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Why do Creepers Creep?(Pop Reel Awww Yeahhh)

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jman5000555's Avatar jman5000555
Level 40 : Master Mlem Mlem Bat
Why the suicide?

Why are creepers first and only line of defense to blow themselves up? Well, as I studied them I could find only one comparison, bees. Bees will easily commit a sacrificial suicide if they are threatened. They will sting you, knowing that it will likely cause them death. I feel this is harmonious with Creepers; when a creeper feels threatened it will automatically attack the only way it knows how. This is there only defense mechanism, and as an evolutionary trait it proves quite effective. Once you blow someone up more than likely that thing wono t be back for seconds. So it makes sense that creepers will take such effective measures to protect themselves, and their nest. But wait, creepers dono t have nests, right? Well I shall delve into this topic more later on.

How do they survive?

With most other monsters it makes sense; Spiders mate together, Zombies turn other Villagers/Humans, and Skeletons keep magically getting resurrected. However, no one has ever caught a baby creeper or two creepers mating for that reason. Now how do they reproduce? Many have speculated that they just appear or that zombie doctors create them in labs. But these are both ridiculous and improbable. So I turned to science for the answer, and the results are surprising. Creepers are obviously related to the plant species. Now, how do they act like plants you ask, well here is your answer. Think about it why do we never see baby creepers, because actually they are the grass. Yeah you heard me right, creepers come from grass. Well, not really, more like they are born from the ground. When a Creeper explodes it realizes tons of little creeper seeds everywhere that eventually grow into more creepers. These seeds appear as though they are grass, then when the right circumstances occur they pop up as the creepers we know and love. Also this takes another element out of the picture; how do creepers eat? Well considering they are related to plants (and they are green) they obviously use photosynthesis to gain nutrients. Now you are probably wondering how they make the transition from grass to Creeper. The reason that the creepers can go from brainless grass, to running around creepers is a special chemical I found when testing the dirt of Minecraftia. I call this chemical Magicus. Now to define what Magicus does will take many more years of research, however it is very apparent that this mysterious chemical and Creepers are inherently linked. This causes the Creepers to change rapidly and become the death dealing monsters we know today.

Why Do Creepers creep?

When starting this study this was the big question. Why do creepers creep; I kept asking myself this over and over again. Well, I think I have formulated an answer. Basing what we know on my previous research, we know that Creepers are a very aggressive and suicidal. We also know that they are plants, and use photosynthesis to survive. So the reason creepers creep up on you and blow up your stuff is because they dono t like you. Now it is not that simple, the reason they dono t like you is because you destroy the environment. You dig up the earth and chop down the trees. You refine natureo s precious resources and turn them into factories and buildings. So to combat your destruction of the environment, nature created creepers to halt your progress. They created these beasts to tear down your structures and replace them with new life. Our soulless destruction of Minecraftia drove creepers to exist, so in the end we are to blame in the countless deaths and property damage they cause.

Now I know there are still unanswered questions, like why do we find creepers in caves, and why do they destroy the earth as they blow up. Time and research will be the only answers to these questions. You can form your own speculations, but in the end you will have to wait on the research.


This was a fun sort of attempt on how to dissect a creepero s thought process. I had fun making it, and o doing the research.o I hope you had fun reading it; it might have even made you feel guilty about all the trees you cut down XD. In all seriousness though I didno t mean for it to become so preachy towards the end, but I felt I made a valid point. Also if you liked this and would like me to do more, please diamond, favorite, subscribe, or even just comment to let me know you liked this and wish me to do more. As always thanks for reading.

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09/20/2013 7:39 pm
Level 41 : Master Musician
SpartanSkeleton's Avatar
Wow, this is actually pretty good, very logical. Enjoy another diamond :D
09/20/2013 8:16 pm
Level 40 : Master Mlem Mlem Bat
jman5000555's Avatar
Thanks man I appreciate it
08/26/2013 9:31 pm
Level 40 : Master Procrastinator
-Rusty-'s Avatar
Everyone is so uneducated in Creeper origins! I will tell you how a creeper is made!!!

When a creeper dies, as you know, gunpowder is the only thing that is left...
If gunpowder from two creepers pile up without being preserved by the player, A creeper will begin to form. And a few days later a creeper will form :P

It also grows quite fast :J
08/26/2013 9:59 pm
Level 40 : Master Mlem Mlem Bat
jman5000555's Avatar
The so called 'gunpowder' is actually creeper seeds. But your right right 'gunpowder' grows into creepers.
08/26/2013 10:39 pm
Level 40 : Master Procrastinator
-Rusty-'s Avatar
like a phoenix, how it is re-birthed through gunpowder

the same is true with creepers, when they explode, and there gunpowder is left...
A creeper will pop out shortly after
08/26/2013 10:49 pm
Level 40 : Master Enderdragon
TheNillaCrafters's Avatar
mind = blown.
08/26/2013 10:53 pm
Level 40 : Master Procrastinator
-Rusty-'s Avatar
omg yer a zombie :U
08/26/2013 1:08 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Skinner
Sungwonc01's Avatar
The enderman.
08/26/2013 9:58 pm
Level 40 : Master Mlem Mlem Bat
jman5000555's Avatar
Aight, can do.
08/26/2013 6:41 am
Level 40 : Master Enderdragon
TheNillaCrafters's Avatar
Defense? They come up to us.
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