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Why do we bloggers blog?

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StrangleMonkey's Avatar StrangleMonkey
Level 17 : Journeyman Dragon
Hey guys StrangleMonkey here and today I will bring up a question that a person once asked me. Why do we bloggers blog? Here I will be showing why we blog. Why I do it and what keeps me motivated to create it. So here we go and hope we enjoy it!

What do I do?

Basically what I do is I blog and possibly post some skins from time to time. I write as much as I can and when I can. Blogging is something that allows me to release my thoughts and see what others think about it. I love to blog and I love to see people's feedbacks.

Why do I do it?
I do it because I enjoy writing. I am highly proficient in English and I like to use it for writing. I do it because it helps me improve my skills in English and it also allows me to provide you with something to read. I love to see your feedback and I love it when others like what I did because it makes me feel special inside. I don't do it for the fame but for the fun. People whom do this for exp alone are people who wish for fame. We whom do it for exp and everyone's enjoyment, including us.

When do I do it?
I do it as much as I can. I either do it daily or if possible even twice in one day. I do it when I can and mostly when I have an idea. I do it when I think that what I am about to write will make someone happy or maybe inspire them.

How do I do it? What keeps me motivated?
I do it by using my ideas that I want to share with you guys. The thing that keeps me motivated is the fact that I know some of you guys support me. I continue to do so due to the fact that I know I can at least make a person smile or be happy. I don't care if my blog gets on the pop reel or not. As I said I am motivated by you guys. Not the exp nor the fame but you whom read this.

Tips on blogging
Even though I have only been blogging for a while, I am quite experienced with writing. I believe to make your blog nice, you have to make it look nice and have a good idea for someone to read it. I suggest making something that isn't too short. Once you have made the blog, you can start advertising it. You must advertise so that you may know what others think of your writing. If they say it isn't too good then try to make it better unless the way they said it is in a mean way in which they tell you to change your entire style of writing. Proper English is also needed when blogging so the people that are reading it may know what you are trying to tell them.
Anyways guys that's it for the blog. If you can tell me why you blog in the comments section below or make a blog and leave it in the comments. If you enjoyed it, I would love a new subscriber and a shiny blue gem. Remember kids, diamond don't bite!

Main Idea by: VladimirVolchenkov

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11/21/2013 6:17 am
Level 25 : Expert Farmer
Pat_barton's Avatar
I really want to get into blogging, but people on planet Minecraft tend to stay away from this section as it is full of nonsense, like advertisements, poor attempts to level up their profiles etc etc. I really Wish we got more attention.
11/21/2013 7:39 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Dragon
StrangleMonkey's Avatar
There are always people whom are here to read blogs. People will take over the front page but you can still advertise on chat or something. Blogging is something that isn't done for fame. It's done to be able to give something wonderful to read to others. I still do this because of those whom support me. As long as I know 1 person had fun or liked my blogs, I am happy. I will keep blogging even for that one person. So if you want to start blogging, I will always be there to read it. I would sure be excited to see how you would blog.
11/16/2013 11:17 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Archer
Chips's Avatar
I blog bcuz it get's me the XP and the fame hee hee hee....

But in reality it's because I like writing. Simple as that.
11/16/2013 11:21 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Dragon
StrangleMonkey's Avatar
11/16/2013 10:17 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Network
Mudkip's Avatar
why do monkeys eat bananas
11/16/2013 10:21 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Dragon
StrangleMonkey's Avatar
Because bananas taste good. It's nature's way of saying hello world I shall provide you with food! (I dunno what I just said)
11/16/2013 8:25 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Network
Vegemite's Avatar
Ew bananas
11/16/2013 8:27 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Dragon
StrangleMonkey's Avatar
Mmmmm Bananas
11/16/2013 8:03 am
Level 26 : Expert Fish
sualeos's Avatar
why do theists pray?
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