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What Makes Me Angry On PMC ~Rant~

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CherryRosey's Avatar CherryRosey
Level 52 : Grandmaster Sweetheart

For the long years I have been here on PMC (and by years I mean 8 months), I have noticed some very 'odd' things on PMC that makes me, what they call; 'rage'. Don't get me wrong, generally, PMC is a wonderful place to be with all the community and everything, but 'sometimes' just, sometimes, PMC can really make me 'rage'. Lets start the rant!

(Once again, another midnight rant, so don't blame me if it doesn't make any sense. Correct them all in the comments pls :3)


Trolls/Stupid People:
EVERYONE has seen one of these people, you know? The people who try to make you angry and stuff. I tried, and tried, not to feed the trolls, but I JUST couldn't stop myself ;_;. They make you so angry with their stupid questions/statements and such, that you think to yourself; "Is that guy trolling? Or just REALLY stupid?". They might just be stupid... but yeh. I don't get how people get entertained by 'trolling' peepz, but ok, GOOD FOR THEM if they are getting fun out of trolling.

Mean People:
You know, common people you see judging and criticizing newbies and people. They might also cyber bully people and such. I have seen a lot of people being mean to one-another and I really, just... ugh... you get the idea... If they rant, sure, but say it with an idea of the other persons view! Sheesh Kabob...

Posers/Attention Gatherers (Trying to keep it PG here):
You see them everywhere! They make skins, blogs, mods, EVERYTHING just to get attention. I also recently saw a person posing as a famous PMC person with a spare account. People even go as far as STEALING and COPYING other peoples work for attention! They keep thinking that subbies (OR diamond) is a counter for how cool you are on PMC. I got a few subscribers by not trying hard, but making decent skins. Some people try WAY WAY WAY too hard to get subscribers and views. Some people even post misleading thumbnails/titles on their blogs and such to trick the person into the blog/post. I have seen some posts on forums and blogs about some B.S and something about Sky got kidnapped by squids IRL and died. Those are some very bad posts.

People who cheats Subscribers:
Examples!: "Sub for Sub?" "Subscribe if you want to see a better skin/blog/mod/server than this piece of patootie!" "I'm a girl who wants luv! Sub to be my BF!" and basically some random garbage about cheating subs. Just try your hardest and post often then BAM! Subscribers the original way. Or just make teen skins and get subscribers instantly (Sorry teen skinners ;n;) (Even though, make original teen skins, not panda hoodies!).

Lazy People (Blogs)
Seriously, why waste your time making a one paragraph long blog, rather than making a high quality blog that gets a ton of views? Sure, it might be time consuming, but hey, it is worth it at the end. Try to at least make good content and write more.

Lazy People (Skins)
Sorry for being mean, but I think some people don't even try anymore when making skins. I support you if you are actually trying your hardest/make good content, but people who are just lazy when it comes to skins... NUH UH. I see tons of skins without shading, without a certain theme/pattern (Skins with lines and dots, just scribbled), and these kinds of skins make me want to throw a table! Seriously guys, stahp complaining about not getting any 'SUbScriiberzz', you know why? It's because you don't TRY when making your skin/ whatever your doing

People who are jealous
Some people i see on PMC are always ranting about dem youtubers (eg, SkydoesMinecraft, Bluexephos/Yogscast, Bajan Canadian, Blah blah blah.) It is because dey are jelly. Some people are actually just angry about the community and how they react to the youtubers, but i'm not talking about those people. I'm talking about the people who contantly say: "(insert youtuber/famous person here) SUCKS, YOU ARE THE WORST AT MAKING VIDS, ALL OF YOU SUCKZ, MY CHANNEL IS BETTERZ DEN YOURS AND I HAVE LIKE 100,000,000 SUBBZ!". 1 word: STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP. Its annoying -_-. Everyone knows you are jealous. All we see in the posts are people arguing about youtubers/famous people.

Announcement Blogs
Unless the announcement is: "Sorry to say, but I have cancer, which means I cant post anymore...", I don't want to hear the "I will be going to school tommorow so I can't post 10 copied skins tommorow" 's and the "Thanks for the 2 subs guys! I really am happy!" 's. I really don't get why you have to post a blog about your problems and hiatus announcements. If you have an announcement about anything, just put it on your profile, instead of making a long explaination just make a short two sentance explaination!

There is alot more to say, but I can't think of anymore right now, so make sure to comment some of your thoughts and give sum recommendations! PEACE OUT!

-Cherry_Rosey <3


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10/20/2014 8:57 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
piggynpillow890's Avatar
So true.
09/11/2014 10:29 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Meme
FennecFox's Avatar
30th diamond :) U earned it gurl!!! :D
09/11/2014 10:25 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Meme
FennecFox's Avatar
Wow, this blog is so epic.. I mean.. WOw... This is like everyone's life.. Just saying :P I feel your pain, I bet the comment wars are about to begin, I bet tons of people are gonna argue and be all like "Wow, I can't belive you, your so rude to everyone" And like take every possible thing personally.. People tend to do that a lot, and come up with excuses on why they are doing everything you just said up there ^ Anyway, I think you are amazing at making skins :3 Great job on the blog!!! Oh and I hate it too when people post things to make people feel bad for them and subscribe (I do feel like I am disrespecting someone if I don't subscribe or say oh i'm so sorry) To someone that is complaining about something or says something really sad like "my dog just died ;n;) And all that crud. But honestly I think you ROCK. :)
12/23/2013 8:17 pm
Level 22 : Expert Mage
Skylar1541+'s Avatar
I don't know how to shade, I know there are tutorials out there, they just don't work for me. :(
03/02/2014 10:28 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
CherryRosey's Avatar
Thats the point. Learning to shade isn't easy. took me around half a year to figure out what type of shading I want and master it. Views/Subbies dont come easy
03/16/2014 6:51 pm
Level 22 : Expert Mage
Skylar1541+'s Avatar
Huh, well I try but it still looks derp. If at first you don't sucseed, try try again. I guess...
03/17/2014 2:38 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
CherryRosey's Avatar
Oh yeah, also if you try your hardest then I guess thats okay too
03/20/2014 8:00 am
Level 22 : Expert Mage
Skylar1541+'s Avatar
Everytime I try the skin on after I make it, it looks like I shades it, not natural AT ALL. It annoys me sometimes but every once-a-while I get a good, shaded, skin. I throw a party then! :p But rarely. I'm still trying but with school, homework, and friends, it gets really distracting. I can barely get on here anymore!
03/20/2014 8:18 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
CherryRosey's Avatar
I suggest going on PMC when you get back from school. Do all you extra activities after and stuff
Flaming Apple
12/23/2013 5:27 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Network
Flaming Apple's Avatar
I'm not lazy when it comes to skinning,no matter what my go to is just a cartoony theme,I don't think cartoony skins need shading,but correct me on that if I'm wrong.
12/23/2013 7:07 am
Level 34 : Artisan Geek
pikminiac92's Avatar
I disagree with your look at lazy skins because not all people know how to shade and can make good skins.
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