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What makes a good server? (Pop reel)!

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iLoveMelons's Avatar iLoveMelons
Level 39 : Artisan Nerd
I have played many servers, made many friends, and seen many people leave. Most leave because they have other things to do in life, they grow up (Not always the case), or the most common, they get bored of the server. I have seen this on various series, and I myself leave servers at times due to boredom. A question I have pondered on, and one that many server owns must ponder on is: What makes a good server?

Make it Unique.
There are HUNDREDS of servers, and because of that, many servers end up being the same. If you were to search up "HG, Cracked server", you'd find hundereds of entries, some good, some bad. Each server should be unique, even if that attribute is a little difference. You server could be a HG server, but it could also have a special reward system or setup. This can apply to any type of server, and that little change could change the outcome of players by a lot.

Get custom plugins.
Of course, everyone isn't a programmer or knows java by heart. A good, lets call it great, server has custom plugins. Plugins are easy to find on bukkit and curse, and they never provide the fun a custom plugin has. A custom plugin works to YOUR preferences, and you decide what it does. They better the idea, the better the plugin. Many people are experienced at this task, and you can find one on here too. If your server runs on normal plugins, its highly recommended that you get custom plugins, but you don't have too.

You can never run a server alone, so its prime that you have staff members to look after it. When you decide who to choose, make sure you decision is never clouded by friendship or money. There are many blogs here who tell about donors who would buy staff positions. Never succumb to that, your server will fall as easily as it started. Choose the people who dedicate their time to the server, and never waver in their goal to do their best.

The Players.
In my opinion, this is the most important aspect of a good server. The players. The server can have all of the things above that I have mentioned, but is never complete without great players. No, not players who automatically ask for the staff applications after two minutes of joining, but its those who welcome every player and play just because they enjoy your server. I have seen servers that are void of players because the ones who play are complete bastards. That might seem like a harsh term, but is the best way to describe them. They kill new players, insult them, and never care about anything. A good server is never complete without the players.

In retrospect, I hope this provides server owners or people who need advice a good idea of what you need for a successful server. Remember, this is my opinion and I do not expect you to support it, its simply advice on my behalf. This has worked for me, and it should work for you. I hope you all succeed, for the future of multiplayer lies in your hands.

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CreditMelonCraft, Teamsync, multiplayer

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03/25/2014 9:14 pm
It/It • Level 29 : Expert Strawberry Fish
Mishkia's Avatar
Fishmastr, those blogs rant on "OMFG I FOUND ANOOOTHER SERVER THATS FACTIOOONS!" This is HOW TO MAKE A SERVER UNIQUE. *Cough* I see the difference *Cough*

Anyways, I love the points on this blog, and it has its reasons in its points not just "Have plugins..Yada yada yada there I gave you all the information you need so go away leave a diamond and a heart and never return to later follow this blog and probably screw up your server because I never gave you all the details. Now go my slave." (Not all blogs are like that I'm just saying some are) And it gives...DETAIL... But yeah.

*Cough* Ignore my rambling *Cough*
03/26/2014 6:21 am
Level 39 : Artisan Nerd
iLoveMelons's Avatar
Thank you :)
03/26/2014 3:12 pm
It/It • Level 29 : Expert Strawberry Fish
Mishkia's Avatar
Your welcome. Sorry I was ramblin' that day.
03/25/2014 4:19 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Dragon
MrPifflesIV's Avatar
Nice Melon!
03/25/2014 8:42 am
Level 33 : Artisan Geek
marcopolo84's Avatar
That was a great post! I don't know what Fishmastr was talking about because what are you supposed to replace unique with??? It is absolutely surcial to your server. It's not a good thing to have a standard old factions server. :)
03/24/2014 8:46 pm
Level 23 : Expert Pirate
rimrimat's Avatar
Very well said, BRAVO!
03/25/2014 4:54 am
Level 24 : Expert Fisherman
Fishmastr's Avatar
Bravo for what? i could link you 15 blogs with exactly the same topic/message/points. Who know if he just copied the first point of some articles.
03/27/2014 11:52 pm
Level 23 : Expert Pirate
rimrimat's Avatar
@ Fishmstr, perhaps you're just jealous.. so what if I say BRAVO, it's my own opinion and i feel like saying BRAVO...  and I want to say BRAVO... Copied or not it is still BRAVO and good info, too. BRAVO!!!!
03/28/2014 3:33 am
Level 24 : Expert Fisherman
Fishmastr's Avatar
The problem for me is that if you "BRAVO" on copied content the people will see and copy too just because of their hunger for your "BRAVO". This will lead to even more spam. And if one guy really researches about the five points, he deserves the "Bravo", and not the 50th who has copied his points right?
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