little traffic. While getting to the store at night it tends to be quite peaceful and quiet, but occasionally a car does come by on the streets while I'm around 2:00 a.m.

Now and again the vehicles that pass me by are semi trucks and they drive along and I stand out of the way (like off the road out of the way) but some small vehicles like cars come by. I just stay in the lane closes to the curb and just let the cars go by, but there are times when a car goes by and it isn't what I want to deal with.Teenagers occasionally honk at me trying to get me to crash on my bike ( and no they aren't trying to say hi because I always hear them laughing) but I do my best to ignore them. I've ridden on my bike to miles away for many years now (since i was 14) and I've rarely fallen off of my bike.

2:45 A.M. December 24th Christmas eve I was going home from Walmart, when I just got on the main street of the city just a few blocks down I got a car behind me. This driver isn't like the other drivers I've encountered before, this car slowed down next to me. Curious I was to turn my head and look, I saw the driver and two of what I believed to be his friends staring and laughing. Naturally I assumed they were going to honk the horn to piss me off, but I was wrong.

The driver began to swerved around next to me, now naturally when a bully gets in your face you just ignore them but this is a 1,700 pound car so I can't just ignore it. I swerved away from the car but I was limited to space due to the fact the road was on a hill and there is a guard rail next to me so I was limited to space and my breaks don't work so well on a cold night below the temperature of 32 degrees. Eventually the driver sped up and drove off, but while I was looking at them I didn't notice a stop sign coming up. I slammed into the sign and fell right to the hard cold asphalt of the street!

Lying there I thought to myself "in what way do I deserve this?" but all I did was get back up on my bike and headed home. After arriving home I opened my backpack to find that the eggnog (non alcoholic) had bursted inside my backpack leaving everything covered in a sticky goo. I sighed at the site of my backpack, but I just washed off anything that couldn't get soaked by liquid, threw the backpack in the hamper, bandaged my face where I cute by the sign and then went to bed.

Well that's all I have to say. I wouldn't mind reading any comments you might have left for this blog and thanks for reading!

p.s. this will be the 6th year with no Christmas. *sigh*

Reason for another year of no christmas is because I don't make much money as a janitor and I've always lived in a poor house. The only times we celebrated christmas is when we knew other people that helped us out, but that is no longer the case and now it's mutually decided not to do anything for christmas to save money. Now grown up and living on my own I still have the cash nor the true familly to celebrate christmas anymore. I wouldn't be to depressed if i didn't lose my eggnog.

This accident (more like intentional incident) is just insult to injury, basiclly it's christmas eve and I was going to try to enjoy my alone time with just eggnog and chips but instead i get a flat cold red steel octagon in my face! So if any of you were wondering how this messed up my christmas, well here's your answer.

1 Update Logs

Reason why teen drivers are stupid! : by zayzre 12/25/2011 6:13:26 pmDec 25th, 2011

Aparentlly everyone thinks not all teens could be bad drivers but think of this: take a 16 year old then a 30 year old and put them in the same lets say mall. Now say they're both bored and with their friends, who do you think is more likely to pull some kind of stunt to impress their friends? If you said the 30 year old is going to be a dumb ass and the teen that had his chance to show off is going to do nothing then i'm goin to assume your an idoit.

The reason this teen did this was because he wanted to show off to his friends, this is why I hate teen drivers! Any chance a teen is with his friends he's goin gto try to be the alpha male to impress his friends. The teen that is trying to be the coolest in the group is going to think of the dumbest thing that could possible (most likely) end in a desaster. It is because they don't think things through that can causes accidents like the one I was in on christmas eve!

So lets not take the fact that they were drivers but teens with unstable hormones, and if any of you still beg to differ then go ahead and leave a comment I love a chance to prove you wrong!

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01/06/2012 9:12 pm
Level 22 : Expert Demolitionist
P0CKETLINT13's Avatar
I honestly don't know what to say. I'm 14 at the moment, and I am pumped to be able to drive, but I'm not going to be a douche and make fun of the less fortunate or the people who can't afford a vehicle. I feel sorry for you, and I hope your eye gets better. I just wish that it was legal to shoot people..... :/
01/06/2012 8:07 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Architect
Appleman96's Avatar
Karma will eventually catch up to those teens
01/01/2012 5:45 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Warrior
noahje3's Avatar
man dude good luck to you and hope the Major trolling situation gets cleared up :/
12/31/2011 7:14 pm
Level 71 : Legendary Artist
JJJas0nMC's Avatar
Its ok man, you have an epic beard.
12/27/2011 4:51 am
Level 34 : Artisan Ninja
M453R's Avatar
Dude i can feel you .. Shit happens dude , they will get what the deserve ! I hope they will have car accident ! I kinda feel sad for you cuz you didn't do anything to anyone and you even can drink fucking 1 botte of your eggnog in fucking peace. You have my diamond and favourite !

Happy next crismas eve :)
12/27/2011 3:47 am
Level 1 : New Miner
mcidoit's Avatar
puts sunglasses on and says "its teen killin' time"!
12/26/2011 11:26 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Dragon
happygolucky1's Avatar
I know what it's like with no Christmas. :( But you're Christmas was worse. I feel sorry for you. Get well soon!
12/26/2011 8:40 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Network
TheMooMeister's Avatar
I feel sorry for you... I hope this won't happen to you next year.
12/26/2011 8:34 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Skinner
Myahster's Avatar
holy sh*t, you lose an eye?
12/26/2011 11:22 pm
Level 42 : Master Geek
avmf8's Avatar
Nah its most likely just swollen shut. I have banged my head up and had my eye all swollen up.

So I had stitches and an eye patch to protect my swollen eye I was a well... sight for sore eyes.
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